It has been a warm and sunny November day - so uncommon for NS in late fall and shortening the short days of our usual rains. The sorting and straightening of the property, the organizing of winter infrastructure and the management of the dogs is made easier when outer garments are at a minimum, gloves unnecessary and there is nary a boot in sight. Our Ken is as content as Our Ken gets with weather and his trail can be tracked by the tools remaining strategically in place throughout the acreage. Have you seen my . . . is heard from throughout the property. Lee managed a bit more paper and looked after Regalridge as Ken found his way to the city with Chantelle for an ATA meeting.
The kennel is busy for September with the regular complement of visitors. Capone and Chopper are having a great time in the big yards and Capone is firmly in charge of the West Side. Ruari and Finn, at the opposite end in the suite, are in awe of the big guys they are sharing the space with and Finn is pretty sure that Capone would make a great addition to their home - he a bit less sure that Chopper needs to accompany him but will reserve final judgement for a few more days. Capone fits the theme of 'white dog' so would be an interesting addition and one Warren would find a new challenge. Ruari demurs. Little Bella remains ensconced on the East facing side, is small but mighty and the foil for Lola who feels somehow that little thing should not have the power she seems to possess. Sarah hasn't managed an escape in days and is frustrated by Our Ken's sharp eye and consistent management - knowing Our Ken, this too shall pass.
The house dogs are well. With only Lee in residence much of the day, it was a settling of the Airedales that occurred. The puppies had a good play while the adults found beds and refused to stay outside. The television was on, the beds were soft and all were interested in the musings of the new Premier of Alberta as told to Peter Mansbridge. She has no idea that an Airedale audience held in thrall is a huge accomplishment. Breezy had her ears taken down for a week or so and all is well to this point. She is a delightful puppy, bright and happy with a devotion to the adults that is touching. The younger Airedales are just outstanding - incredible conformation, full of a joy for life and tickled with all the world has on offer. Jessie's one little puppy is growing and has had his one month birthday. Time flies. Jessie notes that he is getting bigger - we are uncertain whether she recognizes that being broader than he is long may not be a goal that all concur is a good thing. She is not ready, yet, to have him separated from her so another week in the whelping room seems to be best for all.
Dinner was a winter meal of spaghetti (highly praised by Our Ken), garlic bread and a light fruit dessert. And it is on to the week ahead.
The kennel is busy for September with the regular complement of visitors. Capone and Chopper are having a great time in the big yards and Capone is firmly in charge of the West Side. Ruari and Finn, at the opposite end in the suite, are in awe of the big guys they are sharing the space with and Finn is pretty sure that Capone would make a great addition to their home - he a bit less sure that Chopper needs to accompany him but will reserve final judgement for a few more days. Capone fits the theme of 'white dog' so would be an interesting addition and one Warren would find a new challenge. Ruari demurs. Little Bella remains ensconced on the East facing side, is small but mighty and the foil for Lola who feels somehow that little thing should not have the power she seems to possess. Sarah hasn't managed an escape in days and is frustrated by Our Ken's sharp eye and consistent management - knowing Our Ken, this too shall pass.
The house dogs are well. With only Lee in residence much of the day, it was a settling of the Airedales that occurred. The puppies had a good play while the adults found beds and refused to stay outside. The television was on, the beds were soft and all were interested in the musings of the new Premier of Alberta as told to Peter Mansbridge. She has no idea that an Airedale audience held in thrall is a huge accomplishment. Breezy had her ears taken down for a week or so and all is well to this point. She is a delightful puppy, bright and happy with a devotion to the adults that is touching. The younger Airedales are just outstanding - incredible conformation, full of a joy for life and tickled with all the world has on offer. Jessie's one little puppy is growing and has had his one month birthday. Time flies. Jessie notes that he is getting bigger - we are uncertain whether she recognizes that being broader than he is long may not be a goal that all concur is a good thing. She is not ready, yet, to have him separated from her so another week in the whelping room seems to be best for all.
Dinner was a winter meal of spaghetti (highly praised by Our Ken), garlic bread and a light fruit dessert. And it is on to the week ahead.
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