The trip to PEI was a lovely one. Good friends, a comfortable location and return to a routine made for a great week end.
Lobster was the order of the day, of course, and Margot and Margaret went hunting and gathering, returning to the house with a 'feed' that brought smiles to all faces. Coupled with Margot's world famous potato salad, rhubarb pie (with rhubarb from Ken's garden), a french pesto loaf that Lee made before leaving and sufficient Argentinian wine to
ensure we all spoke passable Spanish before dessert, life was at its' best. In fact, some readers have emailed that the blog is late in being updated - and that is because we didn't return home until last night. We hadn't managed to get our pilgrimage in to shop at Paderno (where a new line of pots and pans put a dent in the bank account) or to Cows for their world famous ice cream - the raspberry dark chocolate chunk is superb!
The Shows were successful, if somewhat damp. Held at Mill River campground, the Club does a good job and has raised the bar in the Maritimes by bringing in judges from outside North
America. That provides a different perspective for exhibitors and a different experience in the rings. Logan (Dawn and Jim Tufts Airedale from our litter last winter) won his second Best In Show and looked magnificent in the rings. With the very green backdrop of the Island, the black and tan dogs look wonderful. Following Logan's success, Jessie-Rachel, the Welsh from last summer's litter went Best Puppy In Show under Chantelle's guidance. She has turned in to a great little show girl and we predict great things for her. The judge who put her up is a breeder of Smooth Fox Terriers and waxed eloquent on her Welshie-ness and correct type.
The dogs at Regalridge had a great time with Bob and Luella and Kelsey's arrival made Patti very happy. Luella cooked for all of the dogs all week end so there will be an adjustment as things go back to normal. All was well on our return and the notes from Luella offered that the dogs had a great time and Regalridge ticked along beautifully. The house is somewhat lower key than is normal because both Lori and Hailey are in season. We will breed Lori and will look forward to a litter of Airedales in September.
Jack departed on Sunday, with a new haircut 'a la Chantelle'. Apollo is still managing his run but is delighted to have KC as a second in command. They will miss Jack who rounded out the troop but new games will be developed that require only two. Kirby is looking after the opposite side of the kennel and is taking it all in stride after being a star boarder for more than a decade. Shooz is now a 'Regalridge cat' in her mind and had Luella wrapped around her paw. With the new hall, Shooz gets a warning that there is someone in the area and she has learned that if she vocalizes, someone magically appears and a treat lands in her dish - Pavlov-R-Us!
We returned home in time to have a quick bar b que and then pile back in the car to go to a Kennel Club meeting. Returning urgent phone calls when we got home, we managed to get upstairs by midnight. Tomorrow is speech therapy day for Shelagh so the little car will head to Tatamagouche.

The Shows were successful, if somewhat damp. Held at Mill River campground, the Club does a good job and has raised the bar in the Maritimes by bringing in judges from outside North
America. That provides a different perspective for exhibitors and a different experience in the rings. Logan (Dawn and Jim Tufts Airedale from our litter last winter) won his second Best In Show and looked magnificent in the rings. With the very green backdrop of the Island, the black and tan dogs look wonderful. Following Logan's success, Jessie-Rachel, the Welsh from last summer's litter went Best Puppy In Show under Chantelle's guidance. She has turned in to a great little show girl and we predict great things for her. The judge who put her up is a breeder of Smooth Fox Terriers and waxed eloquent on her Welshie-ness and correct type.
The dogs at Regalridge had a great time with Bob and Luella and Kelsey's arrival made Patti very happy. Luella cooked for all of the dogs all week end so there will be an adjustment as things go back to normal. All was well on our return and the notes from Luella offered that the dogs had a great time and Regalridge ticked along beautifully. The house is somewhat lower key than is normal because both Lori and Hailey are in season. We will breed Lori and will look forward to a litter of Airedales in September.
Jack departed on Sunday, with a new haircut 'a la Chantelle'. Apollo is still managing his run but is delighted to have KC as a second in command. They will miss Jack who rounded out the troop but new games will be developed that require only two. Kirby is looking after the opposite side of the kennel and is taking it all in stride after being a star boarder for more than a decade. Shooz is now a 'Regalridge cat' in her mind and had Luella wrapped around her paw. With the new hall, Shooz gets a warning that there is someone in the area and she has learned that if she vocalizes, someone magically appears and a treat lands in her dish - Pavlov-R-Us!
We returned home in time to have a quick bar b que and then pile back in the car to go to a Kennel Club meeting. Returning urgent phone calls when we got home, we managed to get upstairs by midnight. Tomorrow is speech therapy day for Shelagh so the little car will head to Tatamagouche.
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