Arid conditions continue to be the order of the day. Our Ken is not amused. The weather gods are toying with the gardener among us, offering up rains on the coast, the Bay Of Fundy and worst of all, in Digby, enabling Bob to gloat. Blackberries apparently enjoy dry conditions. The word of the day is that the crop is doing well. There will be jelly. The Olympics have become a bit of a sorry affair, with officiating/politics taking precedence over sport. Having become a bit jaded, there is diminishing interest and increased acceptance of CNN. Lee has returned from Newfoundland, the well run Avalon shows and the great exhibitors. Listening to the judges, there is certainly a strong commentary surrounding the pleasant shows with great people.
The kennel ticks along. The Schenk crew returned home, with waves and barks. That settles the building. Barrett is singing his songs to Trebia - much to everyone's enjoyment. And the week end will again be busy. Bella is in residence so rules are not a problem. Bailey the Spaniel is taking life in stride. It is the week of the 'B'. Rounding out the crew is Amy Airedale, here for a spa treatment and a few days of exercise at Regalridge. Sarah keeps a close eye on all.
The house crew are well and perhaps the only inhabitants happy with the weather. Charlotte notes that with the misty, foggy days, the digging is superb. Gabe agrees and points to the speed that can be achieved on softer ground, allowing him to almost catch Clint on the straightaway. Piper shrugs and settles on Lee's feet. Patti is improving by the day, stronger and happy to enjoy the air conditioning, with short spins up and down the yard to ensure all is going according to her plan. Lola and her babies are thriving. The little ones are up on their feet, trotting around the whelping room and enjoying the new found ambulatory experience. The eyes are bright and there will soon be food in their future. By the week end, they should be ready to begin the transition to the den. The older two puppies are making a transition to crates, are playing in a new yard and are growing into lovely young Airedales.
Meals are returning to normal after Lee's absence and Ken's efforts, supported by Chantelle. There were fresh scallops for dinner with hodge podge. Rice pudding rounded out the menu (Gourmet recipe that is perhaps more labour intensive than is really necessary). All is well.
The kennel ticks along. The Schenk crew returned home, with waves and barks. That settles the building. Barrett is singing his songs to Trebia - much to everyone's enjoyment. And the week end will again be busy. Bella is in residence so rules are not a problem. Bailey the Spaniel is taking life in stride. It is the week of the 'B'. Rounding out the crew is Amy Airedale, here for a spa treatment and a few days of exercise at Regalridge. Sarah keeps a close eye on all.
The house crew are well and perhaps the only inhabitants happy with the weather. Charlotte notes that with the misty, foggy days, the digging is superb. Gabe agrees and points to the speed that can be achieved on softer ground, allowing him to almost catch Clint on the straightaway. Piper shrugs and settles on Lee's feet. Patti is improving by the day, stronger and happy to enjoy the air conditioning, with short spins up and down the yard to ensure all is going according to her plan. Lola and her babies are thriving. The little ones are up on their feet, trotting around the whelping room and enjoying the new found ambulatory experience. The eyes are bright and there will soon be food in their future. By the week end, they should be ready to begin the transition to the den. The older two puppies are making a transition to crates, are playing in a new yard and are growing into lovely young Airedales.
Meals are returning to normal after Lee's absence and Ken's efforts, supported by Chantelle. There were fresh scallops for dinner with hodge podge. Rice pudding rounded out the menu (Gourmet recipe that is perhaps more labour intensive than is really necessary). All is well.
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