There is frost in the air - actual ice crystals with no place to go after having coated all of the trees and the ground. Early morning is the most beautiful time of day in November in Nova Scotia. The day was dedicated to the ubiquitous soot. Our Ken pitched in and spent hours on one side of the space, scrubbing, polishing and muttering in equal measure. Lee confined herself to the many kitchen surfaces. The room will be well prepared to accept the Christmas additions soon to come. The birds are busy as colder weather begins to be a regular occurrence. Weekly runs to Costco bring large sacks of seed to be distributed under the chestnut tree and among the feeders. The littlest characters now benefit from the globe feeder and are subsisting on a diet of fruit and nut seed that would be equally interesting in a Christmas cake. They eat well. The pheasants are yet to surface but the end of November should turn up those who made it through the preceding seasons. Gardens have been put to bed, lawn furniture stowed and the glass bird bath emptied. The November greys are broken only by the occasional rose still bravely blooming next to the kennel and the berries on the holly bushes, red and cheery until the robins find them in February.
All is well with the Regalridge crew. Piper and Dolly parked in the kitchen and supervised the cleaning, each with one eye partially open. No intent expressions - those are kept for important work like dinner preparation. Dolly was singularly unimpressed by Our Ken's noise level. He does not clean quietly into the day. She mentioned, repeatedly that any pleasure gained by having him in the house during the day was far outweighed by his noise nuisance factor. Lily continues to thrive and enjoy her family. The puppies are growing - in equal proportions wide and long. Well fed puppies are happy puppies according to Ms Lil. All have again had their collars enlarged. The young Airedale girls are having a great first year. Their ears have been up and are looking lovely, the expressions are delightful and their enthusiasm for life is infectious. Both have outstanding heads and there is little doubt they will be filled with some vestige of common sense at some point in the future. Until then, they tear around the big yards, carry whatever they can find to places they are sure only they know and jump for joy when the rumour starts that it is time for a meal.
Dinner was prime rib revisited. Not at all a bad thing.
All is well with the Regalridge crew. Piper and Dolly parked in the kitchen and supervised the cleaning, each with one eye partially open. No intent expressions - those are kept for important work like dinner preparation. Dolly was singularly unimpressed by Our Ken's noise level. He does not clean quietly into the day. She mentioned, repeatedly that any pleasure gained by having him in the house during the day was far outweighed by his noise nuisance factor. Lily continues to thrive and enjoy her family. The puppies are growing - in equal proportions wide and long. Well fed puppies are happy puppies according to Ms Lil. All have again had their collars enlarged. The young Airedale girls are having a great first year. Their ears have been up and are looking lovely, the expressions are delightful and their enthusiasm for life is infectious. Both have outstanding heads and there is little doubt they will be filled with some vestige of common sense at some point in the future. Until then, they tear around the big yards, carry whatever they can find to places they are sure only they know and jump for joy when the rumour starts that it is time for a meal.
Dinner was prime rib revisited. Not at all a bad thing.
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