It was hot outside - terribly hot - but the air conditioner ran and we couldn't pry the housedogs out of the great room. The outdoors held no allure for any of us. Tom did the finish work on the flooring (yes, it's done!) and even our Ken worked inside or shopped in the local air conditioned village shops - it really was hot!
Work around the house is never hard to find - lots of catch up to do on the computer, lots of dog laundry and lots of sorting of the season's produce. Homemade ice cream seemed to be a necessity - it is chocolate-almond and darned tasty - to accompany a lovely Spanish rice with seasonal vegetables, beets from the garden, spinach from the garden and lovely fresh haddock. Life is good in NS in produce season.
The kennel is busy and the dogs are enjoying the cool inside of the building. The yards are quiet and the dogs exercise early in the morning or after it cools in the evening. The wonderful thing about this climate is that it does cool off at night and all can sleep. The three Shepherds were delighted to see their owners and marched down the driveway telling their people all of their kennel stories. Mo is looking for extra allowance for all of the responsibilities he had had to carry. Shadow and Darryl played the "I'm most important" game for hours and had a great time. They are becoming fast friends despite their differences in breed (Airedale and Bernese), age and background. Gemini was out with the boys but couldn't play until we reorganized - everyone knows that three can't play together - only pairs work. Annie and Higgins look after the vocal musings of the kennel and offer their thoughts on all activities (we suspect they also offer the thoughts of the other dogs just to be equal opportunity boarders). Higgins throat has healed nicely, his stitches have been removed and he is eating well. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have come to an arrangement. Trebia runs circles and his head follows her. They are an odd couple - a little whippet-y hound and a big yellow mixed breed who manage a run in tandem.
The housedogs played hard last night after snoozing the day away. The puppies burned the most energy with their games and antics. Ears had been the order of the day with Sarge coming up from Maine to have his done as well as a redo of George and Clint. The puppies are great to work with and all look great - Sarge has an incredible head and Clint's outline is stunning. George is lovely and a show girl so Fraser's puppies certainly are a tribute to him and to their beautiful mother Dolly. Paula's puppies are really, really cute and she is a wonderful mother. Sophie is ambivalent about the air conditioner. She has a large floor fan that she has appropriated and wants it on darn it all! So the fan is running in spite of the air - we have to keep our Sophie happy.

Work around the house is never hard to find - lots of catch up to do on the computer, lots of dog laundry and lots of sorting of the season's produce. Homemade ice cream seemed to be a necessity - it is chocolate-almond and darned tasty - to accompany a lovely Spanish rice with seasonal vegetables, beets from the garden, spinach from the garden and lovely fresh haddock. Life is good in NS in produce season.
The kennel is busy and the dogs are enjoying the cool inside of the building. The yards are quiet and the dogs exercise early in the morning or after it cools in the evening. The wonderful thing about this climate is that it does cool off at night and all can sleep. The three Shepherds were delighted to see their owners and marched down the driveway telling their people all of their kennel stories. Mo is looking for extra allowance for all of the responsibilities he had had to carry. Shadow and Darryl played the "I'm most important" game for hours and had a great time. They are becoming fast friends despite their differences in breed (Airedale and Bernese), age and background. Gemini was out with the boys but couldn't play until we reorganized - everyone knows that three can't play together - only pairs work. Annie and Higgins look after the vocal musings of the kennel and offer their thoughts on all activities (we suspect they also offer the thoughts of the other dogs just to be equal opportunity boarders). Higgins throat has healed nicely, his stitches have been removed and he is eating well. Mr Tibbs and Trebia have come to an arrangement. Trebia runs circles and his head follows her. They are an odd couple - a little whippet-y hound and a big yellow mixed breed who manage a run in tandem.
The housedogs played hard last night after snoozing the day away. The puppies burned the most energy with their games and antics. Ears had been the order of the day with Sarge coming up from Maine to have his done as well as a redo of George and Clint. The puppies are great to work with and all look great - Sarge has an incredible head and Clint's outline is stunning. George is lovely and a show girl so Fraser's puppies certainly are a tribute to him and to their beautiful mother Dolly. Paula's puppies are really, really cute and she is a wonderful mother. Sophie is ambivalent about the air conditioner. She has a large floor fan that she has appropriated and wants it on darn it all! So the fan is running in spite of the air - we have to keep our Sophie happy.

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