The week end was a successful one and the drive back and forth both days a pleasure. The Valley is lush and green with reports of record crops of strawberries. One ad mentioned that we could pick our own berries for 75 cents a quart and eat all we wanted as we laboured. And speaking of ads, it was an interesting drive through the Valley. A truck sign advised us that the "vehicle backs into driveways" - whether it does so on a whim or through planning
was a bit unclear. Another urged in 10 foot high letters that "if you have an emergency, call 911" - hmmm. Then there were signs with letters that only those in the know would be able to decipher - KTCE with an arrow on a bright orange board, ARLE on another. An older fellow, not to be outdone, was hitchhiking in a relatively uninhabited area with a professionally lettered two sided sign offering place names about 50 km apart. Signs are indeed important in that area!
The shows were good to us. Atlas did well winning one group, placing second in two others. Jessie Rachel the baby Welsh also won a group to great crowd applause. She is a strong little show dog
and is garnering a lot of interest at ringside. Certainly the Superman breedings offered a boost to our Welsh program. The days were full in Canning with lots of nice dogs and some good shopping at the show - can't ask for more than that.
Ken held the fort at Regalridge and the dogs were delighted with the better than forecast weather. The rose bush that came home last week end is already blooming in the garden and appears to enjoy its' new home. The weather remained humid and hot but the rain that had been predicted didn't materialize so they spent their days outside supervising the gardening and enjoying the sun. The dogs were delighted to see Chantelle and Lee when we arrived back late in the evening on both days and the welcoming committee was almost overwhelming. Whether we are gone several hours or several days, the delight that they show when we come in the door is palpable.
The boarders are all thriving. Shooz has been told that this is the week for the next leg of her geriatric adventure and she takes the news without a blink. Apollo will be just fine - he is a fellow who can handle what comes without reservation. Paula has moved back to the house after having been bred and is very happy to be repatriated.
All else is well and we look forward to a new week with lots ahead including a vehicle realignment for Chantelle, speech therapy and an overnight trip to Tatamagouche for Lee and Ken, Canada Day and who knows what else.

The shows were good to us. Atlas did well winning one group, placing second in two others. Jessie Rachel the baby Welsh also won a group to great crowd applause. She is a strong little show dog

Ken held the fort at Regalridge and the dogs were delighted with the better than forecast weather. The rose bush that came home last week end is already blooming in the garden and appears to enjoy its' new home. The weather remained humid and hot but the rain that had been predicted didn't materialize so they spent their days outside supervising the gardening and enjoying the sun. The dogs were delighted to see Chantelle and Lee when we arrived back late in the evening on both days and the welcoming committee was almost overwhelming. Whether we are gone several hours or several days, the delight that they show when we come in the door is palpable.

All else is well and we look forward to a new week with lots ahead including a vehicle realignment for Chantelle, speech therapy and an overnight trip to Tatamagouche for Lee and Ken, Canada Day and who knows what else.