Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Monday, May 31, 2010

Weather can certainly make an interesting change

Sunday - the day of rest - hmmm.  Lee was off and running to an appointment at 8 in the city. That meant a different organization in the morning and some juggling.  Did you ever notice that juggling/change is not something everyone enjoys?  Appointment replete, it was on to Costco to sort out the vegetable and fruit requirements of the house, on to the bank and then to the drugstore and Sobeys.  By that time, the potential to fill the house was replete so Betsy and Lee headed home.  Unloading is never so much fun as loading - that took a while but all was safely compartmentalized, Ken and Chantelle shared their news and it was on to the enjoyment of the rest of Sunday.  It was an odd day in the weather department.  Beginning with clouds, showers arrived early and the fog was thick on the 102, so thick that you had to slow the car and that says a great deal for Lee.  By mid-morning, the heavens opened and the rains came - in bursts.  Afternoon brought sun (blazing hot) followed by mini-thunderstorms - repeated in waves. The dogs were completely underwhelmed by this show of the force of nature as was Ken. 

The kennel is moving along with comings and goings for Chantelle's little friends.  Lacey is still in charge in her own mind - looking after her yard and proud of it.  Reese and Darryl have bonded and Darryl becomes more Airedale-like every day!  Trebia continues to enjoy her revolving gates - looking after Nemo, Viola and Laurel in turn. 

The house dogs are looking forward to a better day coming soon.  Many of them detest thunder storms.  That is one of the few things that seems to take the joy from the eyes of the Airedales and each copes in his own way.  Dolly needs to be pressed against Lee's knees (challenging when she is trying to move at the same time), Piper and Nick pant and circle the wagons (one attached, two circling like sharks), all small dogs bark it away, letting thunder know that it is not welcome (one attached, two circling and six barking wildly in all directions), Patti loses her mind and heads for the back deck because the storm originates on the opposite side of the house (one attached, two circling, six barking like banshees and Patti attempting to go through the steel door, paws flailing and eyes rolling).  Ken arrives inside, apparently to act ad director of this production.   Ken leaves.  Thank goodness we don't have many storms like this one - marriages are fragile things.

Dinner was great - beer can chicken (Rickards white, rosemary and garlic), new potatoes, fiddleheads, grilled asparagus, corn on the cob and lemon cream cake (we finished by nine). 
We hope for a less eventful Monday.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fiddleheads from NB graced the table - we are delighted

 It was Saturday and a day of all in residence.  That meant three meals, lots of coming and going and happy, happy dogs under foot.  Chantelle started in the grooming room early and we fished her out for meals.  Replete with the best coffee in the world early in the day, she was on high speed and managed to pull hair out of anyone or anything that came across her path.  Bella came and went, readying herself for fun in the sun in Lunenburg.  Ken dug and planted, planted and dug and was a happy boy. The tractor went by the window on a regular basis with a flip of Ken's hand and a determined expression.  Lee fed the troops and kept a lid on the house, wading through CKC paper and looking bemused, at best. 

The kennel is a happy place.  Darryl and Reese have bonded and are having a whale of a time.  They are running and playing, with Reese pretty sure Darryl will make a good Airedale if Chantelle could only get him into the grooming room on one of her rotations!  Lacy manages her own yard and the kennel, in her mind.  She is in charge and proud of it.  Darryl and Reese think that's funny.  Laurel is ticking along and goes out with Trebia; followed by Nemo with Trebia and finally Viola with TrebiaTrebia is looking forward to Barrett and a stop to this revolving door.

The house dogs are happy and healthy.  Piper has almost forgiven Lee but is still spending most of her time a few feet away - punishment can't be walked away from too quickly.  Nick is managing the kitchen and working hard at looking after the doorway into the hall at the same time.  A lot of responsibility but he is up to it.  The little prince is doing well and learning that the big world outside the whelping room is not such a bad place (as long as you have your blue teddy bear and  your spotted tiger).  It appears that the bear is more hungry than the little fellow - it is the stuffed animal who is generally sitting with his head in the little food dish. 

Meals were plentiful.  There was a big breakfast with a lovely apricot based fruit salad with a lemon syrup and orange cranberry scones; pot roast soup and lovely maple oat bran bread and chicken Parmesan for dinner with Greek potatoes and fiddleheads.  The kitchen was busy.  All is well.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Planting, planting everywhere and not a drop of rain

Fridays are interesting days of the week.   In this case, it was the first day that Ken adn Lee were 'in residence' so a week's worth of activity and email had to be fitted in to one day.  An interesting concept.  Didn 't happen.  Ken did manage to dig in the dirt for several hours, in between spells of riding around on the tractor.  Favourite pastimes are hard to be away from for a few days at this time of year.  Strawberry plants have been planted to the extent that we will be setting up a stand outside the gates next year if they all produce.  It it hard to keep Ken contained when he is on a roll.  We continue to be in a 'dry area' so watering is the order of the day. 

The kennel is ticking along.  Lacey is looking after her yard and has taken the job on with great seriousness.  Laurel is doing well - up to her usual tricks and full of beans.  We hope she is also full of puppies.  Time will tell on that score.  She will have an ultrasound in a week or so.  Three weeks goes by so quickly.  Reese arrived to boost the Airedale numbers.  Darryl is as happy as a Bernese gets and today will have Reese as a playmate.  That will tickle our Darryl.  Trebia is miserable since her buddy Barrett hasn't been around for a couple of weeks.  We are trying to keep her on an even keel by reminding her that she will have her partner in crime for two weeks in June.  So far, she is skeptical. 

The house dogs are happy to have life back to normal.  Nick spent his day in the kitchen in between trips around the village with Ken.  Hunting and gathering wiht Ken is a favourite Nick event and happens almost daily.  Today they came home with scratch and dent rose bushes.  Happy males.  The little prince came out to the den today adn started to eat puppy food.  While not as impressive as Mom, it gained a certain cachet by late afternoon.  Marguerite is not amused.  But she is darned happy to have yard time.  Piper is working toward forgiveness of Lee's abandonment.  She will stay in the same room now but give only sideways slit eyed looks and will not lay beside Lee's chair while she is eating - just to keep her in punishment mode! 

Dinner was grilled T bones with fresh asparagus, new potatoes, sweet onions and mushrooms and a new square recipe requested by Ken for dessert.  And the week end looms . . .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Of trips and family

We are home again - and Dad very much enjoyed our visit.  His list of errands was managed effectively and his yen for food from every local restaurant was satisfied.  The weather was super - lovely warm days with lots of sun.  Chantelle reports that the birds were fed daily, the potions were made and handed out and all was well on the property.  Tom reported that the mowers have been repaired and that the worry of needing a haying machine is now behind us.  On the way to Woodstock, a little detour took us through Jemseg and the last day of fiddlehead availability.  15 pounds of the little gems later, we were on our way with a future workload for Lee - like we need that.  The river valley is beautiful in the spring and the drives were easy with little traffic, great weather and lots of green.  NB and NS in the spring are lovely provinces. 

The kennel is doing well.  Calegh and Shea departed having made it through their first boarding experience.  It wasn't an easy transition for them but they coped, ate well and had exercise around the perimeter of the kennel so made it from the runs to the next level.   Perhaps they will graduate to the exercise yards next time.  Laurel is still in residence and managing to keep herself busy.  Lucy Welsh departed and Nemo is lost.  He is happy not to have the toy thief in residence but misses her company and her help in exploring the yard.  Nemo does have a new attraction in his run.  We bought the Costco hammock beds that can be kept outside.  Nemo loves his and spends his day on it, enjoying his outdoor space.  Ruff departed among waving paws and a promise to return.  Lacey is in residence and in charge of everyone and everything.  She has taken on plenty of jobs and is a busy girl.  Darryl is back and delighted to be at camp.  He is his usual happy, happy, happy self.  Owning number three yard is his prerogative.  He enjoyed Ruff while the Golden was in residence but is equally happy to have the yard to himself to watch the geese fly overhead and listen to the peepers, commune with the pheasants who are roosting behind his yard and listen to the Airedales next door.  All is well in this great dog's world.

The house dogs are glad to be back to normal but there are some complaints to be addressed.  It took a full day for Nick to resign himself to the fact that Billy had yet again gone with Lee and Ken  so he was here to look after Chantelle and the rest of the crew.  Jessie Rachel has begun Agility training and has short circuited the process already - sorting out that this click/treat sequence would be a lot faster if she were in charge of the the clicker.  JR two points, Chantelle 0.  Piper is happy now that everyone is back.  Scout has a new instrument of torture.  Chantelle in her craft mode (frightening in the extreme) has built him a ladder out of foam round things and duct tape, and Scout has to practice stepping through the rungs.  His answer to that foolishness is to jump from one end to the other - faster and more efficient.  Scout 2 Chantelle 0.  Einstein is very happy to see Lee and Ken home - Chantelle doesn't really appreciate all of his talents - like rattling the doors to tell everyone the sun will be up soon. 

Arriving home late afternoon, dinner was a quick affair - Ken did hamburgers on the grill, there was corn on the cob and apricot squares.  Life is good and we are on to another day . . .

Monday, May 24, 2010

Of birds and the rites of spring

It was another beautiful day in Nova Scotia and we all enjoyed the lovely weather as we went about our business.  Our Ken dug in the gardens at every opportunity, planting seeds with gay abandon.  Reminders that only three of us live here fell on deaf ears.  Lee spent her day in the grooming room - finishing Piper then moving on to the last of the Norwich to get  spring cleaning - results - Lee - 1  Norwich - 0 but asking for a rematch.  In the seasonal department, the swallow is back.  Now, you have to think about swallows in the larger context of life at Regalridge.  This family comes and goes each year, returning not only to Regalridge but also to the same spot - over the well used back door.  And Our Ken invokes "the swallow rules" on arrival.  Sadly, the female swallow must have met her demise early last year.  The male spent his days on the property and returns to sleep next to the nest every night.   He has arrived again this year.   That means, no lights on the deck or over the back door because we don't want to upset Mr Swallow.  The fact that the house dogs go in and out late at night, stumbling over each other in the dark is the cost of doing business during swallow season.  And then there are Chantelle and Lee, searching for steps or the door in the dark and understanding that they are below yet another creature on the property in Our Ken's hierarchy of need.  

This is the long week end so there is lots of coming and going.  Ruff arrived amid barks of greeting from the dogs who know him well.  His Golden Retriever wags are always welcome.  Duke and Oscar departed amid waving paws and cheers of come again from the Border Collie.  Shea the Wolfhound and his Border Collie Caleigh are doing fine - eating well, happily taking their bedtime bones (extras for the big fellow) and settling in to the kennel routine.  The adaptability of dogs is an amazing thing to watch.  Lucy Welsh continues to look after Nemo - how he will manage without her when she leaves, we aren't quite certain.  Little Maggie is in charge of all that she sees, hears or thinks might need a manager - Little Maggie is happy.  There is lots of scope with the activity level. 

The house dogs are well.  All are eating their potions, all are enjoying the weather and all are cheering spring.   There are precious few bugs.  With all of Ken's birds, the bug population is at risk everywhere on the property.  Phil and the Philomenas are still in residence as well so there is a good population of pheasants as well.  Piper is adorable with her new spring haircut as is little May.  Charlotte succumbed to Ken's ministrations as did Lola and to a lesser extent Billy.  It was a busy grooming day. 

Chantelle arrived home by 6 and took us out to dinner with Debbie (part of our wedding party) on this our wedding anniversary week end.  We had a great meal at a new-to-us restaurant in the city.  From very impressive seafood crepes to haddock, crab and chicken dishes, we all were highly impressed.  the goat cheese salad is worth the price of admission all by itself.  We will pay a return visit to the Redwood Grill and highly recommend it to anyone who is in the area.   And we are on to another day . . .

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clementine is not amused

Well, days without Chantelle are like a day without sunshine.  Things are quieter, there's no doubt, and the parade at night is shorter - but still happens.  Clem is resigned that Chantelle is well and truly lost this time.  And Lori just says "more room for me in the bedroom - is somebody missing?".

The kennel is filling with new occupants.  Oscar is back and settled in nicely.  He is a great fellow, loves the big yard and exercises both his muscles and his lungs with gay abandon.  Duke the Doodle is bright and happy.  He also enjoys the exercise yard, is eating well and settled very quickly for a first time visitor (good conditioning folks!).  Lucy Airedale departed with a wave and commitment to be back soon.  Lucy Welsh continues to look after Nemo and has taken this responsibility seriously.  Maggie is in charge of 'everything' as only little Maggie can be.  She knows the routine, likes it and is highly capable - all five pounds of her.  Shea the Irish Wolfhound arrived with his Border Collie X Cailegh late morning.  Now that combination is a lot of dog!  The Wolfhound is well over 100 pounds, most of it legs, and is a tremendously impressive animal.  Capable and smart, the breed is perhaps the most impressive of any purebred dog - Shea is no exception.  He rests comfortably on his bedding and is as regal as he can be  stretched out and looking down that long nose in his double run.  The sidekick is active, quick as a wink and devoted to his big friend.  Both are eating well, taking their biscuits but a bit suspicious that we have stolen their family and would like to know exactly what we have done with them.

The house dogs are going strong.  Piper had her haircut finished late in the evening, thinks Lee is a bit of a traitor for the pleasure but looks adorable.  There was a lot of kitchen activity through the day so the kitchen crew was in attendance rather than being outside on a fabulous day of weather.  The little dogs are always happy to be in a sous chef (literally) position, waiting for messy Lee to share bits of anything at all.  We did find out that Piper is not fond of asparagus in any form. 

Pot roast soup (a favourite) was made for lunch.  Dinner was to be simple since the original plan had been for Chantelle to return but at an unspecified time so plans were made accordingly.  That meant chicken wings were a good option.  Even though plans changed, the chicken wings were on the menu so Lee made a beautiful sour dough boule to accompany the celery, raw carrots, blue cheese dressing and wings, Ken bar b qued the asparagus (finished with lavender salt) and there were apricot squares for dessert.  We aren't suffering.  And life goes on - wonder what tomorrow will bring!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where in the world is Chantelle?!

The week end is arrived and Chantelle is gone - much to Clem's confusion.  Clem was pretty sure she had Chantelle pinned down.  She knew that it must be the week end come early because Chantelle had forgotten to go to work but that worked for Miss Clem.  Then she up and left and Clem missed it!  Well, that meant sitting at the gate waiting patiently for that little car that gets lost in the blink of an eye.  And there it wasn't yet again.  A sad Clem ate her dinner, sat at the gate for the evening, came in and ate her potion and went up to the bedroom with Lori (who wasn't much worried about Chantelle as long as she was able to sleep in the bedroom).  There's loyalty and then there's just being practicalChantelle reported in that the trips taken on the way to Amherst were successful, that new shoes were the order of the day, Lee's order was filled and her side trip to Tatamagouche had been well received.  God love Chantelle, she went 1oo km out of her way to visit with Shelagh and reports that Shelagh had made huge progress in her ability to perform daily tasks and can now read novels.  The wanderers made it to Amherst by mid-afternoon, settled in to the hotel without incident and the last we heard were imbibing with support from Dawn and Jimmy.  We trust there were bacon chips for Lexi.  Today London departed for her new home.  June had met her when collecting her Welsh puppy and made a firm commitment years ago that if we were ever thinking of placing her, that she was to be contacted.  A hair cut later, London looked great (if annoyed) and June arrived with a lovely bed with dog paws ready for a little Norwich.  She looked darned comfortable and we hope this will be a great fit for her. 

The kennel is busy with Lola finding her feet, Laurel wondering why in heaven's name with all of the play potential she was being put out alone (she is cooking puppies, we hope) and the little dogs cycling through the yards. Airedale  Lucy had her last day of tearing around her exercise area and was told her owner would arrive tomorrow so the gig was almost up.  Welsh Lucy has adopted Nemo and waits for him before going to her yard, helping him up and down the steps and escorting him as they explore.  All is well in her world.  Kirby departed among waving paws, trotting down the driveway as only an old Welsh can.

It was a beautiful day.  Ken gardened between dog activities and left for a hunting and gathering expedition that involved seed acquisition as well as replenishing of the wine supply.  Fortunately the expedition was a rousing success.  The property is unbelievably beautiful these days.  A full garden of violets in bloom is stunning as are the fruit trees in bloom in the orchard.  Ken has created his own version of Eden and this year it all seems to have come together after two decades of planning.  The sunny and cool days haven't hurt in keeping the blooms longer than is usual.  A month of tulips is a delight. 

Dinner was pot roast with the requisite vegetables, ice cream and the wonderful brownies.  The early part of the day was spent making a time consuming but worth it lemon bread that was enjoyed through the busy day (lunch didn't happen) and there was lots of great coffee to keep us fueled.  The roller skates came off late in the evening - we may be getting a little old for this pace . . .

Friday, May 21, 2010

The May long week end is the traditional start of our best weather of the year

Thursdays are 'get ready for the week end' days.  Don't really know why since only Chantelle is in the 'off the property to work' business but there you have it.  Perhaps this week it is because of the long week end and Chantelle having Friday off so that she can have a day to get to Amherst (it's an hour and a half away).  Ken and Lee went to the city for a hunting and gathering foray followed by a change Ken's PIN number at the bank moment and followed by lunch with Reg.  Then it was off to the post office where Ken found a package from Vesey's (two months later) and it might as well have been Christmas.  Our Ken does love his dirt.  Dinner was only an interruption in his gardening as far as our Ken was concerned.  Kelly and Shawn came by to collect Bella so stayed to dinner.  Chantelle didn't find any more men at the gate but perhaps you could mention to your single friends that she seems open to bringing home strays. 

The kennel is picking up for the long week end.  Duke arrived for his first visit.  He is settling in, ate his dinner happily and approved of his milk bone at bed time.  The Lucy's are happily managing their busy routine - are looking after the perimeter of the kennel and are bright and happy.  Kirby is here for an overnight.  His owners have gone golfing in Cape Breton so Kirby is having his break at Regalridge and he approves in his Kirby way.  Laurel and Lola have bonded - Airedales love to have other Airedales around them.  More arrivals tomorrow. 

The house crew were underwhelmed that Ken and Lee were lost yet again.  Tom held the fort and they do love Tom but prefer having everyone under the roof so were a bit unsettled until that happened at dinnertime.  Nick went on the hunting and gathering mission, looking somewhat alarmed as the back of the van filled around him.  He put his foot down as the Vesey's box was loaded and pointed the way home. 

Dinner was planked Atlantic salmon on the bar b que with a lime rub.  It was excellent and Ken's timing perfect.  Chantelle had made her pita chips as an appetizer and they were, as always, well received.  Baked sweet potatoes, fresh green beans almondine and chocolate brownies with the rum soaked blueberries finished things quite well. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chantelle picked up a man - yahoo

Life ticks along at Regalridge with the season one of our prettiest.  Ken continued the deck flooring with another coat of something or other and items are beginning to migrate back.  That is progress.  It is a lovely area with a view of the river valley and the fields beyond where there are often deer grazing.  We think there is the potential for a sitting area in our future.  And then there was the Wednesday adventure.  Chantelle came home with a man - found him at the gate she said!  Ken put up a minor argument but Chantelle was determined.  She had found herself a man and she was keeping him.  He and his little car were coming on to the property.  And he has a job - life was getting better by the minute.  But he works out of his car - sharpening scissors and blades.  A little deflated, we dutifully dug out blades and the fellow settled in, in the back of his little old car.  Several hours later, the little old car drove out the gates, the hard working youngster having been fed dinner (you know Lee) and with muffins for the road. 

The kennel is ticking along.  The Lucy's are doing just fine, thank you very much.  Welsh Lucy is happy to have her pals Nemo and Trebia.  She loves the big yard and the opportunity to explore.  Airedale Lucy is happy with her yard, is taking her meds and is having no problems.  Laurel is being carefully managed through this early part of her pregnancy.  The men are on notice - she is a fragile egg and cannot be part of any groups.  They don't like that - Laurel likes groups, they say.  And she is bred, we respond.  We persevere.  Bella arrived with a very under the weather Shawn (he sends Karen his deepest thanks) and Chantelle worked on her into the wee hours. 

The house dogs are going strong.  Potions abound.  Piper wants the potion desperately and we have to disabuse her of the notion that she should be part of the 'I'm an old dog' crowd,  Nick just shakes his head.  Chantelle's friend upset the timing of the ins and outs but the dogs were fascinated by the stranger in the yard, looking out the window in shifts and treating him somewhat like the suppertime news hour. 

Dinner was the loaves and fishes.  Good thing there was lots of dessert.  Lee had brined chicken thighs but hadn't quite anticipated Chantelle's man - we managed.  There were lovely banana nut muffins and rum soaked dried blueberry brownies so nobody left hungry, we hope.  And tomorrow is another day

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It was a beautiful day and the peepers are out in force

The week is unfolding and the dogs are well.  It was a good day with great weather - the leaves responded to the sun as if they had received a standing ovation, opening fully on the tallest trees with a final flourish.  Flowers are blooming and everything is a new and vibrant green.  Regalridge is a beautiful place in May.  The dogs enjoy the gardening efforts, are accompanying the tractor on its' appointed rounds and are in great spirits.  Patti continues to rule the roost - and Ken attributes all to the potion.  Ken had a Health Board meeting so organized to be able to leave early - and returned home late into the evening, wanting to know whether dinner was available.  You see, what they had on offer (which never suits our Ken anyway)  "flat pancakes that were supposed to be bread with some king of cold chicken goulash in them."  Chantelle was off to Agility during the period Ken was looking after the province's health care.  Lee was on the phone on Chantelle's return - and Chantelle plunked herself into the rocking chair with a drink in her hand and it was dropping at an alarming level.  Scout had a 'creative thought' at Agility - Chantelle will recover. we're pretty sure. 

The kennel is quiet but we have had a change in circumstances.   Lola is back.  Her owners are no longer together so repatriation was the answer.  It took her all of a minute to reintegrate.  She certainly did not want to see Mark leave, walked somewhat reluctantly up the yard but when she saw Atlas, all was well.  Her pals were happy to see her and they had a great play before bedtime.  Laurel is doing well, is full of vim and vigour and we are working hard to keep her on an even keel during this first part of her pregnancy.  The Lucy's are doing well.  Welsh Lucy has had a good spin in the big yards - and has proven that she can outrun Chantelle even at her advanced age.  Airedale Lucy is doing fine - meds and food are going in at a good rate and she is enjoying her yard. 

The house dogs are thriving in the warm weather.  Marguerite is reintegrating now that the little Prince is up on his legs.  She likes to go out in the big yard so is enjoying her time apart but is a doting mother when she returns to the whelping room.  Piper, as usual, was in charge of the kitchen with Nick assisting as required.  Jack is delighted to report that his yard is back in operatoin and life has almost returned to normal - except what's with the gate at the top of the steps!

Dinner was take out - works for Lee!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Outside projects are interesting too

Monday is behind us - thank goodness.  Have you ever tried to call a Vet office on a Monday morning?  If you haven't - don't.  Regalridge was much the same this week.  Phones ringing, email flying in, the gate swinging, the project taking over the men and Lee running to keep up.  The Project is now outside - good you think, that is preferable to the hall.  Well, yes - and no.  We lost an exercise yard to this one.  A new floor had to be laid on the deck the Welsh use on the east side of the house.  Losing one yard doesn't seem a big deal in this gated community we know fondly as Regalridge.  And laying a floor doesn't sound like a biiiiig project - that is, unless Tom and Our Ken are involved.  I forgot to factor in the several days it takes to stand under the deck, gazing intently above you (keep in mind it's dark and they can't really see anything) debating alternatives.  Then there is the 'Aha' moment when a solution is found (rarely seen or heard  by anyone but it must happen because work eventually begins) only to move to the next extended period of heads moving side to side with major sighs, then long debate and more sighs.  During this period, there is no flooring at all so that when Chantelle (sleep deprived) moves to put Jack out in the pen he has used for all of his 12 years, he is dangling over the ten foot drop.  You have to love the Project! 

The kennel is ticking along well.  The Lucy's are thriving - Welsh Lucy enjoying her runs around the perimeter and Airedale Lucy enjoying the wide open spaces.   Trebia has heard a rumour that her buddy is coming for a visit this week end and she can hardly wait. 

The house dogs love activity - the more the better - so a busy Monday is right up their alley.  That gives lots of opportunity for analyzing Ken's movement around the property, cheering as he drives the tractor (every time he goes by just to show their loyalty) and hanging out around the garage/front yard/back gate to ensure they don't miss an opportunity to consult, should he need their input.  Marguerite's little puppy is up and toddling around the whelping box - darned proud of himself and bright as a button. 

Dinner was great - pot roast.  Lee discovered the last of the winter's pot roasts in the freezer and as spring is in full swing and the day is cool, it seemed a good time to move forward with this traditionally cold weather meal.  Turnip surfaced from the basement and a great meal was enjoyed to bid farewell to the past season.  With a Shiraz based sauce, lovely vegetables and good meat, all agreed that a fitting farewell to the winter-that-wasn't had been had. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Logan wins three Groups and Viola does well, Anjin and Bella won ribbons - a good show week end

The week end is behind us and lots of eventful moments were followed by gales of laughter.  At some stage, you might want to ask our Tony about offering a helping hand to folks in need as you are inserting your foot in your mouth - he has honed his expertise on that this week end and will offer classes in the near future.  He will be assisted by Jim Tufts - offering a short course in comparisons of women's appearance to their ages, excluding any possible, potential or remotely plausible allusion to your own wife or friends present.  This will be a valuable course for all men, regardless of age or marital status, and should be considered as a basic part of your coming of age.  These two men will be sharing their full experience and depth of knowledge in this area - the course will be given from 4:55 - 5:00 at the next dog show.  Our Ken will not be in attendance as he graduated suma cum lauda at a graduate level from this same course - and sat in shock and with awe as Jimmy and Tony worked through the next phase in their life experiences at breakfast on the week end.  Shawn simply shook his head - repeatedly and in amazement. 

The kennel is quiet with both Lucy's in residence as well as Laurel.  Laurel's breedings are behind her and she is settled in for the next month to let things settle.  Kelly is starting a new job and will be busy so the timing for Laurel's spring visit is excellent and the season and breedings text book.  Everyone also had their Bordatella update this week so we are all set for the summer season. 

The house dogs are doing well and were happier with Ken and Lee being home early on Sunday so the majority of the humans in residence.  The apple trees are in full bloom, the leaves are fully out and summer is in the air - cool summer but summer nonetheless.  The tulips are in full bloom and with the cool weather are holding well.  The display throughout the property is amazing.  Our Ken has done well yet again.  The little crew are in full voice and we look forward to the finalization of the back deck project so that we can reorder the Welsh and settle back to our normal ins and outs. 

Dinner was chicken pot pie.  It served the purpose and we are on to another day.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dog show week end news

It has been an eventful week and one that hasn't conspired to have the blog updated daily.  Mea Culpa  And there is news.  Clint has a litter of 8 puppies in the US - a litter delivered during the day for the relatively experienced breeders.  They are appreciative of Diva's understanding of their need for sleep and for her abilities as a new mother.  It will be fun to watch the development of the Atlas litter and the Clint litter as the little Airedales mature.  Good news too from Guinness.  He is home in the US, in great condition and reacquainting himself with English after his Polish education experience.  Our shows this week end are in Dartmouth - close and friendly.  Logan did well, picking up a Group 1 and 2; Anjin and Bella each won a point to the delight of their owner-handlers and Chantelle piloted Viola to a Group 3 and Puppy Group.  Ribbons all around so a good day.   Breakfast was at Hungry Jack's (tradition knocked) and Tony won the award for fullest plate and best coffee drinking.  Chantelle and Kelly were no slouches with their eggs Benedict requiring platters to arrive at the table.  The rest of us were suitably impressed.  Chantelle got to the point that she actually refused coffee at some stage - perhaps a first.  Ken returned to Regalridge to plant and enjoy the dogs.  The tulips are incredible this year and have had a long season.  We are lucky that our resident gardener is remaining focused.  He has potatoes up already and is now contemplating his gladiola garden.  Back at the show,  Lee visited with friends, did a little CKC business and watched the Regalridge family of dogs wag their tails around the rings - they are a happy bunch, delighting in the show ring and being with their people in that venue. 

The kennel is quiet with Lucy helping Nemo look after the yards and Trebia scratching her head wondering where in the world Barrett managed to get lost.  She worries about him - Setters need a lot of help, as she has quickly figured out.  Laurel is here and has had a textbook season, is bred and we look forward, finally, to a successful Airedale litter.  We will keep her with us and ultrasound her at 21 days.  Kelly and Shawn are almost as excited as we are although Bella would like a full and written explanation of where they have once again lost her sister. 

The house dogs are never terribly amused that their people are not all in residence at all times so it was a day of tapping toes and waiting for all to reassemble.  They were somewhat reassured on Ken's return and mighty happy to see Chantelle and Lee finally show up mid-evening (as was Our Ken who was patiently waiting for his dinner).  Piper stayed close to Ken through the remainder of the evening, punishing Lee for her disappearance.  Marguerite's little fellow is growing quickly this week and should be up on his legs soon.  He is darned cute, easy going and is loved by all - including Einstein the cat who will be used as dental floss if he tries yet again to visit with Marguerite's puppy with Marguerite present. 

Dinner was Swiss Chalet.  Sometimes, we do what we have to do. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Of computers, projects and dog sport

It was a busy day at Regalridge on a chilly mid-May period.  The tulips are a riot of colour, even on a grey day and it's a pleasure to walk around the property.  Lee hunkered down in the office and worked on paperwork all day and through the night with a conference call that let the day end at midnight.  Ken was busy on an outside project.  It's another big one and the chats between Ken and Tom make Laurel and Hardy look boring.  In the process we have lost one of the house dog yards for the time being, resulting in a juggling act to find workable areas for the Welsh.  The kennel has had to be pressed into service for daytime management - Scout is amazed at the potential in that.  Ken had a Health Board meeting in the afternoon so managed to get lots done and still do his back and forth to Truro and also have the chip in the windshield repaired - his roller skates were running at full bore.

The kennel is quiet so day care spaces abound.  Today two were occupied by Scout and Viola.  Scout seemed to approve.  Viola was underwhelmed.  Laurel is ready to be bred so Atlas is a happy camper and was introduced between Chantelle's return from work and her departure for Agility class. 

The house dogs love days when everyone is in residence.  Having Ken, Lee, Chantelle and Tom here (even with Chantelle coming and going to work) is a good day in the eyes of the canine fraternity.  Nick came and went on some of Ken's errands - he likes that as long as the van is involved - he is not so fond of Betsy the PT Cruiser.  Piper managed Lee and found it a full time occupation.  The little crew managed everyone, were in and out as the weather permitted and sounded the alarm regularly - sometimes just to enjoy the sound of their voices.  Patti barrelled around the property in charge of everything and everyone and enjoyed every moment in her role of 'Her-Bossiness'. 

Dinner was a favourite- fishcakes.  Lee had been soaking the salt cod for a couple of days, finished up the poaching and potatoes and put together the seasoning between computer moments.  It had been a while so we all enjoyed them before Chantelle departed for her city class.  She returned home delighted with Scout's performance and keen to move forward to next week's challenges.  A hockey game and off to bed. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday and organization is key

It was a good start to the week with a hunting and gathering trip for Lee, accompanied by Laurel in a navigation role with a side trip to the Vet to offer up a little blood on her way to being bred this week.  Costco was quiet with nothing of particular interest except the opening of their garden center.  That should call our Ken by later in the week.   Then we were on to the ATA meeting where Chantelle had organized a great presentation by Lisa Dahr on agility.  We all learned a lot from this very talented speaker.  The Specialty show information was offered to all present and a good meeting was managed by President Ken. 

The kennel is ticking along.  Marged and Shillelagh are looking forward to Margaret's return - and are calling to Calgary to let her know her presence is being requested.  Laurel is settled in, liked her drive and the stopping and going - adventures are her order of the day. 

The house crowd is ticking along.  Piper was not amused that Lee was gone without her.  Nick was even less impressed.  Watching the folks leave the house after dinner was almost unbelievable to the dogs and they were scratching their heads on our return, questioning our sanity in leaving a perfectly good house at the end of the day and not returning home until it was dark - what were we thinking! 

Dinner was cooked by Chantelle - she went hunting and gathering in Betsy and came home with pizza.  Good news for all and we are on to another day . . .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cars madly off in all directions

It was a busy couple of days.  There were two cars back and forth to Moncton - Lee returning late Saturday night/Sunday morning in fog and rain and Chantelle making her way back Sunday after the show.  It was a successful week end with both Logan and Viola bringing home rosettes and Anjin with no competition in the classes garnering incredibly positive comments from the American judge to the delight of his proud owner/handler.  The show was an interesting one.  The show committee decided to start the show at noon on Saturday, giving exhibitors an opportunity to arrive in Moncton on Saturday and save the cost of a night's accommodation.  The show finished by 6:30 with the average entry in the  range so this option seemed to work well.  The advantage to Chantelle and Dawn was that Tony and Karen did go up Friday and staked out territory for the group, including Shawn and Kelly.  Prime real estate is always Tony's vision and success was his - along with an impressive custom-made sign.  The weather was decent all week end, not particularly warm but likely average for mid-May.  Ken gardened in between looking after the canine crew and has a great deal of planting done.

The kennel was busy for May and Ken held the fort.  Barrett and Trebia had a great time with the yard to themselves and races the order of the day.  Both advised that they won.  Barrett waits at the gate until Trebia is sprung  fom her run, bows and wooo wooo's her and the game is on.  Lucy Welsh is doing well given her advanced age.  Patches, the new boarder, was here and gone.   He is a great fellow, settled easily and was delighted to see his family on their return.  Amy departed, spring hair cut intact and proud as punch.  Marged and Shillelagh are settled in and expressing their appreciation for another country vacation.  

The house dogs are well - Patti is eating and enjoying her position as top dog.  She is in charge of all that she surveys and the other dogs bow to her dictates, keeping our Patti happy.  Clem and Lori were particularly annoyed that Chantelle had left them and mildly pacified by being put in her room at bedtime.  Chantelle will pay for her changed routine, we're pretty sure.  The dogs are delighted with the new grass and arrival of spring.  Their bovine tendencies are kicking into full gear - it will be nice when that novelty is over. 

The kitchen was a draw for Lee on Sunday - scones appeared as did a lovely Greek chicken dinner with lemon potatoes and a Greek sauce to accompany the chicken and new carrots.  And we are on to another week . . .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

NB will welcome two of us tomorrow so today we plan

We are going into the week end and it will be a busy one.  Ken is holding the fort at Regalridge while Chantelle goes to a show and Lee drives to Moncton for a meeting.  That means Friday is reserved for organizing, hunting and gathering.  It was off to the city for a visit at the Vet's for Laurel, offering up a bit of blood and a wagging tail, then off to Costco for the ritual fill up and a successful search resulting in flax seeds in a location a little more accessible than had previously been found.  The potion has expanded to support Clint's plastic-eating innards, Nick and Billy as they lick their wounds and the usual Patti, Clem, May contingent.  We must be getting close to commercial production.  It was a bright but wild and windy day.  It is amazing that there are still blossoms and flowers - they danced all day long in the extended gusts. 

The kennel is active with the advent of the week end.  Barrett arrived with a Wooo Wooo Wooo on spying his best pal waiting for him.  He now heralds his arrival - just to be sure Trebia knows it is really and truly him!  Patches, a newcomer, arrived late in the day and settled easily.  Lacey is here for her regular visit and is looking forward to a good play to shake off the winter's cobwebs.  Lacy was adopted at a Frenchy's in PEI - a good story and a lucky girl who found her way to a fabulous home.  Amy remains in residence, new haircut sparkling and thinking Lacey has good play potential. 

The house dogs are doing fine.  Nick had the trip to Digby so was well settled for a day in the house, interspersed with trips outside to be absolutely certain that the wind hadn't blown down any fencing that might need his attention.  Clint is watching longingly from the puppy run, thinking that he should be out having adventures - and smacking his lips as he eyes the potential around the yard - that is not going to happen!  Bob has gone to Deep Brook to try his luck  in a new home - a lady who had an old Welsh needed a replacement.  She is not of school age any longer but is active and spry and a tremendous animal person.  Bob seemed just the right choice - an active, bright Welsh who would be a great companion, had already lived in a home in his younger days and should easily acclimate.  It is never easy to let one of the dogs leave us but the attention and care he would receive in a home of his own are things he deserves so off he went for a visit (passport in hand in case he decides to stay).  As we left, he was having a spirited game of fetch in the kitchen.  Welsh acclimate well.

Dinner was lovely - a spring meal of fresh haddock, asparagus and new potatoes.  Then off to finish the evening routines in preparation for tomorrow and another day . . .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday was surprisingly busy

It was a full day of CKC business for Lee, gardening for Ken and Board Meeting fun for Chantelle.  There was paper flying only surpassed by the dirt that Ken shared with those of us who weren't in digging mode.  Phone calls paralleled Air Canada's - but we have only one line.  That is a bit challenging. 
The kennel is almost empty so offered Tom endless opportunity to sort things through.  We are going to be looking for equipment for the whole season, I think.  Amy is in charge, Trebia enjoys her so is teaching her the chase game but did mention that Barrett is a lot better at it. 

The house dogs are fine and enjoying what is a fabulous May.  The plum tree is incredible in its' blooms as are the red buds.  the front garden is in  full bloom with a riot of tulips, violets, perennial pansies and daffodils.  Our gardener is proud.  The other two inhabitants are amazed at his prowess.  And the little tiller continues to work its' magic.  Now, the mower has had to go to the mower hospital and yesterday the announcement was that the drill has to go to the drill hospital so we appear to be working out way through motorized equipment at a high rate as this outdoor season gets fully underway.  The dogs are supervising the activity, urging Ken on to greater heights as he makes noises that they remember from previous years and stands on a side of the fences that they can't reach, much to their disgust.  With this number of terriers, they are certain that the new tiller is redundant. 

Dawn joined us for a spaghetti dinner with the lovely dark beer bread turned into garlic bread and rice pudding to round things out.  And we are off on an adventure tomorrow. . .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It was a wild and windy day . . .

It was a hot and windy day - amazing for the first of May and one for Ken to fuss about.  The wind was so strong that you could not work outside - so torturing Lee was the alternate activity.  He is as good at that as he is at gardening - lots of practice with both.  Chantelle had Agility class and although Scout did manage to work every piece of equipment with precision, he also had one of his famous temper tantrums between times - an insight into the world of terriers for many in attendance. 

The kennel is quiet. Amy is here for her spring break and is helping Viola manage the kennel.  Trebia is looking after the rest so all is in good hands. 

Marguerite is doing well with the little prince.  Chantelle has provided a soft toy and Marguerite avails herself of its' services when she has to leave the whelping box for any reason.  He spends most of his time on his mother's paw so moving to the safety of the toy is an easy transition so both mother and prince approve.  The rest of the house dogs are well.  Patti, May and Clem enjoy their potions, Piper spent her day supporting Ken, the little crew were out on the deck but did have to come in occasionally to go to the bathroom, Billy and Nick rested after Monday's adventure and several ball games kept everyone happy.  Clint continues to do well and seems completely recovered.  He would dearly love to be back in the thick of things but without constant supervision is just too likely to put mischief at the top of his list so is confined to the puppy pen for the present.

Dinner was a favourite - ribs with all accoutrement's and rice pudding for dessert.  And the week unfolds

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mondays are catch up days at Regalridge

Life was busy.  Days when any of us have been away, we play catch up.  Ken did gardening - actually planting seeds in the already warm enough ground.  He is tired and happy.  Chantelle is warming up to a very busy week - at work, agility, her monthly board meeting and then readying for the show week end.  Lee played catch up - actually responding to letters (not email) and then off to the Vet with Marguerite's puppy.  All is well but boy was it ever busy at Eric's.  There was a line up out the door that made it look like Zabar's deli. 

The kennel is quieting for the week.  Lucy departed with a wave of her paw and a commitment to be back soon - her work here is not yet done.  Amy Airedale arrived to take her place, working on her spring haircut and a good visit.  Barrett departed and Trebia is mourning.  Ruff went home to look after his sick household with his new Airedale attitude - now that will be interesting. 

The house dogs had a big day.  Marguerite was underwhelmed that someone stole her puppy while she was out to the bathroom and has decided that she will never go out again and leave him with such irresponsible people.  Ken had to mow exercise yards last night.  That brought interesting events.  Charlotte helped and came in for the night with green monster feet.  Ken came in with a long face - and a broken something on his mower.  Billy stuck his foot in Nick's mouth at one point in the morning - Nick obligingly chewed on it a little causing a sore Billy foot and a matching Nick mouth.  Piper still looks funny and there is a question whether or not she will be finished in the near future. 

Dinner was fit in among other workloads.  Steak was bar b qued with all of the complements and Chantelle made her fabulous appetizer of goat cheese roasted tomatoes herbs and balsamic reduction.  And we are on to a new day . . .
Life was busy. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

The week in review

Lee was in Toronto yet again so the blog has not had its' usual attention.  This week, we are back to normal.  It was a lovely week of weather in southern Ontario, a much better flight up since she and Dawn were on the same plane so solved the problems of the world (and that was by the time the plane reached altitude).  Too bad it was 6 in the morning - with a couple of drinks later in the day, world peace would no doubt have ensued.  Chantelle and Ken held the fort at Regalridge, including looking after Marguerite and her one puppy litter.  The newest little prince is doing well,  Chantelle did lots of trimming.  Bella was here for lots of hair pulling but Anjin was nowhere in sight so Chantelle notes that she assumes the Valley Folk are fully prepared and confident that their fellow is in tip top shape.  And HKC has a new member - the full Regalridge contingent is now represented.  The birds are still with us even though with spring we normally have a turn over.  It appears we will have the pheasants for a while - there is a question as to whether Phil in all of his impressive plumage can still fly given his girth a la Ken's cooking.  The red winged blackbirds have arrived, the little yellow finches are here, the woodpeckers and chickadees stay all year anyway as do the doves and bluejays.  The crows never leave and we now have song sparrows. The yellow finches on steroids have landed in a large flock and are settled in so we await the swallows.  Ken is living in the garden - most of the plots are ready and he is keen to plant - although it is very early.  Flowerbeds are blooming - a riot of tulips, daffodils, violets, pansies and blooming shrubs of every colour. 

The kennel was busy with a lot of the 'regulars'.  Ruff was turned into an Airedale by Penny and before she left, he was given his cap and gown.  Now, a Golden Retriever emulating Airedale behaviour - a big Golden who is not young - is an interesting beast.  We are going to hear from his owners on this one, I think.  Laurel joined us on the week end.  She is in season and will stay with us to work through her breeding.  She has met Reese and has regained her Regalridge outlook on life, giving Reese lots of direction and advice - like 'sit on that step and stay until I have determined you are worthy of the yard'.  Reese loved the attention!  Ruff, shook his head.  Barrett and Trebia had Gordon/Cirneco races with both winning - at least in their own minds.  Oscar came for his first visit.  Oscar met Ruff and the two had a great time in a sporting dog way.  He settled in quickly, loved the exercise yards and seemed to enjoy his experience at camp.  Lucy Airedale was here and gone - did well in spite of her worried owner and is barrelling along. 

The house dogs are doing well.  Potions are flying and energy levels are high.  The weather is great and we all benefit.  Scout is doing well and excelling at his back forty gymnastics.  He does love Agility.  Abigail got 'skun'.  Chantelle lugged 'Her Littleness' to the kennel and Abby now resembles a tiny blond Airedale.  Clint is thriving.  Viola has been banned to the kennel - in season - and is not amused that Chantelle has lost her mind and left her in prison.  She is chortling to ensure we are aware of her thoughts.  Piper has had the beginning of her spring cleaning.  She comes in the door looking good but by the time the rest of her walks down the hallway, it is noticeable that she is a work in process.

Meals are always interesting when Lee is away.  This trip it was Costco chicken and Shepherd's pie.  Lee returned to some hopeful faces and manged a pork chop dinner (Ken had been hunting and gathering), new muffins on Sunday (donut muffins that are truly fabulous) great burgers and lots more.  Things always pick up in the food department when we are at a full complement.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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