Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Annapolis Valley was lovely at the end of June

The week end was a successful one and the drive back and forth both days a pleasure. The Valley is lush and green with reports of record crops of strawberries. One ad mentioned that we could pick our own berries for 75 cents a quart and eat all we wanted as we laboured. And speaking of ads, it was an interesting drive through the Valley. A truck sign advised us that the "vehicle backs into driveways" - whether it does so on a whim or through planning was a bit unclear. Another urged in 10 foot high letters that "if you have an emergency, call 911" - hmmm. Then there were signs with letters that only those in the know would be able to decipher - KTCE with an arrow on a bright orange board, ARLE on another. An older fellow, not to be outdone, was hitchhiking in a relatively uninhabited area with a professionally lettered two sided sign offering place names about 50 km apart. Signs are indeed important in that area!
The shows were good to us. Atlas did well winning one group, placing second in two others. Jessie Rachel the baby Welsh also won a group to great crowd applause. She is a strong little show dog and is garnering a lot of interest at ringside. Certainly the Superman breedings offered a boost to our Welsh program. The days were full in Canning with lots of nice dogs and some good shopping at the show - can't ask for more than that.
Ken held the fort at Regalridge and the dogs were delighted with the better than forecast weather. The rose bush that came home last week end is already blooming in the garden and appears to enjoy its' new home. The weather remained humid and hot but the rain that had been predicted didn't materialize so they spent their days outside supervising the gardening and enjoying the sun. The dogs were delighted to see Chantelle and Lee when we arrived back late in the evening on both days and the welcoming committee was almost overwhelming. Whether we are gone several hours or several days, the delight that they show when we come in the door is palpable.
The boarders are all thriving. Shooz has been told that this is the week for the next leg of her geriatric adventure and she takes the news without a blink. Apollo will be just fine - he is a fellow who can handle what comes without reservation. Paula has moved back to the house after having been bred and is very happy to be repatriated.
All else is well and we look forward to a new week with lots ahead including a vehicle realignment for Chantelle, speech therapy and an overnight trip to Tatamagouche for Lee and Ken, Canada Day and who knows what else.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday heralds another show week end

Working in the city, we looked forward to Friday. Now that we are home much of the time, we recognize Friday as our busy day. Kelsey was here and that helped a great deal and, of course, Patti is delighted. Patti's only concern is that Kelsey doesn't stay in one place long enough to allow the top dog to keep an eye on her 'child' full time. While Kelsey and Patti managed Regalridge, Ken gardened, gardened and gardened some more. He has all of the plants planted that came home with us from PEI - we looked like a greenhouse on wheels - and has brought in more of the strawberry crop. That meant shortcake had to be made last night. With the berries we had one of Ken's famous bar b qued beer can chickens - always a treat.
It was humid and hot - still tropical weather and while the humans wilt by noon, the dogs seem to be oblivious. The boys played in their big yard, Kirby departed amid much fanfare as did Lucy so the old folks club is now limited to Nemo. We are sure he will have company soon. Liard is bouncing around in the adjoining yard to KC and Apollo, happy to stretch his legs and to oversee the back fields. Shooz is as happy as a cat can be. She moves from her bed to the chair where she can watch the progress of the baby birds and seems to feel all is well with the world.
The evening was spent organizing the van for the trip to the show - we can't have left much out because there isn't a square inch of space left. It will be up early and on the road to the beautiful Annapolis Valley, home for dinner.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Visitors were the order of the day

Thursday was a trip to the city day to replenish the larder for both dogs and folks. Lori came along for a progesterone test and we made it to Costco where we finally found this year's crop of peaches - yahoo. Then it was on to collect Ken's brother Reg, drop Lori off at his house to stay cool and go to lunch at Jim's (best clams in Metro). Home in time to do a little research and then to participate in a conference call with Air Canada.
Our excellent CKC Manager of communications and I compose the 'transportation committee' and have worked with various airlines and marine transportation carriers to advance carriage of pets through Canada. It was a milestone to have Air Canada in our offices in Toronto, interested in our views and acknowledging that the pet carrying public is again of interest to them as a significant constituency. Two hours later, Air Canada knew all that I know about flying with dogs and confirmed that they agree to again carry pets in cabin. There were a number of lobbies arguing against this change, so it was a successful conference call from our perspective. Air Canada now has more information to work with those who are concerned about having dogs in close proximity and we have a comfort level that they will be willing to work with us to carry dogs safely and with a better sense of our concerns and requirements.
Before completing the call, Ken had come into the office and given me the high sign that we have company. Hershey Welsh had flown (Westjet) with his owners from Calgary to Nova Scotia and they had dropped by to let us meet the little guy now that he is an adult. The last time we had seen him was leaving the property when he had been collected as a puppy to fly to his new home. What a great job they have done with him. He is a responsive, happy, smart fellow who responds to commands with alacrity and good grace - and "Yes, he is a WELSH". Off lead in the big front yard, he trailed around after Ken, seeming to enjoy 'men's work' but came when he was called, gave high fives and sat like a little angel. It was a great visit and we were tickled to have the opportunity to meet Scout's brother.
Holding dinner off, we also had a visit from the owners of a Hailey pup and did his ears. He is a lovely boy and the folks who have him are delighted with him. That makes us happy. Dinner of fresh planked salmon, new potatoes and corn on the cob was late but great. Ken and his bar be que are a good team.
It was hot and humid here in the tropics. The dogs relax in this weather and take life as it comes. Atlas and Lola play as only young Airedales can play, regardless of the outdoor conditions and with a gleam in their eyes. We brought home new toys from PEI and those have been well and truly broken in. Last night, Atlas pranced around the yard with a red rubber bone sticking out of the side of his mouth, encouraging all to join in the chase. Even when we took him into the kennel to have a look at his coat for the week end, the bone was firmly clamped between his teeth and his tail was wagging. When he left the grooming table, the bone was repatriated and he was off to encourage the others to 'get up and go'.
All are well in the boarding department. Shooz the cat is reclining in the bed we bought for her and manages us nicely, meowing when she needs attention. There are birds with babies on one of the eyebrows of the house outside the window of the room dedicated to her so she has hours of watching the parents wing their say back and forth looking after their brood. We have no doubt Shooz has decided this has been done solely for her benefit. Apollo and KC are managing their yard, relaxing under the tree in the heat and having great conversations about who knows what. Kirby is a friend of Nemo and old Lucy Welsh is also here so the three sit outside and mutter geriatric Welsh-speak. It's likely better we can't interpret that, although we are quite certain that Lucy is explaining her ball collecting genius to the boys, who are steadfastly ignoring the fact that girls are better at anything than they might be. Liard arrived yesterday for the week end, full of energy and ready to get his monthly exercise. He is a great fellow, a rescue who was found on a doorstep in the North by his RCMP family. That was in cold weather just as they were posted to Nova Scotia so Liard was bundled up and moved 'South'. He is a lucky dog and they are great folks.
Tomorrow will be another full day with the week end approaching and lots on tap to keep us going. Ken brought in a strawberry crop so that will be happily dealt with - isn't June a wonderful month!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Humidity in June - the weather is a-changin'

Wednesday was speech therapy day so Lee and Betsy (the PT Cruiser) headed to Tatamagouche. Early in the morning, it is difficult to find a milkshake - Shelagh's treat of choice - so it was fresh local strawberries and those went over quite well. The therapist works with Shelagh for an hour, assisting her in developing her speech and therefore improve her quality of living in the care facility. Our role is to support Shelagh in her willingness to work with the therapist and to ensure there is an understanding that this is to her benefit. We also learn exercises to work with Shelagh on days the therapist is not with her. To this point, there has been gradual but limited improvement in her capability to speak intelligibly. Shelagh is aware of the limitation and somewhat resigned but with the support of friends willing to work to improve. The therapist is a tremendous resource and we are seeing significant gains with the work she is doing with Shelagh. Unfortunately the cost is not borne by Shelagh's insurance. We have had one fund raiser to cover the cost of the speech work and will look at any other opportunities that we have to raise additional funds. The window for developing the pathways in the brain is open at the moment so optimizing this time available to us is critical.

The dogs are well. Although it was either raining or, at other times so humid that it might as well have been raining, the dogs found games to play and places to relax. The forecast for tomorrow is the same - hot humid and rainy. The tropics seem to be visiting Nova Scotia!

Apollo and KC are now fast friends - their owners are likely to find new traits in each dog since they have shared their secrets and their games and are two peas in a Standard Poodle/Airedale pod. Hailey's puppy from Cape Breton came yesterday for a very late first haircut. He is a handsome boy and looked much better with a lot of hair taken away.

The baby Airedales are growing and changing. Dolly was a wonderful mother and these puppies are testament to her care and training. They are smart, responsive and great to work with. Having waited several years to have Dolly successfully bred, we are very pleased with the result of the litter.

Canning shows are this week end so trimming is happening yet again. the forecast is for a week end of rain. July will be quieter, with Lee judging in Quebec and fewer shows here in the Maritimes but there will no doubt be lots of dog activities to capture our interest and to keep the dogs active.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prince Edward Island was wet but beautiful

The trip to PEI was a lovely one. Good friends, a comfortable location and return to a routine made for a great week end. Lobster was the order of the day, of course, and Margot and Margaret went hunting and gathering, returning to the house with a 'feed' that brought smiles to all faces. Coupled with Margot's world famous potato salad, rhubarb pie (with rhubarb from Ken's garden), a french pesto loaf that Lee made before leaving and sufficient Argentinian wine to ensure we all spoke passable Spanish before dessert, life was at its' best. In fact, some readers have emailed that the blog is late in being updated - and that is because we didn't return home until last night. We hadn't managed to get our pilgrimage in to shop at Paderno (where a new line of pots and pans put a dent in the bank account) or to Cows for their world famous ice cream - the raspberry dark chocolate chunk is superb!
The Shows were successful, if somewhat damp. Held at Mill River campground, the Club does a good job and has raised the bar in the Maritimes by bringing in judges from outside North
America. That provides a different perspective for exhibitors and a different experience in the rings. Logan (Dawn and Jim Tufts Airedale from our litter last winter) won his second Best In Show and looked magnificent in the rings. With the very green backdrop of the Island, the black and tan dogs look wonderful. Following Logan's success, Jessie-Rachel, the Welsh from last summer's litter went Best Puppy In Show under Chantelle's guidance. She has turned in to a great little show girl and we predict great things for her. The judge who put her up is a breeder of Smooth Fox Terriers and waxed eloquent on her Welshie-ness and correct type.
The dogs at Regalridge had a great time with Bob and Luella and Kelsey's arrival made Patti very happy. Luella cooked for all of the dogs all week end so there will be an adjustment as things go back to normal. All was well on our return and the notes from Luella offered that the dogs had a great time and Regalridge ticked along beautifully. The house is somewhat lower key than is normal because both Lori and Hailey are in season. We will breed Lori and will look forward to a litter of Airedales in September.
Jack departed on Sunday, with a new haircut 'a la Chantelle'. Apollo is still managing his run but is delighted to have KC as a second in command. They will miss Jack who rounded out the troop but new games will be developed that require only two. Kirby is looking after the opposite side of the kennel and is taking it all in stride after being a star boarder for more than a decade. Shooz is now a 'Regalridge cat' in her mind and had Luella wrapped around her paw. With the new hall, Shooz gets a warning that there is someone in the area and she has learned that if she vocalizes, someone magically appears and a treat lands in her dish - Pavlov-R-Us!
We returned home in time to have a quick bar b que and then pile back in the car to go to a Kennel Club meeting. Returning urgent phone calls when we got home, we managed to get upstairs by midnight. Tomorrow is speech therapy day for Shelagh so the little car will head to Tatamagouche.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Planning Panic sets in

We are leaving for another show week end tomorrow so the week end packing, planning and general panic is upon us. Why do we have to manage four days work on the one day before we leave? Ken's gardens called his name all day long so he was happy in that Ken sort of way but grousing about everything he wasn't getting done.
It was sit at the desk and get the paperwork done day for Lee - one of my favourites- not! All was going well until I read the phone bill and realized that I was being charged last year's advertising rates for this year's reduced contract. Aliant kindly advised that while they bill for yellow pages, they really have nothing to do with them and referred me on - and happier I got, not. After wending my way through a second set of computer generated instructions, I spoke to Lisa who advised me that I was right, the amount is incorrect and thank you for bringing it to their attention - it should be $50 higher! And then the dialogue turned. Fortunately I did have a copy of the contract as well as the email chain with their agent. All was sent since Lisa claimed none of it was in their office. The situation was made more challenging since we did not receive our telephone book so I had no idea how the contract had actually been executed and translated into print. Phoning back to follow up, I was told by another YPG staff member that Lisa is very busy but that a dispute resolution file was being started and I would hear from them in four weeks or so as to the status of my claim. Guess what - that didn't sit well with Lee. So, after asking through clenched teeth to speak to a manager who wasn't quite as busy as Lisa, I was advised that busy Lisa would call me back. And call she did, noting that indeed she had found the paperwork supporting the paperwork that I had sent - imagine that - and that I was correct - who would have thought. So, several hours of time and effort later, the dragon was slayed and a lot of money recaptured. Now to find a phone book to see what they actually put in . . .
The rest of the day was spent baking bread - or at least that's how it felt. Again, we will be at the house in PEI so we take breakfast and dinners with us. Grain bread was made for toast, raisin bread (Bob and Luella's favourite) was made for Chantelle's folks who again offered to house sit and hold the fort and finally pesto french bread will accompany the traditional PEI lobster dinner Saturday night. Margot and Margaret will join the Regalridge family so it will be a great week end. Atlas, Jessie and Billy are the canine crew who will be on the road trip.
Chantelle brought dinner home, saving a great deal of time, and then headed to the kennel to put the final touches on the show dogs through the late evening. It was a pretty day here and followed by a lovely evening - one of the longest of the year and we needed that.
The dogs, with the good weather, had an active day. KC has settled in nicely and has become fast friends with Jack and Apollo. The three boys played together, developing games and racing around. Apollo has become an 'Airedale in waiting' and will go to his new home with lots of new tactics that may not have come to the mind of a Standard Poodle without the support of his new Airedale pals. The little kennel managers departed amid a flurry of reciprocal greetings. We will miss those two! Kirby is settled and happy as only an old Welsh can be.
Lee was given a task yesterday and fulfilled it well. Ken, in true Ken fashion, added to Lee's chores with a request to trim Atlas' ears. After the yellow pages adventure, Lee went to the kennel to fulfill her obligations. from the gaggle of Airedales in yard number 2, the Airedale was pulled out and put on the grooming table. As the ears were trimmed, Lee expressed her concern to a passing Ken that Atlas didn't look very well taken down for a show and wondered if there had been more work done in gardens than in the grooming room. And the worm turned . . . Finishing the ears (not a quick or easy task), Lee moved on to go over the rest of the dog - and discovered that it was Marguerite on the table. To her credit, she did confess the error of her ways to Ken and later to Chantelle and will live with their derision for some time to come. Atlas' ears were then done and his trimming lauded by Lee. (Chantelle: Ken and I had to give Lee a short lecture on the birds & the bees as well as the difference between males & females!!!! LOL)
Late last night Nick had his daily road trip with Ken, the two of them going into Bedford to pick up keys. Patti had a lovely day in the yard managing the Regalridge dogs and organizing games for all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nova Scotia saw a lot of Regalridge

It was Chantelle's Familiarization Tour day so there wasn't a corner of Hants County that didn't see her bright fuchsia bus - in fact, I suspect most of Nova Scotia and half of New Brunswick was able to bask in the glow! Ken's comment when he saw it parked in front of the Resource Center was that it must be a circus in town. Picture bright fuchsia driving the backroads of Maitland and Walton, or the Gore and Falmouth. The locals likely have whiplash!
Ken and I were in Tatamagouche to discuss with Shelagh her first day of work with the speech therapist. Shelagh agreed, albeit with reservations, that she would give it a try. The therapist is a wonderful resource and a great person. We stayed for the session and were very encouraged by Shelagh's improved capabilities and with the progress the therapist saw from her initial visit. As a reward, we toured Tatamagouche, found a pizza parlour and delivered Shelagh's first take out pizza since her stroke in September. To say she enjoyed it (with the can of Diet 7-Up) is an understatement. Chantelle and Heather Cook spearheaded the fund raising session to make this possible. Friends are Shelagh's only source of support so this fund raising is critical to her long term quality of life and we sincerely thank all who are helping.
KC arrived from Toronto with a full coat and a big smile. The Airedales are great travellers by any mode of transportation. By the end of the evening, Ken and Chantelle had him groomed and running around the exercise yards. KC belongs to Ken's brother Allan and his wife Betty. They are moving house and then coming to the Maritimes to their summer home in PEI, so this was an opportunity to have KC repatriated to Regalridge for a bit and to save him the drive down.
Tom managed Regalridge and the dogs were tired from ball playing and happy to come in at bedtime. During the "importation of the plywood" late afternoon, Smokey had a little tour around the front yard when the men forgot to shut the front door. Smokey is Ken's cat - a rescue who had been left in the Vet's garbage can. She has been with us for years and this was her first time outside since she moved to Regalridge. She had a catlike look of absolute relief when Ken, recognizing the error of his ways, repatriated her to her house!
Shooz and Apollo are doing great, not missing a meal or an opportunity for a pat. Now that Apollo has friends in his run, he is tickled with the games he is inventing for their playing pleasure and welcomes all comers. Jack the Airedale is Apollo's current buddy and will be here through the week end. The little kennel managers leave today - what will we do without Teddi and Lily Maltese?! Kirby has been here often enough to take over the job but Male Welsh are into fun and games - not responsibility. Abigail Australian will have her work cut out for her, I guess.
Poor little Scout spent a night in the kennel this week so when Chantelle carried him upstairs last night to go to bed in her bedroom, his tail almost wagged off. He was the leader of the parade up the stairs and a fine leader he is. Hailey decided her puppy, Lola, needed exercise last night. She collected the huge rope toy that we found in Virginia at Tractor Supply last fall, grabbed an end and started her laps around the front yard, with Lola in hot pursuit. Slowing down long enough to let little Lola catch up, the two ran in tandem, with little Lola almost lifting off the ground on the corners.
Tomorrow we plan for the PEI shows this coming week end. Margot and Margaret will join us in PEI and we will be between Mill River and the house for the next few days. It's always a great time with good friends and the dogs, the PEI herons generally have arrived and early beach walks are good starts to the days. Fortunately, our wonderful friends the Marshalls have agreed to come up and manage Regalridge for the week end so that we all can go to the shows. Thursday will be organizing and packing, Friday the road trip. Don't know if we will have internet access for the week end so the blog may be inactive until early next week. If we have access, we will keep you posted on the week end activities. Atlas and Jessie Rachel will be shown and Billy, navigator extraordinaier, will be along for the drive.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Houston, we have lift off

The hall is done and looks great. Ken and Tom have now moved into the living room and furniture is flying - literally. As I watched the couch arc through the air and land under the chestnut tree, a lot of memories surfaced as well. This new flooring project certainly is a bigger job than envisaged but it is coming together.
All is well in the world of the kennel. The Maltese are running it well and are enjoying their role to its' fullest. What a pair! Their owners will recive two little managers at home on Thursday. And may the Force be with them. Apollo is delighted with his new friend and he and Lori are developing a game plan. The Airedales and Standard Poodles are highly similar breeds so enjoy each others' company. Kirby is comfortably settled in and knows the routine inside out - no trying to trick him, he has everything planned and his expectations are high. Jack the Airedale has arrived and he was Apollo's yard mate last night. They too are becoming fast friends much to Jack's delight.
The Regalridge dogs are fully into summer mode. Patti, Charlotte, Sophie and Hailey would live outside if we let them. They hit the ground running first thing in the morning and reluctantly come in when the bats start flying for their evening mosquito meal. Even the Norwich were willing to spend the morning on the deck - a rare occurrence. They were amused by Ken in the garden and urged him on to greater effort as he walked or drove the yellow machine past their viewing platform. We aren't certain of the awards they were doling out but he was certainly lauded on more than one occasion.
The evening brought a Health Board meeting on Ken's agenda and an Awards banquet on Lee's. Chantelle held the fort and organized for her Familiarization Tour that begins early tomorrow morning and goes through Hants county's tourism gems. The file for participants is professional and impressive. It really does point up the depth of tourism activity in the county, the diversity of the product available and the potential for the region. The tourism industry professionals that are the recipients of her tour will be surprised and impressed, I predict. Tomorrow will come early for all of us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The hall may be finished in our lifetime

Painting of trim has begun. Tom and I agree that he is about as challenged as I in putting more paint on the area to be painted than on himself but his results are far superior to mine. What a difference a coat of paint makes!
Kirby Welsh arrived to join the ranks of June boarders and settled in with his usual aplomb. All is well in his world. Apollo had company yesterday. He was becoming a bit lonely so we added Lori Airedale to his world and he is delighted. They played all day and had a great time in perfect weather - bright sun and 23 degrees. Teddi and Lily Maltese are delighting in every adventure. They are camera hounds and Chantelle was so tickled by their antics - so tickled that yesterday's images were taken without a flash - sorry! While the terror threw toys in the air and tried to assist the photographer by grabbing the camera strap, the more settled of the two posed and preened - occasionally having to speak harshly to the misbehaving partner in crime.
Mornings are early approaching the summer solstice - we had the chores done by 6:20 this morning and were well into the second pot of coffee by 8:00. With the rain followed by warm weather, the property is lush and the dogs relaxing on very green grass were a real picture.
It was summer haircut day for Abigail yesterday. Spa days are not Abigail's favourite but she prisses and preens once the ordeal is over and is as proud as punch of her new look. The others won't give her the time of day for a few hours - as far as are concerned she is a new dog and they have never seen her before in their lives. Jessie Rachel spent her day enjoying the good weather on the side deck and assisted me in hanging out clothes and Ken in planting. The Airedales played keep away games much of the day, with Billy leading the charge. Pity the poor human who got in the way.
The annuals are planted including the hanging baskets but Ken is not happy with the newly moved vegetable patch so more attention will be needed there. Gardening is a focus and never more so than in June.
Ken and Lee were at a Terrier Association Committee meeting last night and Chantelle was finishing up her Familiarization tour materials so the parade up the stairs was late and a bit raggle taggle - ready to sleep and to get their plans made for a fun day tomorrow.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kelsey started her summer job

It was a lovely June day for Kelsey's first day of work at Regalridge and her barn background shows. This great little teenager fitted in seamlessly and Patti fell in love with her. There was no difficulty figuring out where Kelsey was because Patti was either shadowing her or sitting at the last gate she went through. Patti is in for a good summer and Kelsey is tickled that she has been 'chosen' by the Queen Bee.
There was lots of activity with Queenie and Hershey leaving - so long Labs - and settling the kennel for the upcoming week. The little Maltese managed their fiefdom with their usual aplomb, waving bye to the big guys going out the door and turning back to their duties as kennel manager extraordinaire. They really are the comic relief and are game for whatever is going on. Many won't remember that the Maltese is a terrier and was shown in the Terrier Group for many years. These two bring to their terrier name most of their personalities and are a great addition to the kennel - perhaps Bethany might stay away a little longer! Apollo is completely in charge of the number 3 exercise yard and takes his job seriously. No laying around relaxing for him - he chases the birds flying overhead, watches the fruit market across the road for untoward activity and is ever on guard for interlopers on the adjoining property. His cat Shooz is simply a Regalridge fixture now and is completely at ease in the house.
Lee was at another meeting in the afternoon - this time working with a great group of dog women (soon to be joined by our HKC organizer-extraordinaire) to organize a responsible dog ownership day for Halifax Regional Municipality. It is shaping up to be a fun day for people and dogs in Shubie Park on September 20 and will include CGN testing, games, a picnic and bar b que and lots more.
Ken was in the garden all day and has requested that next year all seed catalogues go directly to the recycling bin without passing the kitchen table. He added another trip to the fruit stand for yet more supplies and some great herbs for the deck planters. Those will be well used during the summer.
The Regalridge dogs helped Kelsey all day and taught her the importance of developing a good ball throwing arm. The puppies were taken out for their first lead training in front of the chestnut tree and the entire older crew lined up along the fence to cheer them on. The little ones did amazingly well and now have taken their next step toward the show ring. Shawn arrived in the afternoon to trim Bella and he and Chantelle spent a few hours in the grooming room with Clem and Jessie Rachel.
Dawn kept us posted on the Oromocto Kennel Club goings on and did well winning a Group and placing as well. Logan continues to do well and shows like a pro at his young age.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday showed and improvement in weather and a road trip

The weather cleared slowly on Saturday so Ken was able to be back in the garden - a happy moment for all of us. On his way, he took some wonderful shots of my favourite tree on the property. During the June - September period, the house at Regalridge is all but obscured by our chestnut tree. It is the center of much of the property, a stately, magnificent tree in which the squirrels and chipmunks play and under which the pheasants feed during the fall to spring period. It offers shade in the summer, a structure on which to hang lights during the holidays and a central point to the property year round. First time visitors rarely fail to remark on the tree and can be overwhelmed by it at this time of year. With bees buzzing on many candles, it sounds like a jet engine and looks like a decoration straight out of Alice in Wonderland. The rest of the property is lovely with lilacs, berry bushes and azaleas in full bloom, the annuals planted and the new leaves thick and bright green. We really are fortunate.
Yesterday was a birthday week end in Digby. Both Bob and 'Uncle John' had " 0" birthdays (I'll let you fill in the blanks) so Lee and Piper loaded the van and drove the three hours to visit with the families and support the pot luck with Friday's lasagne. It was a great party and we now understand that one lasagne is not enough - right Luella?! It was a late night drive back to Hants County with Piper assisting in navigation and bemoaning her empty stomach.
Ken held the fort and said the dogs had a good day. The weather was overcast until the afternoon but that didn't dampen spirits. Winnie left and all else remained stable. The little Maltese have been elevated to the role of kennel managers and are running up and down the hallways assisting in daily activities. The big dogs are enjoying their big runs and are bonding nicely. Hershey is a happy lab, enjoying his meals. Apollo is acting a sergeant Major and keeps an eye on all outdoor activities, ruling his yards with a firm paw. Queenie is settled and content - our usual Queenie-self, understands the routine and moves with great purpose to her run for meal times. Shooz the cat is fast becoming a Regalridge inhabitant - she is insisting on 'Shooz-time' and requires that each of us sit with her in our lap at some point in the day so that she can tell us her tales of life with and without children.
The Regalridge crew is thriving. Sophie is eating well at her advanced age - it was salmon cakes for breakfast and bacon on her supper. Patti is taking on Sophie's old role as 'queen of all she surveys' and marches to her own drum - much to our dismay when we are trying to get her in. The Norwich are managing the kitchen with their usual aplomb and Jack and Bob are happily sharing the big back run. Clem and Scout were particularly happy to see Chantelle re-emergence as she came in with me late in the evening. Hailey was not quite certain she had been away and Lori simply wanted to go to bed - and the parade marched up the stairs to Chantelle's room. Where she puts them all, we simply don't want to know.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The rains came down

Rainy days bring many challenges to Regalridge not the least of which is assuring Ken that it will be sunny soon and he can then go outside to plant. The man lives to dig in dirt. It really didn't clear all day and memories of mud season resurfaced for almost 24 hours.
Comings and goings were limited - Queenie arrived for the week end amid crys of joy from Hershey who knows one of his own. The two Maltese, up for any adventure, waved to Queenie and then went back to Maltese antics. There is little question why folks would be attracted to this little breed - they are full of joy and fearless in the face of the entire world being bigger than they are. They seem smitten with old Nemo next door and love Abigail the Australian. Their indoor run is covered with beds and blankets but there is so much going on outside and so many friends to visit with that they are torn as to where they want to be. One thing sure, if we are there to play with them, they will be with us! Apollo is happy as a clam in the big yards and Hershey visits with him in the adjoining acreage. Winnie will likely leave tomorrow but has had a good late spring break at Camp Regalridge. Shooz the resident boarding cat is happy as only a cat can be. She is eating well, coming to us for pats and visits and has settled in for her stay. Bringing her into the house was the right answer for this old girl - she hasn't missed a beat.
Chantelle is conspicuously missing and the house is quiet. Her dogs miss her terribly - old Clementine can't figure where she has gone and got herself lost this time but is worried to death that she didn't come home all night. Hailey too was worried for a minute and Scout the Welsh is just plain annoyed. He had a pretty good day since he was chosen as Paula's husband and the deed was done with success. We are looking forward to Welsh puppies in August. Scout is looking forward to Chantelle's return to tell her all about his adventure.
There was a little thunder yesterday and Patti and Dolly wanted to head for the hills. Those girls just hate thunder storms and panic sets in that is beyond reason. An exciting hour ensued.
All is well with the rest of the crew. We are planning for tomorrow's party so lasagne was the order of the day and consumed much of the afternoon. Since the kitchen was a whirl of activity anyway, dinner just fell in naturally with a seafood scallop and lobster stew, grilled local asparagus and pesto pasta. We don't suffer much in the meal area.
The Airedale puppies have big news - they moved from the pen to their very own crates, much to their surprise. The transition is a big one and will take a bit of getting used to. They were separated for the first time and didn't think much of that. Toys were a poor substitute for your sibling. Still, they also moved to the big run off of the house so have bigger worlds to explore, more dogs to interact with and greater freedom so the trade off is at least an interesting one.
And the last news of the day - Nova Scotia's son Sydney Crosby will be bringing the Stanley Cup to Dartmouth this summer!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dogs Dogs Everywhere Dogs

Thursday was change over day. Lucy and Baron waved good bye to the cheers of their kennel friends and Lacy's owners arrived for her, much to her delight. You have to see Ken being towed down the driveway by Lacy to recognize the power of that dog's joy when she sees Warden John at the gates. To balance the kennel, the two little Maltese arrived during a downpour but settled in beautifully with Tom taking a lot of time with them throughout the day. He is smitten with the little characters and comes away from the kennel with a big grin, noting that they are the brightest little boarders he has yet encountered. To balance the Maltese, Hershey the chocolate Lab arrived as a last minute appointment. Like most Labradors, he sauntered in to the kennel and settled down, asking only when dinner would be served and whether the bedtime snacks would be doled out according to size of the dog!
Apollo the Poodle continues to do poodle-y things, exercising with glee in the big yards and responding appropriately to all of us without missing a beat. He is a great dog - well mannered and intelligent. Winnie the Airedale is very fond of him and the two play on opposite sides of the fence in exercise yards two and three. Winnie leaves tomorrow so we will have to find Apollo another playmate. Shooz the cat has not missed a beat. She is eating everything we offer her, sleeps in her carrier and comes out for pats and discussions of the happenings in the house. Living with Apollo, it is apparent that she is in charge of that household and has brought him up well. A great old cat, she will be fine flying to BC.
The house dogs were unimpressed with yesterday's weather. There were showers throughout the day and thunder at one point that encouraged all of the Airedales to head for the house - en masse and with alacrity. It always amazes me that the screen door withstands the stampede. Ken had health board meetings so the floor moved forward slowly yesterday with Tom manning the saws as well as the kennel. It looks almost finished - with only the final door jambs to be put down at the end of the hall, as far as I can tell.
Chantelle had meetings in Annapolis county so Lee drove her to Windsor and will meet her in Digby on Saturday to bring her home. Ken also managed to get new shoes on Betsy the PT Cruiser yesterday and had the brakes redone so we are ready to roll.
Joan Clarke called in the afternoon to confirm that Penny Airedale is pregnant so we have Airedale puppies to look forward to in July in Lunenburg (Norwich as well, we hope and Welsh in August at Regalridge). Now if Lori or Piper would come in season, all would be well.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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