Well, Canadian parties are an eye opener to visitors. Our American friends were here for the annual Atlantic Terrier Association summer dinner and auction. Having had a heads up before leaving (just) they arrived replete with auction items and food - what good terrier people they are! So after an oatcake and fruit salad breakfast, 'the cooking of the prime ribs' and some small organization, we were off to Portuguese Cove and the great hospitality of Heather and Bob. It was a wonderful crowd, there were fabulous auction items and laughter repeatedly gave way to hilarity. It is truly amazing how many items sport an Am Staff in the eyes of an auctioneer! The Airedale items brought north of the 49th garnered significant monies and paid for our Club insurance. The remainder of the funds raised paid fully for the rental of the day at exhibition park for our 2012 Specialty. A few hours, good fun and fantastic food. There was Chantelle's famous potato salad, the incredibly good cheeses and special crackers, Joyce's great dips with lovely pea pods, additional salads, Margot's perfect salmon with dill sauce, Ken's prime rib with a peach-lime salsa, pork tenderloins wrapped and perfectly cooked and desserts - oh my. Our Cheryl managed to convince Margaret Carson that "terriers rule" and a cake with terrier decorations and appropriate wording wowed everyone. Margaret's cheesecake disappeared in the blink of an eye. Heather baked rolls and her butter tarts - and that about half covers the amazing tables of food. Time flew and the house was still filled as the Regalridge-mobile departed, filled to the rafters with plunder. The gathering showed the congeniality of the terrier friends - most of whom have been long term supporters of local terriers through this Association. This is the only group working to present the positive face of terriers in Atlantic Canada - a most important position in today's dog world. President Dawn was thrilled with the attendance and the support today.
The kennel is hopping. Felicia held the fort and was kept busy. Capone and Chopper enjoyed the big yards and the cool kennel building. Ruari, Pippa and Nemo have managed to take over yard four - Ruari was made an honorary Welsh for the occasion. Finn and Bella are of a size and became fast friends. Barrett and his best friend Trebia had a long visit. Buzz is Buzz. Sarah has moved to the front of the kennel ans has become a Regalridge dog in all but name. She is delighted to be out of a run and is a great fan of the freedom of Regalridge. Liard and. Max departed.
The house crew is enjoying the air conditioning. All is well in their world. The puppies are happy and growing like little weeds. The report from Brodie who left on Friday is that his name has been changed to 'Superman', he barks at the door to go out to the bathroom, walks proudly on a leash and can do steps - all within 36 hours. To this point, no accidents at all in the house - now, whether he and Karl are sleeping outdoors is a question but Paula assures me that is not the case. We have been working with the puppies and it is really amazing how focused they are on moving from their pen in the den to the outside deck for bathrooming. This is a procedure Chantelle started many years ago and has benefited many new owners.
dinner has been discussed. Our Ken did lobby a bit for a late meal and hoped to enlist Susan and Shirley - who looked at him as though he had two heads and continued to watch puppies. There was a mysterious plate of chocolate crumbs on the counter by midnight - Cheryl supports chocolate aficionados.
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