The weather was beautiful - a day to work outside and get lots done, adding in the time to go and vote to a full schedule. As a result, everything pushed into the last part of the afternoon. Lucy and Baron arrived amid lots of greetings from their kennel pals, settling in for a short stay. Following Lucy and Baron, Apollo standard Poodle and his cat Shooz arrived. They are moving to BC so are here for three weeks. Like most Standards, Apollo moved into the kennel without a blink and is settled nicely. He will, no

doubt, miss his family but will enjoy the big exercise yards during his time with us. Shooz is a senior cat - and "no, we don't ordinarily board cats". Shooz is the exception because of her situation. She comes with Apollo, she is ancient and needs special care. She is here with us in the

house in her own quarters and is doing amazingly well. She is eating her raw diet, is drinking well and has settled reasonably easily. We are spending time with her to assure her that all will return to normal in her world in due course. Our goal is to see her comfortable enough to spend her weeks with us out of her carrier and in her new cat bed that we bought just for her.
A hilight of the day was Patti and the young children of Apollo and Shooz. As we worked on paperwork for shipping and settling in the

animals, the two little people needed a distraction. Patti the Airedale was brought out and I wish everyone reading this could have watched the antics. Patti grabbed the soccer ball in her mouth and trotted around the big front lawns with two beautiful blond children in hot pursuit. This went on for upwards of 20 minutes, Patti delighting in making patterns on the lawn, slowing down if the children needed a breather or missed a corner and speeding up on the straight stretches. The peals of laughter told us everything we needed to know and Patti had her 'child fix' for the week.
With all of the late afternon activity, dinner was delayed - salmon cakes using the salmon Bob and Luella had given us on our latest visit were great and so was the broiled pineapple in sauce with caramelized pecans - even if it all happened mid-evening.
By late evening we knew that the NDP had won its' first majority government in this province and we are qutie certain that our MLA will be in the cabinet - a great thing for East Hants. Pittsburg won the hockey game so all is right with Ken's world.
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