All was well at Regalridge and the flooring continues to be laid. Tom arrived yesterday to lend a hand and with Reg we are well on the way to Phase 1 completion. The Airedales who go upstairs at bedtime, though, are not yet supportive of the material change and a lot of backing up and freezing in place occurred last night as they put their feet on a 'floating floor'.
Reg's visit offered an opportunity for a lobster dinner before we went to the Atlantic Terrier Association meeting last night. The meeting was well attended and we are moving along with plans for the 2010 Specialty and a Sanction Match in July. The Earthdog Trial for August has been scheduled and the Premium List is out so the ATA members are busy. The fund raiser put on by the Cook's and Chantelle was deemed a great success with almost $500 raised to support Shelagh's speech therapy needs. The Caroll's have a great little puppy who was the hi-light of the meeting.

The kennel is quieter mid-week with Lucy and Baron still in residence and in charge and Annie and Higgins happy with their own exercise yard. Lucy and Baron love Camp Regalridge. City

dogs, they are able to run really, really fast in our large exercise yards and take advantage of every inch of space, every day they are here. It's worth the price of admission to watch Lucy at full throttle running her laps. Annie and Higgins are great friends and play non-stop with Higgins urging all of the dogs on the property to enjoy themselves as much as he does.
The house Airedales are working hard. Nick continues to supervise the flooring project while Piper spent most of her day as sous chef. Sophie organized the dog beds in the den and shared with the Norwich while Clem worried about the banging construction noises that disturbed her sleep. Patti who hates loud noises wouldn't come inside until dinner and Billy enjoyed the day with his girls in the yards since Nick was working and he didn't have to share the harem. The puppies seem to be growing daily and are sensible little Airedales who delight in every new

experience. Yesterday was the day to assist with hanging out clothes and great fun was had climbing in and out of the clothes basket. Paula will miss Reg - she quickly decided that he was a great find and attached herself to him as only a Welsh can. Atlas is ready for the Lunenburg shows this week end, with Ken providing the finishing touches yesterday. He is a handsome Airedale and a strong addition to the Regalridge family.

We all enjoyed Reg's visit and thank Catherine, Gillian and Tim for sharing him with us this week.
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