What a day it was. We started at 5:30 and sort of finished (some would call it collapsed) at midnight. There was 19 pounds of prime rib cooked, many of Ken's squash were bar b qued in a lovely herb marinade, puppies were tattooed, paperwork completed, schedules printed and a party attended. Time will tell what is in those suitcases.
The kennel is doing well. Lucy and Baron are fine and happy with lots of exercise and firm control of number 2 yard. The little managers are as busy as ever. They are looking after all of the dogs and the building now and anticipate extra duty pay for their efforts. The Dachshunds are in a remodelling mode feeling that a more open concept would suit their abode far better - again a lot of work with Dachshund architectural drawings occurring in the exercise yard much to the amazement of Trebia. Annie and Higgins are doing great but heard a rumour that it is going to rain and are worrying that the exercise routine will be curtailed.
The ATA auction and dinner was a howling success. There was a great crowd, wonderful food and we made a fair bit of money to support our activities. The auction items were great and folks supported the auction in fine style. Selling individual coasters for $15.00 each sort of sums up the effort. There were lots of Airedale folks attending and lots of Airedale items - makes it easy for an auctioneer.
The housedogs are fine and supporting the Regalridge fall activity level. They are happy outside supervising Ken, in the kennel supervising Chantelle (well, sort of happy until she decides that she is going to do nails or ears and then watch them scatter) or in the house supervising Lee. It is noticeable that every dog on the property feels they are the white hat brigade and that the underlings are the people.
Tomorrow is travel day for Ken and Lee. They are off to see Shelagh and to deliver the radio, then on to Woodstock to see Lee's Dad. Chantelle holds the fort for one more day and then it is over to Bob and Luella until her return on the 6th. Tom, of course, is the constant.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Of lists, life and the ark
We are home from PEI, are moving along in planning and organizing and every dog on the property approves of autumn. Friday's trip home was uneventful, followed by a trip to Eric for Smoky the cat. Smoky was diagnosed as being hyperthyroid (a relief and the least of the three likelihoods for her symptoms). She needs a pill a day and is improved overnight. Then it was on to Valleyfield for a fill up, to Cohoons to pick up clippers that are running again (we're not sure where, though) and home to sort out Ken's crops and ensure the potatoes, tomatoes and squash hit the table that night. Saturday brought the Responsible Dog Owner's walk in Halifax along the waterfront. We have to admit that the Bernese stole the show with their carts (Atlas noted that he wants props like that for next year and looks forward to people stopping Ken while he pulls it) but the Airedales were the most plentiful with Lexi, Atlas and Clint carrying the banner for the terriers. Ever faithful Heather Cook brought the two Australians and the two grand daughters (it's ark week after all) and there were and assortment of dogs including the Irish Wolfhound (a lovely one) Siberians who were delighted to be there, Cockers, Lhasas, Shepherds, of course, and an assortment of others. It was a good turn out and lots of folks enjoyed the parade. It was Clint' first walk off of the property. His tail was up and he was amazed at the sights and sounds. His take on the whole thing seemed to be that the guy could lose the accordion and do better just sticking out his hand for pats, he would like a Harley for Christmas, children are noisy but they sure sport good loot and Lexi could do with a couple less teeth and a lot less attitude!
The little managers are in charge. They are supervising the cleaning process around the kennel, ensuring that Chantelle is doing it thoroughly - their work never ends! The Dachshunds have the routine sorted out and are very taken with Dolly Airedale who is in season and relishes being the object of their affection. The Dachshunds have ordered a ladder for Christmas. Lucy and Baron have almost settled down - a month of exercise is having good effect. Annie and Higgins are Annie and Higgins. They are looking after their area of the property, playing hard and eating well. The weather is perfect but we are waiting for the rains.
The house dogs are happy with good weather and all of their people are home - more or less. After the walk, the remaining blades were collected from Cohoons, Costco was visited and fill ups were done in preparation for the southern migration. Then it was home to lists, lists and more lists. Chantelle is packed and ready to go, wondering how many more sleeps. The rest of us are slightly less ready but paper is flying and the larder is full so we are closer. Billy had his hair cut in preparation for the trip and is all shined up. Sophie is eating well and with Luella coming that will continue.
Sunday will bring the ATA dinner and auction. We think Tony and Karen are coming but haven't heard form them yet. The other Taylors are definitely coming so we will have a good Airedale showing with lots of Airedale items to bid on.
The little managers are in charge. They are supervising the cleaning process around the kennel, ensuring that Chantelle is doing it thoroughly - their work never ends! The Dachshunds have the routine sorted out and are very taken with Dolly Airedale who is in season and relishes being the object of their affection. The Dachshunds have ordered a ladder for Christmas. Lucy and Baron have almost settled down - a month of exercise is having good effect. Annie and Higgins are Annie and Higgins. They are looking after their area of the property, playing hard and eating well. The weather is perfect but we are waiting for the rains.
The house dogs are happy with good weather and all of their people are home - more or less. After the walk, the remaining blades were collected from Cohoons, Costco was visited and fill ups were done in preparation for the southern migration. Then it was home to lists, lists and more lists. Chantelle is packed and ready to go, wondering how many more sleeps. The rest of us are slightly less ready but paper is flying and the larder is full so we are closer. Billy had his hair cut in preparation for the trip and is all shined up. Sophie is eating well and with Luella coming that will continue.
Sunday will bring the ATA dinner and auction. We think Tony and Karen are coming but haven't heard form them yet. The other Taylors are definitely coming so we will have a good Airedale showing with lots of Airedale items to bid on.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Errans accomplished and little dogs in charge
It was a day in the big city. The puppies had their vaccinations and were diagnosed perfectly hale and hearty. They enjoyed 'Eric the Vet' and the activity at the clinic, returning home with Ken to tell everyone about their adventure. Lee continued on with errands that consumed the remainder of the day culminating with the Halifax Kennel club meeting and home by late evening. Ken had a Health Board meeting so arrived home at the same time. Chantelle managed to be the first on the property and manned the fort with the help of the little managers.
The kennel is amazingly busy for September and the dogs are collegial. Lucy and Baron are active and happy. Sunny and Kormi have made friends with Trebia the Cirneco and Kirby the Welsh. They are a pack of earthdogs with the Cirneco's speed a marvel to the other three. Old Kirby really likes the little Dachshunds and it is an interesting crew - long and short legged, smooth and wire coated, roan, black and tan and red in colour and delighted with their time together. The Dachshunds own the big yard and have found a hole - they have investigated it and all you see are little hinds sticking up in the air - they called Kirby over to have a look and with his great age and wisdom he explained that "yup, it's a hole". Sunny is very proud to have had his Vasco de Gama moment shared among friends. Annie and Higgins are settled in to the kennel routine and think life is great. Then there are the little managers. Those little Maltese are in charge and kicking up those little heels. They have explained the routine to Tom, to Ken and to Chantelle in some detail, realigning the duties so that they know each step of each person and approving or disapproving their activities. Occasionally they change their minds but it is always done with jocularity and those Maltese grins. They have talents too. People are good for lots of things including climbing and they can climb us like monkeys on a tree - amazing little characters.
The house dogs had a good day - the weather was cool and sunny. It is the best weather we have had and boy do we deserve it. The green tomatoes migrated to the house (Ken has visions of tomato chow but I'm not sure how that is going to happen given the schedule), potatoes are drying in the outbuildings, the house is being painted and Ken is adding chores by the second. Why do men do that? Chores that haven't been a priority all year suddenly become of paramount importance when there is no time to fit them in to the 24 hours of the day. Did we mention that we are leaving for PEI today for a short visit with family, have an RDOG walk in the city on Saturday and an ATA dinner on Sunday in Ferguson's Cove and we are leaving for a month Monday morning? That chow is highly unlikely.
The kennel is amazingly busy for September and the dogs are collegial. Lucy and Baron are active and happy. Sunny and Kormi have made friends with Trebia the Cirneco and Kirby the Welsh. They are a pack of earthdogs with the Cirneco's speed a marvel to the other three. Old Kirby really likes the little Dachshunds and it is an interesting crew - long and short legged, smooth and wire coated, roan, black and tan and red in colour and delighted with their time together. The Dachshunds own the big yard and have found a hole - they have investigated it and all you see are little hinds sticking up in the air - they called Kirby over to have a look and with his great age and wisdom he explained that "yup, it's a hole". Sunny is very proud to have had his Vasco de Gama moment shared among friends. Annie and Higgins are settled in to the kennel routine and think life is great. Then there are the little managers. Those little Maltese are in charge and kicking up those little heels. They have explained the routine to Tom, to Ken and to Chantelle in some detail, realigning the duties so that they know each step of each person and approving or disapproving their activities. Occasionally they change their minds but it is always done with jocularity and those Maltese grins. They have talents too. People are good for lots of things including climbing and they can climb us like monkeys on a tree - amazing little characters.
The house dogs had a good day - the weather was cool and sunny. It is the best weather we have had and boy do we deserve it. The green tomatoes migrated to the house (Ken has visions of tomato chow but I'm not sure how that is going to happen given the schedule), potatoes are drying in the outbuildings, the house is being painted and Ken is adding chores by the second. Why do men do that? Chores that haven't been a priority all year suddenly become of paramount importance when there is no time to fit them in to the 24 hours of the day. Did we mention that we are leaving for PEI today for a short visit with family, have an RDOG walk in the city on Saturday and an ATA dinner on Sunday in Ferguson's Cove and we are leaving for a month Monday morning? That chow is highly unlikely.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Shelagh is showing marked improvement and the kennel is in good paws
Ken had plans - it was a day to see Shelagh so off we went to Tatamagouche, much to the disgust of Piper. Shelagh was in good humour and with her improved speech, we had a good conversation. She commented on Heather and Bob's visit and how much she had enjoyed it as
well as asking us questions about the public trustee and the status of various situations and dogs. Certainly, there have been great gains in her abilities to both remember and express herself over this summer, due in large part to the speech therapy and the efforts of her volunteer Inez. Coupled with catching up on both phone calls and email, working in the garden, sorting through dogs and Chantelle's clean up routine for the house crew, it was a full day. Kelly and Shawn were here with Bella and to collect Laurel - the newest addition to their household. Bella will now have one more supervisor - her life has officially changed!
The kennel is still in ark mode- Annie and Higgins, Roddi and Ruari, the two Dachshunds and the arrival of 'the managers' made poor Kirby add the absolute requirement for a sister to his Christmas list. Roddi and Ruari departed as did Penny Airedale who wants her owner to understand that she has a gaggle of friends at Regalridge and she does not want a sister for Christmas! The managers knew exactly where they were, how they wanted the routines amended and insisted that Chantelle appreciate every
toy that they came with. While one sits in her lap, the other brings a toy at a time to be admired and exclaimed over. When it is sufficiently understood that it is the property of the Maltese and not of their 'staff', it is redistributed and another is brought for suitable review. The point appears to be that managers have a lot of gear to be admired and catalogued. And they are now in full charge of the goings on.
The housedogs are well and settled - we do think that Piper thinks she is pregnant. There is not enough food in the world to fill her up. The puppies are thriving and finding food more palatable although they still look longingly at Paula as she trots past their playpen on her way outside. She is doing very well and moving forward with separating herself from the little crew.
Dinner was late and manageable - and we were ready for another day.

Dinner was late and manageable - and we were ready for another day.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wag Wiggle and Woof was a howling success
The kitchen has welcomed all of us back and we are together after a very busy week end. The
flight from Toronto brought Lee back (making up the end of the movie that was missed on landing!) Ken was at the airport and not asleep in the chair 'watching' CNN so we have managed a step forward. He had managed the kennel most of the week end so was a tired puppy at midnight but not too tired to have the new fireplace insert 'burning' in the living room. Saturday brought Airedale puppies to have a 'show in the front yard' moment. Ken and Chantelle put the
folks through their paces and we'll bet the puppies had a good sleep that night. That led to Sunday when Chantelle's little car found its' way to Halifax Kennel Club's Wag Wiggle and Woof where she and Dawn ran the 'fun zone'. The stories are great - from Coltan bobbing for balls to the dogs dressed as a bride and groom. The fun zone was a rousing success with lots of dogs and owners enjoying the good weather and Fetch Inc's equipment.
Five dogs left on Sunday. The two Labs, Dora and Heidi, were star boarders who were able to figure out the routine in seconds and
nod their approval. Seven came and went as only Seven can. Roddi and Ruari are looking after the property and are playing well with Trebia. Kaleigh the Cocker and Kinky departed as well - quick visits with lots of waves and be-back-soons. The little Managers arrived and settled in quickly. Lucy and Baron remain in the mix - playing and sorting out everyone's activities. That will no longer be necessary now that the little managers are in residence. Penny is happily settled in the kennel and is running with her friend Dolly. She does love another Airedale. The two Dachshunds have
graduated to the big yard and are tickled to have a new venue. Kirby insisted on his outside time even if the managers are in residence and weren't certain he needed a spin. Nemo, too, wanted his spin and his favourite companion is Chantelle who is nursing a sore knee and having some difficulty collecting him with the step that she has to navigate. He sorted that out last night by coming back when he was called.
The house dogs are glad to have
everyone under one roof. Piper was tickled to see Lee home as was little Abigail who needed to play her 'I'm gonna get you' game. The puppies are growing and the Airedale puppies are at least a foot taller after Lee's four days away. Paula is still attached to her babies and visits with them daily. She is pretty sure, however, that her real babies are still down the hall = these big ones are cute and all but hers are little and a whole lot better. She will not believe us that these are really the only puppies in the house and they are truly hers.
It is the week leading up to our leaving for Montgomery so lots of planning will be the order of each day. And we're off and running.

Five dogs left on Sunday. The two Labs, Dora and Heidi, were star boarders who were able to figure out the routine in seconds and

The house dogs are glad to have

It is the week leading up to our leaving for Montgomery so lots of planning will be the order of each day. And we're off and running.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Excitement in the driveway

Lee was leaving for Toronto so Ken in the spirit of ensuring that she knew that there would be work available on her return brought in the beginning of the 'crops'. We have tomatoes for the masses and potatoes for the planet. Apples arrived along with the largest cucumber known to man (compost). We will manage all of this somehow.
The kennel is filling and lots of excitement will be in the air. It's fall and the dogs love the weather. There are pairs of Dachshunds, Airedales, Labradors and little white dogs. There are more to arrive and a good weather forecast. The party will be on.
The housedogs are not amused to see Lee's suitcase and Piper is downright annoyed. Cooking will be more interesting without Lee and filling the breach will be worth a blog on its' own. And Ken and Chantelle are busy. Trimming dogs, painting the house, planning for the Montgomery trip and the local shows beyond it are going along.
All else is well.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lee and the butcher are best friends

It was a rainy day so the housedogs were in and out and not terribly amused. Paula is still focused on her little family - they have moved to the den and she wants to be in with them from time to time. However, she also wants to go back to the whelping room at every opportunity because she knows she lost her cute little puppies there and while these fat puppies are cute, they aren't as cute as her little puppies. Piper is delighted to be back in the house and says she will never go to that dog hotel again because there are dogs in it!
John and Cathy joined us for dinner. The prime rib was accompanied by Ken's potatoes and roasted parmesan tomatoes, peas and gravy and fresh peaches with ice cream and cake for dessert. Nobody left the table hungry.
Monday, September 14, 2009
It was a rainy Sunday and the focus was inside. Ken trimmed dogs - Clint looks wonderful - and Lee continued the work on the office. Shelagh paperwork was its' usual challenge and sorting was again done to find documentation for the Trustee. Wet days bring lots of dog blankets that need attention and lots of cleaning as a harbinger of our wet winters. Surely summer isn't over?
The kennel sorted at the end of the week end with Archie and Hershey leaving and Darby arriving for his first overnight away. Archie and Hershey were suitably tired while Darby couldn't wait to investigate the kennel and forgot to wave good bye to a teary owner. He is a great Airedale pup - well adjusted and delighted to have another Airedale to play with. Reese couldn't believe her luck in being given an Airedale puppy playmate and taught him the Airedale chase game. Darby was a willing participant. Annie and Higgins watched the antics from a distance and shook their heads as the Airedales tucked those tails and tore around the big yard.
The housedogs were quiet and did their ins and outs quickly. Nick manned the kitchen and Piper maintained a close eye on Lee, unhappy when she was out of her sight. We hope Piper is pregnant and look forward to Airedale puppies in early November. Lori decided that motherhood was not for her and had a false pregnancy. Paula's puppies are learning to eat food - slowly - preferring the goat's milk to the kibble and their mother to the goat's milk. Welsh puppies have their own minds.
Logan did reasonably well at the week end shows with three group placings and Jessie managed to maintain her improved thoughts processes to be competitive in a group of specials. The house settled in to a fall rhythm. Chicken pot pie was finished at dinner with homemade biscuits and Joyce's apple pie - not a summer meal at all. Our forecast for the week is cool and partially sunny - perfect weather for terriers!
The kennel sorted at the end of the week end with Archie and Hershey leaving and Darby arriving for his first overnight away. Archie and Hershey were suitably tired while Darby couldn't wait to investigate the kennel and forgot to wave good bye to a teary owner. He is a great Airedale pup - well adjusted and delighted to have another Airedale to play with. Reese couldn't believe her luck in being given an Airedale puppy playmate and taught him the Airedale chase game. Darby was a willing participant. Annie and Higgins watched the antics from a distance and shook their heads as the Airedales tucked those tails and tore around the big yard.
The housedogs were quiet and did their ins and outs quickly. Nick manned the kitchen and Piper maintained a close eye on Lee, unhappy when she was out of her sight. We hope Piper is pregnant and look forward to Airedale puppies in early November. Lori decided that motherhood was not for her and had a false pregnancy. Paula's puppies are learning to eat food - slowly - preferring the goat's milk to the kibble and their mother to the goat's milk. Welsh puppies have their own minds.
Logan did reasonably well at the week end shows with three group placings and Jessie managed to maintain her improved thoughts processes to be competitive in a group of specials. The house settled in to a fall rhythm. Chicken pot pie was finished at dinner with homemade biscuits and Joyce's apple pie - not a summer meal at all. Our forecast for the week is cool and partially sunny - perfect weather for terriers!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The glasses will be raised to celebrate Logan's accomplishment
The week end brings us to friends we see only occasionally and lots of driving. It is Pictou show week end and terriers are on early both days and late on Sunday - not a good thing if you wanted to do anything but be at the shows. Lee did have an opportunity to visit our great friend Joyce Pierce and to catch up with her over a lovely lunch in Joyce's beautiful home on the Northumberland Strait. The house is now for sale, Joyce having decided that a move to Wolfville, closer to 'her Heathers', is to take place this fall. Logan did well in Pictou - well enough to move up in the standings to the top ten terriers in Canada. I doubt there are many handlers who have managed to reach that height in purebred dogs having shown only three dogs, particularly dogs that require the detailed trimming of a Special like the Airedale. Dawn deserves a huge round of applause, so I hope everyone is clapping! Jessie is doing much better and seems over her reticence in the rings, returning to the confident and strong minded little Welsh that she is.
We also had a chance to speak with Bob Cook. He and Heather forwent the opporunity to show at the early show in lieu of visiting with Shelagh. They had a great time with her, took in the two Australians and had Shelaghesplaining their errors in trimming and what should be done to repair them Bob noted a great improvement in speech from their previous visit, some time ago, and was very pleased with the best visit they have had with our friend since her stroke. There is no question the speech therapy has had a positive impact for Shelagh's quality of life and that her volunteer Inez has been a godsend in supporting the work the therapist had done. As we raise more funds, we will have the public trustee contact Willow Lodge to have the therapist back as often as is possible during this period where progress is so evidently possible. We also had a note from Cheryl Tissington that she will be able to visit with Shelagh the second week of October. That will be a great day for Shelagh, giving her a new visitor.
The kennel has picked up momentum with the arrival of Lucy and Baron. Piper got herself cleaned up and was repatriated to the house, much to everyone's relief, not just hers. Hershey and Archie had a lovely day outside as did Annie and Higgins. It was quite warm so the dogs were quiet and found shade through the early evening.
Ken was on his own so busy on the property and with the dogs. He was very ready for Lee's return and dinner that included roast pork, garden spinach, new potatoes and fried green tomatoes. We were all so tired that dessert was forgotten but Joyce sent an apple pie home to Ken and that will no doubt receive much attention in the hours to come.
We also had a chance to speak with Bob Cook. He and Heather forwent the opporunity to show at the early show in lieu of visiting with Shelagh. They had a great time with her, took in the two Australians and had Shelaghesplaining their errors in trimming and what should be done to repair them Bob noted a great improvement in speech from their previous visit, some time ago, and was very pleased with the best visit they have had with our friend since her stroke. There is no question the speech therapy has had a positive impact for Shelagh's quality of life and that her volunteer Inez has been a godsend in supporting the work the therapist had done. As we raise more funds, we will have the public trustee contact Willow Lodge to have the therapist back as often as is possible during this period where progress is so evidently possible. We also had a note from Cheryl Tissington that she will be able to visit with Shelagh the second week of October. That will be a great day for Shelagh, giving her a new visitor.
The kennel has picked up momentum with the arrival of Lucy and Baron. Piper got herself cleaned up and was repatriated to the house, much to everyone's relief, not just hers. Hershey and Archie had a lovely day outside as did Annie and Higgins. It was quite warm so the dogs were quiet and found shade through the early evening.
Ken was on his own so busy on the property and with the dogs. He was very ready for Lee's return and dinner that included roast pork, garden spinach, new potatoes and fried green tomatoes. We were all so tired that dessert was forgotten but Joyce sent an apple pie home to Ken and that will no doubt receive much attention in the hours to come.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It was a day of paperwork after saying good bye to the birthday girl and Bob. The Marshall clan departed in a flurry of tail wagging and waves and the office beckoned. Files were organized and paper took over Lee's life once again as she began preparing for the CKC meeting in Toronto next week. Ken was on 'paint the house' detail and was seen scraping and climbing ladders - a worn out puppy by suppertime. Chantelle arrived home with supper in a bag and all were happy. Birthday cake and ice cream followed and then the flurry of organizing for the show tomorrow in Pictou. The female members of the household are going and Ken will hold the fort at home.
The kennel is in September mode with Annie and Higgins here, Kelsee the Aussie in residence for the week and Reese arriving early on Friday. Hershey the lab followed and brought a friend Archie for his first visit. Dolly is in season so will steward Reese. Kelsee loves Trebia and Annie and Higgins are in charge. It is a cohesive group.
The housedogs are enjoying this lovely fall weather. Sophie spends the day outside with a ball and Patti joins her, keeping a close eye on her charges. The Welsh enjoy the back yards and the Norwich are on the deck with Paula. The Welsh puppies are being weaned and have begun to enjoy their food in the den. They have adapted well and are great little characters. The garden continues to offer its' bounty in spite of the frosts we are receiving at night. Nick was on kp bit did enjoy the outside for a while several times during the day and looked after Atlas and Clint through the evening. All else is well.
The kennel is in September mode with Annie and Higgins here, Kelsee the Aussie in residence for the week and Reese arriving early on Friday. Hershey the lab followed and brought a friend Archie for his first visit. Dolly is in season so will steward Reese. Kelsee loves Trebia and Annie and Higgins are in charge. It is a cohesive group.
The housedogs are enjoying this lovely fall weather. Sophie spends the day outside with a ball and Patti joins her, keeping a close eye on her charges. The Welsh enjoy the back yards and the Norwich are on the deck with Paula. The Welsh puppies are being weaned and have begun to enjoy their food in the den. They have adapted well and are great little characters. The garden continues to offer its' bounty in spite of the frosts we are receiving at night. Nick was on kp bit did enjoy the outside for a while several times during the day and looked after Atlas and Clint through the evening. All else is well.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Of birthdays, dogs and visits
The phone rang this morning at 6:30 - it was Bob reminding all of us of Luella's birthday. WE KNEW THAT BOB! There was a plan formulated for Chantelle to go to Windsor and meet her parents for lunch. Ken and Lee thought a better idea would be for everyone to go to Bitar's in Elmsdale for lunch (it's a great little restaurant) and Bob countered with an offer to come up for a visit, dinner at Regalridge and an overnight. That equals a party and the plan was on. The kitchen picked up in pace and a neapolitan cake was made (Chantelle likes chocolate, Bob likes white and everyone likes strawberry), It was a lovely all day performance with three batters, lovely chocolate, homemade jams in the cake and as glaze and then a chocolate ganache. Topped with neapolitan ice cream, it was a success. We considered beer can chicken but tossed that aside in favour of easier clean up lasagne and homemade garlic bread with salad from Ken's garden. It was a good night, in spite of Lee's singing of happy birthday.
The kennel dogs are happy with the great weather. Ken was less happy with the hard frost overnight but he had covered and sprayed his vegetables and all seem to have survived this one. The fall flowers also made it through the cold overnight. Lucki is doing well and enjoying the big yards with the two Wheatens. Kelsee Australian is visiting and playing with Trebia quite happily. The week end will pick up with the arrival of several Airedales - it will be terrier central.
Bob and Luella arrived mid-afternoon much to the joy of Nick and Clementine. Clem figured Luella had come just for her and that she brought hamburger to go in her food - that was a disappointment but the liver that had been added to her dinner did help a little. Tom had repaired some cement around the kennel and Rascal thought Airedale footprints would give it some originality . . . Daisy arrived with Ellie in tow - Daisy loves the kennel because she gets to bark to her heart's content and that tickles her. Joan was here with her Airedale puppies for a visit and some table time. They are a mature litter and had a great time running around the big front yard. Shawn arrived for a Bella visit and tune up by Chantelle to ready her for shows in October so there was lots happening and the front gates were swinging. The birthday decorations were festive and always make everyone smile - it will be hard to be as festive on Friday as we get ready for shows.
The kennel dogs are happy with the great weather. Ken was less happy with the hard frost overnight but he had covered and sprayed his vegetables and all seem to have survived this one. The fall flowers also made it through the cold overnight. Lucki is doing well and enjoying the big yards with the two Wheatens. Kelsee Australian is visiting and playing with Trebia quite happily. The week end will pick up with the arrival of several Airedales - it will be terrier central.
Bob and Luella arrived mid-afternoon much to the joy of Nick and Clementine. Clem figured Luella had come just for her and that she brought hamburger to go in her food - that was a disappointment but the liver that had been added to her dinner did help a little. Tom had repaired some cement around the kennel and Rascal thought Airedale footprints would give it some originality . . . Daisy arrived with Ellie in tow - Daisy loves the kennel because she gets to bark to her heart's content and that tickles her. Joan was here with her Airedale puppies for a visit and some table time. They are a mature litter and had a great time running around the big front yard. Shawn arrived for a Bella visit and tune up by Chantelle to ready her for shows in October so there was lots happening and the front gates were swinging. The birthday decorations were festive and always make everyone smile - it will be hard to be as festive on Friday as we get ready for shows.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It was catch up day for some and travel day for others. Ken went to Tatamagouche to see Shelagh and to attend meetings on the way back. She had a reasonably good visit with him and had her blueberry slushie but yelled at Ken that she wanted to see Lee. 1/2 of us is not acceptable to our Shelagh, apparently. Lee managed the property, continued to sort out the office and to catch up from the week end's activities. Dawn and Jimmy were here for dinner and a toast to Logan's most recent Best In Show.
The kennel dogs are having a whale of a time. The weather is perfect and the dogs are delighting in their freedom in the big exercise yards. Lucki is playing hard and happy. Annie and Higgins went to the spa and came home in great form. They are back in charge and all is well in their world.
Lee had a meeting at dinnertime to have a look at the field that we will be using for the Responsible Dog Ownership day. It is in Shubie Park and will be a great time for everyone involved. There will be Canine Good Neighbour testing, games and a fun area, a microchip clinic, pet photographer and 35 vendors with unique products and services for families and their pets. Everyone is welcome to come for a great day with their dog and to join us in celebrating the role of dogs in society. Dawn and Chantelle are managing the games area so Dawn joined us at the Park to get the lay of the land and then we returned for Regalridge for chicken pot pie, salad from Ken's garden and Cape Breton pork pies for dessert. It was simple and ushered in cooler weather. We organized dogs and are ready for Wednesday (where is the week going?).
The kennel dogs are having a whale of a time. The weather is perfect and the dogs are delighting in their freedom in the big exercise yards. Lucki is playing hard and happy. Annie and Higgins went to the spa and came home in great form. They are back in charge and all is well in their world.
Lee had a meeting at dinnertime to have a look at the field that we will be using for the Responsible Dog Ownership day. It is in Shubie Park and will be a great time for everyone involved. There will be Canine Good Neighbour testing, games and a fun area, a microchip clinic, pet photographer and 35 vendors with unique products and services for families and their pets. Everyone is welcome to come for a great day with their dog and to join us in celebrating the role of dogs in society. Dawn and Chantelle are managing the games area so Dawn joined us at the Park to get the lay of the land and then we returned for Regalridge for chicken pot pie, salad from Ken's garden and Cape Breton pork pies for dessert. It was simple and ushered in cooler weather. We organized dogs and are ready for Wednesday (where is the week going?).
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labour Day has arrived

Labour Day was spent at the dog show. It was an interesting day with Logan doing well, Jessie making progress and Anjin having the best time ever. Chantelle can almost (well, sort of almost) laugh now about Anjin's discovery of the moving squeaky toy behind him. He caught, out of the corner of his eye, the Wheaten puppy and the game was on. From that point forward, no four feet were ever on the mats. In fact, generally there were only two and those were airborne with little forward momentum. Chantelle was along for the ride and managed to somehow get to the ring exit. The audience loved it, Anjin had a wonderful time (no, he is not getting a Wheaten for Christmas) and Chantelle will recover. The practice ring then bacame Anjin's home away from home - poor guy.

The kennel dogs enjoyed the beautiful day, with lots of waving good by to pals. Coal, Bear, Seven and Mickey departed. Ben had a quiet evening in his yard as did Lucky. Annie and Higgins managed the property. Trebia, Maggie and Chelsea looked after Nemo and all enjoyed the lovely cool weather.
The housedogs relaxed and played through to bedtime. Patti had Kelsey so was happy to have her second in command to back up her directions. Piper is ready to leave the kennel any time soon so wants this breeding thing done! Atlas was relieved that he didn't have to go to the show and played with his puppy pals all day.
The housedogs relaxed and played through to bedtime. Patti had Kelsey so was happy to have her second in command to back up her directions. Piper is ready to leave the kennel any time soon so wants this breeding thing done! Atlas was relieved that he didn't have to go to the show and played with his puppy pals all day.
Monday, September 7, 2009
And Labour Day week end unfolds
Life is exciting- we are all together again under the Regalridge roof. Lee has returned from her Newfoundland adventures - the Conception Bay Kennel Club shows were great with a good entry, lovely prizes, good dogs and great people. Getting up at three in the morning to get to the plane might be able to be considered a down side but somehow Newfoundland in September makes up for a lot, as does Jackie's company. The judging panel was of high calibre and people were very content with the decisions made - not always the case at dog shows. The trip home included a few heavier items and shopping was considered successful as well. Here at home, Logan went Best In Show under the Swedish judge and also won the competitive terrier group under Michael Woods. Everyone is thrilled. Chantelle had young Anjin in 'learning mode' and everyone is commenting on his excellent progress at his first show as a baby. Jessie-R has worked her way through her show anxiety and is back to her Welsh ways through Chantelle's tutelage and hard work. When a Welsh gets something in its' head, it is always challenging to disabuse it of that notion so conditioning has been the order of the day for her for the past two week ends.
Annie and Higgins are thriving and managing the long week end boarders. Ben the Airedale is doing fine and feeling better. Bear the Wheaten is happy and is Ben's buddy. Chelsea, Maggie, Nemo and Trebia are party-ing in yard four. Lucky the Lab is doing fine and is Mickey the Sheltie's friend. Coal, though, wanted a friend as well so Mickey went out with Coal as well - friendship is eponymous. Seven is here and looking after the yard herself - she is old and struggling a bit but getting along once she gets started - much like the rest of us on some days.
The house is coping with the comings and goings as are the housedogs. Kelsey is here so Patti doesn't know we aren't. The rest have noticed and aren't particularly amused that the cars are taking us away every day. Food with Ken and Chantelle here by themselves - well, we won't even go there. Lee arrived at the airport late on Sunday night so Monday night will see a return to normal - or as normal as we get.
Annie and Higgins are thriving and managing the long week end boarders. Ben the Airedale is doing fine and feeling better. Bear the Wheaten is happy and is Ben's buddy. Chelsea, Maggie, Nemo and Trebia are party-ing in yard four. Lucky the Lab is doing fine and is Mickey the Sheltie's friend. Coal, though, wanted a friend as well so Mickey went out with Coal as well - friendship is eponymous. Seven is here and looking after the yard herself - she is old and struggling a bit but getting along once she gets started - much like the rest of us on some days.
The house is coping with the comings and goings as are the housedogs. Kelsey is here so Patti doesn't know we aren't. The rest have noticed and aren't particularly amused that the cars are taking us away every day. Food with Ken and Chantelle here by themselves - well, we won't even go there. Lee arrived at the airport late on Sunday night so Monday night will see a return to normal - or as normal as we get.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Roast meats have returned - it's fall!
It was another lovely day - warmer than Virginia according to Linda. Clear, cool September days are a blessing and we enjoy every one, especially when we have had no summer.
It was a day in the city for Lee with progesterone testing for Piper, a quick trip to Costco and errands in the village. Ken worked at gardening and the never ending painting in between ball games and chases. Tom did the same and all were busy but enjoying the sun. Chantelle was in Windsor yet again - it has been a Windsor week for her. And planning continues for the show week end ahead. Lee will be at the Cavalier National on Friday, Newfoundland's Conception Bay KC shows Saturday and Sunday and Halifax Monday. Ken and Chantelle will hold the fort in Halifax, showing Anjin puppy Airedale and Jessie-Rachel Welsh. The judges are great and Halifax a lovely venue so they will have a good time until they remember they have to make their own dinner.
The kennel is quiet and readying itself for an influx for the week end. Beau departed last night amid a flurry of good bye's. He checked the front yard on the way to the gate and knows exactly where he will be coming next time. Ben Airedale and Indy Welsh (Indy is not amused) arrived. Mischka welcomed them as did Annie and Higgins.
The housedogs love this weather and play all day, ready to come in at night and sleep well in preparation for the next round of games and fun. Patti loves these days and is in firm command of her troops. Sophie is doing well with the lower humidity and cooler daytime temperatures. The youngsters have their heels kicked up so high that they hardly touch the ground. All is well in their world. Paula is spending a little less time in the whelping room but sits with the puppies for hours on end and gazes at them with rapt adoration.
Dinner was a pleasure - roast pork roast, new potatoes, sugar snaps and little orange brownies with a ganache topping and blueberry ice cream - sort of like the last supper for the little birds until Lee's return.
It was a day in the city for Lee with progesterone testing for Piper, a quick trip to Costco and errands in the village. Ken worked at gardening and the never ending painting in between ball games and chases. Tom did the same and all were busy but enjoying the sun. Chantelle was in Windsor yet again - it has been a Windsor week for her. And planning continues for the show week end ahead. Lee will be at the Cavalier National on Friday, Newfoundland's Conception Bay KC shows Saturday and Sunday and Halifax Monday. Ken and Chantelle will hold the fort in Halifax, showing Anjin puppy Airedale and Jessie-Rachel Welsh. The judges are great and Halifax a lovely venue so they will have a good time until they remember they have to make their own dinner.
The kennel is quiet and readying itself for an influx for the week end. Beau departed last night amid a flurry of good bye's. He checked the front yard on the way to the gate and knows exactly where he will be coming next time. Ben Airedale and Indy Welsh (Indy is not amused) arrived. Mischka welcomed them as did Annie and Higgins.
The housedogs love this weather and play all day, ready to come in at night and sleep well in preparation for the next round of games and fun. Patti loves these days and is in firm command of her troops. Sophie is doing well with the lower humidity and cooler daytime temperatures. The youngsters have their heels kicked up so high that they hardly touch the ground. All is well in their world. Paula is spending a little less time in the whelping room but sits with the puppies for hours on end and gazes at them with rapt adoration.
Dinner was a pleasure - roast pork roast, new potatoes, sugar snaps and little orange brownies with a ganache topping and blueberry ice cream - sort of like the last supper for the little birds until Lee's return.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mid-week update on a lovely day in NS
Mid-week came and went in a flurry of activity. Chantelle was in Windsor and had a board meeting so we were on our own with Tom holding the fort through the day. It was the day to go
to see Shelagh so we organized in the morning and drove up, chocolate-orange pudding and a blueberry smoothie in hand. She was eating lunch in the dining room so glad to be 'sprung' and able to be returned to her room early. It was a better visit than last week with more conversation and a slightly improved attitude. Then is was back to Truro to return the rental car and collect our van - a much better ride. We were home in time to visit with Tom before he left and to sit outside for a minute to enjoy the beautiful day. Shawn and Kelly arrived arrived with Bella to have her ears looked at and enjoyed some time under the chestnut tree. Bella is lovely.
The kennel was quiet and the dogs happy with the great day. Mishka and Beau spent much of it in their yard as did Annie and Higgins. Beau has settled amazingly well - adolescent Irish Setters are a microcosm of the dog world and often are concerned about everything that changes in their lives, at a level that doesn't exist for many other breeds. Beau had an initial worry that his world had changed for the worse when he arrived. but once he met Rosie and Murphy and realized that games were the order of the day, his perspective changed dramatically and he settled in to enjoy whatever life had to offer at 'camp'. That is a real testament to both his breeding and to his life to date. It is also a great lesson for folks who have not boarded their dogs until the dogs are
beyond adolescence. Understanding how dogs approach significant change in their lives is so important to a well adjusted animal. Conditioning is important in your dog's education and teaching them at a young age that when you leave them you will return is a great support to your dog's well being. Beau learned all of this at his young age and he will benefit from this for the rest of his life. His suspicions have been allayed; he had a good time and, better still, his owners will be here today to collect him - that will be the icing on the cake and that Irish Setter smile will rock the property.
Dinner without Chantelle included baked ham, garlic mashed from the garden, roasted tomatoes from the garden with a parmesan basil crust and apple pie with blueberry ice cream. Chantelle missed a good one. Dogs regrouped, the housedogs had a nice evening sorting out the fruitstand visitors and life unfolded well. Linda's update on little Maggie was that the chemo treatments have had a salutatory impact, she is eating well and playing with Remus and all is well in Virginia. Tomorrow will be the last 'normal' day here in the house - then Lee goes to the city to begin the show week end and our roller skates reappear.

The kennel was quiet and the dogs happy with the great day. Mishka and Beau spent much of it in their yard as did Annie and Higgins. Beau has settled amazingly well - adolescent Irish Setters are a microcosm of the dog world and often are concerned about everything that changes in their lives, at a level that doesn't exist for many other breeds. Beau had an initial worry that his world had changed for the worse when he arrived. but once he met Rosie and Murphy and realized that games were the order of the day, his perspective changed dramatically and he settled in to enjoy whatever life had to offer at 'camp'. That is a real testament to both his breeding and to his life to date. It is also a great lesson for folks who have not boarded their dogs until the dogs are

Dinner without Chantelle included baked ham, garlic mashed from the garden, roasted tomatoes from the garden with a parmesan basil crust and apple pie with blueberry ice cream. Chantelle missed a good one. Dogs regrouped, the housedogs had a nice evening sorting out the fruitstand visitors and life unfolded well. Linda's update on little Maggie was that the chemo treatments have had a salutatory impact, she is eating well and playing with Remus and all is well in Virginia. Tomorrow will be the last 'normal' day here in the house - then Lee goes to the city to begin the show week end and our roller skates reappear.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The office is taking shape and the floors are finished. The project
may be finished by Christmas! Ken delivered the van to Truro, yet again, for the maintenance on the back up system and arrived home in a PT Cruiser. Betsy is happy to have a twin in residence. Crops are being brought in at speed these days. Today it was tomatoes, basil and 5 kinds of lettuce. Roasted tomatoes at dinner were great. Dawn and Jimmy joined us for a meal last night so Ken bar b qued steak, there were potatoes from the garden and the great tomatoes. The first apple pie of the season was served with blueberry-rum ice cream. Not a bad night.
The kennel dogs are delighted with the weather. Kensey and Keegan departed, happy to see their owner but waving at their pals. They had lots of stories to tell. Mischka encouraged all of the dogs to have lots of fun and Beau watched this with serious intent, deciding that Old
English Sheepdogs are interesting pals and that maybe he could learn something from this old fellow.

Annie and Higgins managed yard #4 with their usual aplomb. Dolly and Piper have joined this throng since both are in season. They are not amused and are looking for their housedog friends - Atlas, Billy and Nick have volunteered to go and keep them company. Piper is visiting the Vet every few days for progesterone testing and will be bred this season.
The housedogs are supportive of a year of weather just like today. It was sunny and cool - perfect for playing and snoozing. The puppies have boundless energy and delight in each others' company. Patti ran the yard with her usual iron paw - starting and stopping games as necessary and keeping a close eye on the youngsters. Nick helped in the kitchen and the Norwich and
Aussie spent the day happily on the deck - a testament to perfect weather. Paula is beginning to take 10 minute breaks from the family but is one of the most devoted mothers we have had.
We are gearing up for the Halifax show on the week end, Lee's stewarding at the Cavalier National and her trip to Newfoundland early Friday morning. Perhaps we should rest Thursday.

Annie and Higgins managed yard #4 with their usual aplomb. Dolly and Piper have joined this throng since both are in season. They are not amused and are looking for their housedog friends - Atlas, Billy and Nick have volunteered to go and keep them company. Piper is visiting the Vet every few days for progesterone testing and will be bred this season.
The housedogs are supportive of a year of weather just like today. It was sunny and cool - perfect for playing and snoozing. The puppies have boundless energy and delight in each others' company. Patti ran the yard with her usual iron paw - starting and stopping games as necessary and keeping a close eye on the youngsters. Nick helped in the kitchen and the Norwich and

We are gearing up for the Halifax show on the week end, Lee's stewarding at the Cavalier National and her trip to Newfoundland early Friday morning. Perhaps we should rest Thursday.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tropical Storm Danny from a NS perspective
We are back from beautiful Cape Breton (and the tropical storm) and settled for the last days of August. There was excitement of
course, as a result of the weather, and Ken had no power for several hours, Lee and Chantelle drove through oceans of water with the little car and the wind and rain offered a backdrop for falling limbs and very impressive surf, even on the Bras D'Or lakes. Cape Breton had more moments including the Regalridge departure and timely return when Chantelle had her 'aha' moment and decided that when we went to a dog show we likely should take a dog! The GPS worked well and we landed at the Gowrie House Inn in Sydney Mines with only a couple of turns - Chantelle has many 'Ken moments' and as she is patiently told to turn, she drives along and looks back to say "There?" - shades of Ken . . . As
usual, we didn't manage real meals in Cape Breton because in spite of confirmed reservations the restaurant was closed - not enough people wanted to join us and I guess they thought we wouldn't eat enough to make it worthwhile. We found a pizza place and that was that. Did you know there is a new Winners in Sydney - again, Chantelle's Ken-like insistence in going to an arena instead of hunting bargains can be a bit daunting. The arena hadn't sprouted legs so it was still in the same place in Glace Bay and we were there in lots of time to unload and have an ATA meeting. Liz had set everything up and we enjoyed having Brenda and Liz with us as well as Terry and Diane there as guests. Meetings at shows do work
well and we hope that we will be able to schedule these at venues like this in future years. There were tourists at the show so we had Mini Bull Terriers and a Bedlington to round out our numbers. Logan did well - two Group 1's and two 2's. Jessie did well and is now only one point away from her championship. She worked through the scare she had at a previous show and is now almost back to her strong-minded little self. Had some great chats with Pat Miller who is a wonderful resource when watching dogs. People who are great breeders and who judge are the best possible teacher so time with Pat is a true benefit for any person thinking of a judging career.
Rosie and Murphy departed amidst waving paws and cheers. Rosie Murphy Beau and Mishka
had a big ball game. Beau and Mishka were the cheering squad, Rosie the enthusiastic outfielder and Murphy the catcher who returned the ball to pitcher Chantelle. It was a good team effort. Keegan and Kenzie managed their yard with alacrity and exercised with the Airedales in the adjoining yard. Marguerite thought that was a perfect day. Annie and Higgins looked after number four yard and inspected every inch of it to be certain there had been no interlopers of whom they did not approve.
It was a lovely day and the housedogs were delighted to have everyone home and their life return to normal. Ken had been here on the week end on his own and they miss those extra pairs of hands. There was a trip to the city with Piper and stops to pick up the water filter for the fridge and to drop off clippers at Cohoon's. Dinner was early but vegetables were in evidence
finally - Ken's potatoes, local corn and Digby scallops in a basil wine sauce. We all needed that, I think. After dinner brought Anjin with his owner-drivers. He and Chantelle did some lead work in the front yard and Chantelle learned a few things from the puppy. He was pretty proud of that. Then he had a polish up of his trimming. And now we wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

It was a lovely day and the housedogs were delighted to have everyone home and their life return to normal. Ken had been here on the week end on his own and they miss those extra pairs of hands. There was a trip to the city with Piper and stops to pick up the water filter for the fridge and to drop off clippers at Cohoon's. Dinner was early but vegetables were in evidence

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Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!
We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.
Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.
Helen & Nick
Anjin says:
I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.
I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.
Warm Regards,
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.
Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.
Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.
What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.
How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.
Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.
Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.
What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…
Things to remember…
Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.
To bring proof of vaccines.
When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.
Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.
Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.
Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!
Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel
Grooming the Airedale Terrier
View more presentations from airetime.
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