The weather continues to be the news of the week. It is warm. Even cool is acceptable at the end of November but this week it is warm and forecast to continue for another few days at least. The impressive snow of last week is gone and the lawns are green again. The return of the pheasants has happened with Philomena arriving under the chestnut tree on Sunday afternoon. And Our Ken is relieved that a second pair of chickadees has arrived to join the rest of the Hants County birds eating at his feeders. It was a day for the Toyota to go to the city for a quick run (not really) through Costco and on to the Vet clinic for Patti's meds. /The Costco report is that there are 'thousands of wanderers' in every aisle and they are simply standing with glazed expressions, purposefully impeding Our Ken's progress. That rumbling heard throughout the city was not thunder . . . It appears that the unmoving masses not only impeded the forward momentum of the Alpha Male but also had an impact on his shopping skills. If anyone is in the market for white sugar, there is 40 pounds of it at Regalridge. Flour, however, is sadly lacking.
The kennel had a sorting day with Barrett departing at the crack of dawn (or before) and Finn's hero and pal waving good by at suppertime. Finn is despondent. Ruari shrugged. Naomi and Moses are enjoying their turns in the yards and the great weather.
The house dogs are well and happy. Piper is urging Lee on to faster wrapping feats, more Christmas preparation and additional food that should be dropping for her dining pleasure. The puppies are growing and thriving. They are lovely to look at and fun to be around. Gabe wags his entire body - no mean feat in an Airedale puppy. Izzy has the enthusiasm of the young and a look in her eyes that makes you laugh out loud. Breezy is a bit older and just that much more grown up - responsive and delighting in her younger siblings. The weather was so mild that even Billy enjoyed the day - sitting on the top step of Jack's run and surveying the back acreage, the river and fields beyond. Our Billy is a house dog extraordinaire so to see him sunning himself is a rare thing and testament to the perfect weather.
Dinner was grilled beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, sweet onions and mushrooms. Our Ken was a happy boy.
The kennel had a sorting day with Barrett departing at the crack of dawn (or before) and Finn's hero and pal waving good by at suppertime. Finn is despondent. Ruari shrugged. Naomi and Moses are enjoying their turns in the yards and the great weather.
The house dogs are well and happy. Piper is urging Lee on to faster wrapping feats, more Christmas preparation and additional food that should be dropping for her dining pleasure. The puppies are growing and thriving. They are lovely to look at and fun to be around. Gabe wags his entire body - no mean feat in an Airedale puppy. Izzy has the enthusiasm of the young and a look in her eyes that makes you laugh out loud. Breezy is a bit older and just that much more grown up - responsive and delighting in her younger siblings. The weather was so mild that even Billy enjoyed the day - sitting on the top step of Jack's run and surveying the back acreage, the river and fields beyond. Our Billy is a house dog extraordinaire so to see him sunning himself is a rare thing and testament to the perfect weather.
Dinner was grilled beef tenderloin, baked potatoes, sweet onions and mushrooms. Our Ken was a happy boy.
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