Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Monday, February 28, 2011

Curling keeps Our Ken occupied

The kennel is winding down from the very busy February boarding period.  Little Ellie with her customized crate departed with stories in her head and a wave of her paw.  Part of her family is back in NS and part remained (bless the airline with its 'bumping' practices) in NYC.   Both Charlie and Charley left - one for NB and the other for the city.  Ruff had departed in advance of that so the diabolical duo had been split up.  Ruff will find it pretty darned dull the next time he is here, we suspect.  Sadie and Max are doing well, enjoy each other's company and have welcomed Bella into their play area.  Bella is thriving - who would have thought that on day 1 when those little ears were so flat to the side of her head that they disappeared into her frown.  She adores Ken, loves the other dogs and will be lobbying her owners for a sister or brother, we suspect. 

The house dogs are well and happy although the cold weather doesn't impress them.  Patti has bursts of energy that take her outside to organize the dogs, then fizzles and returns her inside for a nap.  (Ken commiserates since his cold is hanging on and he moves through the day in a similar pattern).  Sarah and Logan have met and are impressed by each other.  Sarah will go back for progesterone readings but will also be bred.  Airedale puppies in the future.  Paula and her little charge are well and happy.  The little fellow is weaned but still spends his nights with Mom.  She insists and continues his training sessions and motherly advice.  Lily offers him her sage advice as well - we hope he will discount much of what he hears from our little hooligan. 

Dinner was winter fare - Lee's gourmet meatloaf and mac and cheese with chocolate mousse.  Ken approved.  And we are ready for a cold night, curling and maybe even the Academy Awards if any eyes are still open.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plowing yet again - drifting got us

All is well in the kennel.  Ellie has packed her bags and is ready to leave.  She has stories to tell and adventures to share.  She is continuing her architectural ramblings - that inside area is still not quite to her liking.   Chantelle was in residence with a grooming so looked after the kennel.  Miss Bella noted that Chantelle is not Our Ken.  She loves Our Ken.  Take the stranger awaaaaayyyyy!  Max is looking after the kennel perimeter but moved up a notch and went for a spin in the big yard with Bella and Sadie.  It was an interesting party.  Speedy, Sweetie and the generous girth of Max.  We laughed.  Barrett was himself - those girls need him.  Charlie and Ruff are tearing around their yard, racing and playing tag. 

The house dogs are well.  Patti is enjoying her winter, has two beds of her choosing and moves between them after meals that would tempt the finest palate.  Today it was quiche and Parmesan chicken with assorted vegetables and of course the potion.  Nick manages the kitchen and has a route he follows that mimics the time of day in order that he is in the most inconvenient spot all of the time.  Marguerite was in for a spin and Paula guarded her puppy.  He is growing and doing very well - a great little fellow with a wagging tail.  Billy is finally able to  eat a meal once again - the girls in season have had him highly focused. 

There was a period of sitting in the den - Julie and Julia was on the television - and with credits rolling, Our Ken queried "were they related?".  To say he wasn't engaged . . .  And did you know Chantelle has a pet raccoon?  There was bread baking today, chocolate mousse made an appearance at dinnertime and food is improving after the weeks of being under the weather.  Little Lily (who is not so little at seven months) is now out with the big guys.  When she comes in, she often is parked in a den crate to be with us.  Well, that is fine as long as it isn't meal time but when feeding is begun and our Lil is in her den spot, look out.  she chortles until the door is opened and don't be ready to put a dish of food in that spot.  Nosireee.  Our Lil eats with Jack in the back room and is off like a bullet to her 'eating crate'.  Silly us.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Celebrating a storm

Weather is the order of the day.  Threatening in the morning and moving from rain to a monsoon by dinnertime, it was a day that the dogs felt best slept away.  Ellie managed to put in the day by rearranging her house - fluff everywhere.  She was very proud.  Max analyzed his options, had a good play with Sadie in the morning and then snoozed as the rains came.  Max is sensible.  Sadie is great.  She plays, used her indoor/outdoor run when the rains came and managed with alacrity - that is Sadie - live in the moment and make the best of the situation.  Bella didn't like the rain.  She objected even more strenuously to the high winds and preferred to be inside - although she does like her strolls with Ken.  She is eating well, takes her bones so very carefully (just uses her lips|) from us and has settled admirably.  Charlie and Ruff had their games in the morning and even in the evening with the inclement weather.  Nothing can keep a Golden and Airedale combo down!  Barrett would like  to point out that the entire world of girls is in season and he is just the boy to solve their issues.  Wooo  Wooo Wooo   Charley the newest Airedale arrival is a great girl.  She is happy and settled - used to her vacation spot and congenial. 

The house dogs are fine.  Patti enjoys her grub (spaghetti for dinners (only homemade sauce will do) and quiche for breakfast.  All is well in her world of bursts of energy followed by long snoozes.  Charlotte hates wind so spent most of her day inside with Lee.  Nick manned the kitchen floor, finding the most inconvenient spots with unerring accuracy.  Billy felt we were missing something and muttered about it all day long.  Marilla spent the day telling Billy to be quiet.  Lily taught Paula's puppy how to make the best noises she could think of - and our Lily has quite a repertoire.  She is impressed by the little Welsh.  And he is doing incredibly well - enjoying his pen with a view and growing into a lovely little fellow.  Paula simply wants him back with her where she is in control. 

Dinner was a Parmesan crusted chicken with mashed and fresh asparagus.  It was enjoyed between coughing spurts.  Will this cold never end?!

The h

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sun glorious sun

February has improved its outlook.  The weather today - sunny and warm - brought a hint of spring to the country the dogs loved it.  There was melting and ground showing through the ice under foot.  Ellie explained that spring follows winter - even though that little Jack Russell nose stayed firmly inside the kennel.  She does love her kennel manager job.  Charlie and Ruff had a great day, chasing, running, chasing and running with barking thrown in for effect.  Max is as good as gold, watches the activity inside and outside with equanimity and perking up at meal and treat times.  He enjoys his routine (as long as the grub is on time) and his wander around the kennel perimeter -- but mentions that exercise is over-rated and returns to his run after a brief foray.  Sadie is Our Ken's favourite  - deemed Miss Congeniality.  He is smitten and so is Sadie.  And then there is Bella.  Day two brought a Bella who stayed closer to the door with ears a little further forward.  But, the barking didn't change pitch and we were concerned.  Lee sat with her for a half hour, barking back in encouragement.  Max thought both were nuts.  Keep in mind, Miss Bella has not missed a meal or a treat so her angst is focused.  And then the metamorphosis occurred.  After dinner, Ken went in to quiet.  He opened her door, she allowed the lead to be put on, he walked her to the outside yard and - they played.  She bounced, she wagged, she frolicked and did all that she had to do.  Then it was lead back on and a bounce back in to her run.  Bella is now firmly on vacation!

Paula and her puppy are separating.  He is now out all day with us and is enjoying his new life in the den - laughing at The Big Bang Theory.  Bedtime takes the two back to their room where Paula performs a thorough inspection.   Lola and Billy are a couple and the breedings have gone well.  And now it is Sarah with progesterone testing and a date with Logan in the near future. 

Lee was finally well enough to cook and managed a haddock dinner with fresh asparagus, potatoes and a tomato blue cheese side.  Life goes on.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February continues to be cold and overcast - but March is around the corner

And they party on.  All is well and each dog has had its day as February winds down.  Ellie continues to manage the inside of the kennel, looking forward to her interior spins and visits with her subjects.  In charge is just the place a Jack Russell prefers.  Max is relaxing.  He runs in and out to the exercise yard, likes the routine and easily finds his own outside door on his return from the play area.  And of course, Max hasn't missed a meal.  Ruff and Charley are joined at the hip.  Charley leads the game with a 'catch me if you can' move that any football player would envy.  Sadie is being the perfect lady - taking note of everything asked of her and giving back that and more.  She is a great dog.  Bella arrived early and was not amused.  Sitting with her back to us and her ears glued to her head, the message was pretty clear.  As the day went on, there was some relaxation and by bedtime she deigned to take treats from Ken's hand.  She will settle in but would like everyone to understand that she has much better accommodation at home and her owner has made a pretty bad mistake forgetting her in the country. 

The house dogs are fine.  Paula's puppy has moved to the den and we are getting to know him.  He loves his room with a view, is now eating on his own and seems to be a great combination of both parents.  The tail wags non-stop.  Lola was bred and Sarah is going in for progesterone testing.  Surely we will have Airedale puppies in the spring. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cold weather and sunny skies - must be February

The kennel is bouncing along - party on-going.  Only Piper is not amused.  Ellie the Jack Russell is doing just fine.  She is encouraging all who will listen to ramp up their activity levels - a true cruise director in the making.  Max looks to have a run around the perimeter of the kennel, ensuring all is well but there is a time limit to that excursion and ends in his repatriating himself to his own outdoor run, ready to go inside.  Ruff and Charley are best pals and are ready at the drop of a hat to go to the big run for a good game of Airedale/Retriever tag.  Sadie is doing well and has moved into the double run.  She approves of the extra space.  Her award will be Miss Sociability.

 Lola is ready to be bred and we are looking forward to Airedale puppies this spring.  Paula's little star is ready to come out into the den for the next phase of his growing up.  We look forward to that and to spending even more time with him.   And life goes on

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life rolls on at Regalridge

The kennel continues to be party central.  By late morning, the crew had waved good by to Jada the Newf, Renney the great and long suffering Pug who lives with Maggie Poodle and to Odie.  Raggs will have to pack now that his big friend has departed.  He and Jada had a great time - we had never met a herding Newfoundland until Miss Jada landed with her ham slices and her joie de vie. Sadie has decided that an OES looks like a good playmate after havign bonded with Scooter.   Ellie the little Terrier has become the kennel helper.  She loves to be loose with Our Ken and visits with everyone at any opportunity.  Max likes his routine.  He has times to come and times to go, times to eat and times to sleep - he heard the song!  Ken encouraged him to go for a kennel spin a la Ellie and he somewhat grudgingly agreed but it did break the routine and that was a Max-worty concern.  Charley and Ruff had their long sojourn in the big yard.  Both will be well exercised when they go home and love their chases. 

And a sidenote for the housedogs.  Little Lily has moved to run with the big dogs.  She loves that - well, she loves it until Marilla rolls her for overstepping her bounds but she will learn.  And when she comes in for a quick nap, she occasionally snoozes in a den crate rather than going all the way out to her spot in back room. Since there were few dogs to be fed in the house, Lily's food was prepared for her den dining pleasure.  Well, Miss Lily was having none of that.  She danced, she barked, she threw herself at the door.  Once let out, all there was was a streak as Miss Lily tore out to her own bed where the proper grub miraculously appears.  Everyone knows you have to eat in your own crate!  Our training continues. 

Lola had a trip to the city for progesterone testing.  Airedales puppies are in the offing and we are looking forward to that.  Paula's little fellow is growing and thriving.  She continues to care for him like we would a piece of fine china.  He is cosseted and coddled and adores his Mom as much as she adores him.  It is certianly a mutual admiration society. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

The kennel continues to be a busy spot

The kennel continues at a busy pace and the dogs are partying hard.  Added to the full house of boarding dogs, almost every Airedale girl on the property able to be in season is in season, including Sarah who was in in November.  There is no excuse for us not to have Airedale puppies within the next couple of months.  And Clint is neither eating nor sleeping.  Love is in the air. 

The boarding side of the equation is an interesting mix.  Our Ken is totally anamoured of Renney the Pug.  He chuckles as he speaks of his forays outside, his equanimity and style in dealing with the busy vacation he is on.  Jada the Newf is much happier now that Ken is remembering to put her ham slices on her meals every time he feeds her.  She was certainly not prepared to eat dog food unadulterated.  He is now trained and Jada is eating well.  Sadie the 'mostly Shepherd' arrived and settled immediately.  She's a lovely girl. Sadie loves small dogs and has bonded with Scooter.  They had a great play side by side and Scoot gives her two paws up - not a usual rating from our recalcitrant Scooter.  Ruff and Charlie are best friends and jostling for supremacy much of the day in the big yard.  Max is doing very well, goes out as necessary to stay clean and is not impressed by the snow.  He much prefers the inside and his blanket to the exercise area.  Ellie the Jack Russell had a spin around the inside of the kennel and a visit with all of the boarders - she liked that!  Raggs would like to have a word with her parents about food.   Ken has been a little concerned about food intake so added some of our high end Pro Plan shredded chicken food to her food from home.  The bowl almost disappeared alogn with the food.  Maggie is being Maggie and coping on her own terms.  We try not to interfere.   Odie is great.  He has been out in the exercise yard for a run and thinks vacation is great.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kennel update

The kennel is full and we are pretty certain it is February, not July.  Ellie the Jack Russell has decided after a day or so that going outside is great fun and life at camp is one big party.  Ellie is happy.  Odie the Spaniel arrived with his intrepid owner.  Within minutes, Odie had settled in but his owner was ready to come back.  We settled the human of the family and Odie shook his head.  He is a top boarder,  eating well, loves his indoor outdoor run and thinks camp is right up his alley.  Odie is happy.  Maggie the Poodle is eating well, looking after her side of the kennel and settled nicely.  She has no idea there are other dogs in the kennel and is completely self contained.  Maggie is happy.  Raggs the OES is doing just fine.  He eats on his own schedule, loves the big yards and is doing well.  Raggs is happy.  Ruff and Charlie have bonded and are best friends.  They play toegther and are having a great time.  Both are as happy as a Golden and an Airedale can be.  Rennie the Pug is a delight.  He takes life in his stride, goes in and out as he wants, eats well and is quite certain that the life of a country gentleman Pug is not all that bad.  Jada the Newf has arrived for a few days on her regular visit from Cape Breton.  She has settled and is doing well.  Max the Spaniel who has lots to come and go on is here and settled happily.  He dosn't miss a meal (at home either, we will bet) and would find life almost anywehre to his liking as long as there is someone to talk with and good grub. 

Lee has been quite under the weather this week so the blog has been suspended.  We will try to improve.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Westminster and Valentine's Day - life is good

All is well at Fortress Regalridge.  Having been away all week end, Lee played catch up with the paper war and the upstairs/downstairs house management.  Lots of fun and games.  Einstein carefully supervised her every move.  Our Ken had Health Board meetings in Truro so spent part of his day coming and going.  That is always a good day in Our Ken's books.  The return home brought flowers for Valentine's Day.  Ever the practical, it also brought a new Paderno Fusion pot.  That's Our Ken.  Linda called to recount a frightening story.  She was at a lovely park in her community, was walking Remus on lead and saw  people coming with what she described as a dog that looked like a brown bear - huge and furry.  It pulled the woman walking it off of the trail, across to Linda and grabbed Remus, picking him up and shaking him.  Linda had a fall trying to separate the two dogs and Remus was traumatized.  Fortunately, the husband of the woman was also there and managed to separate the two dogs.  A trip to the Vet ensued with Remus suffering signs of shock and anxiety.  To his great credit, though, he greeted the two Goldens in the clinic with his usual good will and seems to not be holding grudges against the world of large dogs in general.  We can only hope that will continue.  He is on meds for his bowel and stomach and Linda may be over the trauma by summer.  Incidents like this one are hard to prevent but one key point to remember is to get all contact information from the people with the aggressive dog so that if there are repercussions, you are able to follow up.  On a brighter note, Chantelle  landed with the dinner that had been ordered in advance - enjoyed by all as we settled in to watch the Westminster telecast.  Waving at Dawn's Buhund and the Bouvier, we were delighted with the Bearded Collie's win. 

The kennel is very active - Canada Games has offered school closing in Halifax so folks are leaving the city in droves.  Pippa waved good by at dinnertime.  Elly the Jack Russell was not amused as she watched her buddy depart.  Still, she has Rennie the Pug in her sights and reckons she has potential.  In time, she will take over Nemo's management.  He will like that.  Rennie and Maggie are managing nicely.  Both are settled although we see more of Maggie's back than any other part of her.  She has distinct ideas and her own routine.  Charley is doing well - and would love to play with the Airedale girls - all of whom are in season.  That leaves Trebia as a playmate - her speed is impressive but bonding with anything that skinny is not Charley's idea of a good time.  He will limit his fraternization to a good game of chase.  Raggs is doing well.  Ken walks him several times a day, he enjoys the big exercise yard and has claimed it for his own.  Sadie confirmed that she is arriving soon and sent her picture so that we would be sure to recognize her. 

The house dogs enjoyed having Lee in residence but were not amused that Ken escaped.  Some watched the Westminster coverage.  Marguerite had played Ken perfectly and managed to have a sleep over in the house.  Pippa's folks arrived without having called ahead so were at the gate as the Airedale round up occurred.  Marguerite was the last to respond to Ken's entreaties and Our Ken's strident tones were likely audible in the city as frustration mounted.  Lee watched the game of 'catch me if you can' and finally took pity.  Going out the door, she simply called Marguerite and an Airedale flew by Ken like a shot, landing at Lee's feet in one fell swoop. Ken's feelings were hurt as Lee took Marguerite the superior gamesman into the house.  She is no dummy. 

Dinner was great - a Chinese feast from our local most excellent Chinese take away.  And Lee settles in to enjoy her cold - thanks Dawn! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

It was a show week end in Halifax

All is well at Regalridge.  It has been three days of the Halifax Kennel Club shows, a dinner and Lee as Steward and Show Chair.  There were many early mornings and late nights.  There were dogs coming and going at Regalridge and Chantelle in residence.  Meals were hit and miss.  Our Ken managed to hold the fort, get dogs in, out and exercised and cleaned up to get to the party (Ken, not the dogs).  Little Viola looked great in the rings.  Anjin did well on one day and showed well both days.  And little Avalon made her show debut - winning the Sanction Match on Friday evening.  Dawn and Jimmy's Airedale, Logan, was Atlantic Canada's top Terrier for 2010 and won the Eukanuba Award on Saturday evening and a Gala dinner.  We were all suitably proud.  

Schools are closed in HRM to accommodate the Canada Games.  The kennel rocked all week end long. Ancient Willie departed - alive and well at 18 + years old.  We breathed yet another sigh of relief.   Old Max departed - in good spirits and having not missed a meal.  He enjoyed his winter change in circumstances, in an old Welsh sort of way.  Otis the Shepherd waved good by - a mighty impressive Shepherd who is an easy boarder in spite of his size.  Pippa remains - we reckon that her brother won his ski race and was late returning.  Another old Welsh, Pippa takes life and its twists and turns in her stride.  Raggs is thriving - and has everyone trained in Raggs high style.  He insists that the only surface able to be used for bathrooming is in the exercise yard so requires his ins and outs to correspond with his timing and sometimes just to keep us on our toes.  Ellie the Parson Russell is here with Pippa as a friend.  Pippa loves to be here so Ellie has chosen well.  Maggie and Rennie are here.  Maggie is herself - insisting on her dominion over all she surveys and less than amused by her kennel mates.  Rennie is happy, happy, happy.  Not missing a meal, in and out of the doors and on top of the routine in short order, life is good in Pug world.  Charley is doing just fine.  He has settled and is thinking about life at Regalridge, wondering where Marc has gone.  Playing with Chantelle is his favourite game, leading her on a merry chase around the exercise yard and laughing his Airedale laugh when she can't catch him. 

The house dogs coped with the change in routine but were not amused by all of the coming and going.  Lori joined Piper in the kennel - much to her dismay and Piper's glee.  And then it was Lola's turn.  We are hoping there may be Airedale puppies come spring. 

Dinners were not the norm but we managed.  Haddock was a bonus on Friday evening. Other days Costco offered up lasagne and chicken pot pie.  Salads were added and the apricot-walnut bread so survival was not in question.  Carrot cake stood tall and fresh fruit was always on offer.  And the week unfolds ahead . . .

Friday, February 11, 2011

The roost is full - Chantelle is visiting

All is well.  There were early morning appointments that ran through dinnertime so the day started at 5:00 am.  The city is readying for the Canada Winter Games and excitement is building.  There was time for a little hunting and gathering in advance of meeting Our Ken at Costco, then taking his brother Reg to lunch.  A meeting for Lee followed and then it was home again home again jiggedy jig.  Chantelle found her way to Regalridge, Wii in hand, and tortured us through the evening - she enjoyed herself thoroughly.  This was a bright and pretty day (although the roads were terrible early in the morning when Lee set out) with no snow.  That was in marked contrast to the previous day when it snowed and Our Ken spent yet another day behind his buddy the snow blower - the pheasants were relieved. 

The kennel is doing just fine.  Old Willie is packing to leave, is eating well and walking around the perimeter of the kennel, stronger and brighter than on his arrival although unimpressed by the colder weather.  Sir Max agrees with Willie's sentiments regarding cold but is eating well and bright.  Max has a full large pen outside and salutes Willie on his march around the kennel.  Charlie has settled in.  He is enjoying the big exercise yard and has his eye on the girls as potential playmates. 

The house dogs are well.  Patti is in charge (between naps).  Piper remains in the kennel and would like to see anyone who could remedy that situation.  She reports that Our Ken is not to be trusted.  Clem, Scout and Viola are  in residence so the noise level has increased proportionally.  Clem is not terribly amused by her repatriation but has manged to find good spots to be in the way of all activity - that always pleases her. 

Dinner was lasagne and the apricot-walnut bread followed by carrot cake by some. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More storm than was forecast

Weather was the news of the day.  It snowed yet again.  We are quite certain that Susan and Shirley have sent this continuing series of storms to us just to share their fun with winter.  Ken is now muttering a cease and desist order.  It was a series of storms so there were pockets of sun and in came the pheasants.  |The word is out in the pheasant community - now there are 8 hens circling the chestnut tree.  And bad weather brings with it a man focused and in 'what can you do for me today' mode.  Meals were at the center of his thought process since he couldn't be outside playing.  Husbands bring a new appreciation for mothers, don't they. 

The kennel is doing well.  fortunately the geriatric ward is not one that needs a lot of time in the big exercise yards.  Old Willie and Max agreed that being outside in their outdoor runs, covered by a roof and warm and dry was much preferable to getting wet in a snow event.  Both are eating well and enjoying their walks with Ken.  Our sad news received by email was a lovely tribute to Our Roddie.  Roddie has been a regular visitor at Regalridge for a decade - our favourite Bichon and a tremendous dog.  He made us smile every time we looked at him - performing circus tricks for our pleasure - the quintessential clown.  It will be a sad time for his owners and for his pal Ruari.  But if a dog ever had a' life lived best as it could be' that was Roddie.  He was very special and we, too, will miss him. 

The house dogs are fine with lots of activity in spite of the weather.  Only when the winds came up did they agree that dog beds might be preferable to the elements.  Charlotte loves to go out and lay down in the center of the yard, on her back, to ensure that she is 100% covered with snow before getting up morphed into the 'snow monster' and chasing the rest of the dogs around the yard.  They know it's Charlotte, we suspect, but they think she is demented! 

Meals were the news of the day.  At the outset, there was the request for oatmeal.  Humouring Our Ken is important to the balance of life so the day was set.  It was America's Test Kitchen oatmeal with toasted oats and accompanied by the wonderful molasses spice muffins that are speedy to bake since they are in the fridge after the one preparation.  3 dozen muffins do last.  Lunch was honestly not necessary to anyone but - you guessed it, Our Ken.  So a Caesar salad was put together with grilled chicken and a new homemade bread.  Yes, the boule had disappeared and new bread was essential to the well being of the male among us.  So today it was buttermilk boules - one pure and one with apricots and walnuts.  There were plans to go out for dinner.  didn't happen.  Weather intervened so it was spaghetti and garlic bread.  And we look forward to a more clement day

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sun and warm weather in February is a bonus

It was an early meeting day for Ken as he hopped in the car and headed for Truro.  But before leaving, there was the little matter of the new curved lane that had appeared on the front lawn.  Now keep in mind, Our Ken regularly follows the snow blower up the lawn, creating a path from the front door to the gates.  This was yet another path, leading from the chestnut tree to . . . the other side of the lawn.  Snow in the yard is likely 30 cm deep so what is the new path?  A mumbled response required follow up.  Excuse me, I didn't hear you elicited  a terse "pheasants".  Yes, Our Ken is now blowing a path for the pheasants - likely the only pheasant run in Eastern Canada.  If a red carpet appears, we are on our way to a nice professional . . .

The kennel is quiet.  The geriatric ward is thriving with Willie eating well and Max managing admirably.  Max is eating well, going out and in charge, having a nice growl at Scooter.  She exercised her vocal chords as Max walked past and that required she be admonished.  Ken advised that he was a 'good fellow'.  Trebia and Sarah are managing number four run and enjoying winter.  Charlie arrived for a good stay - intending to spend February with his  Regalridge friends.  He settled in nicely and will be introduced to Lola (his step-sister) this week. 

the house dogs are thriving.  Patti retains control of the yard and now, the evening parade to the bedroom, not an inconsiderable feat given 14 steps to the second floor.  She is living her best life and giving it her all.  Marguerite is enjoying every second in the house.  As Lee settled for the evening news, Marguerite settled on the big couch - stretched the entire length and looking for all the world like Princess Lexi.  Good thing Piper is in the kennel - that would have completely undone her. 

Dinner was a little different.  Out came the rubber mallet and chicken breasts were reduced to thin scallops.  Floured and pan fried, a chicken picatta was developed using a lovely sparkling Sauvignon blanc as a sauce base.  With creamed potatoes and peas followed by the great carrot cake,  And we move on

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunny then cloudy with ice underfoot to remind us of Nova Scotia winter

Superbowl Sunday dawned bright and clear - the storm fizzled but the overnight precipitation created a mess.  Apparently it 'slushed' all night.  Under that was, of course, ice.  And that will be February.  Our Ken spent his morning with the snow blower (on treads thank goodness).  For some reason, it worked and the slush has been managed  Now, if there were an ice moving machine . . .  The weather changed as the day went on, getting cooler as we worked through the day.  Lee did Superbowl meal prep.  Ken managed the kennel and kept up the side in the garage - who knows what goes on there. 

The kennel is quiet.  Mischka departed on schedule with a wave of the paw.  Willie continues to hold up the geriatric ward with Max supporting his efforts.  Willie is eating well - today brown rice and hamburger were well received.  Max is on vacation.  He hasn't missed a meal, is walking well and is napping - now on the sheepskin mat that he has decided is preferable to a blanket.  Ken secured his bed to an area or his inside run so that he doesn't have to feel the need to apply his decorating skills.  That seems to have relieved that worry.

The house dogs are fine - some more fine than others.  You see, Sir Atlas of the Tidy Ways decided that a bit of kitchen help was needed during the meal.  Rather than putting our counter surfer in a crate, Our Ken opened the door and invited all and sundry in for a romp just as dinner had been set out.  It was Lee 2, Ken 2 and Atlas 4 at the end of the scramble.  Next time pizza will be a search and find project that comes in a box.  Piper continues in the kennel and is singularly underwhelmed.  Paula is even more delighted with her addition to the world now that he has eyes and is ambulatory.  She sits with him at her side, gazing adoringly at her wonderful feat.  We smile. 

Dinner was as American as Lee could make it given Superbowl Sunday.  There was Chex Mix - and Our Ken highly approved; Wispride port wine spread with Club crackers and at Ken's request, Lee's wonderful homemade pizza.  At least we didn't over eat the way a certain Airedale did.  Dessert was a fabulous carrot cake - America's Test Kitchen recipe  - with the added raisins and toasted walnuts, of course.  It was a late night and Ken's team was victorious - he has been a Packer fan for decades, largely because of their ownership structure and the conceptual development of the team.  And life goes on

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bright and clear with some heat in the sun - these days are a bonus

Saturday was the lead up to Superbowl Sunday.  That just means planning as far as I can tell.  We were advised that in Virginia, this means Chili will be made on stoves throughout the state.  In NB, my brother advises that he is having 'the boys' in to watch the game and that pizza will be made as the order of the day.  That must be a family decision since Our Ken ordered Lee's thin crust pizza for the big game.  He pondered a fondue - Lee moved him on.  The game of search and seek was on early.  Seems that jacket the goose slayer did in required replacement.  So out came the alternatives.  Approbation received.  While that was going on, dogs were receiving their mid-winter updates.  Dolly and Marilla look darned spiffy.  And then there was the bad news,  Miss Piper is in season and has been outcast to the kennel (Nick is so love sick that he can't possibly take a bite of food|).  Piper was not unhappy with the kennel thought as an initial foray.  There are milkbones in the kennel, don't you know.  But when the door of the run closed behind her, she rethought that concept.  Her dulcet tones have been heard by all and sundry.  A grievous error has occurred.  And Lee also reprogrammed the upstairs television that Our Ken had creatively used.  Making the mistake of leaving the channel tuned to AMC, eyes lit up as the male among us discovered that it was all day westerns!  And there endeth the lesson.

The kennel moved forward.  Liard's family was home in front of the forecast storm to collect the miscreant.   Mischka watched his departure, gave some thought to  the fact that he had arrived first so that seemed a bit out of order but seeing the end of Liard was a gift in itself according to the old OES.  Willie is eating and managing reasonably well for one of the ancients.   He has eaten every meal, is enjoying his hamburger and hot dogs and, we think, has managed to put a little weight on.   Max hasn't missed a meal and is settled well.  He eats then naps in his bed, walks out with Ken to the outside run and has a good bit of exercise, uses the facilities and returns on the lead to his inside run for another nap.  He is settled, seems to approve of his routine and is doing very well.  Stop worrying Lisa.

The house dogs are well - except for Piper who is angry, angry, angry.  Marguerite has offered to take Piper's place and is working hard on Lee.  Ken demurs.  Charlotte says that the bed thief can stay in the kennel forever as far as she is concerned.  Patti is thriving.  She has decided that the evening parade is part of her nightly routine and has moved happily to the bedroom for her sleeps.  Given her age and health concerns, it is surprising to us - and just the way it should be according to Patti.  Now Nick would like us to go out and find the love of his life Miss Piper . . .

Dinner was a favourite - pan fried haddock.  It is such a great meal, particularly when followed by that molten chocolate pudding and Hagen Daz.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The week end is near

`It was the end of the work week - and why should that matter.  After all, we are retired!  But the rest of the world seems to revolve around that Monday to Friday period so we simply follow.  Chantelle arrived with supper in hand - a great surprise and break.   Lee spent the day back and forth to the village.  There was banking to be done and groceries to move from the store to the house.  The liquor store was losing ground and needed her attention.  And then there was the return to Fortress Regalridge.  You see, Our Ken determined that additional measures had needed to be taken to secure the perimeter and added yet another barrier to what is already an almost impenetrable set of contraptions at the front gates.  Lee had no idea how to get in.  Use the cell phone, you are thinking.  Well, that would work if the cell phone battery hadn't conspired with Our Ken - 'low battery' it admonished.  There was some contemplation of returning to |Piercey's and simply purchasing an axe. 

The kennel is ticking along.  Mischka has his bags packed in anticipation of leaving soon.  Willie is managing surprisingly well, eating his hamburger and rice and leading Ken a merry chase - you have to picture the 18 year old dog in the lead!  |Old Max the Welsh loves his bed.  He curls up in the big comforter and snoozes, goes out on the lead and returns for another nap.  He hasn't missed a meal and is doing well - can't let Willie think a Welsh can't keep up in the geriatric ward.  Liard is sharing his thoughts freely and playing catch-me-if-u-can, his favourite game.  His latest trick is to dive between Ken's legs, thinking that taking him for a spin might be a new option.  Ken thought not.  Trebia and Sarah are looking after Nemo in yard four.  That keeps old Nemo fit and brighter than he might otherwise be. 

The house dogs are well and busy.  They do love the snow on bright and sunny days.  Marguerite spent her day as close to Lee as was possible, a bit surprised that Ken wasn't as warm and fuzzy as usual in his dealings with her.  Paula's little prince is as wide as he is long and she is particularly proud of his progress.  He is finding his voice, has his eyes open and is a great fellow in every way.  Charlotte had to spend some quality time enticing Piper out of her pile of beds.  That accomplished, she leapt over Nick, landing squarely on the three beds that were topped by a dog couch.  Her head went to the arm and snoring followed about 1 1/2 seconds later.  That little show followed Lori's sleep maneuvers - ending in an Airedale on her back, feet in the air on a bed next to Ken.  They are all well and truly tired at the end of these winter days of Airedale fun. 

Dinner was take out - yahoo!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The day after the storm dawned clear and bright.  There was lots of walking behind a snow blower and even a few photos.  The world has been cleaned up by the snowfall and sparkles under a winter sun.  Some of the birds are back in droves.  The chickadees have multiplied as have the lovely yellow grosbeaks.  The little woodpecker is working hard on the Virginia suet and the doves are moving from the feeders to the chestnut tree.  The little tyrant is chattering and scattering birds in gay squirrel abandon, polishing his skills and commandeering every area he approaches.  But the sensible pheasants seem to have hunkered down and have yet to surface post-storm.  And there was a moment.  Remember that Lee and Marguerite have bonded.  Marguerite spends much of her day in the kitchen.  And on occasion Lee is elsewhere.  Well, that lends itself to naughtiness.  And |Our Ken is not always neat and tidy.  Occasionally he doesn't shut a door.  |Occasionally he doesn't hang up pieces of clothing.  Most times he gets away with this.  Enter Marguerite.  There was a jacket, you see.  One that had Billy's name on it over and over again.  Ken was fond of that jacket.  And Marguerite appears to have determined that if Our Ken liked it, perhaps she would as well.  So, the jacket was moved from the flat surface where it had been dropped to a crate where Marguerite could try it on in privacy.  And try it she did.  Apparently, it was a little bulky and didn't adequately show off her svelte figure.  Removing a little down filling would cure that, she reckoned.  Who knew a few feathers would be so noticeable!  and that little tear in the sleeve wasn't a deal breaker - there was still another.  And if there weren't four, what good were they, anyway!  Now, the rips in the front were a bit more problematic but since they are under the tummy, maybe a little duct tape . . .

The kennel increased in number and the geriatric ward is filling.  Willie has been joined by the ancient Welsh.  Dropped off by his entire family (three generations is mighty impressive) he settled in as a seasoned (remember, he was here once before) visitor.  Both the Old fellow and Willie joined Mischka the old OES and all ate with alacrity. Max then settled down for a good nap.   Liard moved in as well - just to keep up the side - and is, well, he's Liard.  Chantelle will be tickled to know that he is here and will no doubt visit just to say 'Hi'.

The house dogs are thriving.  They love the snow, rolling and kicking up Airedale heels as they explore their brand new world.  Charlotte would have preferred a No-snowblower zone' that would retain the light and fluffy white stuff for her rolling pleasure. 

Lunch was the tomato basil soup.  It followed a breakfast of oatmeal and the lovely molasses spice muffins that are baked as you need them.  Dinner was souvlaki with sautĂȘed potatoes and green beans.  Dessert was a chocolate pudding that has a cake-like top with a pudding beneath, some will remember this being made by a grandmother - a Fanny Farmer recipe.  Sometimes winter simply demands retro food.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sorld is whitenow - the w

It was a snow day - the first of the season.  And Our Ken blew snow - the drive, the kennel perimeter, walkways, paths to the feeders and even to the compost container, there was snow flying and Our Ken marching.  The man does love snow.  And given the lack of the white stuff to this stage, the Airedales celebrated the arrival of winter with their snowplow imitations and general jocularity.  Looking like polar bears entering the house, they rolled, cavorted and stuck those heads in every mound.  Charlotte loves it best and would not be convinced that the den was a superior spot as the wind came up and the snow blew. Even Piper enjoyed the change in tempo and offered up her new look to Lee - a Lee who was somewhat less than amused by a polar-Airedale in her lap. 

The kennel managed well during the storm.  Micah and Sadie departed, waving good by to Mischka as they mentioned to their owner that he was a bit later than they had anticipated on departure day.  We didn't hear his reply?  Mischka was quickly repatriated to the double run and has settled for the remainder of his stay.  Ancient Willie (now 18) is coping with kennel life.  He has been with us for so long that even at his advanced age he knows the routines and manages his affairs as he has always done.  His meals of choice are being prepared by Lee, including his favourite rice and burger.  Of course, there is the potion on the side. 

And the house dogs are rejuvenated.  Patti tired herself out to the point that she slept in the den over night.  It was simply not worth the bother of getting up for the parade.  Old Jack the Welsh was not happy with the weather and refused the deck, preferring a quick wander under cover of the porch and a return to his cozy bed.  The Norwich agreed. 

Lunch was a tomato soup from the summer tomatoes.  With basil and parsley, it was just the ticket on a snowy day.  Dinner was well received - a roast of pork (with a marmalade crust) accompanied by glazed, roasted parsnips, rutabaga, mashed potatoes, gravy and good wine.  Our Ken was pleased


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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