The weather was interesting. Thunder showers are not the norm here so a week of potential thunder gives pause. Marilla is no fan of loud noises so it is batten teh hatches when the forecast is this unsettled. Ms Marilla has been known to bolt and now has a 'thunder shirt' for her efforts. Now, between them, Susan and Shirley have a gazillion years of post-secondary education and even they had some difficulty with the application of a jump harness on one of their Airedales, an application that after much time and effort was not entirely successful. The thunder shirt is a similar contraption but effective if properly fitted. So it has been a time of careful dressing of Marilla who has had the opportunity to decide whether she will sport her garment as a sign of being 'special' or fight its use as an embarrassment. Given the determined look on the faces of the Regalridge people, Marilla-the-Smart determined that special is good. And while the storms have not been major, with a bang or two being the total noise element, the rains have been more impressive. Earlier in the day, Lee managed several appointments in the village and then the city. Finishing at the Dentist's office in downtown Halifax, it was home again to Casa Regalridge, dinner prep later than is usual (and it generally isn't early) and the sorting of the puppies. Hunting and gathering at Costco offered the opportunity for more peaches (etc. etc.). Our Ken manged to keep himself going with a trip to the butcher to order the roasts for the ATA party on Saturday and the continued planting process. Weeding is now underway, the rains being kind to weeds.
The kennel is well and happy. The numbers are swelling and little Bella has her paws full. Old Clem is doing reasonably well and will stay at Regalridge until Chantelle finds herself new accommodation. There is a major search underway for a new residence for Chantelle - preferably in Hants county. That is always an unsettling thought but with her present home on the real estate market, it is an opportune time to find something a little closer to civilization.
The house crew managed easily since the majority of the day offered up lovely weather. Piper travelled with Lee to the city, much to her delight. The puppies had their spin on the deck and had a fabulous time. None were at all concerned with the introduction to the great outdoors and all enjoyed a visit with Marguerite. Each day will bring a new experience now that they are growing quickly. The weaning process is almost now considered a success. There are three holdouts who still insist on formula as a supplement but the bottles have given way to dishes. That is progress. The remainder are eating more each meal. Lee determined that encouragement in the form of a different food might bring forward increased interest. A venison and bison base has been added to the chicken offering. Gourmet puppies . . .
Dinner was a grilled beer can chicken. It was fabulous. With grilled fresh pineapple, new potatoes and the fresh tomato and blue cheese casserole, life is good.
The kennel is well and happy. The numbers are swelling and little Bella has her paws full. Old Clem is doing reasonably well and will stay at Regalridge until Chantelle finds herself new accommodation. There is a major search underway for a new residence for Chantelle - preferably in Hants county. That is always an unsettling thought but with her present home on the real estate market, it is an opportune time to find something a little closer to civilization.
The house crew managed easily since the majority of the day offered up lovely weather. Piper travelled with Lee to the city, much to her delight. The puppies had their spin on the deck and had a fabulous time. None were at all concerned with the introduction to the great outdoors and all enjoyed a visit with Marguerite. Each day will bring a new experience now that they are growing quickly. The weaning process is almost now considered a success. There are three holdouts who still insist on formula as a supplement but the bottles have given way to dishes. That is progress. The remainder are eating more each meal. Lee determined that encouragement in the form of a different food might bring forward increased interest. A venison and bison base has been added to the chicken offering. Gourmet puppies . . .
Dinner was a grilled beer can chicken. It was fabulous. With grilled fresh pineapple, new potatoes and the fresh tomato and blue cheese casserole, life is good.
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