The office is taking shape and the floors are finished. The project

may be finished by Christmas! Ken delivered the van to
Truro, yet again, for the maintenance on the back up system and arrived home in a PT Cruiser. Betsy is happy to have a twin in residence. Crops are being brought in at speed these days. Today it was tomatoes, basil and 5 kinds of lettuce. Roasted tomatoes at dinner were great. Dawn and Jimmy joined us for a meal last night so Ken bar b
qued steak, there were potatoes from the garden and the great tomatoes. The first apple pie of the season was served with blueberry-rum ice cream. Not a bad night.

The kennel dogs are delighted with the weather.
Kensey and
Keegan departed, happy to see their owner but waving at their pals. They had lots of stories to tell.
Mischka encouraged all of
the dogs to have lots of fun and Beau watched this with serious intent, deciding that Old

English Sheepdogs are interesting pals and that maybe he could learn
something from this old fellow.

Annie and Higgins managed yard #4 with their usual aplomb. Dolly and Piper have joined this throng since both are in season. They are not amused and are looking for their
housedog friends - Atlas, Billy and Nick have volunteered to go and keep them company. Piper is visiting the Vet every few days for progesterone testing and will be bred this season.
housedogs are supportive of a year of weather just like today. It was sunny and cool - perfect for playing and snoozing. The puppies have boundless energy and delight in each others' company. Patti ran the yard with her usual iron paw - starting and stopping games as necessary and keeping a close eye on the youngsters. Nick helped in the kitchen and the Norwich and

Aussie spent the day happily on the deck - a testament to perfect weather. Paula is beginning to take 10 minute breaks from the family but is one of the most devoted mothers we have had.
We are gearing up for the Halifax show on the week end, Lee's stewarding at the Cavalier National and her trip to Newfoundland early Friday morning. Perhaps we should rest Thursday.
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