It has been a while. Trips have taken Lee to the US and NB so the blog has been unwritten. Time to remedy that.
The first week of August took Lee to Ohio to judge an Airedale Specialty and some other breeds in 96 degree weather. She missed the monsoon by a day so the ground actually steamed as the lakes on the show grounds evaporated. It is a great show for shopping and, as luck would have it, there was enough time to do just that! And there were adventures - Enterprise car rental offered up a yellow Volkswagon Beetle for the drive from Pittsburgh airport - did you know the speedometer in the US is still in miles per hour?! And before you shake your head too hard, remember the flight from Halifax left at 6 (or 6:10 since Ken had to go home for Lee's passport and Air Canada kindly held the plane) so we were up at 3:30 and fatigue was a factor - or that is at least an excuse. Those cars on the inside lane sure seemed to be creeping along as that little Beetle zipped by trying to get up to that 60 speed limit! The judging went well with the stunning Bedlington and typey Smooth Fox ending up with Group placings - always a nice feeling. There were wonderful people along the way, old acquaintances renewed and lots learned from new friends. Mark put two of us together and it is not certain I could have managed without the expert counsel from Al Ferrugiaro. His kindness was unreserved and greatly appreciated.
Then there was the trip home. All went well until the weather in NYC cancelled the flight to Newark. There was to be a side trip to Virginia so a car rental was in the cards. Finalizing my rental contract, reaching for the credit card, there it was - gone. Did you know you cannot rent a car without the physical card? Lesson learned - never leave home without two credit cards and sign up with a rental company for their highest level of customer care so that a card is no longer necessary. Enterprise took pity on me (and the Royal Bank was wonderful in card support) so by 5:30 I was in a Toyota on my way through the city en route to Richmond. You know, it's quite a drive in the dark, by yourself on roads you don't know. Of course, there were the twelve lanes of jam packed traffic around Washington to keep me company at 1 in the morning or the fact that from Pittsburgh to an hour out of Richmond I hadn't stopped for gas - yahoo for Toyota! Now, gas in the early hours of the morning is an interesting challenge. Stations will take no bills larger than a 20 - and of course, there was no credit card and our debit cards don't work without a Visa or MC logo. So through the city I drove to find a large station - replete with beer sales an concomitant shoppers. The boys and I did our business at the cash and one stopped to help me find that gas lever to open the cover! Ken would have turned to stone at about this point . . . I got to Richmond and Linda's welcoming glass of wine at about 2:30. The symphony of crickets and tree frogs was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! Maggie Welsh had a great week and Remus puppy is a delight - a smart clone of Jessie Rachel. The flight home through Toronto was eventful but by then that was expected. The hour and a half available to get through Customs wasn't enough - there had been thunder storms before our arrival so there were over 1000 people in line ahead of me, most from international flights. Finally extra lines were opened for connecting passengers and then there was the mad run to the other terminal, two gate changes (at opposite ends of Pearson, of course) and an overbooked plane. Ken's relieved face as I came down that escalator was the best thing I have seen in my life (did I mention he was out on the sailboat while I was having the Pittsburgh to Richmond adventure and his worry level was at an all time high because little tattle tongue here had to tell him what was unfolding?!).
Things at Camp Regalridge were ticking along under Chantelle's tutelage. The dogs are happily lazing around in our two weeks of summer, the kennel is full of congenial dogs who are happy to be here and delighting in the freedom of the yards and the company of friends and all is well. Roddi and Ruari departed among a flurry of good byes after a month in residence and Annie and Higgins arrived for a two month stay. After his month with us, KC left with Al and Betty and Alex for a couple of months on PEI before he goes home to Ontario. He was a great friend to all who went out with him in the number four yard so is missed. Today the kennel has emptied out (there are 8 boarders here for camp at the moment) in preparation for another busy week and week end. This is turn over day so we waved good by to Anjin, Buck, Charley,Casey, Merby and various others and will have a day to catch our breath before the next crop land.
Sophie is enjoying the warm weather as are Patti and Charlotte. Getting them to join us inside is a great challenge. Piper is happy that Lee is home and Atlas looks great after the ministrations of Ken and Chantelle to maintain his show readiness. the big news is Paula. Between the return from Richmond and a quick trip to NB Paula offered us (by cesarean) four Welsh babies. There are three girls and one feisty little guy; all are well and growing like little weeds. Paula is an unbelievably efficient first time Mom and is diligent in her ministrations. Those little ones will keep us busy for the next while.
Ken and Lee had a trip to the NBKC shows on the week end and managed to get lots done. The Toy Dog Specialty and Pomeranian National offered lots to watch and learn. Logan was in the ribbons every day and looked great. He is a consistent show Airedale and we could not be more impressed by the way Dawn and Jim are managing his show career.
Chantelle is working toward a couple of days at the lake at the end of the week - a well deserved pause in her frantic schedule. Then she will gear up for the Cape Breton week end.
It is hot - hot and humid and hot - did I mention that it is hot? We are finally thinking an air conditioner is a necessity, even if only used a few days a summer. The plus is that we are finally
able to eat out on the deck late in the evening.
The first week of August took Lee to Ohio to judge an Airedale Specialty and some other breeds in 96 degree weather. She missed the monsoon by a day so the ground actually steamed as the lakes on the show grounds evaporated. It is a great show for shopping and, as luck would have it, there was enough time to do just that! And there were adventures - Enterprise car rental offered up a yellow Volkswagon Beetle for the drive from Pittsburgh airport - did you know the speedometer in the US is still in miles per hour?! And before you shake your head too hard, remember the flight from Halifax left at 6 (or 6:10 since Ken had to go home for Lee's passport and Air Canada kindly held the plane) so we were up at 3:30 and fatigue was a factor - or that is at least an excuse. Those cars on the inside lane sure seemed to be creeping along as that little Beetle zipped by trying to get up to that 60 speed limit! The judging went well with the stunning Bedlington and typey Smooth Fox ending up with Group placings - always a nice feeling. There were wonderful people along the way, old acquaintances renewed and lots learned from new friends. Mark put two of us together and it is not certain I could have managed without the expert counsel from Al Ferrugiaro. His kindness was unreserved and greatly appreciated.
Then there was the trip home. All went well until the weather in NYC cancelled the flight to Newark. There was to be a side trip to Virginia so a car rental was in the cards. Finalizing my rental contract, reaching for the credit card, there it was - gone. Did you know you cannot rent a car without the physical card? Lesson learned - never leave home without two credit cards and sign up with a rental company for their highest level of customer care so that a card is no longer necessary. Enterprise took pity on me (and the Royal Bank was wonderful in card support) so by 5:30 I was in a Toyota on my way through the city en route to Richmond. You know, it's quite a drive in the dark, by yourself on roads you don't know. Of course, there were the twelve lanes of jam packed traffic around Washington to keep me company at 1 in the morning or the fact that from Pittsburgh to an hour out of Richmond I hadn't stopped for gas - yahoo for Toyota! Now, gas in the early hours of the morning is an interesting challenge. Stations will take no bills larger than a 20 - and of course, there was no credit card and our debit cards don't work without a Visa or MC logo. So through the city I drove to find a large station - replete with beer sales an concomitant shoppers. The boys and I did our business at the cash and one stopped to help me find that gas lever to open the cover! Ken would have turned to stone at about this point . . . I got to Richmond and Linda's welcoming glass of wine at about 2:30. The symphony of crickets and tree frogs was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! Maggie Welsh had a great week and Remus puppy is a delight - a smart clone of Jessie Rachel. The flight home through Toronto was eventful but by then that was expected. The hour and a half available to get through Customs wasn't enough - there had been thunder storms before our arrival so there were over 1000 people in line ahead of me, most from international flights. Finally extra lines were opened for connecting passengers and then there was the mad run to the other terminal, two gate changes (at opposite ends of Pearson, of course) and an overbooked plane. Ken's relieved face as I came down that escalator was the best thing I have seen in my life (did I mention he was out on the sailboat while I was having the Pittsburgh to Richmond adventure and his worry level was at an all time high because little tattle tongue here had to tell him what was unfolding?!).
Things at Camp Regalridge were ticking along under Chantelle's tutelage. The dogs are happily lazing around in our two weeks of summer, the kennel is full of congenial dogs who are happy to be here and delighting in the freedom of the yards and the company of friends and all is well. Roddi and Ruari departed among a flurry of good byes after a month in residence and Annie and Higgins arrived for a two month stay. After his month with us, KC left with Al and Betty and Alex for a couple of months on PEI before he goes home to Ontario. He was a great friend to all who went out with him in the number four yard so is missed. Today the kennel has emptied out (there are 8 boarders here for camp at the moment) in preparation for another busy week and week end. This is turn over day so we waved good by to Anjin, Buck, Charley,Casey, Merby and various others and will have a day to catch our breath before the next crop land.
Sophie is enjoying the warm weather as are Patti and Charlotte. Getting them to join us inside is a great challenge. Piper is happy that Lee is home and Atlas looks great after the ministrations of Ken and Chantelle to maintain his show readiness. the big news is Paula. Between the return from Richmond and a quick trip to NB Paula offered us (by cesarean) four Welsh babies. There are three girls and one feisty little guy; all are well and growing like little weeds. Paula is an unbelievably efficient first time Mom and is diligent in her ministrations. Those little ones will keep us busy for the next while.
Ken and Lee had a trip to the NBKC shows on the week end and managed to get lots done. The Toy Dog Specialty and Pomeranian National offered lots to watch and learn. Logan was in the ribbons every day and looked great. He is a consistent show Airedale and we could not be more impressed by the way Dawn and Jim are managing his show career.
Chantelle is working toward a couple of days at the lake at the end of the week - a well deserved pause in her frantic schedule. Then she will gear up for the Cape Breton week end.
It is hot - hot and humid and hot - did I mention that it is hot? We are finally thinking an air conditioner is a necessity, even if only used a few days a summer. The plus is that we are finally

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