Thursday was a trip to the city day to replenish the larder for both dogs and folks. Lori came along for a progesterone test and we made it to Costco where we finally found this year's crop of peaches - yahoo. Then it was on to collect Ken's brother Reg, drop Lori off at his house to stay cool and go to lunch at Jim's (best clams in Metro). Home in time to do a little research and then to participate in a conference call with Air Canada.
Our excellent CKC Manager of communications and I compose the 'transportation committee' and have worked with various airlines and marine transportation
carriers to advance carriage of pets through Canada. It was a milestone to have Air Canada in our offices in Toronto, interested in our views and acknowledging that the pet carrying public is again of interest to them as a significant constituency. Two hours later, Air Canada knew all that I know about flying with dogs and confirmed that they agree to again carry pets in cabin. There were a number of lobbies arguing against this change, so it was a successful conference call from our perspective. Air Canada now has more information to work with those who are concerned about having dogs in close proximity and we have a comfort level that they will be willing to work with us to carry dogs safely and with a better sense of our concerns and requirements.
Before completing the call, Ken had come into the office and given me the high sign that we have company. Hershey Welsh had flown (Westjet) with his owners from Calgary to Nova Scotia and they had dropped by to let us meet the little guy now that he is an adult. The last time we had seen him was leaving the property when he had been collected as a puppy to fly to his new home. What a great job they have done with him. He is a responsive, happy, smart fellow who responds to commands with alacrity and good grace - and "Yes, he is a WELSH". Off lead in the big front yard, he trailed around after Ken, seeming to enjoy 'men's work' but came when he was called,
gave high fives and sat like a little angel. It was a great visit and we were tickled to have the opportunity to meet Scout's brother.
Holding dinner off, we also had a visit from the owners of a Hailey pup and did his ears. He is a lovely boy and the folks who have him are delighted with him. That makes us happy. Dinner of fresh planked salmon, new potatoes and corn on the cob was late but great. Ken and his bar be que are a good team.
It was hot and humid here in the tropics. The dogs relax in this weather and take life as it comes. Atlas and Lola play as only young Airedales can play, regardless of the outdoor conditions and with a gleam in their eyes. We brought home new toys from PEI and those have been well and truly broken in. Last night, Atlas pranced around the yard with a red rubber bone sticking out of the side of his mouth, encouraging all to join in the chase. Even when we took him into the kennel to have a look at his coat for the week end, the bone was firmly clamped between his teeth and his tail was wagging. When he left the grooming table, the bone was repatriated and he was off to encourage the others to 'get up and go'.
All are well in the boarding department. Shooz the cat is reclining in the bed we bought for her and manages us nicely, meowing when she needs attention. There are birds with babies on one of the eyebrows of the house outside the window of the room dedicated to her so she has hours of watching the parents wing their say back and forth looking after their brood. We have no doubt Shooz has decided this has been done solely for her benefit. Apollo and KC are managing their yard, relaxing under the tree in the heat and having great conversations about who knows what. Kirby is a friend of Nemo and old Lucy Welsh is also here so the three sit outside and mutter geriatric Welsh-speak. It's likely better we can't interpret that, although we are quite certain that Lucy is explaining her ball collecting genius to the boys, who are steadfastly ignoring
the fact that girls are better at anything than they might be. Liard arrived yesterday for the week end, full of energy and ready to get his monthly exercise. He is a great fellow, a rescue who was found on a doorstep in the North by his RCMP family. That was in cold weather just as they were posted to Nova Scotia so Liard was bundled up and moved 'South'. He is a lucky dog and they are great folks.
Tomorrow will be another full day with the week end approaching and lots on tap to keep us going. Ken brought in a strawberry crop so that will be happily dealt with - isn't June a wonderful month!
Our excellent CKC Manager of communications and I compose the 'transportation committee' and have worked with various airlines and marine transportation

Holding dinner off, we also had a visit from the owners of a Hailey pup and did his ears. He is a lovely boy and the folks who have him are delighted with him. That makes us happy. Dinner of fresh planked salmon, new potatoes and corn on the cob was late but great. Ken and his bar be que are a good team.
It was hot and humid here in the tropics. The dogs relax in this weather and take life as it comes. Atlas and Lola play as only young Airedales can play, regardless of the outdoor conditions and with a gleam in their eyes. We brought home new toys from PEI and those have been well and truly broken in. Last night, Atlas pranced around the yard with a red rubber bone sticking out of the side of his mouth, encouraging all to join in the chase. Even when we took him into the kennel to have a look at his coat for the week end, the bone was firmly clamped between his teeth and his tail was wagging. When he left the grooming table, the bone was repatriated and he was off to encourage the others to 'get up and go'.
All are well in the boarding department. Shooz the cat is reclining in the bed we bought for her and manages us nicely, meowing when she needs attention. There are birds with babies on one of the eyebrows of the house outside the window of the room dedicated to her so she has hours of watching the parents wing their say back and forth looking after their brood. We have no doubt Shooz has decided this has been done solely for her benefit. Apollo and KC are managing their yard, relaxing under the tree in the heat and having great conversations about who knows what. Kirby is a friend of Nemo and old Lucy Welsh is also here so the three sit outside and mutter geriatric Welsh-speak. It's likely better we can't interpret that, although we are quite certain that Lucy is explaining her ball collecting genius to the boys, who are steadfastly ignoring

Tomorrow will be another full day with the week end approaching and lots on tap to keep us going. Ken brought in a strawberry crop so that will be happily dealt with - isn't June a wonderful month!
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