Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hot weather and underwhelmed canines

Lee was in residence and the day unfolded as planned.  There was lots of paperwork to catch up, puppy litters to sort out and settling to occur through the house.  Planning was needed for the Specialty on Friday and for the week end shows.  The garden offered up the most beautiful tomatoes in the world.  Flowers adorn the kitchen and each is more beautiful than the one before.  Dinner was in the city so we had the opportunity to visit with Kendra and see the progress.  There is certainly relief that the iv is finally gone and that she and Richard are more self sufficient.  Her strength will now be built - a slow process and five weeks of antibiotics are still to come.  Lee's Dad is ready to leave Saint John to be taken back to Woodstock hospital.  That is four hospitals in a month but a much improved fellow who is looking forward to resuming his life.  Again, a rebuilding of strength is key to resuming a normal life, there will be more doctors in his future than what he is used to but tremendous progress has been made, through science and with the benefit of many prayers from many quarters of the world. 

The kennel is quiet, as is the wont at this point in the summer.  In HRM, the schools have already re-opened.  Folks are readying for the Labour Day week end.  Louie continues to manage his area, ably assisted by KC Airedale and old Mira.  Liard is in residence and enjoying his supervisory responsibilities, including keeping an eye on Chantelle.  Trebia is looking after the Airedale girls - to Piper's disgust and Lola's amazement.  Dolly is simply resigned.

The house dogs found the heat oppressive and spent much of the day in the den with the air conditioning.  Patti is still annoyed with us that we lost Andy.  With a forecast of continued hot weather, the air conditioner is not likely to be off in the near future. 

Dinner was at the Redwood Grill and was outstanding.  From scallop ravioli in a dill sauce to seafood crepes, each meal was very well received.  The creme caramel was perfect and the chocolate peanut butter balls found their way home to Chantelle's rave reviews.  And Lee will pack . . .

Monday, August 30, 2010

Of puppies and summer weather

It was a beautiful day with sunshine and fluffy clouds.  The puppies enjoyed themselves on the deck, the dogs slept the sleep of happy dogs under the trees and Lee was home so Our Ken felt his universe unfolding as it should.  There were lots of jobs.  The puppies are growing and thriving.  It was the day to tattoo and evaluate, take pictures and play with little Airedales.  They are at one of their cutest ages at 7 weeks and it is a high quality litter with handsome boys and impressive girls.  Atlas is producing well and Laurel added her brand of elegance and good sense.  Al and Betty were here for a short visit and a brunch.  We always enjoy that.  Betty was sporting a great new haircut.  Lee's admiration brought the story.  Like Lee, Betty has gone to the same hairdresser for more than two decades.  However, she didn't manage to get there before leaving for the Island for the summer.  That took her to a mall in Charlottetown and an experience with "first choice Haircutters".  Whether it was simply luck or divine intervention, Betty drew a great young woman who gave her perhaps one of the best cuts we have seen - for the princely sum of ( are you ready?) fourteen dollars!  As she noted, she pays more than that as a tip in Oakville. 

Chantelle's friend Liard is in residence for a few days and is managing his run.  Louie is in charge of everything and keeping up with all of the work requires all of his Labrador energy.  KC and Mira arrived from PEI for a couple of days' break.  They are doing well - as Airedales do - and the amazing Mira is eating as if she were 2 rather than 13. 

The house dogs are happy.  The weather has been perfect, there are lots of games to be played and all are well.  Piper is highly annoyed to be back in the kennel but is coping with Dolly and Lori as back up. 

Brunch was local fare with pancakes (local syrup) and sausage made across the road at the market.  Dinner was seasonal.  New potatoes and fried green tomatoes accompanied grilled chicken.  There was Eton Mess for dessert with outstanding local strawberries.  It is the first year for local berries that have been available all summer and we are thoroughly enjoying the new experience.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A pause in the hospital routine.

It is a rare day with Lee at home and life unfolding as it should for Our Ken.  For the updates on family - Kendra is improving with a move away from the antibiotic machine that has required her to be virtually immobile for the past two months.  In addition, her great husband Richard has now been given dispensation to look after the dressing changes so they have their home to themselves once again.  Lee's Dad is in yet another hospital - this time for radiation treatments.  We are fortunate to have a covey of physicians in the family - all with Specialties.   It was Mike who managed his initial care with such speed and accuracy.  Now it is Nancy's turn - the Oncologist in the family.  She  has been with us through the next phase of the journey and is a great boost.  Lee's Dad is a tremendous individual and is managing the treatments stoically.  His goal is simply to return home.  That should happen next week or the week after.  He will leave Saint John soon. 

All else is moving along well.  Ken continues to harvest blackberries - recipes would be useful since we seem to have a very large freezer very full of them.  The property is absolutely stunning with flowers blooming in every corner.  The gladiola are stunning as are the dahlias, co-mingled with petunias, nasturtium, the ever present pansies and violas, sedum and phlox.  Couple that with the solar lights coming on at dusk and it is a time of year that is hard to better.

The kennel is moving forward.  Shadow the escape artist is in residence - in lock down.  Louie is still with us and delighted to enjoy his yards, yesterday with the Basset Hound - an interesting combination.  Bella the Airedale is here for the week end and a great friend to Amy who was here for a couple of days of R&R and a haircut.  Laurel will depart with Bella, her matronly duties now complete.  Trebia is keeping the Airedale girls in check - Piper is not amused, Dolly is resigned and Lola lives in admiration of that speed.

The house dogs are fine.  Patti had a great week because Andie was here.  She adores Andie and lives for her visits.  Old Clem is doing fine, enjoying her potion as is little May the Norwich.  We are receiving images of the puppies in the American litters - all are doing well, are of high quality and a testament to the lovely bitches being bred to the strong Regalridge boys.  Our litter from Laurel by Atlas is outstanding.  We are very pleased with the quality and the super personalities.  They will soon begin to go to their homes. 

Meals - well, last night was grilled steak from the market across the road, Ken's potatoes, squash and a tomato casserole with blue cheese, onion and basil.  The tomatoes in the garden are incredible -abundant and at their height.  All is well in Our Ken's world at the moment.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

News of Regalridge

There have been new challenges in life at Regalridge and the blog has been silent - for that we apologize.  For those watching the health concerns, Kendra is home and while still occasionally making trips to the hospital for rejigging the equipment, is improving.  Lee's Dad is still very ill and in hospital.  He has been critically ill, is somewhat improved and his secondary condition is now being addressed.  We are awaiting word for his transfer to a larger center for treatment.  Lee, of course, is with him.  Ken had a good chat with our friend Jo in western Pennsylvania.  She regaled him with stories of the wandering chickens and her prowess in breaking up rooster squabbles.  Sounds as though we could hire her out if anyone is in need of a rooster referee.

The kennel is busy as August progresses.  Little Maggie is ruling the East side of the building and managing the Regalridge dogs with all of her five pounds of energy.  Kinky the Jack Russell watches her in abject amazement.  Morgan the White Miniature Schnauzer is in residence and settling in.  Maggie the Standard is doing well and departed amidst waves.  There is a new Am Staff who has arrived and settled in happily.  He was a rescue dog and is lucky to have a great new home.  Lucy Airedale is with us and has had her trimming by Chantelle.  Louie Lab is happily making the rounds of the rest of the boarders and enjoying his country experience.  Tedi is here as his family readies itself for a move to Whitehorse ( we have advised them that the North is going to be quite a change). 

The house dogs are doing well.  The Airedale puppies are growing by leaps and bounds.  They are at a wonderful stage - learning the outdoors, enjoying the deck and communing with nature.  Charlotte continues to lead Ken a merry chase with Lee away.  Chantelle rearranged dogs when Ken took Lee to NB and Rocky now is convinced he is a house dog.  Marguerite agrees and says if he is in, so is she!  Chantelle is on vacation but returned to take Jessie to the Vet for a Cesarean.  All has gone well and there are two new Welsh in the world - one boy and one girl.  Jessie loves them and wants no part of anyone checking on them or interfering with her responsibilities. 

Meals - well Lee is subsisting on red hot dogs from Maine and Ken seems to be focused on bacon and eggs.  We suspect Chantelle is doing better. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thunder interspersed with hunting and gathering filled the day

Thursday was a day of hunting and gathering, organizing and planning - Ken and Lee are leaving for three days and the planning is ridiculously detailed.  It's not like Chantelle hasn't managed Regalridge for years.  Still, Our Ken went hunting and gathering with gay abandon and returned laden from Costco, Staples (did you know it was the first day of the back to school sale?!), Great Ocean (everyone needs 5 kilos of flax seed for four days) and Sobeys for all that the rest don't carry.  Chantelle won't be in need of much.  The stores have Friday to restock.  Lee managed dogs, the house, the ever present phones and the kennel.  No disasters worthy of media attention occurred. 

The kennel is rolling along.  Little Maggie is looking after announcements on her side of the kennel.  Barrett is torn - he loves his hammock bed but also loves his Trebia and has divided loyalties as his door is opened and he has to choose.  Trebia on occasion has to go in and lure him out of bed.  Barrett's two Shelties are getting along fine and are much the same.  They manage their suite, manage their run and manage anyone who comes close.  Snap is without question of a terrier mind and speedy.  Sherlock is a tad better behaved.  We sincerely hope the dogs that accompanied their owner to the Nationals have a better grip on commands or she isn't likely to need a plane to come home - she'll arrive chasing a tail with a white tip.  Mikki the Sheltie who lives in a pet home is here and quite obedient.  Our views of Shelties are slightly changed this week and it is Sheltie week at Regalridge.  Ben is doing fine - a fully obedient Airedale who is enjoying his vacation, trots out to his run without a leash and is delighted with life. 

The house dogs are well and will be happy to see the end of August and the end of the occasional thunder showers.  Nick hates them.  Marilla is improving and Patti loses her brain.  Charlotte doesn't get the issue but follows |Patti just to see if anything exciting is going to happen - Patti is able to open any and all doors and Charlotte likes that talent.  The Norwich urge everyone to greater feats of daring and Paula applauds them from the back of the couch.  Laurel goes to find her puppies to get away from the melee and Einstein meows at the hall door in case there is anyone who is quiet and needs his encouragement.  We all love storms! 

Dinner was a sorting of the fridges before departure.  Grilled pork was accompanied by new potatoes, green and yellow beans, fried corn with fresh red pepper and the ubiquitous chocolate cake.  All was well and we were on to packing.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The week progresses with a rain day

It was a mid week day in early August with lots and lots of rain, some gusts and a thunder shower to add a little joy to the mix.  Marilla bonded with Lee during the loud part of the storm but stayed calm - a huge step forward for Marilla.  She may be improving a little in that department.  After bonding with Our Ken in the morning (chicken in mouth), Patti encouraged her to take the cat as a chicken replacement.  Einstein wakes the house and Patti is not an early morning dog, but Marilla declined that opportunity after casting a look at Lee who was directly behind her.  With gardening out of the question, Ken decided that it was time to sort and divest.  The television that gave up the ghost was taken to the depot for televisions that have given up the ghost.  Then there was a recycling effort that resulted in a trip to the recycling depot and a garage emerged.  Kendra remains in hospital while the doctors revise her medications and realign home care.  They are now agreed that the addition of one drug did the damage, have removed the offensive medication and added an extra VON visit.  We are hopeful she will be able to go home before the week end.

The kennel continues to empty with Lucy waving good by after her short stay.  Our 'Retriever in Residence' decided that it was a good day to go home as well so after a month of looking after the kennel, Ruff trotted out the gate with his owner (who had brought a three layer fudge cake as a thank you!).  Maggie is managing to look after her area and keeping a close eye on Nemo, telling him in detail where he errs.  Barrett loves his hammock bed and is delighted with life at Regalridge.  He and Trebia are looking after life in general and had a good spin between showers, then Trebia decided that she should live in his run with him as well.  We put a stop to that foolishness  The Shelties are doing fine - improved and bouncing, not missing a meal  Sherlock is obedient and careful.  Then there's Snap - terriers are criticized on occasion for not responding to commands as well as they might.  So who put the Terrier brain in Snap?!  Ben is doing well, eating and full of energy.  Mikki is a great fellow and looking after his area with care. 

The house dogs rested and watched the rain, comfortable as long as there was no thunder. That little addition perked things up.  Nick hates thunder and Marilla is worse but they managed through this one fairly well.  Nick did some pacing, Marilla stuck to Lee but calmly and Patti went out the door on her own only once (of course, that could have been because Lee locked the door after the escape).  Scout and Jack barked the noise into submission and felt justifiably proud when it went away.  Ken stayed in the garage - nice help.

Dinner was Spaghetti - it rained, it was cool and seemed appropriate.  Chocolate cake followed - three layer and rich.  Fabulous!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday after the long week end and catch up is necessary

Another day of swinging gates contributed to the interest in the days activities for the Airedales and Welsh.  Tom was here to sort and organize after the busy week end so Ken had some latitude.  Other than a trip for hunting and gathering at dinnertime, he was to be found in gardens much of the day.  There was the occasional sighting as he rode around on his tractor or did something (interesting we're sure) in the garage but gardens did call loudest and dirt was flying.  Lee had her usual CKC business, lots of time with the puppies and a morning of upstairs organizing - that just seemed necessary, somehow.  Kendra remains in hospital while doctors sort out what happened to send her heart into orbit and how to ensure that doesn't recur. 

The kennel rocks along.  Little Megan departed with a kick of her heels and a good greeting for Ann and Marlene.  Barrett arrived (Trebia is thrilled) with two Shelties in tow.  He was given the green hammock bed inside his double suite - and approves.  His star has risen even further.  Mikki is missing his friend Rozzie.  He has his spins in the big yard followed by Ben.  Ben is taking his potions and is doing great.  We are impressed by his bright attitude and enjoyment of the attention he is getting.  Ruff is managing everything in sight.  Little Maggie is doing fine and keeping an eye on the Airedale girls in season.  Piper, Dolly and Lori are singularly underwhelmed at being in the kennel and would like a lawyer called asap.  Snap the newly arrived Sheltie has begun to demonstrate her talents.  Chantelle went to her suite to make her acquaintance and Snap obliged by jumping straight in the air, wrapping those Sheltie monkey-paws around her arm and boosting herself into a surprised Chantelle's arms.  Nice trick, Brenda!  Sherlock is saving his talents for later.  Both are doing fine, are enjoying their treats and are settled.

The house dogs had a good day with all of the components they look for.  The gates were swinging with coming and going, the people were in residence and there was kitchen activity.  Nick had a spin in the car, Marilla woke Ken with the stuffed chicken transfer  from her mouth to his (that will teach him to snore!) and Patti and Clem are liking their potions.  Clint came back to sleep in the house and announced his pleasure to all who would listen - repeatedly.  Jack and Jessie are looking after their yard and Jessie is ballooning in size.  Welsh puppies are not far away.  The Airedale babies are growing, developing personalities and are delighted with life.  Their baby games are addictive - not hard to sit and watch them all day long.  Last night, they developed a tail grabbing game that brought the little one down on its' hind in short order, to the delight of the tail puller.  The glints in the eyes are now noticeable.  Weaning is not far off.  Laurel will have mixed emotions about that.

Dinner was hodge podge and prime rib with peach Melba.  Nice.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The long week end comes to an end

Monday was still the week end in Nova Scotia and a busy one it was.  The weather was fabulous with temperatures below seasonal, clear skies and cool breezes.  The dogs were in their element and nobody came on the property without commenting on the perfect weather.  Ken spent the day in the gardens, weeding, trimming, harvesting and admiring his handiwork.  There appeared to be a fair bit of resting on long handled implements and concentrating on that last area.  Lee concentrated on the house organization, the phone which seemed to be attached to her on a constant basis and some gardening just to get outside.  The kennel beckoned to all of us with Chantelle manning the grooming room and all of us moving dogs.  Kendra called to let us know that has she had to go back to the hospital.  It seems her system was not ready to manage well enough without the support of the protocols that are available within the facility, even with the twice daily VON visits.  It was the VON who called the ambulance and had her taken back.  She has been readmitted and is awaiting a bed.

The kennel was full of good dogs.  Rozzie is looking after her area with intent and is losing the compulsion to comment on every activity she sees being taken.  That is a good thing.  Lily departed - ears first as only a Basset Hound can do.  We will miss her dulcet tones and that wonderful Basset look.  Jack left with a bounce in his step and obvious joy in seeing Garth and Verna at the gates.  Ruff's family called to say he would be welcome home mid-week.  He will have to think about that since he now considers himself lord of the kennel.  Ben is thriving.  He is bright and cheerful, loves to watch all of the comings and goings and is eating well as only an Airedale who has recovered from a serious illness can do.  It is amazing to see how he has improved so quickly and a testament to the wonderful care of his family.  The two Bull Terriers departed with Bull Terrier smiles intact.  Old Justice is challenged a bit and Lee sent him home with some Glyco Flex and an admonishment to his family that it might be exactly what it needed to keep him mobile into the future.  Little Megan looks great and is going home this week all trimmed and looking her best.  she wouldn't have it any other way.  Charlie came and went with a spa visit fitted in.  Reese did the same.  Ruff will  miss his Airedale girls.  Little Maggie is here, settled in next to Nemo and enjoying her August vacation.  Trebia has heard that Barrett is arriving back soon and can hardly wait!  Mikki the Sheltie arrived for a stay and will soon be herding everyone who will allow herding - that is Mikki's best thing and is employed at any opportunity.

The house crew spent a lot of time going in and out of the house as dogs came and went.  That was fine by them.  Laurel and the puppies are thriving.  The puppies are adding puppy games daily to their repertoire and are delighted with life.  They are growing, exploring their world and bonding with each other.  Life is great if you are an Airedale puppy.  Piper is in season and has gone to the kennel.  She is very, very, very unhappy with her lot in life.  Marilla, however, is delighted with her expanded opportunities to take over - particularly to take over Lee.   There will be words on Piper's return. 

Dinner was pizza.  In Lee's defense, lunch had been a lovely salad from the garden and fishcakes with homemade watermelon popsicles for dessert.  Tomorrow will be quieter.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Beautiful weather and jam happening make a good Sunday at Regalridge

Sunday not being the end of the week end is not a common event and the kennel is showing its understanding of that fact.  There was still some coming and going but the gates didn't swing as often as usual and the dogs enjoyed the great weather.  Our Ken, of course, was in his gardens - happy to be weeding and sorting.  There was a plum crop this year and it landed in the kitchen late afternoon.  That was post-hunting and gathering.  It seemed to be a successful trip to the village, offering up raspberries that didn't grow at Regalridge this year with a request that jam be made while they were still warm.  That happened - two batches of raspberry and one of peach now adorn the kitchen counter.  We are in business for the winter.  There was a trip to check on Shelagh's house and a requirement to call the Trustee tomorrow as a result of a paper on the door.  Shelagh remains in Tatamagouche.  She is coping and has begun work on her computer that was taken up earlier in the year.  The speech therapist was contracted yet again (she is a tremendous resource) and is assisting Shelagh regain some of her computer skills with a specialized program.  Kendra is home and struggling to regain her ability to live outside a hospital environment.  It will take time. 

The kennel is full.  Rozzie has the first run and is managing it with intent.  Lily is next to her - the most delightful of Basset hounds with ears arriving five minutes before she does.  Liard departed mid-day with a wave and a promise to return.  Ruff continues to look after his yard, managing his areas with retriever energy.  Bubbles and Chynaa trotted up the yard with all of their paraphernalia and settled in for a short visit.  They are the greatest pair - the Peke all eyes and the Crested all legs.  What a combination.  Little Megan remains (even though we promised her family would return soon) and is tapping her toe.  Ann and Marlene may have a bit of a temper to subdue on their arrival in NS.  Ben and his extended requirements are all being managed.  He is doing so much better than his last visit and seems to be very much on the mend.  Indy left late in the day - with a wave and a trot down the drive.   Welsh are wonderful at managing what life deals out with little concern apparent.  Live for the day is a breed standard.  Reese and Jack have bonded.  She is sporting a new haircut and Jack is looking good so posing is important to the Airedales among us.

The house dogs were torn. Jam anchored Lee in the kitchen and Marilla, Piper and Nick felt compelled to assist but also felt the call of the beautiful weather.  The door had a good work out.  Paula was relieved that there were no reasons for a good bark and managed to enjoy her day on the deck, joined on occasion by the little Norwich.  Even Jack (who loves to be inside) found spots in his yard to rest and think Welsh thoughts.  There was lots of activity to keep everyone interested - the fruit stand across the road was busy, the birds were flying overhead and they were haying yet again in the back fields.  Ken was riding around on the tractor and there was a visit from folks who are taking one of Laurel's puppies next month.  That makes a good day in the neighbourhood.

Dinner was a summer delight.  Ken decided to put a prime rib roast on the bar b cue and Lee made hodge podge with the day's fresh vegetables - newly dug potatoes, carrots, peas and both snap beans.  Peach crisp rounded out the evening.  A good day.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday and change is in the air

Saturdays are full of activity at Regalridge.  Lee had an appointment in the city and errands to run, with the hospital added in to the mix.  Included on the list was a visit to Pete's Frootique for the odds and sods of hard to find items .  Departing the great boutique market, there were local cherries in the nylon bag, rose water, balsamic glaze and great coffee beans. There were fishcakes and a great Gorgonzola, ginger lemonade and a free range chicken.  It was a worthwhile trip with an interesting conversation at the fishcake counter.  The gentleman serving mentioned that the fishcakes are great but not as good as his.  When asked the difference he explained the texture difference that he had been taught while opening Scanway.  Lee's ears perked and she asked whether he might have known her great friend Mary Thoren.  That led to a long recollection of the start up of Scanway and the adventures of Uni, Mary and this fellow as they began what was to become a restaurant legacy in Halifax.  It was a lovely moment in a hectic day and brought many memories for both Lee and this kind man who offered his insights and recollections so freely.  Good news at the hospital.  Kendra was sprung!  Lee was in attendance for the final conference and the trip out the door.  The fishcakes had been collected to add to Richard's offerings for dinner - she remains on a soft diet as a result of the tumble - but there were smiles all around and relief to be leaving our great health facility.  There will be lots of challenges ahead but this is a significant move forward - with extensive home care set up.  Ken gardened.  There are fewer weeds than there were earlier in the week.  He is pleased with that and followed up his hard work with a camera shoot tour of the gardens on the property.  Lee will now have to learn how to manage this blog and get them on for your viewing pleasure.

The kennel is rocking.  Mike Campbell arrived with his two characters who settled in for a couple of days.  Rozzie landed and is being herself - backed up by Liard who is being himself.  Those two could be bonding but we aren't 100% sure.  Little Megan is settled and doing well, but tapping her paw in anticipation of her owners showing up sometime soon.  We have promised that will happen - she waits with both ears perked.  Ben and his pills and potions are settled and being dispensed.  He is doing well - much better than his previous visit and working back into his Airedale self.  Indy is in the recovery ward as well with his special hip and special thought process.  Enforced rest does not generally appeal to the terriers so they are being particularly good in light of their situations.  Lily is settled as is Jack the Airedale.  Ruff continues to lead the games in his yard and perhaps has decided that Regalridge has become a long term care facility for wayward Golden Retrievers.  That suits him just fine. 

The house dogs are thriving.  Patti is running the house, backed capably by Marilla and Piper.  Atlas is their manservant, in place to do their bidding - generally urged to get into trouble so they can sit back and delight in the aftermath.  Nick sagely watches and shakes his head.  Dolly and Lori are disgusted to be in the kennel with the boarding dogs and forgiveness doesn't  come to the top of mind when you look at their faces.  There was a jailbreak last evening.   Alerted by Paula and Jack, Ken went to the deck only to return quickly to advise that there were 'Airedales in the garden'.  As Lee went out the front door, Marilla was rounding up the recalcitrant troops.  She led the way as the parade moved to the garden gate that had been ably opened by Clint, we have little doubt.  It was a good romp and change of pace for the youngsters.  Laurel is doing well and the puppies are growing quickly.  They are growing quickly, moving more ably and beginning to play.  Senses of humour are showing themselves as they bite each others noses, pull tails and begin the process of showing affection and a joy in their life.  They are enjoying their supplemental feedings and Lee enjoys the time with them.  Laurel still shakes her head. 

Dinner was great.  Ken grilled the free range chicken in beer can fashion.  There was rosemary from the garden and lemon and garlic involved as well as a rub.  It was outstanding.  Accompaniments included potatoes and fresh corn on the cob as well as tomatoes from the garden with basil and blue cheese - all heated and melded together - a great summer treat.  Dessert included fruit and the tasty little squares.  We aren't suffering.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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