The blog interruption was simply Lee's travel schedule interfering with life. And the roofing project continues. The major side is now complete with work moving to the front. Once this area is finished, there is one section to go. The summer of the roof may actually finish by autumn. The property is resplendent with flowers and dahlias of varying sizes are offering themselves up as centerpieces. Our Ken is studying his fall gardening magazines, catalogues and papers, considering next steps. The blueberry crop has been gathered and jams of many persuasions line the kitchen. Yellow plums are available and summer is winding down in NS. There have been the usual Regalridge moments. Lee's return was scheduled to be late and Air Canada determined that later is even better. Our Ken determined that he would be early (not a common occurrence) so arrived before 11:30. Lee collected her luggage all the while picturing Our Ken sleeping in his chair. And she was sort of correct. Going outside to find a taxi (few and far between at 12:30 am) a man wandered past looking very sleepy. Yes, it was Our Ken who had been snoozing - in Stanfield International instead of the den. He might still be there had someone not dropped a bag. Then there was the early morning rise and shine to get a puppy to the airport to meet the new owner who was bivouacking to collect the little guy. It was a highly successful practice run - and the new owner will be pleased with our experience when she arrives on that flight next week . . .
The kennel has been busy - as is usual for August. Penny departed with a wave to Sally the Lab. Sally, who has boarded with us since she was a baby, is a great girl and is loved by all of the other dogs in the kennel. Bryden the ancient Welsh is in residence. At his very advanced age he is doing incredibly well, marching along to the big yards and enjoying his ability to meet and greet - the bigger the better. He has his eye on Buzz - did we mention he is Welsh of advanced years? Lorena the German Shepherd Dog is a lovely addition. Our Ken has developed a relationship with her and is highly approving of her ability to take life in her stride. And Buzz is Buzz.
The house dogs are well but very tired of the summer of the roof. There are limits to the yards with all of the men here. Patti is particularly out of sorts - her yard has been appropriated and these men are difficult to keep in line. The kitchen activity level is keeping the Norwich happy and healthy. There are lots of fresh vegetables migrating from the market cross the road. May loves raw beans and peas. Marguerite's puppies continue to leave and Marguerite considers us terrible care takers. She has made the point many times that she managed to look after all of those puppies for many weeks and we are losing them at an alarming rate. Laurel is moving back out to the kitchen with increasing frequency. Her little ones now have open eyes and are learning about life.
Dinner has been a work in progress. Getting back into the swing of meals takes a bit of time. Starting with planked salmon, steak has also been on order. Haddock surfaced and Our Ken now sees that Lee being in |Ontario means fish on her return. There are new potatoes, fresh beans and Valley corn. There are field tomatoes and lots of fresh fruit. It is a great time of year.
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