It was the day before New Year's Eve - time to plan. And off we went to the city. There was banking to be done, a return to be made and Costco to pillage. All unfolded as hoped. Unfortunately when Our Ken opened the Christmas present box he had given Lee in preparation to position it before her return from Ontario, he found a broken shell of what should have been a lovely piece of furniture. Fortunately, having come from Costco it was an easy if somewhat wait-y return. It is a great company to deal with and testament to that is the line stretching from the counter out the door. Ken waited in line while Lee made a preliminary foray - finding the one remaining counterpart to the broken piece, put together and standing in pristine loneliness at the back of the store. Onto a cart it went - much to the relief of Our Ken who by that time was almost to the front of the line and might have had to speak to a stranger at the counter had Lee not surfaced - oh, and he was happy that there was a replacement for the gift, too. Added to the furniture were food items to create a progressive meal for New Year's Eve, two dog beds (on sale at Costco), a good supply of fruit and a crown roast of pork for New Year's day. Likely there were batteries as well but if Our Ken managed to get them into the basket, Lee didn't notice. After all, what is a trip to Costco without batteries!
The kennel is emptying with the visitors returning home for their New Year's celebrations. Waving good bye were Jake and Barbaro and Poe. Bailey is packing and certain that there cannot be fireworks in the city without her. The boyz remain to keep an eye on the Welsh and Norwich next door. Ruari can now bark like a Welsh - Heather, we apologize and will give you the phone number of the owners so you are able to speak to them about compensation. Wee Margaret is mighty impressed though and is giving some consideration to inviting him home for a sleep over. Roddi, conversely is quite taken with the Norwich. Crockett's leadership in the vocals appeals to him and he urges him on to even greater heights. Ruff has decided to stay to hold the side for the big dogs and is as equable as ever as he goes about his routine. There will be a couple of short term additions to the facility just to keep things going into the new year.
The house dogs are happy and well. Patti was delighted to see the addition of the new beds to the den floor and has managed, at her best moment, to spread herself over two beds with her head on a third, challenging all comers to reconsider their positioning. She does love new beds. Charlotte, though, came into the house, spied the new couch-style bed and that was all she wrote. She may have taken two long strides to get to it or she may have been airborne but she landed and it took all we could do to lure her out for her last in and out of the night. The beds were a hit. Added to the two at Christmas, there has been a good turn over. The day was a bit cooler so less mud is in evidence and there is actually a snow/rough ice cover on the drive that will make humans miserable for the winter but is preferable to mud in a winter sort of way.
Dinner was a change up. Our Ken is a bit tired of the bird so there were Italian sausages and mac and cheese (Patti's preference for future meals and one that Dover approves). A green salad and the end of the apple pie rounded things out nicely. And we are on to New Year's Eve day.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Boxing Day week continues with warm weather
Well, the Eastern Seaboard has lots of snow, Virginia is covered in white and Regalridge remains green. There was a hint of weather to come overnight and then the rains came down. Under the farmhouse is a cistern and a spring - those with small boats are welcome to come for a row. The wells are full and we are ready for winter with a very high water table. That is the good news during this mud season. Marilla enjoys the digging and the rest demur. Lee began yet another battle of the paper. As always, the paper won but it was a valiant struggle and progress was made. Our Ken tried out his new waders (birthday gift while in Virginia) and pronounced them highly effective.
The kennel is running smoothly. Tom was in for a short while but had found high ground that needed plowing so was off with his truck and a smile. Gemini departed with a wave and guarantee of return next year. The weather was so wet and windy that the ins and outs were quick and purposeful. Everyone is eating well with no hanging back. Roddie is eating his potion with alacrity and Ruari is feeling hard done by - he managed to work a piece of turkey from Our Ken as compensation. The Welsh and Norwich contingent are thriving with Crockett taking the lead in the complaint department. Outperforming the Welsh is a feat, particularly since Wee Margaret and Shillelagh have discovered Nemo, have determined that he is Bevan come back and are bonding with him as they plan his escape for the trip to the airport and on to Halifax. They are sure there is a space for him and that Margaret won't even notice. We concur. Jake and Barbaro are fit and happy. Barbaro is not impressed by the water falling from the sky and stands under the shelter in the big yard while Jake explores. Barbaro has developed a smile and offers it up at bedtime for his milk bone. What a great fellow he is. Poe is Poe. Naomi and Moses. are fine. They love the big yard regardless of weather. Moses in managerial fashion takes over the entire property as his territory so reviews all areas as he moves about. A four star general in the making is our Moses. Old Bailey is great. She loves company and spent this day with Nemo, Sarah the Airedale and the Cirneco. That suits Bailey who finds a plethora of games open to her with this crowd. Ruff and Maxifer are great pals and played Golden games although neither likes rain - good sporting dogs but a bit sensitive perhaps!
By late afternoon, Crocodile Dundee appeared on the television and everyone took a break. As little May settled on Lee's knee, Piper experienced a moment of green eyed monster and crawled up as well. Two hours of an Airedale in your lap is an interesting experience. Ken tried not to watch. Dover has agreed to eat biscuits if they are moistened, enjoys her prime rib and turkey as well as the occasional piece of tortière and even some Caesar. She is acclimating. Nick is patrolling the kitchen - hope springs eternal. Patti is thriving and all is well with the rest.
Dinner was turkey revisited and went well. And we are on to another day - Lee is off to Ontario for a quick trip to judge some dogs so the blog will be silent for a day or so.
The kennel is running smoothly. Tom was in for a short while but had found high ground that needed plowing so was off with his truck and a smile. Gemini departed with a wave and guarantee of return next year. The weather was so wet and windy that the ins and outs were quick and purposeful. Everyone is eating well with no hanging back. Roddie is eating his potion with alacrity and Ruari is feeling hard done by - he managed to work a piece of turkey from Our Ken as compensation. The Welsh and Norwich contingent are thriving with Crockett taking the lead in the complaint department. Outperforming the Welsh is a feat, particularly since Wee Margaret and Shillelagh have discovered Nemo, have determined that he is Bevan come back and are bonding with him as they plan his escape for the trip to the airport and on to Halifax. They are sure there is a space for him and that Margaret won't even notice. We concur. Jake and Barbaro are fit and happy. Barbaro is not impressed by the water falling from the sky and stands under the shelter in the big yard while Jake explores. Barbaro has developed a smile and offers it up at bedtime for his milk bone. What a great fellow he is. Poe is Poe. Naomi and Moses. are fine. They love the big yard regardless of weather. Moses in managerial fashion takes over the entire property as his territory so reviews all areas as he moves about. A four star general in the making is our Moses. Old Bailey is great. She loves company and spent this day with Nemo, Sarah the Airedale and the Cirneco. That suits Bailey who finds a plethora of games open to her with this crowd. Ruff and Maxifer are great pals and played Golden games although neither likes rain - good sporting dogs but a bit sensitive perhaps!
By late afternoon, Crocodile Dundee appeared on the television and everyone took a break. As little May settled on Lee's knee, Piper experienced a moment of green eyed monster and crawled up as well. Two hours of an Airedale in your lap is an interesting experience. Ken tried not to watch. Dover has agreed to eat biscuits if they are moistened, enjoys her prime rib and turkey as well as the occasional piece of tortière and even some Caesar. She is acclimating. Nick is patrolling the kitchen - hope springs eternal. Patti is thriving and all is well with the rest.
Dinner was turkey revisited and went well. And we are on to another day - Lee is off to Ontario for a quick trip to judge some dogs so the blog will be silent for a day or so.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boxing Day was restful by Regalridge standards
Boxing Day is now behind us. With the perennially cloudy days and warm temperatures, the area is readying for another mild winter. The Nor'easter coming up the Eastern seaboard will bring us yet more rain and winds - albeit less windy than last week's hurricane force gales. Other areas of the Maritimes are not so fortunate and the seas have been a force to contend with - storm surges and erosion are the order of the day in many areas of the Northumberland Strait. The continent's weather has started to mess about with the return of the owners of the visitors. Faye had the option of leaving Alaska for an extended visit (lay over) in Seattle where coffee is good but not that good. She opted for a later flight that might not take three days. The Rodds sis manage to leave in time t o collect the little one and Prince Darby, making their way home to PEI before the storm. Annie's abilities vis-a-vis The Messiah were a surprise so with luck she will share her talents when she gets home. There were blizzard pictures sent from Virginia with a snowman featured prominently. The South appears to have received coal in its' stocking again this year. And again is blaming poor old Texas for all of its woes. Fortunately Linda has an all wheel drive vehicle and a snow shovel. She is likely the best prepared of all true Southerners.
The kennel continues to rock. Bailey and Gemini are managing to keep a lid on the activity levels, tempering Maxifer the enthusiasm of the younger crew. It was a pleasant day to be outside so all were out for long and active plays. Bailey befriended Sarah the Airedale and put up with Nemo trailing behind her and Trebia sailing past at speed. Barbaro had a play with his heroine as well so it was another busy day for Bailey. Barbaro has also discovered Scooter with her ball tricks and Welsh intensity. He visits with her on each trip in and out and may be taking lessons for practice at home. Jake watches this disloyalty with a bemused expression. Maxifer and Gemini bonded and had a good day exploring their yard. The Schenk dogs continue to entertain Roddie and Ruari - the boyz consider them the perfect Christmas present and send their thanks to Warren and Heather. They are practising hard to perfect the pitch of the Welsh while maintaining the constancy of the Norwich vocals. In case any are hoarse prior to leaving, we are making Christmas Cd's for both families. Moses is still in charge - of what we aren't quite certain - but he is secure in his belief that all is well only because he is in residence. Naomi shakes her head.
The house dogs are well and happy. Dover is eating our meals and going in and out happily. She is learning the area in the kitchen and confines her wanders between the water dish and the Norwich bed with occasional forays outside to see if her Mother has returned. So far, there are no sightings. Patti is happy, moving easily and eating well. She too, of course, eats only what is proffered from the kitchen taking the potion as dessert at the end of each meal. How do they manage to train us so well! The Sound Of Music was on offer last night and seasonal tradition requires that it be watched. the dogs were thrilled. With hours of commercials between snippets of show, CBC managed to draw the musical out for the entire evening. Paula and the Norwich had laps, Atlas slept next to Lee with his feet in the air, Nick had the big bed, Patti had the green orthopaedic one but managed to stretch her neck to keep it on the bolster bed as well. Piper had claimed the bolster and put up with Patti's over bearing presence. Marilla had the new brown fur bed and Lori managed to take the new animal print. Charlotte was late to the party. She spent her evening walking in and out of the room, staring at each sleeping dog in turn and turning to march to an adjoining walkway and fluff up the floor for several minutes in Charlotte-like frustration. By late evening, Piper found the heat of the stove too much and moved to the head of the parade route, freeing up Charlotte's favourite bed. It was quickly taken. And Lori had missed the parade on Christmas night. She was hard on Piper's heels this night and made it through the door with Lee for the passing out of the Denta Stix.
There was a haddock and bacon chowder made for lunch much to Our Ken's approbation. That had followed a breakfast of French Toast so Ken was happily fueled until a late dinner appeared. The end of the prime rib seemed right for Boxing Day so appeared with lovely roasted potatoes done with Brady Street coating and the ubiquitous frozen peas that Our Ken so enjoys with this particular meal. There were Christmas cookies throughout the day and apple pie also was on offer. Life unfolded nicely at the table.
The kennel continues to rock. Bailey and Gemini are managing to keep a lid on the activity levels, tempering Maxifer the enthusiasm of the younger crew. It was a pleasant day to be outside so all were out for long and active plays. Bailey befriended Sarah the Airedale and put up with Nemo trailing behind her and Trebia sailing past at speed. Barbaro had a play with his heroine as well so it was another busy day for Bailey. Barbaro has also discovered Scooter with her ball tricks and Welsh intensity. He visits with her on each trip in and out and may be taking lessons for practice at home. Jake watches this disloyalty with a bemused expression. Maxifer and Gemini bonded and had a good day exploring their yard. The Schenk dogs continue to entertain Roddie and Ruari - the boyz consider them the perfect Christmas present and send their thanks to Warren and Heather. They are practising hard to perfect the pitch of the Welsh while maintaining the constancy of the Norwich vocals. In case any are hoarse prior to leaving, we are making Christmas Cd's for both families. Moses is still in charge - of what we aren't quite certain - but he is secure in his belief that all is well only because he is in residence. Naomi shakes her head.
The house dogs are well and happy. Dover is eating our meals and going in and out happily. She is learning the area in the kitchen and confines her wanders between the water dish and the Norwich bed with occasional forays outside to see if her Mother has returned. So far, there are no sightings. Patti is happy, moving easily and eating well. She too, of course, eats only what is proffered from the kitchen taking the potion as dessert at the end of each meal. How do they manage to train us so well! The Sound Of Music was on offer last night and seasonal tradition requires that it be watched. the dogs were thrilled. With hours of commercials between snippets of show, CBC managed to draw the musical out for the entire evening. Paula and the Norwich had laps, Atlas slept next to Lee with his feet in the air, Nick had the big bed, Patti had the green orthopaedic one but managed to stretch her neck to keep it on the bolster bed as well. Piper had claimed the bolster and put up with Patti's over bearing presence. Marilla had the new brown fur bed and Lori managed to take the new animal print. Charlotte was late to the party. She spent her evening walking in and out of the room, staring at each sleeping dog in turn and turning to march to an adjoining walkway and fluff up the floor for several minutes in Charlotte-like frustration. By late evening, Piper found the heat of the stove too much and moved to the head of the parade route, freeing up Charlotte's favourite bed. It was quickly taken. And Lori had missed the parade on Christmas night. She was hard on Piper's heels this night and made it through the door with Lee for the passing out of the Denta Stix.
There was a haddock and bacon chowder made for lunch much to Our Ken's approbation. That had followed a breakfast of French Toast so Ken was happily fueled until a late dinner appeared. The end of the prime rib seemed right for Boxing Day so appeared with lovely roasted potatoes done with Brady Street coating and the ubiquitous frozen peas that Our Ken so enjoys with this particular meal. There were Christmas cookies throughout the day and apple pie also was on offer. Life unfolded nicely at the table.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas was a good day
Christmas arrived - a lovely day at Regalridge with cloudy skies but no precipitation. We did momentarily envy Linda as she regaled us with the stories of the copious amounts of snow in Richmond - but in the spirit of the season, we got past that emotion quite speedily. The day unfolded as planned - always a plus on a property where change is the bellwether. There were great numbers in our bird community with the feeders at maximum capacity all day. It appears that the sack of unshelled peanuts Our Ken bought as a gift to the feathered pals was a success and cousins from all over the County joined in the extravagance. Phil has surfaced for another season to join the gaggle of Philomenas under the chestnut tree. And Chantelle found a wonderful canvas of three Phil pheasants for Ken for Christmas. That was well received. Other high points of the day included our great conversations with friends and family, early glasses of champagne and cranberry juice and pretty decent grub.
The kennel is full but uinder control. The majority are large dogs and they are a great crew. Barbaro, Jake and Bailey enjoyed a good play, gave four paws up for the food and treats and had a good day. Old Gemini and Nemo bonded and shared a run with Trebia who has requested a visit from Barrett as her gift. She finds the geratric yard less than fulfilling. Naomi and Moses had a good day, sorted out the locals and returned to their beds to rest for another round. Darby is happy in his run and is enjoying Sarah's company. Bailey moved from Barbaro's adoring gaze to also bond with Maxifer the latest Golden arrival. Maxifer settles quickly and is enjoying the kennel's offerings. The little crowd is having a whale of a time. Roddi and Ruari are eating well, happy to go out and Ruari and Sarah chat about the Welsh and Norwich arrivals. Shillelagh adn Wee Margaret are well and enjoying the bounce back as they voice their approval of the country, only surpassed by Crockett's strident tones. Zeus is the calm and level member of the crowd. Dover continues in the house with the other Norwich and has managed to settle in to her upstairs suite. Turkey was on her menu of course and was well received. Annie has talents. As Lee prepared dinner, the Messiah was being played out on television. Annie joined in with bravado and continued through the entire piece. It gives a totally different enjoyment level to the performance.
The house dogs are delighted with Christmas. There were treats on offer, really, really large milkbones to be had and new beds appeared. Patti was so tickled with the day that she decided to go upstairs to the bedroom at lights out. Piper was not amused by that addition since Patti prefers Pipers bed - and takes it. Einstein was so overwhelmed by the choice of boxes and bags to sleep in that he forgot to come to bed and will be out of sorts for days.
Meals on Christmas day seem to be large and frequent. Starting with fruit and biscotti (to Ken's query of the provenance and advanced age of 'these cookies'), brunch followed. With Our Ken's favourite sausages from the market across the road, eggs with truffle accompaniment and lovely bread, not to mention the ever-present champagne, food and drink was well received. Dinner was in the Regalridge tradition - turkey with traditional accompaniments and plum pudding with both sauces. Christmas cookies came and went through the day as did sweet breads an a lovely assortment of cheeses and fig crackers. We look forward to Boxing day.
The kennel is full but uinder control. The majority are large dogs and they are a great crew. Barbaro, Jake and Bailey enjoyed a good play, gave four paws up for the food and treats and had a good day. Old Gemini and Nemo bonded and shared a run with Trebia who has requested a visit from Barrett as her gift. She finds the geratric yard less than fulfilling. Naomi and Moses had a good day, sorted out the locals and returned to their beds to rest for another round. Darby is happy in his run and is enjoying Sarah's company. Bailey moved from Barbaro's adoring gaze to also bond with Maxifer the latest Golden arrival. Maxifer settles quickly and is enjoying the kennel's offerings. The little crowd is having a whale of a time. Roddi and Ruari are eating well, happy to go out and Ruari and Sarah chat about the Welsh and Norwich arrivals. Shillelagh adn Wee Margaret are well and enjoying the bounce back as they voice their approval of the country, only surpassed by Crockett's strident tones. Zeus is the calm and level member of the crowd. Dover continues in the house with the other Norwich and has managed to settle in to her upstairs suite. Turkey was on her menu of course and was well received. Annie has talents. As Lee prepared dinner, the Messiah was being played out on television. Annie joined in with bravado and continued through the entire piece. It gives a totally different enjoyment level to the performance.
The house dogs are delighted with Christmas. There were treats on offer, really, really large milkbones to be had and new beds appeared. Patti was so tickled with the day that she decided to go upstairs to the bedroom at lights out. Piper was not amused by that addition since Patti prefers Pipers bed - and takes it. Einstein was so overwhelmed by the choice of boxes and bags to sleep in that he forgot to come to bed and will be out of sorts for days.
Meals on Christmas day seem to be large and frequent. Starting with fruit and biscotti (to Ken's query of the provenance and advanced age of 'these cookies'), brunch followed. With Our Ken's favourite sausages from the market across the road, eggs with truffle accompaniment and lovely bread, not to mention the ever-present champagne, food and drink was well received. Dinner was in the Regalridge tradition - turkey with traditional accompaniments and plum pudding with both sauces. Christmas cookies came and went through the day as did sweet breads an a lovely assortment of cheeses and fig crackers. We look forward to Boxing day.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Eve is not a bad day
It was a day to prepare leading up to the big day. The last minute kitchen activity brought us to a new level. There was dressing to be made, dinner for Christmas Eve and last minute details including sauces for the plum pudding. Bread was on order for lunch as well as dinner so boules were rising as sauces were stirred. Somehow it all came together. Our Ken braved the stores not once but twice but only in the village and with specific quests. Apparently the activity level was at an all time high and there were traffic snarls - in Elmsdale! Remember, we have only two streets.
Little Annie and Darby arrived for a short visit. And in honour of the season, we gave Darby the present of a break from Annie. The little one came to the house to hang out with her sister Lily. She is a great little character and the two are having a wonderful playtime. Watching them we have decided to send Ralph and Don another youngster to keep Crispin happy - that is just what they need. Annie is tickled with all that life brings and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the size of the Christmas Eve treats. She mentioned a serious talk with her owners on the drive home. Ken is smitten with Darby commenting each time he comes in on the handsome Airedale that he has become with his stately sit and carriage. Barbaro and Jake continue to thrive and we continue to be impressed by the pair. They too were tickled with the huge treats at bedtime and are waiting patiently for the upgrade that must surely come with Christmas day. Roddie and Ruari are well and happy in their advanced years. They have determined that the Welsh and Norwich were imported just for their entertainment and are enjoying that crew in all of their activity and joyful barking. No one appears to have shared with Roddi and Ruari or with Crockett and Wee Marged that they are no longer teen agers. Naomi is a bit more settled than is Moses who must be in charge of all things kennel. He takes his role so seriously. Barbaro is amazed by his devotion to the job and is giving some thought to being a manager-in-training but his enthusiasm for play overcomes that thought in about two minutes. Poe is being Poe. Barbaro notes that he needs a chill pill. Gemini and Bailey are well. Barbaro had his play with the Golden and is turning into a fine sporting dog - in all his Bordeaux outfits. Nemo notes that surely Lucy must be here somewhere?
The house dogs are well. Nick had a drive and came home shaking his head about traffic and parking lots. Piper managed Lee, of course. Marilla is wound up and ready for Christmas. She spent the day marching in Marilla-mode with a toy in her mouth and a gleam in her eye. The Norwich are enjoying Dover and have included her on the Norwich bed behind the flour container in the kitchen. That pleases Dover who is deigning to eat squash and tortière from her special dish. No dog food has yet passed her lips as far as we can tell.
Dinner was NS Christmas Eve. There was the homemade bread in the form of a sourdough boule, a salad of greens with strawberries, candied cashews and blue cheese dressing and a lobster newburg followed by Christmas cookies, washed down by champagne and followed by Christmas cookies while watching It's A Wonderful Life. Tradition reigns.
Little Annie and Darby arrived for a short visit. And in honour of the season, we gave Darby the present of a break from Annie. The little one came to the house to hang out with her sister Lily. She is a great little character and the two are having a wonderful playtime. Watching them we have decided to send Ralph and Don another youngster to keep Crispin happy - that is just what they need. Annie is tickled with all that life brings and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the size of the Christmas Eve treats. She mentioned a serious talk with her owners on the drive home. Ken is smitten with Darby commenting each time he comes in on the handsome Airedale that he has become with his stately sit and carriage. Barbaro and Jake continue to thrive and we continue to be impressed by the pair. They too were tickled with the huge treats at bedtime and are waiting patiently for the upgrade that must surely come with Christmas day. Roddie and Ruari are well and happy in their advanced years. They have determined that the Welsh and Norwich were imported just for their entertainment and are enjoying that crew in all of their activity and joyful barking. No one appears to have shared with Roddi and Ruari or with Crockett and Wee Marged that they are no longer teen agers. Naomi is a bit more settled than is Moses who must be in charge of all things kennel. He takes his role so seriously. Barbaro is amazed by his devotion to the job and is giving some thought to being a manager-in-training but his enthusiasm for play overcomes that thought in about two minutes. Poe is being Poe. Barbaro notes that he needs a chill pill. Gemini and Bailey are well. Barbaro had his play with the Golden and is turning into a fine sporting dog - in all his Bordeaux outfits. Nemo notes that surely Lucy must be here somewhere?
The house dogs are well. Nick had a drive and came home shaking his head about traffic and parking lots. Piper managed Lee, of course. Marilla is wound up and ready for Christmas. She spent the day marching in Marilla-mode with a toy in her mouth and a gleam in her eye. The Norwich are enjoying Dover and have included her on the Norwich bed behind the flour container in the kitchen. That pleases Dover who is deigning to eat squash and tortière from her special dish. No dog food has yet passed her lips as far as we can tell.
Dinner was NS Christmas Eve. There was the homemade bread in the form of a sourdough boule, a salad of greens with strawberries, candied cashews and blue cheese dressing and a lobster newburg followed by Christmas cookies, washed down by champagne and followed by Christmas cookies while watching It's A Wonderful Life. Tradition reigns.
Friday, December 24, 2010
It is almost Christmas Eve
The count down continues. It was a day of connecting. After sorting through the house, the van was readied, Chantelle's gifts toted and we were off to Kennetcook. There more gifts were taken to the van, Chantelle's car was filled with her critters and we were off to Kentville where we met the Marshalls for lunch and to fill their vehicle with the van load of gaily wrapped boxes and bags. Paul and Linda happened to be in the same spot so we had a bonus visit with them, then were off to reclaim Regalridge.
The kennel is almost filled to the rafters. Poe arrived as did Ruff. Brunswick departed amid waving paws and that center of enthusiasm is returned to his home for the big day. And there is news. Barbaro has a new friend. He has had his eye on old Bailey for a few days now and this was the big day - Bailey joined him and Jake of course and Barbaro was in his element. He is crazy about the old Golden and she humoured him with a good spin around the yard and a half hour of play. Bailey will likely sleep until Boxing Day. Gemini was content to wander with Nemo and Naomi and Moses the Manager were in charge of yard three. With the wet weather and winds, the outdoors did not have its usual allure so it was more trips with shorter durations. Margot and Margaret's crew prefer a roof over their heads and barking company so are thrilled to have Roddi and Ruari in residence. There are many contests and each family feels it is the successful candidate. The boyz are eating well - you need fuel to voice your complaints as well as to compete with the Welsh and Norwich. Dover deigned to partake of the evening meal with Ken and Lee. We see how this is going to work. Now, there was also the long distance putting up of the Victoria-based Airedale ears. Part two will occur at a future date - perhaps.
The house dogs are fine - Patti is eating well and happy with better mobility in spite of the wet weather. The little Norwich are delighted to have Dover for back up and Dover is a compliant third albeit somewhat bewildered by her changed circumstances. There is increased interest in sleeping in the bedroom, but that appears to occur in hopes of a deviation into the living room for a spin around the tree and a sniff of the gifts. Einstein is happy with the entire season - there are boxes and bags everywhere that suit the cat-in-residence and the lights on the tree are mesmerizing, particularly when you can spread yourself over several boxes at the same time. Evenings offer up laps with people checking for Christmas specials on the television. All is well in the Regalridge dog world.
Dinner was a pre-Christmas special - Tortière with Ken's mother's chow, roasted potatoes and apple pie. Dover enjoyed it very much. We missed Margot and Margaret and Catherine and her family, our usual recitation of the Night Before Christmas (which would have been an evening premature but still . . . and think about Ken the Deliberate offering up a recitation of the Night Before Christmas without benefit of the book and doing it in tandem with Lee the Speedy). We hope for a great Christmas Eve day.
The kennel is almost filled to the rafters. Poe arrived as did Ruff. Brunswick departed amid waving paws and that center of enthusiasm is returned to his home for the big day. And there is news. Barbaro has a new friend. He has had his eye on old Bailey for a few days now and this was the big day - Bailey joined him and Jake of course and Barbaro was in his element. He is crazy about the old Golden and she humoured him with a good spin around the yard and a half hour of play. Bailey will likely sleep until Boxing Day. Gemini was content to wander with Nemo and Naomi and Moses the Manager were in charge of yard three. With the wet weather and winds, the outdoors did not have its usual allure so it was more trips with shorter durations. Margot and Margaret's crew prefer a roof over their heads and barking company so are thrilled to have Roddi and Ruari in residence. There are many contests and each family feels it is the successful candidate. The boyz are eating well - you need fuel to voice your complaints as well as to compete with the Welsh and Norwich. Dover deigned to partake of the evening meal with Ken and Lee. We see how this is going to work. Now, there was also the long distance putting up of the Victoria-based Airedale ears. Part two will occur at a future date - perhaps.
The house dogs are fine - Patti is eating well and happy with better mobility in spite of the wet weather. The little Norwich are delighted to have Dover for back up and Dover is a compliant third albeit somewhat bewildered by her changed circumstances. There is increased interest in sleeping in the bedroom, but that appears to occur in hopes of a deviation into the living room for a spin around the tree and a sniff of the gifts. Einstein is happy with the entire season - there are boxes and bags everywhere that suit the cat-in-residence and the lights on the tree are mesmerizing, particularly when you can spread yourself over several boxes at the same time. Evenings offer up laps with people checking for Christmas specials on the television. All is well in the Regalridge dog world.
Dinner was a pre-Christmas special - Tortière with Ken's mother's chow, roasted potatoes and apple pie. Dover enjoyed it very much. We missed Margot and Margaret and Catherine and her family, our usual recitation of the Night Before Christmas (which would have been an evening premature but still . . . and think about Ken the Deliberate offering up a recitation of the Night Before Christmas without benefit of the book and doing it in tandem with Lee the Speedy). We hope for a great Christmas Eve day.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Work happens to fill the time available
Our Ken spent yet another day wearing out shoes in his quest for inspiration, after a breakfast of Kendra's raisin bread and marmalade made in a bread machine. Lee, conversely, finished her wrapping (which includes all of Our Ken's wrapping with the exception of her own gifts which appear not to be presenting a huge workload). As the day unfolded, Kendra's Swedish Tea Cakes materialized as did a lovely sheet of orange cranberry biscotti (the recipe called for Grand Marnier so how could it not happen). Then it was on to dinner - Dawn and Jim were coming for a visit and Patti could hardly wait. The weather continues to be unseasonable - the winds are atrocious, the rain makes floors a mud pile as the dogs trail the outside in and the rosemary (a Mediterranean herb, remember) continues to thrive outside the kitchen window on the deck. Margot and Margaret suffered through a bump up to Business Class flight and were some of the first Canadians to land at Heathrow after its major 10 cm debacle. We are proud of their fortitude and even more impressed that they were able to find their way to the connecting flight and have made it to Catherine and Duncan in Scotland.
The kennel is rocking. Moses is a tough manager and offers orders not even couched as advice to all who will listen - and to many who won't. Naomi simply shakes her head. The two continue to enjoy their big exercise yard. Jake the Leader and Barbaro the Enthusiast are true favourites. Their joy in the big exercise yard, the view of the busy fruit and meat market and the birds overhead is second only to bedtime bones. Gemini and Old Bailey are holding up their end in number four yard. Roddi and Ruari are thriving and busy, carefully watching the outside conditions. Ruari is taking over more than his share of the bed - Roddi has requested a new brother. The boyz were happy to see Crockett and Zeus arrive - endless barking opportunities await. Sarah had a good view of the two miscreants as well and wagged her tail in greeting - she appears to like the little ones a lot. The Welsh - well, their barkers are yet to have broken but they are no worse than Crockett. Brunswick is carefully watching Moses - he aspires to the white hat but has much to learn before that happens.
The house dogs are tickled with constant commotion in the kitchen and are fascinated with the addition of old Dover to the mix. Dover is not amused but has begun to eat, albeit with great care. By dinnertime, she was interested enough in food to choke down prime rib and squash. We can see where this is going. Piper is tracking Lee to ensure forward momentum continues. Nick went shopping - which is telling in determining how hopeful Our Ken was of filling the vehicle with gifts. Marilla is the lead mudder and is carrying far more than her share of dirt and debris into the house, with a Marilla-laugh and gleam in her eye. Lori is a bit more settled as the winds diminish. The high point of Patti's day was Jimmy's arrival. She ran to the hall door and smiled - the first burst of speed and first smile we have seen in many weeks. She adores Jimmy.
Dinner was a pre-Christmas meal of prime rib with crusty roasted potatoes, squash and fiddle heads followed by an apple pie made from local Cortlands, cheese and cookies. There was Chex Mix of course at the beginning and lovely fig crackers to carry the cheese and olive spread that is John's favourite. No one left the table hungry. There also was impetus to fall into the Christmas container pile and unearth the dishes and centerpieces as well as the old world Santas. Let's hope that will be the end.
The kennel is rocking. Moses is a tough manager and offers orders not even couched as advice to all who will listen - and to many who won't. Naomi simply shakes her head. The two continue to enjoy their big exercise yard. Jake the Leader and Barbaro the Enthusiast are true favourites. Their joy in the big exercise yard, the view of the busy fruit and meat market and the birds overhead is second only to bedtime bones. Gemini and Old Bailey are holding up their end in number four yard. Roddi and Ruari are thriving and busy, carefully watching the outside conditions. Ruari is taking over more than his share of the bed - Roddi has requested a new brother. The boyz were happy to see Crockett and Zeus arrive - endless barking opportunities await. Sarah had a good view of the two miscreants as well and wagged her tail in greeting - she appears to like the little ones a lot. The Welsh - well, their barkers are yet to have broken but they are no worse than Crockett. Brunswick is carefully watching Moses - he aspires to the white hat but has much to learn before that happens.
The house dogs are tickled with constant commotion in the kitchen and are fascinated with the addition of old Dover to the mix. Dover is not amused but has begun to eat, albeit with great care. By dinnertime, she was interested enough in food to choke down prime rib and squash. We can see where this is going. Piper is tracking Lee to ensure forward momentum continues. Nick went shopping - which is telling in determining how hopeful Our Ken was of filling the vehicle with gifts. Marilla is the lead mudder and is carrying far more than her share of dirt and debris into the house, with a Marilla-laugh and gleam in her eye. Lori is a bit more settled as the winds diminish. The high point of Patti's day was Jimmy's arrival. She ran to the hall door and smiled - the first burst of speed and first smile we have seen in many weeks. She adores Jimmy.
Dinner was a pre-Christmas meal of prime rib with crusty roasted potatoes, squash and fiddle heads followed by an apple pie made from local Cortlands, cheese and cookies. There was Chex Mix of course at the beginning and lovely fig crackers to carry the cheese and olive spread that is John's favourite. No one left the table hungry. There also was impetus to fall into the Christmas container pile and unearth the dishes and centerpieces as well as the old world Santas. Let's hope that will be the end.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Progress is made - but more to come
Time marches on normally so why at Christmas does it have to be at a dead run? Every minute is now being used and from the tales of the stores told by Our Ken, we aren't alone. He has joined the hordes of men trolling the stores hoping for inspiration, the perfect stream of consciousness or even the glimmer of an idea. Pitiful, isn't it. Conversely, Lee had finished shopping, spent the day baking, wrapping, got the tree trimmed (well, trimmed enough that it can be deemed ) and ushering the various delivery and repair people in and out of the property. It was the day to clean the furnace, have oil delivered, have dog food delivered and on it went. Had there been any requirement for concentration or a period of unbroken activity, all would have been lost. The weather was dreadful - continued high winds and rain. The up side is that it is warm. Mud is the order of the season and even our mud-loving Airedales are becoming less enamoured of the conditions. Only Marilla is still airing out her ears and digging in the lovely soft earth. We assure the rest that this too will pass. We are advised on our nightly calls from Virginia that the south has indeed and once again made off with our weather. Thievery is alive and well below the Mason Dixon line. They have our snow and our cold and have the nerve to fuss about it. A hi-light of the day was a good chat with Ralph and Don in Victoria. Life is busy and Simon is assisting with the management of the new addition. Ears to be glued long distance are and interesting Christmas project that Ralph appears to be looking forward to. If anyone knows a source of Jiffy Sew or Tear Mender in Victoria, we would be happy to take suggestions. Apparently their Wal Mart is not as well stocked as are those on the East Coast - points are awarded for braving Wal Mart but no gold star since the trek did not result in any success (there is some suspicion that the parking lot may have been as far as they got but who can confirm?)
The kennel continues to fill. Margot's dogs arrived - three Norwich and two Welsh now ensconced in various spots including the house. Dover is not amused and would like a letter written to Santa ensuring coal is prominent and conspicuous in appropriate stockings. Crockett concurs. We are somewhat suspicious considering that they are Heathrow bound that this is simply a break from the dogs . . . Naomi and Moses are happy. Naomi loves the exercise yards and Moses is tickled to be in charge of the kennel - he takes the role seriously and works with gay abandon at the task. Bailey and Gemini are now best friends - the blind leading the blind as far as we can tell but they are delighted with each others' company. Nemo is helping them along and may be the most sentient of that triumvirate. Jake and Barbaro have decided that the end of the day is a favourite time with the doling out of the bedtime treats. They both wait expectantly as we wend our way down the hall and take their treats with a gleam in their eyes and great enjoyment. Roddi and Ruari would like to speak to someone who cares about them with respect to the weather. Rauri is running Our Ken a merry chase - refuses to come in his door and grins like mad when Ken has to go out and carry him in. It is even better when Our Ken forgets that the trap door is still open and Ruari scoots back outside to play the game yet again. Both are eating well and have set their routines, welcoming new arrivals with alacrity.
The Regalridge crew are well. Patti had a great day, with good mobility and a good appetite. Today it was grilled burgers with squash followed by chicken with potatoes. Lee is well trained. Lori detests the high winds and attendant noises. She is determined that bad things are happening and the only hope for salvation is to tear dog beds apart and hide in the fluff. Paula simply wants Lee to sit down - anywhere will do - so that she and the puppies in her belly can park on Lee's lap. That seems to be her greatest source of comfort. Nick's only consolation is watching the vehicle leave the driveway with Ken in control is that there is so much coming and going that he must stay and manage Lee's ability to keep things going.
Dinner included Lee's Christmas addition to the house of Chex Mix (remember, she grew up with one foot in the US and this is an integral part of any well adjusted Christmas celebration), panko crusted fresh haddock, potatoes and corn with the newest Christmas cookies (chocolate-ginger with crystallized ginger and Rocky Mountain chocolate rolled in icing sugar). There has to be one new cookie a year. It is generally not repeated because the basic cookies require that only one addition is possible - basics include Lee's Mom's Christmas collection - Peanut butter balls, Swedish Tea Cakes (think shortbread, walnut coating and blackberry jelly), Cherry flips (almond shortbread, cherry and frosting), Mocha Cakes (pound cake, icing and ground peanuts) and Scotch Cakes so the Chocolate-gingerbread is a nice and different addition for 2010. Add the Christmas Plum Puddings, two sauces and the Marmalade pudding and there you have it. Of course there are also the tea breads, homemade bread and biscotti.
The kennel continues to fill. Margot's dogs arrived - three Norwich and two Welsh now ensconced in various spots including the house. Dover is not amused and would like a letter written to Santa ensuring coal is prominent and conspicuous in appropriate stockings. Crockett concurs. We are somewhat suspicious considering that they are Heathrow bound that this is simply a break from the dogs . . . Naomi and Moses are happy. Naomi loves the exercise yards and Moses is tickled to be in charge of the kennel - he takes the role seriously and works with gay abandon at the task. Bailey and Gemini are now best friends - the blind leading the blind as far as we can tell but they are delighted with each others' company. Nemo is helping them along and may be the most sentient of that triumvirate. Jake and Barbaro have decided that the end of the day is a favourite time with the doling out of the bedtime treats. They both wait expectantly as we wend our way down the hall and take their treats with a gleam in their eyes and great enjoyment. Roddi and Ruari would like to speak to someone who cares about them with respect to the weather. Rauri is running Our Ken a merry chase - refuses to come in his door and grins like mad when Ken has to go out and carry him in. It is even better when Our Ken forgets that the trap door is still open and Ruari scoots back outside to play the game yet again. Both are eating well and have set their routines, welcoming new arrivals with alacrity.
The Regalridge crew are well. Patti had a great day, with good mobility and a good appetite. Today it was grilled burgers with squash followed by chicken with potatoes. Lee is well trained. Lori detests the high winds and attendant noises. She is determined that bad things are happening and the only hope for salvation is to tear dog beds apart and hide in the fluff. Paula simply wants Lee to sit down - anywhere will do - so that she and the puppies in her belly can park on Lee's lap. That seems to be her greatest source of comfort. Nick's only consolation is watching the vehicle leave the driveway with Ken in control is that there is so much coming and going that he must stay and manage Lee's ability to keep things going.
Dinner included Lee's Christmas addition to the house of Chex Mix (remember, she grew up with one foot in the US and this is an integral part of any well adjusted Christmas celebration), panko crusted fresh haddock, potatoes and corn with the newest Christmas cookies (chocolate-ginger with crystallized ginger and Rocky Mountain chocolate rolled in icing sugar). There has to be one new cookie a year. It is generally not repeated because the basic cookies require that only one addition is possible - basics include Lee's Mom's Christmas collection - Peanut butter balls, Swedish Tea Cakes (think shortbread, walnut coating and blackberry jelly), Cherry flips (almond shortbread, cherry and frosting), Mocha Cakes (pound cake, icing and ground peanuts) and Scotch Cakes so the Chocolate-gingerbread is a nice and different addition for 2010. Add the Christmas Plum Puddings, two sauces and the Marmalade pudding and there you have it. Of course there are also the tea breads, homemade bread and biscotti.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas progress is made - at least by Lee
Shopping has come and gone - thank goodness. There were precious few parking spaces available but the stores seemed not too bad, all things considered. Do you suppose it had anything to do with the 'focused' expression? It was a multi-car all out blitz. Chantelle and Lee joined forces at Costco while Ken flew solo. The little Toyota was lower to the ground as it wended its way home to Regalridge at dinnertime. Chantelle's vehicle was in a similar state. Ken wore out another pair of shoes but Betsy wasn't terribly encumbered. Ken is at the 'what am I going to do, what am I going to do' stage. One high point at Costco was a little corner behind a large display. There, on the floor, were five boxes that had been a much larger display last month. In these boxes were blown glass Christmas trees. The price was 1/10 of the original. And this year's ornament is arrived. The weather forecast for the day was dreadful. Snow followed by high winds and heavy rain. By dinnertime, all was still quiet, albeit threatening.
The kennel continues to move forward and to fill. Brunswick the Poodle-mix is here and bouncing as Brunswick does. Enthusiasm is his stock in trade. Jake and Barbaro are the stars of the show. They have developed a routine, love the big yards, go out from their outside doors without leads to the exercise areas and play until called back in when the short parade recurs and the two stand outside their run doors until we catch up. We are pretty sure Barbaro's owners will be happy to leave him here indefinitely . . . The team of Bailey and Gemini is a good one. The old retrievers are managing number four yard with Nemo occasionally in tow. He misses Lucy and her strong managerial talents but considers the big girls at least some compensation. Their speed parallels his and that works for him. Moses and Naomi are doing well. Naomi is exercising her lungs but perhaps a little less frequently than in the past. Moses is managing his side of the kennel with Moses intensity (Barbaro thinks he is an odd duck). Both love the big exercise space and are kicking up their heels.
The house dogs are well. Patti has moved from chicken stew to grilled hamburgers with potatoes and squash with potion on the side. She is happy and her mobility is improved this week. Nick was not amused that all of the cars departed and he wasn't in any of them. That needs to be remedied, he thinks. The Norwich are delighted with the ramped up activity level in the house and the people in the den through the evening as the Christmas specials manage to catch enough attention to have humans light on couches and chairs. Paula in her pregnant state is living in Lee's lap as often as is possible. Piper has requested that Lee stay home the rest of the week and Lee may well comply. Wrapping and baking are significant challenges that need to be wrestled.
Dinner was the remains of a chicken pot pie, biscuits and Christmas cookies. And we are on to yet another wind storm.
The kennel continues to move forward and to fill. Brunswick the Poodle-mix is here and bouncing as Brunswick does. Enthusiasm is his stock in trade. Jake and Barbaro are the stars of the show. They have developed a routine, love the big yards, go out from their outside doors without leads to the exercise areas and play until called back in when the short parade recurs and the two stand outside their run doors until we catch up. We are pretty sure Barbaro's owners will be happy to leave him here indefinitely . . . The team of Bailey and Gemini is a good one. The old retrievers are managing number four yard with Nemo occasionally in tow. He misses Lucy and her strong managerial talents but considers the big girls at least some compensation. Their speed parallels his and that works for him. Moses and Naomi are doing well. Naomi is exercising her lungs but perhaps a little less frequently than in the past. Moses is managing his side of the kennel with Moses intensity (Barbaro thinks he is an odd duck). Both love the big exercise space and are kicking up their heels.
The house dogs are well. Patti has moved from chicken stew to grilled hamburgers with potatoes and squash with potion on the side. She is happy and her mobility is improved this week. Nick was not amused that all of the cars departed and he wasn't in any of them. That needs to be remedied, he thinks. The Norwich are delighted with the ramped up activity level in the house and the people in the den through the evening as the Christmas specials manage to catch enough attention to have humans light on couches and chairs. Paula in her pregnant state is living in Lee's lap as often as is possible. Piper has requested that Lee stay home the rest of the week and Lee may well comply. Wrapping and baking are significant challenges that need to be wrestled.
Dinner was the remains of a chicken pot pie, biscuits and Christmas cookies. And we are on to yet another wind storm.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Less than a week left - how could that be
The days continue to get shorter and Christmas closer. That is just wrong. While it cannot be a regular Regalridge Christmas, there is a list that simply must happen. And it seems not to be shortening at a rate equivalent to the number of days remaining. The tree has not been trimmed although the decorations are in the living room. Shopping has to happen immediately (much is done but much remains to be done). Baking continues. Cookies are appearing on a slow schedule. The steamed puddings are now finished and sauces left to be built later in the week. One recipe of hard sauce is in hand but dates seem to require copious amounts in Our Ken's lexicon of Christmas necessities. And on it goes. The dogs are enjoying the flurry of activity and are never far from the kitchen. Lee had an afternoon meeting just to add a bit to the excitement of the season and Chantelle had a day in the grooming room with Welsh and Airedale hair flying in all directions. Our Ken held the fort on many levels. There are trees outside that are trimmed on iterative basis, sitting on the green grass, of course. No snow yet.
The kennel is filling. Naomi and Moses have arrived and settled quickly as is their wont. They know the routines, love the big yards and take charge immediately. Jake and Barbaro have made their acquaintance, not at all concerned with their new neighbours as long as they don't get in the way of their trek to the exercise yards and their ability to explore. Old Bailey is doing well and keeping to her routine. She and Gemini are pals and the two wander around the yard together as old retrievers do. Roddie and Ruari are in residence and we all know they are here. The usual tricks are being brought out - waving for food and with great expectations of us. Ruari has determined that a leash is much nicer than simply following out to the big yards and is adamant that it be used or he will not move.
The house dogs are ready for Christmas. They love the activity level at a high and encourage us to go even faster. Would that we could. The weather has been decent - warm for December, so with the exception of the mud, all is well. There is yet another wind storm forecast with some rain so that will continue our adventures this week. The little characters are doing well and have taken over the large bed in the den, much to Nick's disgust. Piper is attached to Lee and Charlotte continues to hit Lee with a front paw each time she has an opportunity - who knows why! Billy is basking in the glow of his recent road trip and knows he is vital to Our Ken's well-being. Rocky and Atlas are managing the yard with Airedale aplomb and Clint is not amused by their antics. Paula is pregnant so there are Welsh puppies in the offing for the new year. And at his advanced age, Sir Einstein has determined that residing in the bedroom much of the day suits him best. He moves from dog bed to dog bed as the sun moves around the room, just to assure the Airedales that he owns them all and offers them up at night only out of beneficence.
Dinner was prime rib steaks with potato and squash, chow and Christmas cookies. And on we go.
The kennel is filling. Naomi and Moses have arrived and settled quickly as is their wont. They know the routines, love the big yards and take charge immediately. Jake and Barbaro have made their acquaintance, not at all concerned with their new neighbours as long as they don't get in the way of their trek to the exercise yards and their ability to explore. Old Bailey is doing well and keeping to her routine. She and Gemini are pals and the two wander around the yard together as old retrievers do. Roddie and Ruari are in residence and we all know they are here. The usual tricks are being brought out - waving for food and with great expectations of us. Ruari has determined that a leash is much nicer than simply following out to the big yards and is adamant that it be used or he will not move.
The house dogs are ready for Christmas. They love the activity level at a high and encourage us to go even faster. Would that we could. The weather has been decent - warm for December, so with the exception of the mud, all is well. There is yet another wind storm forecast with some rain so that will continue our adventures this week. The little characters are doing well and have taken over the large bed in the den, much to Nick's disgust. Piper is attached to Lee and Charlotte continues to hit Lee with a front paw each time she has an opportunity - who knows why! Billy is basking in the glow of his recent road trip and knows he is vital to Our Ken's well-being. Rocky and Atlas are managing the yard with Airedale aplomb and Clint is not amused by their antics. Paula is pregnant so there are Welsh puppies in the offing for the new year. And at his advanced age, Sir Einstein has determined that residing in the bedroom much of the day suits him best. He moves from dog bed to dog bed as the sun moves around the room, just to assure the Airedales that he owns them all and offers them up at night only out of beneficence.
Dinner was prime rib steaks with potato and squash, chow and Christmas cookies. And on we go.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
the rumour is that Christmas is coming
Apparently Christmas is coming. The weather is cool but the days are short and the kennel is filling so the season must be the one of peace and joy. Well, joy at least. Of course, all preparations are yet to happen as a result of the upheavals this month. We are back from New Brunswick, having spent a day with Lee's brother, ensuring his gifts are under the tree and that at least some vestige of Christmas continues. He is now alone - the first time in his life - and that will take some acclimation. the good news is that he has wonderful friends, few people are as fortunate as Greg in those strong relationships that he has valued since his school days. Goals do need to be set because rumour has it that Christmas will occur regardless of our state of readiness. There was the continuation of baking with steamed puddings underway. The marmalade pudding is done, the Christmas puddings ready to go into their basins for steaming. The dates are steamed and stuffed with hard sauce and the cookie dough is made for cherry flips. And then there was the Christmas visit. Many who read the blog regularly will remember our great friends from Newfoundland, the Taylors of bacon-as-a-hostess-gift fame. As we spend time with Karen and tony, it is becoming evident that there is a story a day. This was no exception. Their son Jonathon was flying with Porter airlines to Newfoundland. They dropped him off at the airport on the way to Regalridge. It was not without incident. Apparently Porter has a few surprises for its' guests as they check in. In the spirit of Christmas, they advise that they have instituted a one bag limit free and that even though the two small bags Jonathon has to check are under the weight limit for one bag, there will be a $25 charge. Tony found that logic baffling but unhappily agreed to pay. Once the funds were given over to the counter person, the other shoe dropped. They were politely asked "and which bag is it that you want to accompany the passenger"? Now, this was more than our Tony could swallow. He had just handed over money to have an underweight, under size bag go to Newfoundland and was being asked "Does your son want to take his clothes or the Christmas presents"? And the light bulb went on. tony went into 'Tony-mode' and Karen was left to placate the rest of the passengers waiting in line as well as her alarmed son. We suspect that there were people falling like bowling pins as Tony marched to - Clearwater! Not what you expected to read given that there are two luggage stores in the airport? For those not local, Clearwater is the lobster seller at the airport. There Tony finagled a free roll of packing tape - no sane individual would have refused this crazed Newfoundlander much of anything at that stage - and back he went. The two suitcases were wrapped thoroughly with packing tape, to the amazement of all by standers, and Tony went toe to toe with the counter staff. He now had one suitcase and God bless us every one. (the $25 was refunded).
The kennel is filling. Old Bailey has us quite well trained, finds her way to her chosen yard and marches back to her run when she determines all has been secured properly. Barbaro and Jake are great boarders. They have adopted Bailey's routine, love number 3 yard and return to stand outside their outdoor run doors to return to their private suites. Both like attention but Barbaro is tickled to have people with him all day. He wags from his tail to his impressive head and is a delightful fellow. Old Gemini the Lab is trying to figure out the trip back from the exercise yard to her run. She gets to the yard easily but is not yet quite certain of the outside door to her room. Roddi and Ruari are here for their Christmas vacation. Ruari is playing games with Our Ken - going out and refusing to return but we do have them back on the potion. Apparently their owner is not as good a cook as is Our Ken.
The house dogs were happy to have a normal day at Regalridge. There was lots of kitchen activity, Ken came and went and Nick got a good car trip. There was hunting and gathering so bags arrived that Airedale heads could explore. There were treats on meals and lots of kennel activity to keep up with. Patti continues in charge and Charlotte has determined that Lee requires close supervision that includes hitting her with a paw on a regular basis. Paula is sure she is pregnant and that there will be little Welsh in January. Sarah is less certain that little Airedales should be in her future. Still, Christmas music is filling the house and kennel and all is well in the minds of the Regalridge crew.
Dinner was lobster . Adding a Caesar salad and a baguette made it a great meal. the new season has brought lobster to the Irving station parking lot at $6.99/pound, caught that morning and fabulous.
The kennel is filling. Old Bailey has us quite well trained, finds her way to her chosen yard and marches back to her run when she determines all has been secured properly. Barbaro and Jake are great boarders. They have adopted Bailey's routine, love number 3 yard and return to stand outside their outdoor run doors to return to their private suites. Both like attention but Barbaro is tickled to have people with him all day. He wags from his tail to his impressive head and is a delightful fellow. Old Gemini the Lab is trying to figure out the trip back from the exercise yard to her run. She gets to the yard easily but is not yet quite certain of the outside door to her room. Roddi and Ruari are here for their Christmas vacation. Ruari is playing games with Our Ken - going out and refusing to return but we do have them back on the potion. Apparently their owner is not as good a cook as is Our Ken.
The house dogs were happy to have a normal day at Regalridge. There was lots of kitchen activity, Ken came and went and Nick got a good car trip. There was hunting and gathering so bags arrived that Airedale heads could explore. There were treats on meals and lots of kennel activity to keep up with. Patti continues in charge and Charlotte has determined that Lee requires close supervision that includes hitting her with a paw on a regular basis. Paula is sure she is pregnant and that there will be little Welsh in January. Sarah is less certain that little Airedales should be in her future. Still, Christmas music is filling the house and kennel and all is well in the minds of the Regalridge crew.
Dinner was lobster . Adding a Caesar salad and a baguette made it a great meal. the new season has brought lobster to the Irving station parking lot at $6.99/pound, caught that morning and fabulous.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Aquick stay at Regalridge and Lee is off again
The season is unfolding and there are changes. Little has been done to welcome Christmas thus far. The quick trip to Woodstock for Lee turned into an odyssey. Her Dad did pass away on December 6, at home wiht Lee and her brother caring for him. She has returned to Regalrdige intermittently and will again go to NB today. We are fortunate that the weather has co-operated for the travel. Chantelle and Ken have held the fort with cameo appearances by Dawn. Piper was tickled to have Dawn in residence and Einstein reports that she is a decent bed mate and can be invited back. Chantelle also had an unexpected death in her family during the same period so Regalridge was a bit off balance. Thank goodness for wonderful friends.
The kennel is filling for the season. Old Bailey the Golden is with us while Faye is in Alaska. Bailey has her routine, developed over her 14 years of boarding and heaven help the person who gets in the middle of that. She MUST be walked on a lead to number four run - there are no indoor/outdoor doors for Miss Bailey nor will she simply walk wihtout the lead on her way out. BUT, she does not deign to have a lead in evidence at all on her return trip and MUST walk with you back to the run, preferably with Nemo behind her. You have to love a dog with her own mind. Bailey was joined by new visitors last week. There are many cute puppies in the world and most go through an awkward stage as adolescents. Then there is Barbaro. A number of purebred breeds have eyes set straight on rather than slightly to the side. These breeds tend to have a very human expression. Coupled with a solid physique and a tremendsouly outgoing personality, you have a Jakehighly impressive puppy in Mr Barbaro. He is accompanied by his old brother Jake. Jake is an ancient retriever and the leader of this pack of two. The bouncing 100 pound puppy follows with absolute delight. And more are coming. There is no more space ot be had provided all arrive. Terriers will be in the majority by Christmas day and there will be treats and music for all.
The house dogs are fine. Patti is managing and enjoying her cooked meals. From chicken stew through pot roast, all is served on a plate - she now abhors both dog food and dog bowls. It must be warmed, but not too warm, and followed by the potion for dessert. The potion must not be presented first, that is just wrong. Are you getting a sense of who is in charge on this property? Piper has decided that a 'Hail fellow well met' approach to life suits her best these days. Chantelle offered up stories of Piper in her lap when Nick tricked her off of the bed that she had claimed. And we know she loves Dawn with all her heart. Loyalty to Lee has gone by the wayside. Lori and Marilla have moved permanently into the bedroom at night and Marilla continues to 'pay' Lee to get up by sticking a favourite toy in her mouth. The Norwich are thriving and keeping all of us on our toes. They do sorely miss Chantelle's parade at night and the attendant encouragement to find the proper path. Her returns are heralded and celebrated by the little ones. Charlotte continues to march to her own drummer. Atlas and Rocky have become great pals and are looking sideways at young Clint who would love to be part of the group. Jack is well and happy and Paula is certain she is pregnant. We are less certain of Sarah.
Dinner was grilled tenderloin with roasted root veg (rosemary oil, fleur de sel and fresh rosemary). Decent wine and candles reminded us of what is 'normal' here and what we can turn to in days to come.
The kennel is filling for the season. Old Bailey the Golden is with us while Faye is in Alaska. Bailey has her routine, developed over her 14 years of boarding and heaven help the person who gets in the middle of that. She MUST be walked on a lead to number four run - there are no indoor/outdoor doors for Miss Bailey nor will she simply walk wihtout the lead on her way out. BUT, she does not deign to have a lead in evidence at all on her return trip and MUST walk with you back to the run, preferably with Nemo behind her. You have to love a dog with her own mind. Bailey was joined by new visitors last week. There are many cute puppies in the world and most go through an awkward stage as adolescents. Then there is Barbaro. A number of purebred breeds have eyes set straight on rather than slightly to the side. These breeds tend to have a very human expression. Coupled with a solid physique and a tremendsouly outgoing personality, you have a Jakehighly impressive puppy in Mr Barbaro. He is accompanied by his old brother Jake. Jake is an ancient retriever and the leader of this pack of two. The bouncing 100 pound puppy follows with absolute delight. And more are coming. There is no more space ot be had provided all arrive. Terriers will be in the majority by Christmas day and there will be treats and music for all.
The house dogs are fine. Patti is managing and enjoying her cooked meals. From chicken stew through pot roast, all is served on a plate - she now abhors both dog food and dog bowls. It must be warmed, but not too warm, and followed by the potion for dessert. The potion must not be presented first, that is just wrong. Are you getting a sense of who is in charge on this property? Piper has decided that a 'Hail fellow well met' approach to life suits her best these days. Chantelle offered up stories of Piper in her lap when Nick tricked her off of the bed that she had claimed. And we know she loves Dawn with all her heart. Loyalty to Lee has gone by the wayside. Lori and Marilla have moved permanently into the bedroom at night and Marilla continues to 'pay' Lee to get up by sticking a favourite toy in her mouth. The Norwich are thriving and keeping all of us on our toes. They do sorely miss Chantelle's parade at night and the attendant encouragement to find the proper path. Her returns are heralded and celebrated by the little ones. Charlotte continues to march to her own drummer. Atlas and Rocky have become great pals and are looking sideways at young Clint who would love to be part of the group. Jack is well and happy and Paula is certain she is pregnant. We are less certain of Sarah.
Dinner was grilled tenderloin with roasted root veg (rosemary oil, fleur de sel and fresh rosemary). Decent wine and candles reminded us of what is 'normal' here and what we can turn to in days to come.
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Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel
Grooming the Airedale Terrier
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