Another lovely day and another bonding moment with the roofers. The front roof is finally finished and Ken has advised that we definitely have the highest quality roof in Belnan. The chimneys have been polished and buffed (or something) and metal troughs are resplendent in their sheer number at every angle. There are still five areas to go but the worst is over - or at least we think that is the case. Please don't feel you have to respond and burst my bubble. Our Ken managed several hunting and gathering trips. Rona will not be out of business in Elmsdale in 2011. The question may be why their profits drop so dramatically in 2012. And then it was on to the Tractor Dome - closed on a Saturday, of course. You know, we remarked on the hours of retail in France and notice the same here with some small business. Folks are concerned about the economy in Europe. The stores open at 10 (or a bit later depending on when the employees arrive). They close at noon for lunch - that's right, close and lock. Re-opening at 2:30 - 3:00, they stay open to 6:30 or 7. Maximum of 6 hours and generally closer to 5.5 In the 1950's and perhaps early 60's, stores closed in Canada on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. Everything, of course, was closed on Sunday. How times have changed with public expectation.
The kennel is busy. Old Bailey is in residence with her list of do's and don'ts that she lives by. She was a Welsh in a previous life, without question. Her door preferences, yard preferences and use of her leash and none other all must be respected to keep Princess Bailey content. She does love being in charge. Buzz is Buzz. Sarah is delighted to have Maddie in residence. Both love other dogs and particularly love other Airedales. Barrett, of course, is content provided he has Trebia in his sights. Rozzie really enjoys the big exercise yards- taking long spins in full voice. Raggs is the most relaxed and happy of the crew. Her owners are always laughing as they drop her off - Raggs is simply delighted to come to summer camp. Lorena continues to be Our Ken's star. He reports on her multiple times a day - nicest Shepherd ever here, he notes and he has liked all of them so that is high praise indeed. Charlie Airedale and Kenzie have bonded. They love company - the Airedales are highly collegial. Charlie has had his spa treatment and looks wonderful a la Chantelle.
The house dogs have begun a 'get rid of the roofers' petition and are lobbying for signatures. Einstein has signed- sleep interruptions are just not acceptable to an old cat. Chantelle was here for part of the day so the dogs were tickled. The old games came out - barking her though the doors (a favourite of a particular little Norwich), stepping on the back of her shoe to watch her pitch forward (a favourite of a special Airedale) and simply barking her in the right direction- all understanding that Chantelle is directionally challenged and wishing to offer assistance. The puppies are thriving. Marguerite's two are developing new games that require only two players. The little babies were introduced to solid food - semi-solid actually. They moved from running through it and licking each other's paws to determining that it might be worth a try as a meal replacement. Several highly recommend it and are writing to Ensure to have it added as a flavour.
Dinner was grilled burgers and new potatoes from Our Ken's garden, with peach pie. That worked. And we look forward to a day without roofers.
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