Holidays are almost behind us and winter months loom large. It has been a busy season with the usual adventures, visits and food events. The weather stayed warm through the last week of the year, offering a cold blast of air only occasionally. Even the older dogs have enjoyed the ball games on offer by Our Ken mid-morning. Lee has been spending a couple of hours a day at the nursing home. Our friend, Shelagh, is not doing well and seems slightly encouraged if someone is able to bring a different perspective to the day. It has been a long period, post-stroke for this lady who has been used to exerting her fierce independence and ability to tilt at every windmill in her path. Our Ken's birds got a boost last evening. Chantelle arrived to help celebrate New Year's eve with a small box accompanying her famous appetizers. With much fanfare, a bird cage was set up in the kennel feeding room and Lee was persuaded to take the walk to see the newest member of the Regalridge family. A tiny grey bird (hardly larger than a hummingbird) had found its way into Chantelle's house, had a good fly around and finally landed on her shoulder, much to the amazement of the Welsh. Deciding Our Ken was the best bet for longevity, Chantelle carted the little one over. Suet, finch seed and water were added to the cage to supplement the rest of the paraphernalia already there. At last sight the little one was surveying its options. With the colder weather, the flocks normally at the feeders are enlarging. There are huge numbers of doves, grosbeaks and blue jays supplementing the several pair of chickadees, the pheasants (Phil and Philomena) and the two Jays (Bob and Luella) who eat at the window feeder. Two pair of woodpeckers (Downy and Hairy) spend much of their days enjoying the suet and the little finches come and go. Our Ken is enjoying his new tablet and will offer your weather update should you be in the mood to be in touch.
The kennel has been busy over the holidays and all in residence have had a great time. The Norwich-in-charge-of-everything-in-life assisted everyone with clear rules and encouragement. The Welsh ignored him, Zeus complied, the Airedales were amused, Poe was amazed by his energy level and the oldest resident appeared relieved that someone was in charge. Trebia noted that he is only a Norwich and Scooter has no idea he is bossy since he has no interest in her toys.
The house crew are well and happy. Old Charlotte is sleeping a bit more soundly and hears little but is thoroughly enjoying life, ball games and the outdoors. Piper is relieved that Lee is near at hand most of the time and is rarely more than a few inches from Lee's side. Billy and Rocky are taking turns in the den and on occasion actually share the area, ignoring the fact that the other is in proximity. Marilla discovered Our Ken's chocolate cache and has given the nod to both the contents and the wrappings, quite indiscriminate in her taste and preferences, it seems. Dolly is appalled at Marilla's antics and spends her time gazing at Our Ken in adoration. Jack the Welsh is going about his business at his advanced age and rules his room with an iron paw. The Airedale youngsters find that humorous.
New Year's eve dinner was an all day affair with boeuf bourguigogne acting as the main event. Chantelle's appetizers were a perfect start to the meal, there was salad and garlic bread and a lovely hand made pasta. Dessert was chocolate mousse and all were content. Lee and Ken made it to midnight. The youngster did not. And it is on the the Rose parade day.
The kennel has been busy over the holidays and all in residence have had a great time. The Norwich-in-charge-of-everything-in-life assisted everyone with clear rules and encouragement. The Welsh ignored him, Zeus complied, the Airedales were amused, Poe was amazed by his energy level and the oldest resident appeared relieved that someone was in charge. Trebia noted that he is only a Norwich and Scooter has no idea he is bossy since he has no interest in her toys.
The house crew are well and happy. Old Charlotte is sleeping a bit more soundly and hears little but is thoroughly enjoying life, ball games and the outdoors. Piper is relieved that Lee is near at hand most of the time and is rarely more than a few inches from Lee's side. Billy and Rocky are taking turns in the den and on occasion actually share the area, ignoring the fact that the other is in proximity. Marilla discovered Our Ken's chocolate cache and has given the nod to both the contents and the wrappings, quite indiscriminate in her taste and preferences, it seems. Dolly is appalled at Marilla's antics and spends her time gazing at Our Ken in adoration. Jack the Welsh is going about his business at his advanced age and rules his room with an iron paw. The Airedale youngsters find that humorous.
New Year's eve dinner was an all day affair with boeuf bourguigogne acting as the main event. Chantelle's appetizers were a perfect start to the meal, there was salad and garlic bread and a lovely hand made pasta. Dessert was chocolate mousse and all were content. Lee and Ken made it to midnight. The youngster did not. And it is on the the Rose parade day.