Well, the weather continues - showers, cloud, hot if the sun makes a five minute appearance then back to showers. In spite of everything from the skies, Our Ken continues to garden. Flowers are the order of the day. He doesn't have the heart for vegetables. There is some potential for tomatoes but seed would do nothing in this weather. The tulips are in their last days (a month late) and the azaleas are blooming with the fruit trees and the strawberries. And the swallows have returned. The most industrious of little birds, they have put an addition on their nest (built on the eave over the back door) so we are in the dark until the babies depart. The little male keeps us company in the early morning, sitting on the wind chime or the bell and singing his songs to the dogs as they go in and out under his beak. He doesn't move as we go about our chores, filling water buckets and cleaning up as he chirps and gurgles not six inches away. There is a great element of trust in that little fellow who was born here and returns annually with his mate. There was a very well attended Atlantic Terrier Association dog walk in Timberlea in the afternoon and the weather actually co-operated. There were Airedales and Welsh, Miniature Schnauzers and a Norfolk, Westies and Staffy Bull owners, all enjoying the break in the weather.
The house dogs are not amused by the weather. Even Charlotte is bemused and spending as much time in doors as out. Marguerite has moved from upstairs down and is happily managing her family in the whelping room. That gives her better access to the kitchen (her favourite room of the house) and better ability to cavort with her cohorts when the whim crosses her mind. The babies are growing quickly. That always amazes us.
Dinner was a result of the Saturday voyage. There were Digby scallops and they were fabulous, accompanied by asparagus and potatoes. Dessert was a blueberry cake. Life is good.
The house dogs are not amused by the weather. Even Charlotte is bemused and spending as much time in doors as out. Marguerite has moved from upstairs down and is happily managing her family in the whelping room. That gives her better access to the kitchen (her favourite room of the house) and better ability to cavort with her cohorts when the whim crosses her mind. The babies are growing quickly. That always amazes us.
Dinner was a result of the Saturday voyage. There were Digby scallops and they were fabulous, accompanied by asparagus and potatoes. Dessert was a blueberry cake. Life is good.