The weather is, in a word, perfect. Warm, sunny and a great extension of a fall that somewhat made up for the wet summer. Jonathan is painting up a storm with Our Ken keeping a close eye on all activity. The Airedale girls are considering racing stripes, craning their necks to see what the men are up to. Our Ken is putting his gardens to bed, sorting stems from bulbs, banking beds and putting the property in order. The odd squash continues to be discovered and there were even tomatoes proudly displayed yet again. Lobbying for fried green tomatoes is at an all time high and may just have to be acquiesced to soon. There was a Newfoundland phone call placed to catch up on all things Eastern and continued tries to Massachusetts - still no power in Monson and wondering Canadians who cannot imagine that the efficient Americans can't fix a little power outage over a five day period. Susan's usual effective ability to express her opinion must be waning. And the weekly spin through the property took place this morning with Trebia proudly treeing the resident squirrel. Her next move was to climb the tree - a dismal failure but full of enthusiasm and 'yes I can-ness'. Mr squirrel encouraged her attempts with a trilling vocal medley, percussion provided by his snapping tail. Our Ken came to collect her, spoiling the family fun.
The kennel is just fine. Old Bailey has whipped Jonathan into shape, ensuring that he understands her routine, her requirements and her proclivities. Charlie is in residence from Moncton and happy to be reunited with Lola. Sarah has joined that combination and all are happily playing Airedale games in the big yards.
The house crew is thriving. And it was a day of Lee putting the dogs out and the men letting them in - often within seconds. The Airedales think that is a delightful game, offering the opportunity to mill at the door, bark their orders and inclinations and then be rewarded by doing it all again - and again, and again. Had there been an auction site for spare males, both Ken and Jonathan would have been on it by mid-morning.
Dinner was geared to May. Our Ken grilled burgers. There were oven potatoes and lots of 'fixins'. That seems to work once every couple of weeks. And it will be back to cooking for Lee . . .
The kennel is just fine. Old Bailey has whipped Jonathan into shape, ensuring that he understands her routine, her requirements and her proclivities. Charlie is in residence from Moncton and happy to be reunited with Lola. Sarah has joined that combination and all are happily playing Airedale games in the big yards.
The house crew is thriving. And it was a day of Lee putting the dogs out and the men letting them in - often within seconds. The Airedales think that is a delightful game, offering the opportunity to mill at the door, bark their orders and inclinations and then be rewarded by doing it all again - and again, and again. Had there been an auction site for spare males, both Ken and Jonathan would have been on it by mid-morning.
Dinner was geared to May. Our Ken grilled burgers. There were oven potatoes and lots of 'fixins'. That seems to work once every couple of weeks. And it will be back to cooking for Lee . . .
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