The kennel is almost full. Briggs and Brady have a big round dog bed and the two were curled together asleep after dinner. They are just great dogs that bring a daily smile. In number four yard, Sophie, Shadow and Abby held the fort, with Shadow herding the big dogs who look at him indulgently and go through the motions as they hoot 'Game On'. Maddie and Jasper have number two yard and know the routine inside out. They are very attentive, respond to any call we use and do very well. Ziggy the German Shepherd is doing amazingly well. Not the norm for this great breed, Ziggy has settled in immediately, goes in and out without question and enjoys his bed inside as he watches the coming and going. That is absolutely amazing for a first time German Shepherd Dog in a boarding environment and we tip our hats to his family who have him so well socialized. Barrett departed much to Trebia's dismay, leaving his pink bone for his next visit - never fear Barrett, we value those bones and will keep that one just for you. Susan was watching out the window as Barrett departed and commented on the lovely Gordon - not a usual sight. Little Maggie is doing well. She has a new game with Chantelle, knocking on her door from the inside to the outside when she wants to come in, then changing her mind and waving. Raggs the OES is lovely. She is well trimmed and carries herself like a herding dog. On this, her first day, she was out by herself but we are thinking Shadow would enjoy her so will make that introduction tomorrow.
The house dogs are ticking along. Patti is eating well as is Clem and Clint is delighted with his changed fortunes, vocalizing that delight through the evening as he serenades his new girlfriend and all else within hearing range. Nick was not amused that Diva had his place in the Regalridge van and suggested that didn't need to recur. The little crew found their way onto Shirley's lap before dinner and highly recommend it to anyone who finds it in the future. In fact, the Regalridge dogs have all adopted Shirley and have told her that she is just the best person they have ever met and that nobody understands them like she does . . . Gotta love loyalty.

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