Thursday saw an improving weather pattern but only short term. The city beckoned - Lori needed a progesterone test, the pantry was calling out to Costco and a number of errands had to be done. Lee set off in that direction while Ken and Tom moved into the living room flooring
project in earnest. Kelsey was here to hold the fort for the dogs and to support Queen Patti in her benevolent dictatorship.
The men accomplished an incredible amount on the living room floor and except for the new tiles for the fireplace and some work on trim, it is almost complete. This project may actually be finished in my lifetime!
All was well in the world of the dogs - better in fact than in Chantelle's world where the crisis of the day was the fly that would not leave her car. Dawn and Jimmy came for dinner last night and Jimmy was her of the day - we now call him the fly slayer. It was a cool July evening so we had prime rib with broccoli salad and new potatoes and Eton Mess - a perennial favourite.
The house dogs are in fine fettle these cool overcast days. They play under Patti's critical eye, Atlas invents games with a common theme - there must be a chase at the end - and Lola trails along behind him learning with unguarded approval everything he does. Old Sophie is happy with the weather and plays her solitary soccer game in great bursts of activity followed by long sleeps on the deck. Charlotte has decided that 'tis the season to be free, and will go to any length to simply not be enclosed. She crawls through closed crates if the bottom isn't locked, opens
every gate in the yards when the whim hits her and feels the only acceptable space is either loose in the house or loose in the big yard. Anything more limiting requires her immediate attention - she had to have been a safe cracker in her last life. Chantelle walks around muttering about Charlotte's behaviour and spending a lifetime chasing 'that dog' but fortunately laughs as she tells the tales of putting Charlotte in a pen only to find her walking behind her when she walks away. Life with Airedales is never dull.
Old Seven is doing well and takes boarding in her stride. She will leave us tomorrow but has managed to keep herself amused through this visit. Uncritical and appreciative of anything you do for her, she is a great old girl who will bring her new home a lot of joy, we suspect. KC is settling in nicely and has lost a bit of weight through the exercise he got with Apollo. Apollo and Shooz left yesterday morning at 5:30. Ken and Lee got them organized and Ken drove them to the airport before dawn for a Westjet flight to the West Coast. The West Jet contract company (ELS) is great to deal with and the fellow who checked them in said with enthusiasm that he remembered Apollo who had flown with them before - must be the beard, we reckon.
Tomorrow is a busy intake day - 2 Airedales, Roddi and Ruari,
Hershey and Kelsee all arrive. It will be Old Home Week in the kennel with that combination and the two new Airedales will be treated to a party.
Lee leaves for Newfoundland tomorrow so Ken and Chantelle are planning meals - they seem to have a commonality that involves take-out.

All was well in the world of the dogs - better in fact than in Chantelle's world where the crisis of the day was the fly that would not leave her car. Dawn and Jimmy came for dinner last night and Jimmy was her of the day - we now call him the fly slayer. It was a cool July evening so we had prime rib with broccoli salad and new potatoes and Eton Mess - a perennial favourite.
The house dogs are in fine fettle these cool overcast days. They play under Patti's critical eye, Atlas invents games with a common theme - there must be a chase at the end - and Lola trails along behind him learning with unguarded approval everything he does. Old Sophie is happy with the weather and plays her solitary soccer game in great bursts of activity followed by long sleeps on the deck. Charlotte has decided that 'tis the season to be free, and will go to any length to simply not be enclosed. She crawls through closed crates if the bottom isn't locked, opens

Lee leaves for Newfoundland tomorrow so Ken and Chantelle are planning meals - they seem to have a commonality that involves take-out.
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