Bright, breezy and cool - a normal spring day in NS. Warming at dinnertime, the fire in the greatroom was banked after performing yeoman's service through the day. Our Ken continues to tidy the yards and fields after a winter's moving about of nature's detritus. Loads of branches, twigs and shingles (a nod to last year's project) trundle past the office window on a regular basis. Easter week end has brought a flurry of kitchen activity with hot cross buns at the top of the list. Time has to be on your side when this delicacy is in your plans. From the sweet yeast dough through the rising and cooling, it is a day long effort. The slight meltdown of the flying large container of baking powder did not help things along. But then, Piper is now quite certain of her hallowe'en costume. Continuing the adventure, as the rolls cooled and before the glaze crosses were applied, along came Dolly. That long legged Miss now seems to feel she has the job of jester - taster extraordinaire and primary Regalridge thief at large!
The kennel is bustling. Bella has her paw pointed, with feeling, and Zeus and Crockett act as Sergeants At Arms. Bella approves that role. Scarlett is closest to this consortium and remains amazed at the antics of the little dogs. She hasn't, however, asked that one be added to her Christmas stocking. Ruff is delighted to be in residence and is enjoying the company of the Airedales and Trebia. Now, Trebia is looking for Barrett - his arrival was promised and she is a bit pouty this holiday week end. Margaret and Shillelagh are packing - that seems to focus them a bit; we will but extra suitcases for future visits. Regis is active and bouncing. Lots of energy in this Labrador. Liard shows off his new manners with alacrity - Our Ken is mighty impressed. Savannah and Dewey are well and happy - keeping the big dogs in line as only Welsh can.
The house dogs are enjoying the weather and the kitchen activity, perhaps not in that order. Piper's baking powder experience did give her pause and reason to find a new place to park. Clem is in residence and seems to enjoy the food. She is elderly with the associated issues of very old dogs but doesn't miss a meal and certainly knows her mind. Patti continues to thrive - long live the makers of Glyco-Flex. Gabe is Rocky's shadow - an odd combination at best and one that Rocky would as soon be terminated asap.
Dinner was a Good Friday affair. Lobster was surrounded by Caesar Salad and artichoke bruschetta. Creme Caramel finished off the meal and all is well in NS according to Our Ken . . .
The kennel is bustling. Bella has her paw pointed, with feeling, and Zeus and Crockett act as Sergeants At Arms. Bella approves that role. Scarlett is closest to this consortium and remains amazed at the antics of the little dogs. She hasn't, however, asked that one be added to her Christmas stocking. Ruff is delighted to be in residence and is enjoying the company of the Airedales and Trebia. Now, Trebia is looking for Barrett - his arrival was promised and she is a bit pouty this holiday week end. Margaret and Shillelagh are packing - that seems to focus them a bit; we will but extra suitcases for future visits. Regis is active and bouncing. Lots of energy in this Labrador. Liard shows off his new manners with alacrity - Our Ken is mighty impressed. Savannah and Dewey are well and happy - keeping the big dogs in line as only Welsh can.
The house dogs are enjoying the weather and the kitchen activity, perhaps not in that order. Piper's baking powder experience did give her pause and reason to find a new place to park. Clem is in residence and seems to enjoy the food. She is elderly with the associated issues of very old dogs but doesn't miss a meal and certainly knows her mind. Patti continues to thrive - long live the makers of Glyco-Flex. Gabe is Rocky's shadow - an odd combination at best and one that Rocky would as soon be terminated asap.
Dinner was a Good Friday affair. Lobster was surrounded by Caesar Salad and artichoke bruschetta. Creme Caramel finished off the meal and all is well in NS according to Our Ken . . .
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