We are back from beautiful Cape Breton (and the tropical storm) and settled for the last days of August. There was excitement of
course, as a result of the weather, and Ken had no power for several hours, Lee and Chantelle drove through oceans of water with the little car and the wind and rain offered a backdrop for falling limbs and very impressive surf, even on the Bras D'Or lakes. Cape Breton had more moments including the Regalridge departure and timely return when Chantelle had her 'aha' moment and decided that when we went to a dog show we likely should take a dog! The GPS worked well and we landed at the Gowrie House Inn in Sydney Mines with only a couple of turns - Chantelle has many 'Ken moments' and as she is patiently told to turn, she drives along and looks back to say "There?" - shades of Ken . . . As
usual, we didn't manage real meals in Cape Breton because in spite of confirmed reservations the restaurant was closed - not enough people wanted to join us and I guess they thought we wouldn't eat enough to make it worthwhile. We found a pizza place and that was that. Did you know there is a new Winners in Sydney - again, Chantelle's Ken-like insistence in going to an arena instead of hunting bargains can be a bit daunting. The arena hadn't sprouted legs so it was still in the same place in Glace Bay and we were there in lots of time to unload and have an ATA meeting. Liz had set everything up and we enjoyed having Brenda and Liz with us as well as Terry and Diane there as guests. Meetings at shows do work
well and we hope that we will be able to schedule these at venues like this in future years. There were tourists at the show so we had Mini Bull Terriers and a Bedlington to round out our numbers. Logan did well - two Group 1's and two 2's. Jessie did well and is now only one point away from her championship. She worked through the scare she had at a previous show and is now almost back to her strong-minded little self. Had some great chats with Pat Miller who is a wonderful resource when watching dogs. People who are great breeders and who judge are the best possible teacher so time with Pat is a true benefit for any person thinking of a judging career.
Rosie and Murphy departed amidst waving paws and cheers. Rosie Murphy Beau and Mishka
had a big ball game. Beau and Mishka were the cheering squad, Rosie the enthusiastic outfielder and Murphy the catcher who returned the ball to pitcher Chantelle. It was a good team effort. Keegan and Kenzie managed their yard with alacrity and exercised with the Airedales in the adjoining yard. Marguerite thought that was a perfect day. Annie and Higgins looked after number four yard and inspected every inch of it to be certain there had been no interlopers of whom they did not approve.
It was a lovely day and the housedogs were delighted to have everyone home and their life return to normal. Ken had been here on the week end on his own and they miss those extra pairs of hands. There was a trip to the city with Piper and stops to pick up the water filter for the fridge and to drop off clippers at Cohoon's. Dinner was early but vegetables were in evidence
finally - Ken's potatoes, local corn and Digby scallops in a basil wine sauce. We all needed that, I think. After dinner brought Anjin with his owner-drivers. He and Chantelle did some lead work in the front yard and Chantelle learned a few things from the puppy. He was pretty proud of that. Then he had a polish up of his trimming. And now we wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

It was a lovely day and the housedogs were delighted to have everyone home and their life return to normal. Ken had been here on the week end on his own and they miss those extra pairs of hands. There was a trip to the city with Piper and stops to pick up the water filter for the fridge and to drop off clippers at Cohoon's. Dinner was early but vegetables were in evidence

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