Sunday was a lovely day in Nova Scotia so hopefully a great day for fishing. Ken and Reg are 'up the Eastern Shore' hunting for trout with younger son Allan and Robbie so the three generations are happily ensconced in the fishing camp with no power and very limited facilities - must be a male thing!
Chantelle had a successful day giving her grooming seminar with lots of positive feedback and some good looking dogs returned to Regalridge. Laurel Airedale, Scout Welsh and Abigail Australian seemed to have had a good time. Chantelle noted that Heather Cook's hospitality (in particular the non-stop food) was tremendous and her home lends itself beautifully to this sort of seminar. With the detailed presentation materials that Chantelle developed and her excellent presentation skills, I am sure everyone came away with a lot more knowledge of the coatwork options available to them with hard coated terriers.

Here at Regalridge, the last of the Dolly puppies left for her home in Fredericton. She is a great little dog - bright as she can be and very knowing already. Her new owner is a well experienced Airedale owner and a United Church minister who fully intends that little Tao will attend services with her. Our two (perhaps Bo and Gretchen but we aren't quite fixed on the names yet) are happily managing the kitchen deck.
Old Willie thoroughly enjoyed the good weather and is eating well - always a pleasure with Willie. The Nangreaves circus departed in a flurry of barking Airedale and wagging Cairn while Kelsee Australian marched out the gate with her owner without a backward glance - but we bet she told lots of stories of her adventures with the Cirneco when she got home! Moses and Naomi had a wonderful day in the big run - watching the local geese and the tractor but with Moses still concerned that Ken really should be gardening more. The Wheatens are happy as only Wheatens can be - running and playing in the back exercise yard and looking forward to Allan's return this week. Lucy and Baron alternated in the back run with the Wheatens and thrive on the exercise. They don't miss a meal and are tuckered out at bedtime - barely able to wag for their bed milkbones!
The housedogs are off kilter with Ken not here at bedtime. The Norwich didn't have their friend to watch tv with and Atlas and Nick were not amused that lights were off before midnight. London is recovering from her little surgical procedure and can now choke down milkbones and treats, cheese and chicken. Progress is being made.
And a new week starts . . .
Chantelle had a successful day giving her grooming seminar with lots of positive feedback and some good looking dogs returned to Regalridge. Laurel Airedale, Scout Welsh and Abigail Australian seemed to have had a good time. Chantelle noted that Heather Cook's hospitality (in particular the non-stop food) was tremendous and her home lends itself beautifully to this sort of seminar. With the detailed presentation materials that Chantelle developed and her excellent presentation skills, I am sure everyone came away with a lot more knowledge of the coatwork options available to them with hard coated terriers.

Here at Regalridge, the last of the Dolly puppies left for her home in Fredericton. She is a great little dog - bright as she can be and very knowing already. Her new owner is a well experienced Airedale owner and a United Church minister who fully intends that little Tao will attend services with her. Our two (perhaps Bo and Gretchen but we aren't quite fixed on the names yet) are happily managing the kitchen deck.
Old Willie thoroughly enjoyed the good weather and is eating well - always a pleasure with Willie. The Nangreaves circus departed in a flurry of barking Airedale and wagging Cairn while Kelsee Australian marched out the gate with her owner without a backward glance - but we bet she told lots of stories of her adventures with the Cirneco when she got home! Moses and Naomi had a wonderful day in the big run - watching the local geese and the tractor but with Moses still concerned that Ken really should be gardening more. The Wheatens are happy as only Wheatens can be - running and playing in the back exercise yard and looking forward to Allan's return this week. Lucy and Baron alternated in the back run with the Wheatens and thrive on the exercise. They don't miss a meal and are tuckered out at bedtime - barely able to wag for their bed milkbones!
The housedogs are off kilter with Ken not here at bedtime. The Norwich didn't have their friend to watch tv with and Atlas and Nick were not amused that lights were off before midnight. London is recovering from her little surgical procedure and can now choke down milkbones and treats, cheese and chicken. Progress is being made.
And a new week starts . . .

What a great idea Chantelle had...I now look forward to this every morning and Penny loves to hear how all her friends are doing! Cathy & Penny