It was a busy day. We went to the city for a check on our Piper, a litter of Airedale puppies and went to lunch with Reg. On our return home, the work unit was finished and Tom had wired the computer and peripherals. It is fabulous. John Cathy and the circus landed and John performed miracles - restoring these machines to functionality without kicking, screaming or throwing them out a window - amazing. Dinner of beer can chicken, roasted tomatoes, beans and potatoes from Ken's gardens and dessert of apple crisp and blueberry/Asian pear gelato was an insufficient thank you for John's work.
The kennel ticked along and the dogs are great friends. Annie and Higgins manage the property from a Wheaten perspective leaving Rosie to bond with Gemini the Lab. Keegan and Kenzie met Mishka the old English and were amazed by this interesting feat of nature. All had great plays in the big yards and enjoyed the beautiful late summer day.
The housedogs were equally enamored of the weather and supported Tom and Ken in all outdoor activities. Paula's little family have opened their eyes and have begun to express themselves as only brand new Welsh are able. They are as wide as they are long and Paula is so proud of them she is ready to burst.
Chantelle is ready for her days off after a highly successful audit. She and Lee will be off to Cape Breton early on Friday. Another adventure begins.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The height of summer is behind us
The office is developing a new persona and all is well. The old desk departed as Tom dismembered it and toted it to the garage (we know our Ken can't let it go completely, so space will somehow be made). The work station is becoming a reality as sections are assembled, Perhaps tomorrow will be the day. Ken brought in crops and offered them like crown jewels to all who were in the area. The tomatoes are lovely and beans plentiful. His potatoes arrived at the table as smashed and were outstanding in their taste and texture. A potato dug on the day that is on the table that evening is an experience everyone in the world should enjoy. All other side dishes pale in comparison. Lee had an appointment in the city and managed a quick run through Dartmouth's new Costco - a store that is a mirror image of Halifax and confusing as a result.
The kennel dogs are static in their numbers and managed on this cool August day as they did the day before. 20 degrees is a perfect temperature for coated dogs and all seemed delighted with the weather and their lots in life.
The housedogs were equally relaxed with desultory games and lots of simple naps in their groves of trees. Paula is working diligently and is about the only dog appearing to feel they have any particular responsibilities.
The end of August is near and it can be felt in the change in the air and the position of the sun. We aren't at all ready for fall but it seems it will arrive without regard for our thoughts on that matter.
The kennel dogs are static in their numbers and managed on this cool August day as they did the day before. 20 degrees is a perfect temperature for coated dogs and all seemed delighted with the weather and their lots in life.
The housedogs were equally relaxed with desultory games and lots of simple naps in their groves of trees. Paula is working diligently and is about the only dog appearing to feel they have any particular responsibilities.
The end of August is near and it can be felt in the change in the air and the position of the sun. We aren't at all ready for fall but it seems it will arrive without regard for our thoughts on that matter.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ken has a meeting - the rest of us encourage him not to be late
It was Health Board Meeting day. That means Ken is focused and the rest of us scatter. Chantelle, wimp that she is, went to work. That left Lee and Tom as recipients of instructions, lists and random thoughts. Ken departed at noon and a sigh of relief echoed through the property. Margot and Zeus were out for a quick overview of the little fellow, a cup of coffee and a catch-up. Tom is in construction mode and the work station is progressing - that's a big job. Ken was away for dinner (or so we thought) so we had an early and simple dinner, only to have our Ken arrive hoping for dinner as well. Then is was on to trimming young Anjin, working him to the polish stage in readiness for his debut. His great owners are ready as well - almost keen, we think.
The kennel is ticking along with Annie and Higgins settled and in charge. Gemini and Rosie have bonded and are looking after the middle yard. Kenzie and Keegan just think they are home and enjoy the kennel as only Airedale sisters can.
The house crew had a great day. The weather was clement and they played Airedale and Welsh games for hours. The Norwich plus one moved from the back deck to the kitchen in ever widening circles looking for trouble, wherever they could find it. All were pleasantly worn out by bedtime. Paula continues her maternal duties and the babies are thriving. They now are able to settle comfortably by their mother without having to eat at every opportunity and all seem to enjoy each other. Life continues on and we are enjoying it.
The kennel is ticking along with Annie and Higgins settled and in charge. Gemini and Rosie have bonded and are looking after the middle yard. Kenzie and Keegan just think they are home and enjoy the kennel as only Airedale sisters can.
The house crew had a great day. The weather was clement and they played Airedale and Welsh games for hours. The Norwich plus one moved from the back deck to the kitchen in ever widening circles looking for trouble, wherever they could find it. All were pleasantly worn out by bedtime. Paula continues her maternal duties and the babies are thriving. They now are able to settle comfortably by their mother without having to eat at every opportunity and all seem to enjoy each other. Life continues on and we are enjoying it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Back in the saddle
It was a day of ups and downs. We returned to Tatamagouche to an unhappy Shelagh. The facility is a great one and it was bath day. Perhaps that was the reason for her frame of mind but it was a challenging visit with little positive. She ate the homemade chocolate pudding we took with us but with little apparent pleasure - not at all Shelagh-like. We left with the admonishment that we would be back Tuesday next week, hoping that would be at least something for her to look forward to. Tom toted parts of the office work station over from the garage but was stymied by a missing piece which Ken later found misfiled in a separate box - more on that as the week unfolds, I hope. We had a visit from Atlas' sister for a hair trim and once over. She is a lovely dog and well loved.
The kennel sorted itself as it generally does on Mondays. Lucy departed as did Sam and Princess. Keegan and Kenzie looked after their yard as did Mr Tibbs and Trebia. Rosie and Gemini are good friends now and Annie and Higgins supervised everyone, adding their encouragement to whatever thought any other dog had. It is a congenial group this week and all is well in their worlds.
The housedogs were busy getting back to the housedog routine after the hurricane. Patti and Sophie spent the day rearranging the toys in the yard. Charlotte and Piper visited with the dogs in the runs and Nick reclaimed his kitchen. The Norwich plus one returned to cat patrol at the hall door, much to the amusement of the cats and Lori was torn between the house and the clean up activity in the yard. Paula looked after her growing family - they are currently as wide as they are long - and resisted going outside without major bribes.
Post-storm, the weather has changed and fall is in the air. Ken had to don long pants for the evening - a major concession for our Ken. We are hoping for a warm fall after this mediocre summer. The tomatoes are ripening on the vines so summer is winding down. time to move from mustard pickles and brandied peaches (done last week end) to tomato sauces for the cold months ahead.
The kennel sorted itself as it generally does on Mondays. Lucy departed as did Sam and Princess. Keegan and Kenzie looked after their yard as did Mr Tibbs and Trebia. Rosie and Gemini are good friends now and Annie and Higgins supervised everyone, adding their encouragement to whatever thought any other dog had. It is a congenial group this week and all is well in their worlds.
The housedogs were busy getting back to the housedog routine after the hurricane. Patti and Sophie spent the day rearranging the toys in the yard. Charlotte and Piper visited with the dogs in the runs and Nick reclaimed his kitchen. The Norwich plus one returned to cat patrol at the hall door, much to the amusement of the cats and Lori was torn between the house and the clean up activity in the yard. Paula looked after her growing family - they are currently as wide as they are long - and resisted going outside without major bribes.
Post-storm, the weather has changed and fall is in the air. Ken had to don long pants for the evening - a major concession for our Ken. We are hoping for a warm fall after this mediocre summer. The tomatoes are ripening on the vines so summer is winding down. time to move from mustard pickles and brandied peaches (done last week end) to tomato sauces for the cold months ahead.
Monday, August 24, 2009
We are survivors
Bill blew through during daylight hours and by times he was spectacular. We lost some branches from trees but our miles of fencing are still standing, the wells received some much needed water and we settled through the afternoon to listen to CBC radio's live broadcast, read books and just relax. The Norwich were delighted with this change in our usual pattern and settled to sleep on top of us for the duration. The occasional hurricane like this one is not always a bad thing! Power didn't even flicker although there were communities in the area that did succumb to the impressive winds, with 45,000 without power at the height of the storm.
The dogs did well. Timing of the storm couldn't have been better. We had three hours from 6 - 9 to have all of the dogs out, exercised, fed and settled before the first gusts began. Ken was a bit harder to manage and had to be coaxed in out of the elements at about 10:30. It seemed that the sunflowers had to be tied up - I had no idea they were trying to make a break for it - and gutters had to be rechecked - yes, that was Ken on a ladder with the storm blowing! The kennel dogs waited out the storm with aplomb - sleeping through the high winds and ready for dinner at their regular time. By 4:30 the worst was over and we re-opened the runs, fed the dogs and continued with our regular routines. Baked ham, scalloped potatoes, roasted beans and fried apples were our post-hurricane celebration.
Chantelle returned on the heels of Bill and provided storm updates from the Valley. Hopefully the crops were not too badly damaged. As is always the case, the housedogs were suspicious of Chantelle and her entourage's return, greeting her as a stranger who needed a great deal of discipline for daring to walk among them as a friend. Now we turn to the week ahead, look at our schedule of meetings and appointments and set our teeth to move forward.
The dogs did well. Timing of the storm couldn't have been better. We had three hours from 6 - 9 to have all of the dogs out, exercised, fed and settled before the first gusts began. Ken was a bit harder to manage and had to be coaxed in out of the elements at about 10:30. It seemed that the sunflowers had to be tied up - I had no idea they were trying to make a break for it - and gutters had to be rechecked - yes, that was Ken on a ladder with the storm blowing! The kennel dogs waited out the storm with aplomb - sleeping through the high winds and ready for dinner at their regular time. By 4:30 the worst was over and we re-opened the runs, fed the dogs and continued with our regular routines. Baked ham, scalloped potatoes, roasted beans and fried apples were our post-hurricane celebration.
Chantelle returned on the heels of Bill and provided storm updates from the Valley. Hopefully the crops were not too badly damaged. As is always the case, the housedogs were suspicious of Chantelle and her entourage's return, greeting her as a stranger who needed a great deal of discipline for daring to walk among them as a friend. Now we turn to the week ahead, look at our schedule of meetings and appointments and set our teeth to move forward.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bill - we're ready for you (we think)
The storm watch is on - wait, where have I heard that before - Oh yes, I remember - the weather channel that Mr Cost Guard has been glued to for the past 24 hours! Boy Scout-R-Us and we are prepared. The lawn furniture is stowed, the gardens have been banked, bedded and bunkered, the feeders removed, anything that can become airborne has found a secure home and water has been strategically placed. Hurricane Juan found us wanting - we're ready for Bill.
The dogs sense the storm and have been circling their mental wagons. The boarders had a quiet day in their yards. Darryl left as did Shadow so the two buddies won't miss each other. Lucy Welsh arrived for an overnight and enjoyed her suite through the day and evening. Keegan and Kenzie Airedales were delighted to have a crew of Regalridge Airedales next to them in yard 2 so the games were on. Annie and Higgins managed yard 4 for much of the day and were tired campers at bedtime. Both are doing well - eating and wagging in equal measure. Mr Tibbs will not go out without his little hero Trebia - he appears to be taking count of her laps around the big yard and will likely write a detailed report on his findings, so intent is he on her progress. Gemini Lab and Sam Golden have become great pals and share a yard when they go out. Princess remains a bit uncertain of her comfort level so she has the double run to herself when Sam is out with Gemini and shares with her brother Sam when he returns. That seems to work for her and she has settled as much as a Princess is likely to settle at camp.
The housedogs were outside supervising Ken's progress with the kennel and hurricane planning. Paula preferred to stay with her little family and went out only of necessity. There was less kitchen supervision than is usual - Piper, Nick and Lori checked in on occasion but the only constants were the Norwich and Abigail Australian who tag teamed a get away with a part from the bread machine and almost won the race - that little pack is demonized! Anjin was up for a visit and a tune up in preparation for fall shows. He is a handsome puppy (Fraser-Hailey) and we are delighted with him and with his owners who delight in his antics. Under their tutelage, he should make a good show dog. Jack and Bob shared the back run but without Jessie seemed not to know what to do with themselves. with nobody to grab them, push them, bark at them or run around them, they were bored and preferred to come inside. Who knew they actually liked the little nuisance.
Dinner of bar b qued strip loin, fried green tomatoes, oven roasted potatoes, grilled portobellos and corn was late but welcome. The wind was up and it was dark very early - a harbinger of things to come after a summer that barely counted. Cappuccino brownies and homemade chocolate almond ice cream was later still. And there is a ham roasted for hurricane Sunday as well as scones and lots more than won't require Ken's time except to sit to eat it. We miss Chantelle's smiling face but hear that she has contributed to the Valley economy to a good extent. And it's time to hunker down and wait to see what Bill will bring.
The dogs sense the storm and have been circling their mental wagons. The boarders had a quiet day in their yards. Darryl left as did Shadow so the two buddies won't miss each other. Lucy Welsh arrived for an overnight and enjoyed her suite through the day and evening. Keegan and Kenzie Airedales were delighted to have a crew of Regalridge Airedales next to them in yard 2 so the games were on. Annie and Higgins managed yard 4 for much of the day and were tired campers at bedtime. Both are doing well - eating and wagging in equal measure. Mr Tibbs will not go out without his little hero Trebia - he appears to be taking count of her laps around the big yard and will likely write a detailed report on his findings, so intent is he on her progress. Gemini Lab and Sam Golden have become great pals and share a yard when they go out. Princess remains a bit uncertain of her comfort level so she has the double run to herself when Sam is out with Gemini and shares with her brother Sam when he returns. That seems to work for her and she has settled as much as a Princess is likely to settle at camp.
The housedogs were outside supervising Ken's progress with the kennel and hurricane planning. Paula preferred to stay with her little family and went out only of necessity. There was less kitchen supervision than is usual - Piper, Nick and Lori checked in on occasion but the only constants were the Norwich and Abigail Australian who tag teamed a get away with a part from the bread machine and almost won the race - that little pack is demonized! Anjin was up for a visit and a tune up in preparation for fall shows. He is a handsome puppy (Fraser-Hailey) and we are delighted with him and with his owners who delight in his antics. Under their tutelage, he should make a good show dog. Jack and Bob shared the back run but without Jessie seemed not to know what to do with themselves. with nobody to grab them, push them, bark at them or run around them, they were bored and preferred to come inside. Who knew they actually liked the little nuisance.
Dinner of bar b qued strip loin, fried green tomatoes, oven roasted potatoes, grilled portobellos and corn was late but welcome. The wind was up and it was dark very early - a harbinger of things to come after a summer that barely counted. Cappuccino brownies and homemade chocolate almond ice cream was later still. And there is a ham roasted for hurricane Sunday as well as scones and lots more than won't require Ken's time except to sit to eat it. We miss Chantelle's smiling face but hear that she has contributed to the Valley economy to a good extent. And it's time to hunker down and wait to see what Bill will bring.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hurricane Bill was today's preoccupation
Lots of dogs, lots of lines on the 'to do' list and lots done. Sorting the property in preparation for a hurricane is lots of work - and projects abound. Somehow, they involved pickles, baking, trips to the village, work in the garage and a lot of muttering. Storm watch and combing all sources for updates filled the remaining hours. Those helpful friends who suggested pheasant for dinner were set aside to be dealt with later Chantelle packed the new car and whipped off to Digby with dogs waving out the window and radio able to be heard across the Province. The ATA dinner that was scheduled for Sunday had to be postponed as a result of the weather forecast - our new date is Saturday the 19th of September.
The kennel is busy and Kelsey was a welcome addition to the crew. Shadow and his two Airedale accomplices spent the day managing the property. Mr Tibbs requires Trebia's support to look after his area and is delighted when she arrives in the yard to keep him company. Darryl and Gemini are fast friends - Darryl is hoping for a Lab puppy for Christmas! Annie and Higgins are self-sufficient and settled in happily. Rosie will pair up with Sam the Golden - they make a good visual. Sam will also help Princess along so will have double duty this week.
The housedogs like the activity and were torn between the kitchen and the outdoor projects. They assisted with telephone answering by standing in front of the phone as it rang - over and over and over. Bob finished the newspaper puzzle first this week but i assume he phoned you to let you know as well?! Sophie insisted her fan be running and laid out in the kitchen in the most inopportune spot possible for much of the day - you have to love ancient dogs who know their own mind. George knocked one of her glued ears down so had that repaired much to her disgust and Clint wore and 'I told you so' smirk the rest of the day. With Jessie and Scout gone, the house is much quieter. Paula and family are thriving. She goes outside for seconds at a time, preferring to remain with her responsibilities.
The day ended with Bon Appetit's cappuccino brownies - not a terrible thing - and we look forward to tropical humidity tomorrow in advance of Hurricane Bill.
The kennel is busy and Kelsey was a welcome addition to the crew. Shadow and his two Airedale accomplices spent the day managing the property. Mr Tibbs requires Trebia's support to look after his area and is delighted when she arrives in the yard to keep him company. Darryl and Gemini are fast friends - Darryl is hoping for a Lab puppy for Christmas! Annie and Higgins are self-sufficient and settled in happily. Rosie will pair up with Sam the Golden - they make a good visual. Sam will also help Princess along so will have double duty this week.
The housedogs like the activity and were torn between the kitchen and the outdoor projects. They assisted with telephone answering by standing in front of the phone as it rang - over and over and over. Bob finished the newspaper puzzle first this week but i assume he phoned you to let you know as well?! Sophie insisted her fan be running and laid out in the kitchen in the most inopportune spot possible for much of the day - you have to love ancient dogs who know their own mind. George knocked one of her glued ears down so had that repaired much to her disgust and Clint wore and 'I told you so' smirk the rest of the day. With Jessie and Scout gone, the house is much quieter. Paula and family are thriving. She goes outside for seconds at a time, preferring to remain with her responsibilities.
The day ended with Bon Appetit's cappuccino brownies - not a terrible thing - and we look forward to tropical humidity tomorrow in advance of Hurricane Bill.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hurricane planning is the order of the day
We're making progress. Yesterday was the trip to the city to add a new desk to the refloored office. It is a lovely unit and someday it will be put together and organized. At present, it is resting comfortably in pieces. We are also hurricane-ready. Bill will visit us if all prognosticators are at all correct so we have planned to be self sufficient for at least a week. Dog food has been hunted and gathered, food organized for people and canines, water will be added and prescriptions filled. Cars are filled with gas and extra containers filled for the generator and assorted machinery. We're ready for Bill.
It was another hot day so the housedogs enjoyed the air conditioning and the kennel dogs preferred the cool inside to the big yards. Darryl has bonded with all of us and has attached himself to each person who works with him. He and Gemini the Lab are great pals - Darryl just loves company. Shadow, Keegan and Kenzie had an Airedale party. Kenzie is the camera hound who poses at every opportunity. Shadow and Keegan watch in dismay as she seizes the moment - trust a young Airedale to steal the limelight. Annie and Higgins are managing in the heat and Higgins has fully recovered. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have been christened the 'Odd Couple" - the big, long haired blond fellow is playing with the little red almost hairless Cirneco and appears to be totally taken with her speed and delight in life.
Chantelle should have been organizing for her week end at the cottage but instead worked on the computer and highly recommends you search "Truro Nova Scotia market dance" on Youtube. Scout, Jessie Rachael and Clementine are ready to rumble so they will be packed tomorrow night and will be heading to Digby by late afternoon (no doubt with a stop at Pearl's on the way). We had spaghetti for dinner a la hurricane planning. Extra sauce is frozen and will make an easy meal on the Viking gas stove even if we have no power. Bar b queing works, of course, but our Ken will be busy if we truly have a bad hit. Yard furniture will be taken in and crops organized but we fear for the flowers which are magnificent at the moment. This is a terrible time of year for a hurricane - similar to timing of Hurricane Juan, the trees are fully in leaf so heavy rains and high winds will play havoc.
It was a telephone evening with great chats with friends including the New Yorkers and Paul Robinson. Summer is such a busy time that we tend to lose touch so it's great to catch up on news.
It was another hot day so the housedogs enjoyed the air conditioning and the kennel dogs preferred the cool inside to the big yards. Darryl has bonded with all of us and has attached himself to each person who works with him. He and Gemini the Lab are great pals - Darryl just loves company. Shadow, Keegan and Kenzie had an Airedale party. Kenzie is the camera hound who poses at every opportunity. Shadow and Keegan watch in dismay as she seizes the moment - trust a young Airedale to steal the limelight. Annie and Higgins are managing in the heat and Higgins has fully recovered. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have been christened the 'Odd Couple" - the big, long haired blond fellow is playing with the little red almost hairless Cirneco and appears to be totally taken with her speed and delight in life.
Chantelle should have been organizing for her week end at the cottage but instead worked on the computer and highly recommends you search "Truro Nova Scotia market dance" on Youtube. Scout, Jessie Rachael and Clementine are ready to rumble so they will be packed tomorrow night and will be heading to Digby by late afternoon (no doubt with a stop at Pearl's on the way). We had spaghetti for dinner a la hurricane planning. Extra sauce is frozen and will make an easy meal on the Viking gas stove even if we have no power. Bar b queing works, of course, but our Ken will be busy if we truly have a bad hit. Yard furniture will be taken in and crops organized but we fear for the flowers which are magnificent at the moment. This is a terrible time of year for a hurricane - similar to timing of Hurricane Juan, the trees are fully in leaf so heavy rains and high winds will play havoc.
It was a telephone evening with great chats with friends including the New Yorkers and Paul Robinson. Summer is such a busy time that we tend to lose touch so it's great to catch up on news.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well summer has arrived - and who needs it?!

It was hot outside - terribly hot - but the air conditioner ran and we couldn't pry the housedogs out of the great room. The outdoors held no allure for any of us. Tom did the finish work on the flooring (yes, it's done!) and even our Ken worked inside or shopped in the local air conditioned village shops - it really was hot!
Work around the house is never hard to find - lots of catch up to do on the computer, lots of dog laundry and lots of sorting of the season's produce. Homemade ice cream seemed to be a necessity - it is chocolate-almond and darned tasty - to accompany a lovely Spanish rice with seasonal vegetables, beets from the garden, spinach from the garden and lovely fresh haddock. Life is good in NS in produce season.
The kennel is busy and the dogs are enjoying the cool inside of the building. The yards are quiet and the dogs exercise early in the morning or after it cools in the evening. The wonderful thing about this climate is that it does cool off at night and all can sleep. The three Shepherds were delighted to see their owners and marched down the driveway telling their people all of their kennel stories. Mo is looking for extra allowance for all of the responsibilities he had had to carry. Shadow and Darryl played the "I'm most important" game for hours and had a great time. They are becoming fast friends despite their differences in breed (Airedale and Bernese), age and background. Gemini was out with the boys but couldn't play until we reorganized - everyone knows that three can't play together - only pairs work. Annie and Higgins look after the vocal musings of the kennel and offer their thoughts on all activities (we suspect they also offer the thoughts of the other dogs just to be equal opportunity boarders). Higgins throat has healed nicely, his stitches have been removed and he is eating well. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have come to an arrangement. Trebia runs circles and his head follows her. They are an odd couple - a little whippet-y hound and a big yellow mixed breed who manage a run in tandem.
The housedogs played hard last night after snoozing the day away. The puppies burned the most energy with their games and antics. Ears had been the order of the day with Sarge coming up from Maine to have his done as well as a redo of George and Clint. The puppies are great to work with and all look great - Sarge has an incredible head and Clint's outline is stunning. George is lovely and a show girl so Fraser's puppies certainly are a tribute to him and to their beautiful mother Dolly. Paula's puppies are really, really cute and she is a wonderful mother. Sophie is ambivalent about the air conditioner. She has a large floor fan that she has appropriated and wants it on darn it all! So the fan is running in spite of the air - we have to keep our Sophie happy.

Work around the house is never hard to find - lots of catch up to do on the computer, lots of dog laundry and lots of sorting of the season's produce. Homemade ice cream seemed to be a necessity - it is chocolate-almond and darned tasty - to accompany a lovely Spanish rice with seasonal vegetables, beets from the garden, spinach from the garden and lovely fresh haddock. Life is good in NS in produce season.
The kennel is busy and the dogs are enjoying the cool inside of the building. The yards are quiet and the dogs exercise early in the morning or after it cools in the evening. The wonderful thing about this climate is that it does cool off at night and all can sleep. The three Shepherds were delighted to see their owners and marched down the driveway telling their people all of their kennel stories. Mo is looking for extra allowance for all of the responsibilities he had had to carry. Shadow and Darryl played the "I'm most important" game for hours and had a great time. They are becoming fast friends despite their differences in breed (Airedale and Bernese), age and background. Gemini was out with the boys but couldn't play until we reorganized - everyone knows that three can't play together - only pairs work. Annie and Higgins look after the vocal musings of the kennel and offer their thoughts on all activities (we suspect they also offer the thoughts of the other dogs just to be equal opportunity boarders). Higgins throat has healed nicely, his stitches have been removed and he is eating well. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have come to an arrangement. Trebia runs circles and his head follows her. They are an odd couple - a little whippet-y hound and a big yellow mixed breed who manage a run in tandem.
The housedogs played hard last night after snoozing the day away. The puppies burned the most energy with their games and antics. Ears had been the order of the day with Sarge coming up from Maine to have his done as well as a redo of George and Clint. The puppies are great to work with and all look great - Sarge has an incredible head and Clint's outline is stunning. George is lovely and a show girl so Fraser's puppies certainly are a tribute to him and to their beautiful mother Dolly. Paula's puppies are really, really cute and she is a wonderful mother. Sophie is ambivalent about the air conditioner. She has a large floor fan that she has appropriated and wants it on darn it all! So the fan is running in spite of the air - we have to keep our Sophie happy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We're back to 'normal'

Normal is such a relative term but, for Regalridge, things are reverting to normal. Lee is back in residence and in charge of the kitchen - yahoo - and all is right with the world.
It was a day of to-ing and fro-ing with two trips to the city and an installation. The decision was finally taken to air condition the downstairs of the house, so a trip to the city later and (courtesy of Tom's abilities) we are cool on the day when the indexed temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. Then it was back to the city for a Vet visit , with the Welsh puppies pronounced healthy, fat and well tended by their doting mother. A bar-b-que on the deck finished up the day.
The kennel is busy. Annie and Higgins Wheatens are managing number two run with alacrity. Higgins had a boo boo when he arrived - he had eaten a pencil that his owner had been using and shards caught in his throat causing a throat abscess discovered by Chantelle when he was coming in from a romp in the yard. A trip to the emergency vet (these things manifest themselves only on Sundays) later and Higgins had a drain, stitches and a cone for his head that he thought was way cool. He is now back to his happy self and his owner is much relieved. Chantelle's Vet Tech skills come to the fore yet again!
Mr Tibbs has been paired up with Trebia - he is fascinated by her speed and watches in amazement as she flashes by. Shadow Airedale is best buddies with Darryl Bernese. This is Darryl's first boarding experience - he loves it, likes people and dogs equally and thinks camp is a super idea. The three Shepherds (Barley, Mo and Tia) have settled in. This is a breed that doesn't board easily - they are totally focused on their families and are off center when away from them. It has taken this crew several days to determine that this is not a detention center and that we are not jailers. Now that that is established, they have relaxed. Mo is in charge and looks after his pack with great care. Gemini is here for her summer visit. She is happy and used to being here, saunters around the kennel and yards and takes life in her stride.
The house dogs are happy - happier now that there is air conditioning. Sophie lays in front of the big floor fan and pity help the person who doesn't simply step over her. She is not moving! Patti is happy only when Kelsey is here so she had a great week end but is a bit sulky this week. Billy got a haircut and is looking his best as is Piper with her pals Charlotte and Lori. Chantelle is getting ready for a trip to the lake for the week end and plans are underway to make the trip and decide who and how many are going with her. Look out Bob and Luella!

It was a day of to-ing and fro-ing with two trips to the city and an installation. The decision was finally taken to air condition the downstairs of the house, so a trip to the city later and (courtesy of Tom's abilities) we are cool on the day when the indexed temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. Then it was back to the city for a Vet visit , with the Welsh puppies pronounced healthy, fat and well tended by their doting mother. A bar-b-que on the deck finished up the day.
The kennel is busy. Annie and Higgins Wheatens are managing number two run with alacrity. Higgins had a boo boo when he arrived - he had eaten a pencil that his owner had been using and shards caught in his throat causing a throat abscess discovered by Chantelle when he was coming in from a romp in the yard. A trip to the emergency vet (these things manifest themselves only on Sundays) later and Higgins had a drain, stitches and a cone for his head that he thought was way cool. He is now back to his happy self and his owner is much relieved. Chantelle's Vet Tech skills come to the fore yet again!
Mr Tibbs has been paired up with Trebia - he is fascinated by her speed and watches in amazement as she flashes by. Shadow Airedale is best buddies with Darryl Bernese. This is Darryl's first boarding experience - he loves it, likes people and dogs equally and thinks camp is a super idea. The three Shepherds (Barley, Mo and Tia) have settled in. This is a breed that doesn't board easily - they are totally focused on their families and are off center when away from them. It has taken this crew several days to determine that this is not a detention center and that we are not jailers. Now that that is established, they have relaxed. Mo is in charge and looks after his pack with great care. Gemini is here for her summer visit. She is happy and used to being here, saunters around the kennel and yards and takes life in her stride.
The house dogs are happy - happier now that there is air conditioning. Sophie lays in front of the big floor fan and pity help the person who doesn't simply step over her. She is not moving! Patti is happy only when Kelsey is here so she had a great week end but is a bit sulky this week. Billy got a haircut and is looking his best as is Piper with her pals Charlotte and Lori. Chantelle is getting ready for a trip to the lake for the week end and plans are underway to make the trip and decide who and how many are going with her. Look out Bob and Luella!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We're back and the living is interesting

It has been a while. Trips have taken Lee to the US and NB so the blog has been unwritten. Time to remedy that.
The first week of August took Lee to Ohio to judge an Airedale Specialty and some other breeds in 96 degree weather. She missed the monsoon by a day so the ground actually steamed as the lakes on the show grounds evaporated. It is a great show for shopping and, as luck would have it, there was enough time to do just that! And there were adventures - Enterprise car rental offered up a yellow Volkswagon Beetle for the drive from Pittsburgh airport - did you know the speedometer in the US is still in miles per hour?! And before you shake your head too hard, remember the flight from Halifax left at 6 (or 6:10 since Ken had to go home for Lee's passport and Air Canada kindly held the plane) so we were up at 3:30 and fatigue was a factor - or that is at least an excuse. Those cars on the inside lane sure seemed to be creeping along as that little Beetle zipped by trying to get up to that 60 speed limit! The judging went well with the stunning Bedlington and typey Smooth Fox ending up with Group placings - always a nice feeling. There were wonderful people along the way, old acquaintances renewed and lots learned from new friends. Mark put two of us together and it is not certain I could have managed without the expert counsel from Al Ferrugiaro. His kindness was unreserved and greatly appreciated.
Then there was the trip home. All went well until the weather in NYC cancelled the flight to Newark. There was to be a side trip to Virginia so a car rental was in the cards. Finalizing my rental contract, reaching for the credit card, there it was - gone. Did you know you cannot rent a car without the physical card? Lesson learned - never leave home without two credit cards and sign up with a rental company for their highest level of customer care so that a card is no longer necessary. Enterprise took pity on me (and the Royal Bank was wonderful in card support) so by 5:30 I was in a Toyota on my way through the city en route to Richmond. You know, it's quite a drive in the dark, by yourself on roads you don't know. Of course, there were the twelve lanes of jam packed traffic around Washington to keep me company at 1 in the morning or the fact that from Pittsburgh to an hour out of Richmond I hadn't stopped for gas - yahoo for Toyota! Now, gas in the early hours of the morning is an interesting challenge. Stations will take no bills larger than a 20 - and of course, there was no credit card and our debit cards don't work without a Visa or MC logo. So through the city I drove to find a large station - replete with beer sales an concomitant shoppers. The boys and I did our business at the cash and one stopped to help me find that gas lever to open the cover! Ken would have turned to stone at about this point . . . I got to Richmond and Linda's welcoming glass of wine at about 2:30. The symphony of crickets and tree frogs was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! Maggie Welsh had a great week and Remus puppy is a delight - a smart clone of Jessie Rachel. The flight home through Toronto was eventful but by then that was expected. The hour and a half available to get through Customs wasn't enough - there had been thunder storms before our arrival so there were over 1000 people in line ahead of me, most from international flights. Finally extra lines were opened for connecting passengers and then there was the mad run to the other terminal, two gate changes (at opposite ends of Pearson, of course) and an overbooked plane. Ken's relieved face as I came down that escalator was the best thing I have seen in my life (did I mention he was out on the sailboat while I was having the Pittsburgh to Richmond adventure and his worry level was at an all time high because little tattle tongue here had to tell him what was unfolding?!).
Things at Camp Regalridge were ticking along under Chantelle's tutelage. The dogs are happily lazing around in our two weeks of summer, the kennel is full of congenial dogs who are happy to be here and delighting in the freedom of the yards and the company of friends and all is well. Roddi and Ruari departed among a flurry of good byes after a month in residence and Annie and Higgins arrived for a two month stay. After his month with us, KC left with Al and Betty and Alex for a couple of months on PEI before he goes home to Ontario. He was a great friend to all who went out with him in the number four yard so is missed. Today the kennel has emptied out (there are 8 boarders here for camp at the moment) in preparation for another busy week and week end. This is turn over day so we waved good by to Anjin, Buck, Charley,Casey, Merby and various others and will have a day to catch our breath before the next crop land.
Sophie is enjoying the warm weather as are Patti and Charlotte. Getting them to join us inside is a great challenge. Piper is happy that Lee is home and Atlas looks great after the ministrations of Ken and Chantelle to maintain his show readiness. the big news is Paula. Between the return from Richmond and a quick trip to NB Paula offered us (by cesarean) four Welsh babies. There are three girls and one feisty little guy; all are well and growing like little weeds. Paula is an unbelievably efficient first time Mom and is diligent in her ministrations. Those little ones will keep us busy for the next while.
Ken and Lee had a trip to the NBKC shows on the week end and managed to get lots done. The Toy Dog Specialty and Pomeranian National offered lots to watch and learn. Logan was in the ribbons every day and looked great. He is a consistent show Airedale and we could not be more impressed by the way Dawn and Jim are managing his show career.
Chantelle is working toward a couple of days at the lake at the end of the week - a well deserved pause in her frantic schedule. Then she will gear up for the Cape Breton week end.
It is hot - hot and humid and hot - did I mention that it is hot? We are finally thinking an air conditioner is a necessity, even if only used a few days a summer. The plus is that we are finally
able to eat out on the deck late in the evening.
The first week of August took Lee to Ohio to judge an Airedale Specialty and some other breeds in 96 degree weather. She missed the monsoon by a day so the ground actually steamed as the lakes on the show grounds evaporated. It is a great show for shopping and, as luck would have it, there was enough time to do just that! And there were adventures - Enterprise car rental offered up a yellow Volkswagon Beetle for the drive from Pittsburgh airport - did you know the speedometer in the US is still in miles per hour?! And before you shake your head too hard, remember the flight from Halifax left at 6 (or 6:10 since Ken had to go home for Lee's passport and Air Canada kindly held the plane) so we were up at 3:30 and fatigue was a factor - or that is at least an excuse. Those cars on the inside lane sure seemed to be creeping along as that little Beetle zipped by trying to get up to that 60 speed limit! The judging went well with the stunning Bedlington and typey Smooth Fox ending up with Group placings - always a nice feeling. There were wonderful people along the way, old acquaintances renewed and lots learned from new friends. Mark put two of us together and it is not certain I could have managed without the expert counsel from Al Ferrugiaro. His kindness was unreserved and greatly appreciated.
Then there was the trip home. All went well until the weather in NYC cancelled the flight to Newark. There was to be a side trip to Virginia so a car rental was in the cards. Finalizing my rental contract, reaching for the credit card, there it was - gone. Did you know you cannot rent a car without the physical card? Lesson learned - never leave home without two credit cards and sign up with a rental company for their highest level of customer care so that a card is no longer necessary. Enterprise took pity on me (and the Royal Bank was wonderful in card support) so by 5:30 I was in a Toyota on my way through the city en route to Richmond. You know, it's quite a drive in the dark, by yourself on roads you don't know. Of course, there were the twelve lanes of jam packed traffic around Washington to keep me company at 1 in the morning or the fact that from Pittsburgh to an hour out of Richmond I hadn't stopped for gas - yahoo for Toyota! Now, gas in the early hours of the morning is an interesting challenge. Stations will take no bills larger than a 20 - and of course, there was no credit card and our debit cards don't work without a Visa or MC logo. So through the city I drove to find a large station - replete with beer sales an concomitant shoppers. The boys and I did our business at the cash and one stopped to help me find that gas lever to open the cover! Ken would have turned to stone at about this point . . . I got to Richmond and Linda's welcoming glass of wine at about 2:30. The symphony of crickets and tree frogs was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! Maggie Welsh had a great week and Remus puppy is a delight - a smart clone of Jessie Rachel. The flight home through Toronto was eventful but by then that was expected. The hour and a half available to get through Customs wasn't enough - there had been thunder storms before our arrival so there were over 1000 people in line ahead of me, most from international flights. Finally extra lines were opened for connecting passengers and then there was the mad run to the other terminal, two gate changes (at opposite ends of Pearson, of course) and an overbooked plane. Ken's relieved face as I came down that escalator was the best thing I have seen in my life (did I mention he was out on the sailboat while I was having the Pittsburgh to Richmond adventure and his worry level was at an all time high because little tattle tongue here had to tell him what was unfolding?!).
Things at Camp Regalridge were ticking along under Chantelle's tutelage. The dogs are happily lazing around in our two weeks of summer, the kennel is full of congenial dogs who are happy to be here and delighting in the freedom of the yards and the company of friends and all is well. Roddi and Ruari departed among a flurry of good byes after a month in residence and Annie and Higgins arrived for a two month stay. After his month with us, KC left with Al and Betty and Alex for a couple of months on PEI before he goes home to Ontario. He was a great friend to all who went out with him in the number four yard so is missed. Today the kennel has emptied out (there are 8 boarders here for camp at the moment) in preparation for another busy week and week end. This is turn over day so we waved good by to Anjin, Buck, Charley,Casey, Merby and various others and will have a day to catch our breath before the next crop land.
Sophie is enjoying the warm weather as are Patti and Charlotte. Getting them to join us inside is a great challenge. Piper is happy that Lee is home and Atlas looks great after the ministrations of Ken and Chantelle to maintain his show readiness. the big news is Paula. Between the return from Richmond and a quick trip to NB Paula offered us (by cesarean) four Welsh babies. There are three girls and one feisty little guy; all are well and growing like little weeds. Paula is an unbelievably efficient first time Mom and is diligent in her ministrations. Those little ones will keep us busy for the next while.
Ken and Lee had a trip to the NBKC shows on the week end and managed to get lots done. The Toy Dog Specialty and Pomeranian National offered lots to watch and learn. Logan was in the ribbons every day and looked great. He is a consistent show Airedale and we could not be more impressed by the way Dawn and Jim are managing his show career.
Chantelle is working toward a couple of days at the lake at the end of the week - a well deserved pause in her frantic schedule. Then she will gear up for the Cape Breton week end.
It is hot - hot and humid and hot - did I mention that it is hot? We are finally thinking an air conditioner is a necessity, even if only used a few days a summer. The plus is that we are finally

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Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel
Grooming the Airedale Terrier
View more presentations from airetime.
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