Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Great weather followed a little precipitation

Our Ken is marginally happier, and so is everyone in NS.  When Our Ken is unhappy, the impact is widespread.  There was a little rain.  While it was only a half hour late evening (it remains light through mid-evening at this latitude), the impact was felt throughout the property.  The cistern half filled, the rain barrels filled and smiles abound.  Well, maybe not smiles, exactly.  It is Ken after all.  An early morning wander with Lola offered up raspberries on the bushes.  Life is good.  The blueberries didn't thrive in the dry conditions so raspberries are a real find.  The roses are a bit perkier and the hosta are sending up their flowers.  Even the apples on the trees seemed to fill out a bit.  Lee was sent on a mission to the city while Our Ken sorted kennel work and gardened. 

The kennel is well and happy.  There was a turn over on this day with the Schenk crew bidding all a fond farewell.  Ken notes how very well behaved and what a nice little dog Dylan the Welsh is - note, Dylan's last name does not begin with SCH . . . 

The house crew is well and enjoying the lovely weather.  While it was warm, it was not scorching so outdoor pursuits were at the top of the lists.  Charlotte can now speak Mandarin and Piper is taking classes.  Patti continues to show improvement.  Her meals are being polished off, she is enjoying everything that is on offer and is now wandering several times a day, without constant supervision.  After such a very difficult two days, she has rebounded remarkably.  The babies are thriving and happy.  It is hard to believe that they are two weeks old.  All are uniform in size, all cluster together (no loner in this crowd, as yet) and Lola rules with a kind hand.  This will be a week when eyes open so progress will be even more evident.  Having summer litters is unusual for this house and these two have been greatly enjoyed.  The older two puppies of Marguerite and Clint's litter are having a whale of a time and will soon move to the older puppy exercise area between the house and the kennel.  They are lovely little characters. 

It was a day of early kitchen activity.  There are fabulous fruits on offer so blueberry muffins with lemon glaze and lemon sugar topping landed on the kitchen table for breakfast.   At the same time, the hummingbird was at the kitchen window requesting improved fare so her syrup was replaced.  Lunch was on the road for Lee and required every dish in the house be used for Our Ken - what he had is a mystery but it certainly required extensive preparation.  As drinks were being consumed during the newscast, Our Ken queried dinner.  And Lee replied with a raised eyebrow.  It had been a busy day and nothing had been planned or readied.  This is the point where a food caterer would be a wonderful thing.  There were Pork Shop sausages available - always a good start.  The grill was fired up and a peach was peeled.  While sausage and peaches were grilled, a plum vinaigrette was put together.  A salad of greens with grilled peaches, blue cheese and glazed walnuts, plus the plum vinaigrette accompanied the sausages and a fresh tomato fritatta (garlic and parm).  It worked.    

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dry weather does not support good gardening

Dry weather and unhappy gardeners.  That sums up July in Nova Scotia.  There has been rain surrounding Regalridge, sometimes as close as 5 km distant, but little has fallen on Regalridge gardens.  Apples are on the orchard trees but growing is slow.  Berries are not maturing and vegetables are non-existant.  Our Ken is not amused.  There is muttering about irrigation and long contemplation of the rain gutter solution that has not yielded great returns.  Some bushes have manged to persevere, offering their yields early.  August flowers are blooming while the July roses languish.  Little mowing has been required.  Even the dogs are annoyed.  The hard earth is no fun for digging and Piper's quest to learn Mandarin is thwarted by the difficulty in digging further into the impressive tunnels.  On the odd day that there has been a shower, it's all hands on deck to get the paws going.  Charlotte, Piper and Lori appear at the door in mud-caked legs and mouths - why your muzzle is necessary to dig is a mystery.  Chantelle continues to have her adventures, bringing Our Ken into the fun along the way.  This week it was the breaking of the key in the lock, as evenign turned to night in Kennetcook.  No doubt this will be a fond memory as she dreams up the next antic. The Olympics are occupying the residents, along with many other Canadians.  Great television.

The kennel is bouncing along - the Schenk dogs are in residence so the decibel level is elevated.  Crockett and Zeus are learning maintentance skills as Our Ken works on the outside kennel panels.  Crockett, in particular, finds this activity fascinating.  conversely, Wee Margaret finds the movement of large objects troublesome and best viewed with only your little Welsh head sticking out the door, with retreat only a heartbeat away.  Her partner in crime is backing her up - from inside.  Zeus rests on his laurels, occasoinally urging Crockett to pay closer attention in case these skills are needed in the city in future.  The favourite Boxer is in residence and is enjoying the big back runs and the dry weather.  He is a lovely fellow, happy to comply with any direction and willing to go along with the routine of the day provided lots of pats are on offer. 

The house crew enjoy the air conditioning and the sun, in equal measure.   Patti has had a hard week, but after a day that seemed to say the end was near, has rebounded in Patti-fashion.  She is now back up on her feet and able to have her wander around the yard, is eating again and feeling better.  It is understood that days with the great old girl are numbered but what a great old age she has enjoyed.  Puppies are growing and thriving.  Lola's litter is now two weeks old, fat and happy.  Their collars have again been enlarged and all are doing well.  Atlas was in residence for a grooming and enjoyed stories of his children as Chantelle turned him into a show dog yet again.  There was trimming of little dogs, as well.  Our Ken had a list that Lee and Chantelle acquiesced to.  Jack had a pedicure that turned into a full body overhaul.  He looks better and is able to motor up his stairway with speed after the hair removal, enjoying his newfound high gear.  The little Welsh is having a great summer, finding comfort in his yard, its shade and warmth and its toys.  Abigail also had an update - less amused than Jack by the sorting out of her coat.  She grew that hair and darned well wanted to keep it.  There is muttering about Chantelle and what will be done when she sleeps . . .

Dinners have had a summer theme.  There has been lots of lobster, lots of fresh scallops and haddock; the grill has been busy and fresh vegetables from the county find their way to the table each evening.  Our Ken is happy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Adventures abound

The weather was disappointing.  Rains were forecast.  And in fact, the weather was inclement but rather than water falling in copious amounts there was drizzle.   Apparently our Ken's rain dances were only partially notable.  Conversely, there were engineering marvels constructed to catch the water that didn't fall.  There were trips to Rona, ladders and barrels, brackets and gutters (although the two were not in sync) and duct tape.  Now, that's a good day.  Alex just shakes his head, commenting that the person who next climbs to replace those incorrect brackets is going to have a bath.  Alex, of course, will be that person.  And it was on to lunch with the Calgarians at Bitars.  All were impressed.  It is a comfortable little spot and the food is always better than adequate.  Chantelle dropped by, joining the table for dinner and the routine then settled in for closing.  Closing is late during these warm evenings.  And at the time Linda generally touches base, the phone rang only to have Chantelle's sad little voice offer that her key had broken in the lock of her house.  Ken to the rescue.  Now, this rescue involved a bucket with a gathering of assorted tools, a stool, the requisite number of flashlights. two jackets and a handful of candy.  Having retired from Cirque du soleil (not), Our Ken vaulted the fence, removed obstructions and found that the key at Regalridge does not open  the back door.  This then allowed his next circus trick and in he went, feet following head.  All is well.  And the adventures continue.

The kennel ticks along.  There are the usual comings and goings with all settled in nicely. 

Miss Lola has a litter of five puppies - three boys - and is doing extremely well.  She loves her family, is a perfect house guest and the plump little newcomers are thriving.  Marguerite's puppies remaining at Regalridge are growing and learning Airedale tricks.  The larger puppy has now learned to climb into chairs on the deck and poses in her puppy grandeur.  The little character has learned to bail out of the pen, at will, and is as bright as a new penny.  The house crew are happy and well.  Piper continues to mourn the loss of the cone of power but is resigned to its demise.  The moisture that did arrive softened the top layer of earth so digging has resumed, the excavation of the Airedale holes again becoming a major project.  All are involved and all have dirt covered feet and beards - why digging with your face is fun is a real mystery. 

Dinner was lovely salmon steaks with potatoes and fresh corn scallop followed by Costco's sorbets in natural cups.  Our Ken had pineapple in pineapple, Chantelle mango in and orange shell and Lee pina colada in a coconut.  Our Ken was less than amused finding this a poor excuse for the ice cream that he thought was in his future. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birds abound

There are days at Regalridge that are less than predictable - well, perhaps that would be most days - but some are definitely outside the norm.  From a weather perspective, there are no complaints except for the gardener among us.  Water from the skies is definitely needed.  Still, these long, warm days and evenings are reminiscent of summers from our childhoods.  In the case of those long ago days, our memories may be coloured.  This year, though, it is a fabulous NS summer.  The dogs approve, equally, of the morning sun, the afternoon air conditioning and the cool evenings.  And there is entertainment overhead.  Flight school is underway.  The swallows are educators extraordinaire.  Day one begins early with the little ones (there are five) taking wing, lined up on the power line running from the garage to the kennel.  Adults swoop and pose for the edification of the babies.  Then it is the turn of the fledglings, who improve with each practice flight.  An hour later, all are lined up and the adults are feeding the tired and hungry youngsters.  Then flight practice again - and on it goes.  Attempts at walking in that area of the yard are just silly.  And to continue in our avian ways, Chantelle phoned.  "I have a project for Ken" came through the phone wires.  Lee remained silent, knowing that no good was going to come from this conversation.  A short time later, the little green car appeared in the driveway.  Out came the travel crate and in came another bird - this time an injured yellow bellied sapsucker.  A beautiful bird, this youngster appeared to be completely disoriented and unable to do more than stagger about.  Enter Our Ken.  The electric lawnmower came out - odd, Lee thought, and a little mowing was done, the bag removed and the lightbulb went on.  Our Ken was building habitat.  Given time, no doubt trees would have been cut down . . .  Within minutes, a dog run had been transformed to Sapsucker heaven.  Lee was pressed into service, making sugar water and offering up a suet cake.  The little fellow had a drink and a bite to eat while a strategy session happened.  Wildlife rescue was phoned, agreed to take the bird and transport was planned.  Lee found the puppy carrier and collected Chantelle for her transgression.  Then it was off to the city for transport to the avian hospital.  There are few dull moments at Regalridge.

The kennel is ticking along.  Comings and goings are regular.  Perhaps the most interesting arrival was Ruff the Golden.  A phone call presaging his appointment included the sad statement that there was a difficulty being experienced in packing, everything was in the driveway and another attempt was needed.  Well, the result showed that the call had been an understatement.  Ruff was nowhere to be seen, only emerging after a front door was opened and the load shifted.  Keep in mind, Ruff is a Golden Retriever . . . 

The house crew are well and happy.  Piper's cone of power has been removed, much to her dismay.  Perhaps the Airedales are a bit unusual but both Charlotte and Piper had the pleasure of wearing the Elizabethan collar after surgery.  And both throoughly enjoyed the power this imparted.  The removal of the contraption early on this lovely morning would have been cause for celebration for other dogs.  Not so Miss Piper.  Her tail drooped, her head went down and the pitiful eyes were put on.  She loved that cone! 

Dinner was grilled strip loin with the usual accompaniments and Lee's oatmeal cookies.  There had been Merk's coffee cake (built earlier by Lee) for breakfast and a lovely lunch so all was well in Our Ken's world. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer, travel, adventure - a full four days

The weather is perhaps the most consistent stretch of perfect days that can be remembered.  There have been a few showers, keeping gardens from being too dry, many long sunny days and long cool evenings.  Consistency in NS weather is uncommon so this is being enjoyed by all. There was a quick trip to Maine for an overnight stay in Bangor and a short visit with Lee's brother.  Billy thoroughly enjoyed the trip - landing on the bed in one flying leap from the door and flinging pillows in all directions as is his wont.  The mad scramble by the humans particularly delights him as Pillows are caught and the Airedale is repatriated to the floor. The Regalridgemobile then found its way home to a busy house and a Piper adventure.  Wednesday brought sorting and organizing in anticipation of a visit by friends from NYC.  Thursday was the airport collection and a surprise quick visit with Cathy Prothro - lots of laughs and a potential for accommodation for Chantelle.  The birds keep everyone on their toes with the hummingbirds busy at the feeder, the red winged blackbirds vying for treats with the squirrels, the juncos enjoying the shade of the feeders and the blue jays trying to move them along.  The doves are ubiquitous and their cooing is a day and evening underline to all outside activity.  Our Ken gardens with a purpose, still putting in plants and eyeing areas for expansion potential.  The fruit stand overflows with local produce - it is a great time of year. 

The kennel is busy with comings and goings - short stays for many of the dogs and indicative of the economy.  Pippa is thriving, keeping an eye on the activity level and enjoying her big yards.  Raggs, the friend of all, departed to a flourish of farewells from the Airedales.  They do love the Old English. 

There has been a high level of activity as puppies are readied to go to their new homes.  Reports and pictures are being returned and all is well.  The remainder of the litter seems to have a great deal more space as each little one meets its new family.  Piper managed to open her incision during the short period Ken and Lee were away.  That was a challenge, with Alex and Sarah rising to the occasion and our great Veterinarian returning to his clinic to repair Piper's adventure, adding the 'cone of power' to her head.  Tim was here at the time, collecting his puppy, Bentley, and managed this adventure with a calm Western hand.  God bless that man!  Alex's explanation included the fact that 'Tim is awesome'.  We concur.  And what stories he will have of the Regalridge experience.  That is likely the largest adventure to have been had when collecting a puppy.  Let's hope it is never exceeded.  New toys materialized from Maine with the hit being the set of rings for Charlotte.  She is delighted, spending her days with the rings firmly planted in one paw as she snoozes or carried triumphantly as she moves from one spot to another.  This will be the only outdoor 'season' for Jack.  He delights in his run on these long days, moving under the steps to the cool shade and ground when it gets hot and to the shade of the apple trees if it is simply warm.  The open areas beckon as Ken gardens and Jack wears his white hat to supervise.  Trebia is enjoying the engineering marvels being designed to keep her in her yard. Alex is muttering about cement as he discusses design strategies.

Dinner was a NS staple - haddock in panko, risotto with fresh peas, fresh yellow beans and either peach-raspberry pie with homemade strawberry ice cream or Guyanese rum cake with hard sauce.  Well, perhaps not a NS staple after all but a darned good meal. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Perfect weather

All is well in Belnan.  The weather is summer-perfect with warm, sunny days, rain at dinnertime and the odd thunder rumble that allows the thunder shirts to do their jobs.  The fruit stand is offering up the best of Hants County and Our Ken has a daily opportunity to go hunting and gathering.  Now, that is not always offering exactly the result that is anticipated but can be interesting.  On this day, he and Betsy the PT Cruiser set off for bottles (remember his flat of strawberries) and ice cream sandwiches (it was just that kind of day).  Now, Our Ken doesnt' love ice cream sandwiches so home again, home again he came - with butter (?) and his favourite ice cream bars courtesy of Hagen Daz.  And off he went again, with a flea in his ear.  There are now jam jars and ice cream sandwiches, although the latter are of a lesser quality than the aforementioned ice cream bars. . .   And then there was the pronouncement.  'I like Sobeys better than Superstore- there is always somebody to help you find what you are looking for'.  Lee will warn Sobey's that a personal shopper at the door might be a wise investment if they don't want their other shoppers (who Ken has determined might be employees) pressed into service.   Paper was the order of the day as puppies are readied for their departures.  Lee did look up from the desk at one point but only to consider the butter offering.  That was an odd one. 

The kennel is buzzing - well, Mason sort of shrieks - but the rest buzz.  Sarah and Raggs are bonded and delighted - each with the other.  Daisy and Jessie Rachel are resigned to their fate.  Dahlia is here for a first visit and is doing very well.  Generally the dogs that have started life in shelters are good boarders, having learned the ways of kennel life.  They are pleasantly surprised that country boarding offers them large exercise yards with running room so the step up is welcomed.  Dahlia is no exception.  Brunswick departed with a wave of his tail and a lope to the gate.  Pippa is holding the fort for the Welsh on the boarders' side of the kennel, joining Mason in Welsh greetings to all who pass by.  Clem is spending some time in the center room of the kennel, finding that a more comfortable venue than the den and an easier in and out.  Ken gives her opportunities to make his life more interesting.  On this day, the grooming room door was left open.  And so were the phone lines.  You see, Clem doesn't see well in her ancientness but that doesn't slow her down much.  She apparently wandered over to the phone in the kennel and opened the speaker phone line.  Lee appreciated her ability to keep the house quiet during dinner.  Then it was the search and test game, upstairs and downstairs, the kennel and the house, over and over, until finally the grooming room was considered.  Another good game for the humans.  Two points for Clem

The house crew continue their demanding ways during this lovely summer.  One decides it is too hot outside so all gather at the gate to come into the air conditioning.  Then another decides that it might have cooled off so all gather at the door to return to the yard.  Nope, it's still too hot so back the crowd comes.  There is some serious consideration being given a word with the airport to source their revolving door.   The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds.  The day stayed pleasantly warm until noon so it was a full half day on the deck, offering up lots of puppy games and lunch on the patio.  Now, outside dining was a new occasion.  The majority were not amused and recalcitrant.  The meal moved inside where it was cleaned up with gusto.  This crew have their own minds.  Marilla and Dolly sported their thunder shirts through the evening.  And the rest of the household breathed a sigh of relief. 

Dinner was roast beef with new potatoes, a tomato salad and the first of the new peas.  Ken had an ice cream bar.   Life goes on. 


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A great summer's day

It is the end of the work week - why that matters when you are retired is a mystery but there you have it - a notable day.  First on the order paper of 'outside the norm' was a visit with folks who will have a new puppy soon.  There are three great children in this family.  The decision making process was a fun one with 'chase' being an integral part of the choice of the puppies Lee had offered for consideration.  The right choice was made and the children now know who 'Penny' will be.   The weather gods offered up another pleasant day with warm temperatures and breezes.  Our Ken gardened while Lee managed dogs and paperwork.  There was a run to the stores, Ken's fisherman pal at the Irving station and to the fruit stand.  The kitchen is now filled with strawberries awaiting processing into jam.  They are fabulous this year. 

The kennel is ticking along nicely.  Sarah is delighted to announce that her new best friend is Miss Raggs the OES.  Raggs simply smiles since she is everyone's best friend.  The two Poodles departed with a wave and that leaves Brunswick to hold the fort for the non-Sporting Group.  Chantelle's little characters have determined that they will live until she returns so are now in charge of everything and happy to announce their promotions (each is in charge, you see) to anyone who will listen.  Pippa is amazed by their enthusiasm. 

The house crew are doing well - except when the neighbour decides to set off firecrackers.  That alarming little decision creates pandemonium among the Airedales, extending to the humans as things fall apart quickly.  Piper is improving, finding food more palatable and happy to go in and out at her usual, inconvenient times.  Not for her a stroll around the yard with the dogs.  She is a person after all, and insists on off-time patrol with Lee in tow.  Yes, Piper is back.  Lee, Piper and the bats were out late evening with Piper delighted, the other two entities less impressed.  Patti continues to eat well and is in charge of the dogs - in her mind at least.  Her rule is the law, again if you ask her.  And to give credit where it is due, she does manage to corral all of the toys and take them to her lair for safe keeping.  Charlotte is less than happy about that.  Marguerite has made no move to return to the kennel to keep time with Clint.  There are more counters to be checked in the house and more assistance needed for Our Ken when he is at the table.  The puppies are growing quickly.  All but two are delighted with food, any food, in their large dish and there is a circle of tails straight up in the air as that dish descends for their dining pleasure. 

Dinner was provided by Our Ken's fisherman.  On this evening it was Digby scallops, fresh from the ocean and accompanied by a lovely halibut steak.  That was more than was necessary but darned impressive just the same.  There were beet greens and new potatoes as accompaniments and bowls of the lovely Hants county strawberries for dessert.  Summer is a great time of year. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

To the city and back again for 14 people and puppies

Weather maintained its variable personality.  There was a little sun, a lot of cloud, the odd shower and light breezes.  A trip to the city brought heavier rains (and no raincoats) followed by more clement periods (after the soaking of the country folks).  There was a little hunting and gathering à la Ken, with a trip to Costco followed by a stop at the Chicken Burger in Bedford.  As the Regalridgemobile sat in that famous Bedford parking lot, chicken burger in hand, Our Ken told stories of Ten Mile House, the one room school house and the Curren/Roche families.  The move from Windsor to Robie street and the acquisition of the farm property that is now the Magazine, the period of farming the property under the firm hand of Colonel Curren and the war periods that brought a late marriage to the two families were recounted with laughs and many adjectives.  It was a highly unusual lunch - Our Ken talked non-stop.  Those milkshakes have amazing powers.  And then there was the CBC comment that gas prices have risen in NB and are forecast to rise in NS.  "Time to buy a horse" was heard, with some emotion,  from the departing back of the alpha male. 

The kennel is buzzing and additions are occurring daily.  Chantelle's Welsh are maintaining a steady chatter, to the delight of the resident crows who are now barking back.  Clem has her paws over her ears, complaining that she thought she was on vacation from her sisters and brother.  The three varieties of Poodle are happy to maintain the Poodle feel of the boarding side of the kennel.  Sarah is delighted to have Ms Raggs as a playmate.  She misses Scarlett so the Old English is a welcome addition to Sarah's life.  Brunswick has his eye on Sarah as well so she may be branching out by the week end.  Pippa is happily watching all of the activity and bright as a button given her advanced years. 

The house crew is getting back to normal.  Piper is improving and has begun to eat well once again.  Patti is enjoying life, happy with the new toys in the yard, working hard as she gathers all of them in her lair, firmly in her purview at all times.  Dolly and Marilla have announced that there are thunder storms in the area and 'ALERT' must be the word of the day.  Dolly is practicing her climbing skills just in case they are needed while Lori feels that staying low and tunnelling will be far more effective if the skies really fall as they are threatening to do.  Marilla simply wants her thunder shirt at the ready.  Rocky is happy in his crate, knowing that it will protect him from any eventuality.  Gabe is perplexed by the girls and Clint shakes his head in consternation at the silliness.  Mason is the harbinger of storms and ratchets up his chatter at the slightest rumble - often mistaking the wheels of the pulp trucks for weather warnings.  Chantelle has work to do with the little guy.  Good thing he's cute.  The puppies are thriving.  This was the day for their first visit to the Veterinarian.  The great staff had an ex-pen set up with paper for the puppies' popping pleasure.  They love pouncing about on fresh paper and listening to the noises that are made.  Each was examined, weighed, vaccinated and pronounced hale and hearty.   They were good little travellers, staying , Denita and a friend so all were held, spoken to and played with according to their needs.  Appetites were good at supper and bedtime. 

Early morning brought peach smoothies as the Regalridgemobile departed the drive.  Great start to a  day.  Dinner was burgers - but not simply hamburgers.  Lee's cookbook collection swelled by one to add a Burger cookbook - well, it was lacking in that area - and a fabulous burger found its way to each plate, even garnering accolades from Our Ken.  Grating garlic, grating onion and adding lovely vegetables on top with a squeeze of balsamic glaze helped.  Stilton melted under the grilled mushrooms and onion didn't hurt either.  Life goes on. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The city is an interesting spot

It was one of those non-stop days for Regalridge.  Lee departed before 7 on a trip to the city for appointments and to work on Our Ken's list.  Piper had surgery scheduled so was dropped off with Eric by 8.  Always amusing, the city offered up the next generation's antics for Lee's driving pleasure.  Driving up the four lane, divided city street, a young boy was ahead, standing at the edge of teh sidewalk, backpack firmly affixed.  Hand over his lung (left hand but the intent was apparent) he appeared to be shouting but there was nothing on the opposite side of the highway.  As Lee came slowly within range, she realized that the little fellow (he was perhaps 6 years old) was belting out the Star Spangled Banner for all he was worth, standing on the edge of a busy city street on the Fourth.  These things don't happen in the country.  Not certain they happen all that often in the rest of Canada.  Then it was on to an appointment followed by the search for a new patio set.  Hunting and gathering is Our Ken's joy and Lee's nemesis.  Giving up in frustration, having seen nothing but junk, it was on to Costco for a quick uptake and then the next list item - a wall clock.  Just a word to the wise, wall clocks for the kennel are carried in few stores.  Breaking down to enter the dreaded Wal Mart, they were found, of course, at the very back in the last row and the far quadrant of the store Lee likes least of all.  Check.  The girls decided at the last minute to drive to Massachusetts.  There were a number of factors mitigating against the trip but in the end, off they went, lobster license plate firmly pointed to Sturbridge.  Both were in the ribbons on day one with Chantelle pulling off teh coveted BOB win.  Good start to a busy week. 

The kennel is busy and rollicking.  Chantelle's crew keep everything running at about 80 db, much to the delight of nobody but themselves.  Even Clem is unamused.   There are all varieties of Poodle in residence, the great OES, Raggs, the Airedales and the Welsh.  Trebia is keeping everyone speedy and Scooter is in protection mode as a result of the neighbours fireworks.  She has saved us all many, many times from the comfort of her run.  Mason has her back. 

The house crew are never happy with Lee gone and Our Ken focused on gardens.  Billy snoozed, feet in air in front of the air conditioner.  Dolly planted herself in the leather recliner and has figure out how to put the foot rest up so that she can recline in greater comfort.  Pity help the person who suggests she might like to move.  Lori joined Charlotte in keeping Clint and Gabe company.   The girls rule that yard with a firm paw.  That works for Clint, not so much for Gabe who would as soon they find another spot and another victim.  The puppies are doing well, had some time on the deck and are learning puppy games at speed.   Lee brought home new toys that were received with equanimity by the little characters. 

Dinner was grilled turkey based sausages, new potatoes and new carrots.  Given the energy level remaining to the people of Regalridge, that was about all that could have been expected. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer variability

Another interesting day of weather.  There was heat, showers, thunder (notable but not near) and a lovely evening.  Our Ken managed to find gardening hours but it was touch and go.  Much like a jack-in-the-box, he popped in and out according to the noise level in the skies and the heat.  Noting that the alpha male is happy when outside and less happy under a roof, the skies were carefully watched by all concerned.  The doors were busy accommodating the whims of the dogs and visits by wayward friends.  The gardens are happy with the combination of sun and rains, thriving under Ken's care and ministrations.  There are shrubs being planted, flowers still going into the ground and new beds being contemplated.  There will be little grass left on the acreage if this continues.  That bodes well for the tractor since the mowing blade will see less business but the trailer will see double duty as weeding and fertilizer put miles on.  The peonies are full and the scent amazing, perfuming the entire front of the property.  The rose gardens are in full bloom as well, ranging in shade from white to dark reds. 

The kennel is busy and additions are occurring daily.  Clem is working to keep Our Ken on his toes, on this day decorating the grooming room.  That was in interesting decision on Clem's part and interior design will not be encouraged as her next career.   A symphony of Welsh is always tuned up and serenades are the order of the day.  Raggs has arrived and is nicely settled, has bonded with Sarah and Trebia and is enjoying summer camp.   Zoe has had her spa day and is lovely to behold.  She approves and is flaunting her new look. 

The house crew are not highly approving of changeable weather.  They have repeatedly requested that someone fix the up and down nature of the rain/heat mix.  Not one to wear out her paws, Piper is disgusted with the showers and simply decided to stay in until winter.  Marguerite suspected that there were games that could be played if there was a long enough time between raindrops so maintained a close eye on the window.  Billy snoozed, belly up, in front of the air conditioning and Lori joined him for the afternoon.  Moving through the den is a minefield of dog beds at the best of times but in summer the outdoors generally calls to the point that beds are requested only in the evenings.  With unsettled weather, that is not the case so stretching legs are seen moving carefully so as not to disturb slumbering terriers.  The puppies are growing - rapidly.  They are eating with improved interest, are enjoying the deck and their toys and have learned the 'follow me' game as Ken trots up and down the deck with a dozen little Airedales in tow.  Freud would have a field day at Regalridge. 

There were chocolate peach muffins in the morning, croissant sandwiches at lunch and a dinner of grilled chicken with new potato, tomato and blue cheese accompaniment and fresh strawberry ice cream with dark chocolate brownies.  No complaints were received.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer is hot

Another hot day with the air conditioning a welcome offering.   The puppies were out early and late, snoozing and playing inside through the heat of the day.  Our Ken announced that the temperatures would preclude gardening; translate "I'm bored".  A playmate would have been very welcome.  Instead, he got Chantelle.  Lee determined that the best spot to light would be the kitchen so the activity level ramped up.  This would be a good day to do some of the jobs put off until now, including the on line work needed to apply for the Nexus passes.  Check.  A baby chipmunk surfaced on the back deck - another addition to the Regalridge family.  It is Canada Day week end, teh government having determined that even though Canada Day is July 1, it would be offered as a Stat holiday on July 2.  An interesting decision. 

The kennel is quiet on hot days.  With the two story ceilings, it does stay cool and is a good spot to simply snooze the day away.  The exception would be the grooming room with the addition of Chantelle, dogs, dryers, hot water, clippers, etc.  Clem has remained in residence and Ken is working diligently to find a schedule that will work for her.  So far, success eludes him. 

The babies are doing well.  Food is becoming more acceptable and toys are a delight.  A while ago, Dawn brought two bags of baby toys for puppies.  There had always been hard plastic toys for litters and this addition was a boon.  Well, the little ones are delighted with the brightly coloured offerings.  They carry those toys that are portable - sometimes dragging them since they are of a comparable size to the puppies.  Others are large balls with various areas that respond to paws, or to being rolled, by playing tunes or making noises.  The puppies are chuffed by their amazing skill.  There is a set of different pieces on a ring that gets dragged to hear the sound then pulled by several at a time.  Finally, they have their stuffed octopus.  Each grabs a leg, sometimes two on a leg, and all pull.  That would be except for the one that stands on the octopus' head and gives direction, having carefully taken note of that skill from Our Ken, no doubt.  They are having a great time.  The house crew enjoyed the air conditioning.  Perhaps the most notable would be Billy who flips his feet in the air and cools his belly.  The rest are somewhat more circumspect. The dogs were allowed to be out only for short periods, in spite of the shade offered through all of the areas to which they have access.  None are hardened off to temperatures over 30 degrees.  By early evening, it had cooled to 24 and the exodus from the den was impressive in its enthusiasm.  There was barking at the fruitstand to occur, a check of all fence lines to ensure they hadn't moved while no canine was watching.  There was a check of the kennel to be done and a bark back to occur to ensure all paws were accounted for.  There were holes to be checked for interlopers and toys to be repositioned.  All was pronounced fit to live with by late evening. 

Kitchen activity was at a steady level.  There were cranberry orange scones early in the day followed by grilled sausages from the market.  Dinner was prime rib with roast potatoes and new carrots.  That worked well.  but the pièce de resistance came at the end - dark chocolate brownies with homemade strawberry ice cream.  Now that is summer. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Good friends and great food - oh my!

It was a hot day.  Now in Virginia, according to weatherman Jim Duncan, it is not hot until it reaches 98 American degrees.  According to Our Ken, it was hot in Nova Scotia at 30C.  By mid-evening it had cooled to the mid-20's with a lovely breeze, allowing people returned from the ATA dinner to sit outside on the back deck and enjoy a drink while rehashing the great day.  These evenings, at this hour, are not terribly common and with the swallows cleaning up the mosquitos, all was well.  Both nests have babies.  The parents are working flat out to keep the little ones fed.  The ATA dinner and auction were held in Portuguese Cove at the lovely home of the Cook's.  The auction was successful, the food was fabulous (the spinach pie a real hit, accompanying Ken's prime rib and Margot's fresh whole salmon with dill sauce).  There were many desserts and lovely appetizers, Dawn's fresh green beans in a blue cheese cause and Lee's roast vegetables.  Add that to lentil salads, quinoa, green salads and fruit and cheese and nobody went home wanting. 

The kennel is busy enough for the long week end and is rocking along. 

The house crew were underwhelmed by the leaving of the Regalridgemobile, full of the smells of the meal that had been planned as dinner by the canine contingent.  Piper, in particular, was not amused.  All else was well.  The puppies are improving in their acceptance of dog food, cleaning the bowl and now enjoying their time on the deck.  The odd one hoots to return to the comfort of the den while the rest pile up when tired and enjoy the breeze and shade on the deck.  They are growing and maturing, moving to the point that they will soon be ready to leave. 

And dinner was the bountiful buffet.  Life works. 


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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