Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Monday, November 29, 2010

Grey Cup Sunday has come and gone

Christmas is coming.  Some of the stockings are wrapped and now the baking has begun.  Breads were the order of the day and tradition reigns.  Out came the Woodstock recipes and Lemon, Orange-Cranberry and Cherry-Walnut tea breads were born.  They are made in pairs since Lee the baking for the younger generation as well.  Deliveries will have to occur tomorrow since the Regalridge freezers are filled to the top with the garden plunder.  There were also gifts to be opened (November is birthday month at Regalridge) so an E-Reader has been installed and there are smiles all around.  There were also jewelled pie servers and napkin rings and various and sundry other items that made everyone smile.  Ken worked away at the garage, delivered snow tires to Kendra and Richard and had a visit.  There is small improvement and a specialist appointment scheduled soon but we have reason to hope that there is recovery in the offing.  Then it was on to the Grey Cup.  It was a cold day but sunny, making the cold wind a surprise each time anyone went out the door.  And the bird population at the feeders is increasing.  The large woodpecker has returned and approves the suet from Virginia.

The kennel is ticking along with Barrett keeping Trebia exercised and Trebia keeping Barrett smiling.  He adores that skinny little hound.  There's no accounting for taste.  Lucy Airedale is managing happily.  She is taking her meds, managing her yard, eats well and expresses her views freely. 

The house dogs are doing reasonably well.  Patti is slowing but eating selectively and is bright.  Jack, who gave us a scare earlier in the fall, is thriving at his advanced age.  Piper is managing Lee.  Billy is on top of Ken and Nick is not amuse that the tires took his pride of place in the car.  Abigail noticed that May is missing - it took her a week to pick that up.  Little May is in season in the kennel and is looking to be repatriated asap.  Charlotte is leading the outdoor games but is having some difficulty since Patti has taken all of the toys to her lair under the trees.  Nobody goes near that lair, inhabited or not. 

Dinner was planned to be eaten in the den a la Grey cup viewing.  So homemade bread, a Caesar with lots of anchovies and garlic and chicken wings with homemade blue cheese dipping sauce worked just fine.  Dessert was fresh fruit and all were happy - perhaps except with the outcome of the game. 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The end of November is in sight

It was a Saturday after American Thanksgiving and you know what that means - Christmas season is officially here.  so the Christmas music went on, the wrapping paper came out and wrapping has begun.  Shopping is almost complete.  Decorating has not even begun but that will be remedied and baking always seems to manage to happen during available moments.  Weather is turning toward winter as well.  Our Dove population has grown to several dozen, looking like ornaments on the bare branches.  The blue jays add colour and the woodpeckers are the bright spots in the crowd.  the squirrels are finally outnumbered enough to take the occasional back seat as Our Ken feeds. 

The kennel is well settled.  Trebia and Barrett are partying in anticipation of something or celebration of something else - we aren't quite sure which.  Either way it requires heels kicking, speedy runs and both seeming certain that they are the winner - a key to that solid friendship.  Lucy the Airedale is happy to be in the country, has her own big yard and is stretching her legs happily.  With Paula repatriated old Nemo is managing her side of the kennel on his own but perseveres.  His stuffed toys seem to keep him motivated.  Marguerite had a break and found her way up to the house for the day.  That tickled her.  She is a great house dog and that is a bit of a surprise. 

The house dogs had a good day.  The weather was cool and crisp so chase games were the order of the day.  With new toys in the yard, that was motivation enough for a gaggle of Airedales to streak through the yard, at speed, Charlotte leading and Atlas and Clint jostling for second.  They are such an impressive breed and to have the privilege of watching them during these periods is truly fortunate. 

Dinner was a party.  With friends, we were at Margot's for a fabulous meal, some singing and the odd candle.  As always, it was great fun with some old stories and some new, generous hospitality and much laughter - and isn't that what holds us all together. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Normal is a relativ e term but we seem to be there at the moment

It has been a week of holding the fort.  Lee was asked to go to Woodstock quickly on Sunday.  Things weren't going well and Saint Greg needed some back up.  Our Ken managed Regalridge with Chantelle's support at the end of the week.  Missions were accomplished in spite of being short handed.  Gardens were put to bed, leaves were leafed, dogs were managed and the garage was organized yet again.  Einstein went on strike - he hates the kidney diet food and rebelled so is back to 'Real CAT Food' with dry kidney diet.  At fifteen, he has his preferences after all. Kendra is slowly progressing - a long road still lies ahead.   Lee managed to add enough interest to the week that her Dad began eating again.  Things are not good and a return trip will occur on Tuesday.  Dad's birthday is Wednesday so we will see how that goes.  He did enjoy a salmon steak - the highlight of the week for him.  Chantelle had her very successful Windsor Christmas market (that she ably began years ago and has managed every year since) so Our Ken dog sat.  The more the merrier.  Clem was terribly worried that Chantelle was lost, lost, lost.    Scout appeared to think the change was fine and Jessie was just plain annoyed.  Today Our Ken did the city run, found Costco and the Vet on his own, saw his friend the Doctor who pronounced him hale and hearty and took Reg to lunch.

The kennel is doing just fine.  Trebia is thrilled that Barrett is here.   He arrived and found his girlfriend, emitting his 'Wooooo Wooooo Wooooo Woooo' in enthusiastic greeting.  They are such great pals.  Lucy the Airedale arrived with her pharmacy.  She is happy as can be and loves her visits to the  country.  Her owner noted that she gets so excited on kennel days that it is a joy to watch.

The house dogs are fine.  Patti is slowing in her interest in food but still managing reasonably well.  All got new collars because Christmas is coming (as good a reason as any) with the exception of Nick whose Picasso collar is the best in the world and Billy who is very fond of his rolled leather braid.  Piper maintained her Southwest look even though a lovely light in the dark red was on offer.  Toys from the Virginia trip appeared and were approved. 

Dinner was in support of Ken's missing Lee's cooking.  Roast chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, snap peas and squash filled the bill.  Chantelle was in residence for dinner after closing her market and approved the fare.  And we are on to the week end. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The first snow heralds the first Christmas party

There was coming and going at Regalridge on this cool November Saturday.  A great couple came to visit.   with the Airedales - Piper was very taken with them and showed them her absolute best digging skills - dirt was flying everywhere and her grin approximated that of the Cheshire cat.  Then Lily the puppy showed her best running profile - tucking your tail makes you more aerodynamic and you can go much, much faster.  Nick, the 9 year old proud and regal male,, spent the time pulling every part of Lee's clothing that he could get his teeth on - for what reason we have no idea.  Sometimes you have to wonder.  In between outings, Lee managed to make bread and focaccia, feed everyone on a regular basis and sandwich in a little CKC work.  Our Ken worked inside and out, did a little necessary repair here and there and popped in and out to see what everyone else was up to.  Chantelle surfaced after her Agility class, downed copious amounts of coffee and took on the grooming room full force.  Two very well groomed dogs departed before evening.  And there was a Christmas party offered by the Dartmouth Kennel Club.  It was our first of the season at Erin and Elliott's and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  Then it was home to the end of the football followed by the hockey game. 

The kennel had a busy day.  With Chantelle in residence, the dogs were delighted.  Mars and Orion enjoyed a new person and explained to Chantelle that they should be able to run free because their parents let them do that.  'Yeah right - and which turnip truck did you see me fall off'  responded Chantelle. Charley had a hair cut and departed late afternoon.  Little Megan had a haircut and visit with Chantelle and departed early evening.  Sarah visited with the folks who came to meet Airedales and was happy to meet new folks who told her she was lovely - Sarah agrees with that sentiment.  Trebia barked.

The house dogs were fascinated by the snow that arrived mid-afternoon.  It was the first for baby Lily and she clapped her Airedale paws in appreciation.  The others may have been a bit less enthusiastic.  Nick accompanied Lee and Ken to the party - longingly keeping the focaccia company in the back seat.  He is thoroughly trustworthy in any vehicle and has never touched food in that venue, preferring apparently to keep car privileges.  Charlotte has a new green collar and thinks she looks splendid.  Patti continues to thrive.

Meals came and went with regularity.  There were yogourt based pancakes and sausage from across the road.  There was lovely homemade bread and a piece or two of focaccia with fresh rosemary and herb sea salt.  There was a chicken pie and lovely fresh raspberries and clementines.  It is a nice time of year.  And we are on to another day

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The internet saves Our Ken

Fridays at Regalridge are interesting.  The plan had been to go to the city - in tandem - to review Lee's birthday list (of one item).  This year it is electronic and it has undone Our Ken.  The search in Virginia was unsuccessful.  What would Halifax cough up that Virginia could not?  Well - a little on line sleuthing brought Best Buy's shipping service and national inventory.  Lo and behold, a slightly different moniker but the real deal.  Now, this is told quickly but took far far more time in front of the computer.  And time will tell as to whether or not the apparent success will be realized but the computer is feeling hopeful and that is a good thing - we think?  With that great coup under our belts, it was on to a search for new draperies for the den and blinds for the feed room.  The upshot of that quest - we really don't recommend attempting this without either a computer that is unnecessary to your future or a double scotch. 

The kennel ticks along.  Sarah has met Airedale friends and is happy about that.  Mars and Orion are in inspection mode - high minded, they are quite certain that there should be potential for a quick departure over the high fencing if they could only sort out a toe hold five feet up.  Still, they are happy, eating well and playing with all of us.  Great dogs but certainly focused on their departure mission. 

The house dogs had a good day.  It was chilly by times - getting colder through the day.  The fire in the den was welcome  by late afternoon.  And by early evening, there were wall to wall Airedales on their beds.  One leaving a spot made room for another who had been lined up waiting.   There is a circulation from bed, to bed, to kitchen (to cool off) to open door crate and finally back to another bed.  Charlotte is the ring master and disabuses all of any notion that it is her turn to move.  Atlas stays close to Lee's chair, happy to be close and disinterested in the machinations.  The Norwich park on top of Our Ken and smirk in their certainty that they have pride of place. 

Meals were not labour intensive.  There was squash and apple bisque at lunch followed by the beef borguignon at dinner (with baby red potatoes and peas) then the cranberry banana walnut bread and fruit.  Saturday looms

Friday, November 19, 2010

New cook book brings a great offering

Plans for Thursday managed to be carried through for the most part and all is well.  There was a bit of an extended period in the kitchen a la new cookbook with particular (and occasionally peculiar) wonts and needs.  Still, the eternal battle of the paper resulted in a successful skirmish on Lee's part and Our Ken made it back and forth to the city (forth and back actually) to visit with his favourite eye specialist.  There was a conference call successfully executed and other CKC follow up taking up the lion's share of the day. 

The kennel is ticking along.  Mars and Orion are taking their responsibilities seriously, have settled in to a routine that they find more than acceptable and are happy Sibes.  A requirement has been established for large milk bones (small are for sissies apparently) and their spins around the perimeter are mandatory forays to ensure all is well surrounding Regalridge.  Little Megan is settled and happy with her comrades keeping her company.  Paula says being a comrade is not all it's cracked up to be and is looking to repatriation asap. 

The house dogs had a good day.  The weather was great - bright and sunny with endless potential for games.  Atlas spent the day with a large orange ball in his mouth, trolling for action.  Patti was hard pressed to come in for potion breaks or meals - there was much to be managed in the yard.  Marguerite found her way into the house on several occasions - and was shown the door by Miss Piper.  Who knows why.  The Norwich managed to keep things in constant commotion and Rocky continues to live in the house under his own guidelines.  On this day, it was a mandatory period in the kitchen, giving Lee little nudges if she seemed to be a bit slower than he thought practical. 

Meals were seemingly constant.  A banana-cranberry-walnut tea bread rose from the oven by late morning.  Tomato basil soup supported Our Ken's need for lunch (with an egg salad sandwich).  Dinner was an impressive herb butter baked chicken with a Dijon-honey-mustard glaze.  Baked at high heat, it was absolutely perfect.  Accompanied by a baked potato and a maple baked squash from the garden, Our Ken cleaned his plate - and how often does that happen!  Several phone calls later, we are on to another day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fruits and Vegetables have filled the coffers on a weather-filled day

Mid-week brought a trip to the city with the usual hunting and gathering - in speed mode.  We had arranged visit with Kendra and added a visit with brother Reg.  That occasioned a trip to Costco for produce plunder and the ubiquitous bird seed.  Reg enjoyed the crowds and gourmet fare offered at our favourite green grocer and we enjoyed the visit with Kendra.  She is unable to be on her own and is certainly compromised but is able to sit for short periods and that is progress.  And the rains came down.  Starting out, it was foggy.  At Costco the fog gave way to the eternal winds of that particular area.  By the time we departed Costco, the heavens had opened.  We almost drowned getting to the car.  The return to Regalridge brought us to some wet and less than impressed Airedales.  Tony and Karen arrived early evening to have a review of little Avalon and her ears put up.  She has progressed beautifully and is full of beans. 

The kennel is doing well.  Orion and Mars are in charge and now are enjoying a spin inside up and down their hallway.  That tickles them although the plotting continues, we're sure.  Little Megan the Welsh arrived yesterday for a short stay and her November trimming by Chantelle.  She is a wonderful little dog and seems to manage her Regalridge vacations with equanimity.

The house dogs are fine.  Patti is in true form - her regular bossy self.  Piper is looking after Lee - a full time job.  The Norwich are nuisances extraordinaire and enjoying every minute - although missing Chantelle and the parade.  Jack is back to normal and enjoying his new space on the East deck - marching to the beat of the resident squirrel.  Paula will soon be back to join him.  Rocky has reluctantly reclaimed his crate next to Nick's as a sleeping area and Marilla has repatriated herself to the bedroom where the resident toys are again in peril.  Life is normal. 

Food was abundant.  Kendra had requested some soup to Lee made a squash-apple soup for Kendra and Reg, supplemented with the homemade boule.  Adding some Rugalach rounded out that meal.  To give Richard a little cooking break a meal of Beef Bourguigone was also included.  That meant dinner at Regalridge needed some thought and a local meal seemed to call.  Fresh haddock panfried with Panko crumbs worked well with sides of fresh asparagus and a lovely rice pilau.  The fruit at Costco was fabulous and will offer up many desserts this week. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday was a good day at Regalridge .

It is Our Ken's week of meetings.  Monday started with two Committee meetings followed by the Health board meeting today.  Between times, the yard called with sprints from the back garden to the house during the intermittent showers (put your coffee down and picture Our Ken sprinting).  Bulbs are coming out of the ground by the hundred, shrubs are being put to bed for the winter, leaves are collected and the house is banked.  The vegetable garden is tilled.  And more will be done.  Unpacking continues and sorting is of paramount iimportance to facilitate Christmas wrapping.  As we take the treasures out of the extra valises, it is like shopping revisited.  It was a day to go to the grocery store to replenish the pantry.  As far as we can tell, Chantelle didn't eat - but we did need to restock the liquor!  Still, there was meat to be added to the house and additions forr the sake of additions that managed to more than fill a grocery cart.  And as Our Ken went to his meetings, Lee managed the kennel as well as the house and a dinner.  Her management of the kennel is an interesting process - unique to say the least. 

The kennel is quiet.  Orion and Mars have been given additional freedom under strict supervision.  These two are schemers and keeping ahead of that analysis of escape routes is a true necessity.  But they are unfailingly pleasant as they go about their planning for the 'great escape'.  It isn't going to happen but we aren't going to ruin their fun by apprising them of that fact.  In the interim, they are eating well to ensure there is lots of energy available to answer the call of freedom.  Sarah is a great girl and was bred yet again.  Dawn has been a tremendous resource in assisting with the breedings and coming back and forth - adding that commute to her busy schedule.  Trebia of course continues to thrive. 

The house dogs are fine.  Patti is in great form and managing her world with Patti-style.  She is eating the Pro Plan shredded blend and enjoys it - with added treats, of course, taking her potion and her Glyco Flex.  It is now over a year since her cancer diagnosis and we are mightily pleased with the year and her enjoyment of it.  There was lots of assistance in the kitchen.  A new kitchen padded mat was added and little May the Norwich is certain it was purchased for her enjoyment - so enjoy it she does whether or not it is being used by Lee. 

Dinner was getting back to normal.  Darrell's Moose Bourguinone had Ken thinking that he needed the same.  Moose is in shorter supply here than in NF so beef had to come to the fore.  Julia's recipe was pulled out and many hours later Boeuf Bourguinone was added to the table with a lovely homemade boule.  It worked and we are on to another day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We're back, Chantelle did her usual great job and life unfolds

There has been a blog-hiatus that seems to have concerned some.  Life is back to normal at Regalridge after a survey of the Canadian Rockies, our annual pilgrimage to the US and Lee's quick trip to Newfoundland.  We are pleased to report that the /Rockies are unmoved, Virginia still resides between Washington and North Carolina and according to Rogers Telecom, when travelling from NS to St John's, you are to be "welcomed abroad".  Updating the family situation, Kendra is home from yet another surgery and is looking at a long road to recovery.  Lee's Dad is having up and down days but is at least somewhat stable this week.  While in Newfoundland, Lee had an opportunity to visit with Darrell and Joanna, spend some time with their Henry and with little Vasco.  Added to that was wonderful hospitality, much hilarity and great fare - if you are ever in the neighbourhood, drop by and ensure Darrell pulls out the moose bourguignon. 

The kennel has been busy with a hiatus now as we prepare for Christmas boarders.  The Schenk crowd departed yesterday among a flurry of waves.  We anticipate Crockett's usual care of the street may be somewhat compromised since his voice box has had quite a work out.  The two Sibes-in-residence (Orion and Mars)  are great dogs.  They love people, haven't missed a meal and are taking their vacation in stride.  Very well socialized dogs, they are a pleasure to work with and have applied for kennel manager positions.  Sarah the Airedale is here from a great distance and has approved her husband.  She is bred now so from this point we hope all will be well.  Paula has also been bred so there may well be Welsh puppies. 

The house dogs are well.  Patti continues to have her potion, is happy in her leather chair in front of the fire and manages the property in usual Patti-style.  Piper is glad to have Lee home but did migrate quite willingly to Chantelle during her house-sitting period.  Nick tried hard to show a cold shoulder, having noticed that Billy made yet another trip to Virginia while he stayed home but he was so tickled to have all of his people back that the shoulder warmed up in short order.  Rocky suggested that another trip should soon be in order - he prefers Chantelle's house management whereby he is free to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and sets Rocky-rules on a daily basis.  The Welsh have no idea that Lee and Ken were away.  The Norwich are delighted to have Lee back since she takes direction far better than does Chantelle.

It will take some time to get meals back in order.  The rhythm of the days on the road did not always lead to structure.  There were fabulous meals followed by less than impressive fast food moments and everything in between.  So, it was grilled burgers, Greek oven fried potatoes and raspberry-walnut rugala as we move into the holiday season.  Unpacking continues as does the sorting of the American plunder - to be wrapped gaily and offered up to family and friends over the next few weeks.  Scheduling must happen, paperwork revisited and trimming begun - time to get busy.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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