Normal is such a relative term but, for Regalridge, things are reverting to normal. Lee is back in residence and in charge of the kitchen - yahoo - and all is right with the world.
It was a day of to-ing and fro-ing with two trips to the city and an installation. The decision was finally taken to air condition the downstairs of the house, so a trip to the city later and (courtesy of Tom's abilities) we are cool on the day when the indexed temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. Then it was back to the city for a Vet visit , with the Welsh puppies pronounced healthy, fat and well tended by their doting mother. A bar-b-que on the deck finished up the day.
The kennel is busy. Annie and Higgins Wheatens are managing number two run with alacrity. Higgins had a boo boo when he arrived - he had eaten a pencil that his owner had been using and shards caught in his throat causing a throat abscess discovered by Chantelle when he was coming in from a romp in the yard. A trip to the emergency vet (these things manifest themselves only on Sundays) later and Higgins had a drain, stitches and a cone for his head that he thought was way cool. He is now back to his happy self and his owner is much relieved. Chantelle's Vet Tech skills come to the fore yet again!
Mr Tibbs has been paired up with Trebia - he is fascinated by her speed and watches in amazement as she flashes by. Shadow Airedale is best buddies with Darryl Bernese. This is Darryl's first boarding experience - he loves it, likes people and dogs equally and thinks camp is a super idea. The three Shepherds (Barley, Mo and Tia) have settled in. This is a breed that doesn't board easily - they are totally focused on their families and are off center when away from them. It has taken this crew several days to determine that this is not a detention center and that we are not jailers. Now that that is established, they have relaxed. Mo is in charge and looks after his pack with great care. Gemini is here for her summer visit. She is happy and used to being here, saunters around the kennel and yards and takes life in her stride.
The house dogs are happy - happier now that there is air conditioning. Sophie lays in front of the big floor fan and pity help the person who doesn't simply step over her. She is not moving! Patti is happy only when Kelsey is here so she had a great week end but is a bit sulky this week. Billy got a haircut and is looking his best as is Piper with her pals Charlotte and Lori. Chantelle is getting ready for a trip to the lake for the week end and plans are underway to make the trip and decide who and how many are going with her. Look out Bob and Luella!

It was a day of to-ing and fro-ing with two trips to the city and an installation. The decision was finally taken to air condition the downstairs of the house, so a trip to the city later and (courtesy of Tom's abilities) we are cool on the day when the indexed temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. Then it was back to the city for a Vet visit , with the Welsh puppies pronounced healthy, fat and well tended by their doting mother. A bar-b-que on the deck finished up the day.
The kennel is busy. Annie and Higgins Wheatens are managing number two run with alacrity. Higgins had a boo boo when he arrived - he had eaten a pencil that his owner had been using and shards caught in his throat causing a throat abscess discovered by Chantelle when he was coming in from a romp in the yard. A trip to the emergency vet (these things manifest themselves only on Sundays) later and Higgins had a drain, stitches and a cone for his head that he thought was way cool. He is now back to his happy self and his owner is much relieved. Chantelle's Vet Tech skills come to the fore yet again!
Mr Tibbs has been paired up with Trebia - he is fascinated by her speed and watches in amazement as she flashes by. Shadow Airedale is best buddies with Darryl Bernese. This is Darryl's first boarding experience - he loves it, likes people and dogs equally and thinks camp is a super idea. The three Shepherds (Barley, Mo and Tia) have settled in. This is a breed that doesn't board easily - they are totally focused on their families and are off center when away from them. It has taken this crew several days to determine that this is not a detention center and that we are not jailers. Now that that is established, they have relaxed. Mo is in charge and looks after his pack with great care. Gemini is here for her summer visit. She is happy and used to being here, saunters around the kennel and yards and takes life in her stride.
The house dogs are happy - happier now that there is air conditioning. Sophie lays in front of the big floor fan and pity help the person who doesn't simply step over her. She is not moving! Patti is happy only when Kelsey is here so she had a great week end but is a bit sulky this week. Billy got a haircut and is looking his best as is Piper with her pals Charlotte and Lori. Chantelle is getting ready for a trip to the lake for the week end and plans are underway to make the trip and decide who and how many are going with her. Look out Bob and Luella!

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