June may be the prettiest month to be in Nova Scotia. Spring blooms marry new leaves and bright grass in a harmony of colour and scent. We are fortunate to have shows in June that take us to various parts of the country and the week end in Lunenburg was one of our hilights. Staying at the Top Mast motel is a pleasure, With its' view of Lunenburg, we enjoyed

a couple of days of shows, friends and great views, lobster, a fun club and some nice wins.
Friday was a travel day so when Bob and Luella arrived we packed, packed and packed some more 'stuff' into the van and Chantelle's car and headed off. Billy, Atlas, Marguerite, Scout and Jessie Rachel all had suitcases and were set for the road trip. With only an ice cream stop (it's June remember and no trip is complete without ice cream) we were in Lunenburg before dinner.

Mary greeted us warmly and Chantelle went to the show site to set up a spot in the building. Ken bar b qued for dinner (we have an apartment when we stay in Lunenburg) and we relaxed. Billy was stretched out on the couch or bed from that point on for the entire week end. Saturday morning we were on at 9:00 so were up at 6 getting ready. With our accommodation only a

couple of minutes away, we were able to show and go back and forth easily. Dawn and Jimmy had the motor home at the show so we had lunch there and the boys then went off to hunt and gather. They returned with lobster, homemade grain breads, romaine lettuce and squash and cucumber plants. It was a successful forage and portended well for dinner. There were 8 of us for dinner at the

Top Mast and several courses with lobster as the focal point were enjoyed by all. Lee was particularly pleased that the guests did clean up! This crowd will be invited back. We were home Sunday by dinnertime to a smiling Bob and Luella who held the fort with 'no problems'. What would we ever do without our friends?! Sophie is still looking for Luella and told me she is a better cook than I am.
The big news from the week end is Atlas - our new young male who won the Terrier Group from the classes and went on to a Reserve Best In Show under Maida Putterman. Atlas is a

handsome young Airedale who won Best Puppy In Show his first week end in the ring. We are delighted with his start in the rings and with his quick championship. He will be shown selectively this year. Logan (Atlas' half brother) won a Group two on Sunday and represented Regalridge well. In Amherst, he followed up an illustrious puppy career of multi-Best Puppy In Show wins, with a Best In Show.
Monday dawned with the necessity for a trip to the Vet to check Nick's ears, progesterone

testing for Paula Welsh and various city errands. While Ken finished preparations for the hall floor (it's almost done) and organized for his garden work for this week, Lee had Rogers again set up the Blackberry, replaced the broken coffee bean grinder (life was almost over as we know it), restocked the dog food and plants for the hanging pots and was home to make dinner followed by puppy evalution hour.

The Fraser/dolly and Fraser/Hailey puppies look like strong candidates for the show rings. Ken trimmed them yesterday and we are all happy with their progress.

Linda phoned and Maggie is doing much better so Virginia is cheering. Her chemo treatments are succeeding and her blood count responding well. We are also hearing from Ian Baines in Ontario with Hazel having been disgnosed with gall stones that have had to be surgically removed. Hazel was in great form going in to this crisis and that should serve her well in responding to treatment.
All else is well on a sunny day in rural NS>
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