It rained - and Ken was happy. Men are different creatures. He stands by his resolve that we needed a good rain - the last month was a whole lot of cloud and showers but no real soaking rain according to the gardener in the family. Well, he got his rain - and humidity that would stop a train. Awful weather! And for the swallow story. We have had swallows who return to Regalridge for generations. Families of baby swallows have been born in a nest (first conveniently on our back deck over a light fixture) and in the past decade in a nest over our back door. Last year, the pair returned but as spring progressed, the male was returning without his mate. 'Buddy', named by Ken, has returned to the perch over the back door for the entire season for the past two years. He is a solitary little sentry in the evenings and through the night, working on the property through the day and settling on the door sill next to the empty nest at night. The news this week is that he has returned with a friend. For the past three nights, Buddy and his friend have settled in together and it looks like it may be a long term relationship. Let's hear it for the swallows!!!
We went to Tatamagouche today for our weekly pilgrimage to see Shelagh, 2 lobster rolls and a chocolate milkshake accompanying us. She watched me walk into the dining room and said - "your jacket is too dark", and I knew it would be a good visit. Once we arrive, she can't get out of that common area fast enough. We wheeled her back to her room (her space of choice) and had a great visit. Her speech is definitely improving slowly and even the staff are now commenting on it. We look forward to the return of the therapist. We have raised enough money for one, and possibly two, more sessions and continue to work at fund raising. The window is very obviously now open in her brain to rebuild the lost pathways for speech and we are trying to make the best of it at this critical juncture. Her favourite story was of Heather's granddaughter showing the Australian and winning the Terrier Group at the ATA Sanction Match. I couldn't remember Heather's dogs' names and after much thought and head scratching, Shelagh triumphantly beat me to the recall and shouted Tigger! Boy, was she proud of that achievement. Laughed at me for the rest of the visit, telling me her brain was better than mine - and she's likely right. Language remains an issue and we are understanding full phrases followed by paragraphs of mixed syllables but there is progress and that is wonderful.
We were home in time to fix dinner (scallops were for sale on the side of the road - only in NS, I suspect).
The kennel was ably manged by Tom and all was well. Old Brandi is marching to her own drum and settled in comfortably. Roddi and Ruari were fascinated watching Abigail tunnelling out (at least in her mind) from the big yard, cheering her on in her efforts and laughing at her behind those little white paws. Winnie has taught Anjin all she has to teach and will leave on Thursday so Anjin will be passed over to KC alone for his last few days. With any luck, KC can settle him back down a bit before his owners return. The kennel will be filling on the week end, Tom is away and Chantelle is leaving - what will we do?!
The housedogs didn't much like the rains coming down. There was a potential for thunder showers (those would actually have been welcomed given the humidity) but they didn't come. Sophie had a great day - ate everything in sight and played outside to her heart's content. Piper was angry that we were away without her so a bit put off by the day in general. Nick went with us so he was chuffed and Billy was happy because Nick was gone. Clem is worried because Chantelle is packing suitcases and Scout and Jessie got new haircuts yet again.
And the world turns . . .
We went to Tatamagouche today for our weekly pilgrimage to see Shelagh, 2 lobster rolls and a chocolate milkshake accompanying us. She watched me walk into the dining room and said - "your jacket is too dark", and I knew it would be a good visit. Once we arrive, she can't get out of that common area fast enough. We wheeled her back to her room (her space of choice) and had a great visit. Her speech is definitely improving slowly and even the staff are now commenting on it. We look forward to the return of the therapist. We have raised enough money for one, and possibly two, more sessions and continue to work at fund raising. The window is very obviously now open in her brain to rebuild the lost pathways for speech and we are trying to make the best of it at this critical juncture. Her favourite story was of Heather's granddaughter showing the Australian and winning the Terrier Group at the ATA Sanction Match. I couldn't remember Heather's dogs' names and after much thought and head scratching, Shelagh triumphantly beat me to the recall and shouted Tigger! Boy, was she proud of that achievement. Laughed at me for the rest of the visit, telling me her brain was better than mine - and she's likely right. Language remains an issue and we are understanding full phrases followed by paragraphs of mixed syllables but there is progress and that is wonderful.
We were home in time to fix dinner (scallops were for sale on the side of the road - only in NS, I suspect).
The kennel was ably manged by Tom and all was well. Old Brandi is marching to her own drum and settled in comfortably. Roddi and Ruari were fascinated watching Abigail tunnelling out (at least in her mind) from the big yard, cheering her on in her efforts and laughing at her behind those little white paws. Winnie has taught Anjin all she has to teach and will leave on Thursday so Anjin will be passed over to KC alone for his last few days. With any luck, KC can settle him back down a bit before his owners return. The kennel will be filling on the week end, Tom is away and Chantelle is leaving - what will we do?!
The housedogs didn't much like the rains coming down. There was a potential for thunder showers (those would actually have been welcomed given the humidity) but they didn't come. Sophie had a great day - ate everything in sight and played outside to her heart's content. Piper was angry that we were away without her so a bit put off by the day in general. Nick went with us so he was chuffed and Billy was happy because Nick was gone. Clem is worried because Chantelle is packing suitcases and Scout and Jessie got new haircuts yet again.
And the world turns . . .
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