It was an early morning at Regalridge and paper was flying. Einstein took a few flights as well. Sitting on Lee's working papers is not good for your health - words to live by. Interviews will be held this week end for a new Regalridge helper. Applications look quite good so there is hope that a new person will join the 'family' this month. Ken's kennel time has been extended since Tom departed and trimming has become a constant in his life. Nick has his spring update as does little Paula (she says he made a mess of her perfect ears and she has to air them out to make them better). Jack, Abby and May have had pedicures a la Lee and Clint is being readied for the show ring. The grooming room is a busy spot. Lee had a short foray off of the property, finding her way to the bank and to the grocery store. There is little point in anyone going to the Superstore until tomorrow after their overnight restocking. And then there was the adventure of the trees. Jimmy (God bless him) brought some buddies, a truck, a chainsaw and enthusiasm to clean up the trees that had been felled by last fall's hurricane. Our Ken has been fussing. Well, the sawdust flew, Our Ken was given lots of direction - and we all know how he loves to take direction - and wood disappeared at a record level. Jimmy ran that saw for hours, the buddies loaded and pointed for Ken to keep up his chores. It was more than amusing. Coffee and a banana-chocolate bread were served. Our Ken dawdled and seemed to be giving serious thought to sitting with the Norwich under the kitchen table, setting aside the thought only when Lee pointed out that in all fairness, she would have to 'out' him. Hmph was the response as he suited up to rejoin the party. There is still a load of wood to be collected so the party will go on at some future date.
Shadow arrived for a few days and his escape plans are well made. We have thwarted all attempts but he perseveres. Abby and Sherlock are well and settled. Abby loves the big exercise yards. Little Sherlock prefers the run and managing the space in Toy Poodle fashion. Barrett is woo wooing his way through vacation, singing Setter tunes to his beloved Trebia. She feels very special. Old Bailey is doing well, enjoying her wanders in the big yards and checking the skies for the local geese. Maxifer is well - taking his meds, enjoying the outside and thinking it is about time someone came to collect him. Ken laughs as he speaks of medicating Max and Barrett, noting that it is like firing pills into the Grand Canyon in both cases.
The house dogs are happy but really looking forward to warmer weather with better digging potential. These are cold days, often bright and sunny but with the occasional snow shower just to maintain our Canadian perspective. Piper, Marilla, Billy, Lori and, of course, Einstein have returned to the bedroom and Marilla the roughneck manages to whack Lee out of bed with the toy of the day each morning - the time to be determined by Miss Marilla. Today it was the pink dog and since it is a tad small, Marilla dutifully tried to stuff it in Lee's mouth, knowing that she wouldn't miss it. Such a thoughtful dog. Of course, Lee growls at that stage, Piper grabs Marilla's tail because nobody makes Lee growl if Piper can fix it and Lori comes running hoping for a nice morning free for all. By that time, Einstein has finished drinking Lee's water out of the glass on the night stand and hops (remember he weighs 23 pounds) to the floor in the middle of the mess of Airedales, leading the way to the bathroom with the parade of Airedales following his waving tail. There is no hope of slippers - Marilla has taken those away to add to her stash of coveted items to stick in Lee's mouth tomorrow morning - so barefoot Lee follows the last of the Airedales following the cat as the day starts.
Lunch today was Dawn's chicken soup. Our Ken was thrilled. Soup, of course, is his favourite noon meal and Dawn, knowing all are under the weather, sent soup to cure the ills. It was great. Dinner was also provided by Dawn - a lovely chili. Lee added a blue cheese and apple salad with toasted walnuts and some potato bread. It was a great meal and well enjoyed. With the addition of Dawn's squares (another of Our Ken's favourites) life was replete with good things. And we move to the week end.
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