We found the dining room! Remember the summer projects that became fall programs? The dining room had become
the workshop - and a true workshop it was, replete with sawdust, sawdust and more
sawdust. Sawdust coats stuff and the dining room has stuff. So this was the day to wade in and see if it was possible to find the room, keeping in mind that Ken had spent a day lugging the workshop pieces to their homes in the garage, basement and who knows where. And it happened. A day and much sorting and pitching later, we have a dining room with a Christmas tree and polished silver.

The kennel is increasing with Lucy's arrival in the morning. She has a group of friends that includes
Nemo and
Trebia and settled in to enjoy her visit. Within moments, she spied Nemo's big stuffed toys that he carries out (drags with all his might is a bit closer to the truth) to the outside run to sleep on in the sun. She has added their duplicates to her Christmas list. Nessa and Keeley have

settled in and are happy with the accommodation. They have been introduced to their exercise yard and have taken full advantage of it, exploring all of the corners and nodding their approval. They are happily being medicated (noses and ears) and eating their three meals a day. Two boarders coming together are always settled easily and the Chessie and Berner are no exception.

Winnie and Amy are managing their yard, looking after the area as sensible Airedale girls are wont to do. Anjin is considered their communal puppy and is being taught all things adult Airedales feel it necessary to teach a puppy. He is taking it in good humour and kicking up his heels if he really approves of the lesson. Marged and Shillelagh, on the other hand, need no direction from anyone and are quite convinced that if they repeat their yodel often enough,

their owner will hear them in Vietnam and return immediately.

It was a blustery cold day so the dogs were happier inside than outside. Patti and Sophie are doing well and we are thankful for the time we have with them. The little dogs are bouncing and vocalizing - looking forward to Christmas and urging the rest to become as excited as they are. Georgie and Clint have no idea what they are talking about but do their best to ratchet up their activity levels to meet the occasion. Atlas is just happy that there is food all over the counters and that he can most often get to the napkins on the table before Lola grabs them. Ken spent the day making fudge with lots of expert supervision underfoot.
Dinner was preceded by drinks in front of the tree and appropriate oohs and ahs for the newly found dining room. Then there was a bar b que in the icy cold night and yet more wrapping. It is a busy season and lots left to do.
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