Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A hot day and lots of company

A hot day, such an unusual thought and one that materialized as the day really got under way.  There was lots of coming and going with puppy visits and boarding.  There was organizing and preparation for a busy week end.  Lee went into that mode of toss and hope for the best.  The raccoon-in-waiting looked appropriately worried, carting bags to his lair for further inspection.  Our Tony outdid himself and forwarded a CD with images from the Evangeline show.  That man can shoot a camera.  Look out Hollywood.  Our Ken wore himself out, even putting up a new contraption (as aesthetically pleasing as the usual engineering marvels) to hold the hummingbird feeder.  There is a reason God created architects.  And then there are the swallows.  Both pair have babies and both are busy catching bugs.  Walking on the property is to take your life in your hands as the little birds swoop around your head and chatter if you are in the way.  Their giving a heads up before they fly into you is thoughtful if somewhat startling.  Our Ken has not pondered easing their workload by trying to catch bugs for them but that, too, is likely to be tabled at some stage. 

The kennel is bouncing along.  All are happy and busy - so busy in fact that Trebia came to tell Lee about it, stepping lightly through the strawberries on her way to the back deck.  Good thing we are fond of the little character.  Hounds are a new experience to Regalridge, except for the one Beagle that Lee grew up with.  He in no way resembled this light and whippy Cirneco.  Apparently the scent hounds move to a different drummer from these sight hounds.  And it may be that the Cirneco is highly differentiated because of their shallow gene pool, but this is a very loving dog who wants to be with her people (preferably in their arms)  when not racing her boyfriend - the Gordon Setter.  A new set of arms is on order.

The house crew were busy watching the high activity level, not amused that dog beds were heading to the washing machine just when they had them smelling perfect.  There is always a wide berth given clean smelling beds, all opting for the well scented circles to cushion their tired bones.  Clean is for the last arrival.  The puppies had their spin on the deck - lots of races were held with each winning, as it was explained to the people.  Marguerite goes out with them, shoots the start pistol then retires to the den to watch out the window.  The puppies are growing; the uptake at the food dish is increasing, if not showing 100% buy in yet.  They enjoyed the visits - particularly the children.  As one little girl noted with a very serious expressoin in the quiet of the kitchen "Lee, I have something to tell you - I really like your Airedale puppies and I love Princess Piper!"  That child has a future. 

Dinner was furnished by Our Ken's fishermen from the irving station parking lot.  There was fresh halibut with new NS potatoes, beet greens and chow.  All is well. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

A busy Regalridge day

The weather was interesting.  Thunder showers are not the norm here so a week of potential thunder gives pause.  Marilla is no fan of loud noises so it is batten teh hatches when the forecast is this unsettled.  Ms Marilla has been known to bolt and now has a 'thunder shirt' for her efforts.  Now, between them, Susan and Shirley have a gazillion years of post-secondary education and even they had some difficulty with the application of a jump harness on one of their Airedales, an application that after much time and effort was not entirely successful.  The thunder shirt is a similar contraption but effective if properly fitted.  So it has been a time of careful dressing of Marilla who has had the opportunity to decide whether she will sport her garment as a sign of being 'special' or fight its use as an embarrassment.  Given the determined look on the faces of the Regalridge people, Marilla-the-Smart determined that special is good.  And while the storms have not been major, with a bang or two being the total noise element, the rains have been more impressive.  Earlier in the day, Lee managed several appointments in the village and then the city.  Finishing at the Dentist's office in downtown Halifax, it was home again to Casa Regalridge, dinner prep later than is usual (and it generally isn't early) and the sorting of the puppies.  Hunting and gathering at Costco offered the opportunity for more peaches (etc. etc.).  Our Ken manged to keep himself going with a trip to the butcher to order the roasts for the ATA party on Saturday and the continued planting process.  Weeding is now underway, the rains being kind to weeds. 

The kennel is well and happy.  The numbers are swelling and little Bella has her paws full.  Old Clem is doing reasonably well and will stay at Regalridge until Chantelle finds herself new accommodation.  There is a major search underway for a new residence for Chantelle - preferably in Hants county.  That is always an unsettling thought but with her present home on the real estate market, it is an opportune time to find something a little closer to civilization. 

The house crew managed easily since the majority of the day offered up lovely weather.  Piper travelled with Lee to the city, much to her delight.  The puppies had their spin on the deck and had a fabulous time.  None were at all concerned with the introduction to the great outdoors and all enjoyed a visit with Marguerite.  Each day will bring a new experience now that they are growing quickly.  The weaning process is almost now considered a success.  There are three holdouts who still insist on formula as a supplement but the bottles have given way to dishes.  That is progress.  The remainder are eating more each meal.  Lee determined that encouragement in the form of a different food might bring forward increased interest.   A venison and bison base has been added to the chicken offering.  Gourmet puppies . . .

Dinner was a grilled beer can chicken.  It was fabulous.  With grilled fresh pineapple, new potatoes and the fresh tomato and blue cheese casserole, life is good. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Variable weather and a changed routine

The day was an interesting one.  Weather was unpredictable.  The forecast included all possible summer events.   Few occurred but all threatened.  Skies were unsettled at best but finally cleared to a hot and humid late afternoon.  During this up and down day, Lee managed Regalridge.  Our Ken had an all day Health Board meeting and returned the war hero - dragging to the table and moaning that these days were exhausting.  There was significant sympathy radiating from Lee . . .  Still, the kennel had a good sorting, garbage bags were stowed so that the raccoon on two legs who lives among us but will remain unnamed would not be tempted.  The dogs enjoyed the activity level. 

Miss Bella urged Lee on to greater feats of cleaning and Zoe supported Bella's direction.  Trebia was confused, not used to Lee's ministrations.  Scooter offered up her plethora of balls and assorted toys to be thrown indiscriminately and often.  Sarah noted that she spends her days in the big exercise runs - not likely - Lee was not a new export from a turnip truck.  Scarlett was on her best behavioiur and benefited greatly and Miss Pippa arrived in her old age finery to spend a month at Regalridge.  Runs were cleaned and readied for the long week end and Clem enjoyed the outdoor weather in spite of the cloud cover.  She wandered in the grass, had her sleeps and enjoyed picnics - frequently. 

The house crew were a little less impressed.  Lee was coming and going far to frequently for their liking and there was far too little kitchen activity.  Piper bellowed her displeasure.  Charlotte had to go in and out every time Lee did and by early evening was completely exhausted.  Marguerite was on alert, apparently given that job by Our Ken as he departed.  That seemed to require her coming and going at odd times, tearing to the fence or gates, barking indiscriminately and generally having the best time possible.  Dolly backed Marguerite's foolishness and Marilla ignored everything and everyone, doing her own Marilla-thing.  Jack spent the day outside under his big apple tree, happy as an old Welsh could possibly be.  The babies continue to grow, are contemplating food with a somewaht greater appetite, in some cases, and are looking forward to their first day out on the deck.  Families are planning now, looking forward to the addition of a little Airedale to their homes. 

Dinner was a lovely grilled salmon, new potatoes and vegetables with strawberries from Ken's gardens for dessert.  Life is good.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rains - impressive in their magnitude

It was a monsoon.  Early morning was grey for Lee's amusement, while Our Ken watched the back of his eyelids.  And then the skies opened.  Water came down as a deluge, accompanied by impressive winds.  Most of the dogs snoozed the day away.  Marguerite occasionally ventured to the covered deck to contemplate the power of nature.  Dolly and Lori decided to brave the elements, on occasion, to do whatever it is that these two do when it is essential to be outside - damn the torpedoes.  There were meetings for the alpha male, taking him to Truro for the afternoon and early evening.  Chantelle surfaced, intending to whisk her Welsh home.  Alas, Lee had other plans and the Chantellemobile returned to the village to hunt and gather and Chantelle then accompanied Lee to a Halifax Kennel Club meeting.  Life has its own way of carrying us forward.  Ken arrived for the meal - as is Ken's wont - and looked after the close routine in his own way.  That would entail closing the kennel and leaving the house for Lee's return, pleasing Lee greatly.  Dawn and Jimmy were at the meeting as well and Jimmy will be an excellent source for Our Ken to explore homeopathic and alternative medicine.  The two are likely to talk long into the night on this topic, sharing what Jimmy learned.  Lee would have offered the notebook but Jimmy's malady precluded his note taking.  Fortified with coffee, though, there is no doubt his level of concentration was beyond the rest.

The kennel was manageable in the bad weather.  The dogs were in and out, even when confined to their indoor/outdoor runs.  Outside is also covered so even little Bella was dry and able to share her thoughts with the elements.  Zoe is here for a week long stay and is enjoying the company of other Welsh.  She had lots of American-isms to share with Viola and Jessie-R.  They will, in turn, teach Mason who will be able to share with most of Nova Scotia in his strident tones.  Scarlett and Sarah were happy to take life easy, joining Trebia and Scooter, the latter somewaht impatient to see the end of this weather.  There were no ball games on this day.

The house crew spent much of the day snoozing, getting up to check the sky and returning to the beds and open crates.  Patti requested the puppies be moved - they are disturbing her regular haunts and that is not acceptable to the old girl.  Piper trained a close eye on Lee, assisting as often as possible in anything that was happening and parking on Lee's feet as the need arose.  That can be a slight impediment when there is still forward momentum.  Abigail is thriving, didn't notice that there was rain falling and continued her little ways.  The puppies are growing and becoming resigned to dog food.  The large dish is now being cleaned provided there is sufficient goat's milk to get everyone started.  The three smallest then repair to their own apartment to have a separate meal of formula to top up their routine.  The beginning of puppy games have started.  These will ramp up as the puppies are able to moved outside for periods of the day.  Personalities are also starting to impress themselves on the people of the house.  Those are watched carefully so that the right nature goes to the home most receptive to that little one. 

Dinner was catered by Bitar's.  Lee's Caribbean rum cake crumbs on the counter spoke to Our Ken's dessert. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dog Shows called

It has been a busy week end and a hiatus for the blog.  The Regalridgemobile left the driveway very early each morning, found its way to the Annapolis Valley and lo and behold, there were Tony and Karen, Shawn and Kelly with a gated community built between them.  Opposite were Dawn, Jimmy and Jane.  It was a Terrier Mecca!  The ring of Airedales was certainly impressive and supported Logan in his march to a Best In Show as well as a Reserve.  Young Gabe managed to corral eight points toward his championship, with June in attendance to keep him grounded.  Chantelle had a good week end with Scout, placing in the Group his first time in the conformation rings in several years.  He had a whale of a time and might have levitated, the tail just did not stop.  Mason made his debut at the final show and showed like a little trouper.  Bella and Avalon were lovely, piloted by Karen and Kelly.  Both are classy Airedale girls.  Our Tony was the camera person extraordinaire - a job often relegated to Kelly - so there is an expectation that pictures will materialize documenting the feats accomplished.  This full two days of showing added challenge to the normal schedule.    That made life interesting. 

The kennel is gearing up for the busier summer season.   Barrett was in residence looking after his obligations to Trebia.  They raced between raindrops.  Both won.  Not sure how that happens.  Charlie was here to keep Sarah company.  Sarah approved. 

The house crew soldiered on.  Piper is improving daily and it is hoped that there will be good news at the Vet visit this week.  Old Clem is coping with her vacation but sure is hoping Chantelle will be found soon so she can return to her regular routine.  The little Welsh girls have their bags packed but have enjoyed their time in the kennel with its active routines and room to roam.   Ruff has settled in as is his wont and will leave when he leaves.  Not much ruffles the old fellow these days.  The babies have thrived in spite Lee's absence.  Sarah and Alex held the fort and bottle fed those who still demand their formula - firmly opposed to dog food in any form.  This too shall pass.  They are getting bigger by the day, are bright and have begun to play.  This week, provided the weather co-operates, their world will expand exponentially.  They will be introduced to the kitchen deck.

Dinner was late but more than adequate.  Our Ken had hunted lobster and cooked it for dinner on this evening.  Adding a Cesar salad and grilled bread made it a great meal to end a busy week end. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summertime and life abounds

The weather is holding - hot and sunny with clear skies and a little humidity.  Minor consideration was given turning on the air conditioning - that, too, passed.  There was the addition of a trip to the city to keep things busy enough and a quick spin through Costco for Our Ken who was in shopping withdrawal.  Kelly was spotted either doing semaphore in the Costco parking lot or flagging us down.  It was a good but short visit and update on all of the boys and girls.  Shh - don't tell Tony and Shawn but there had already been an update on Bella,, Laurel, Avalon and Anjin from other visitors to Regalridge earlier in the month;  these visitors had not met the two Taylor clans but were able to reel off the Airedale names in rapid succession - oh, and they remembered Tony's name as well - go figure . . .  It was home again to sort through the dogs and ready the evening process. 

The kennel ticks along with little Bella firmly managing her recruits, Scarlett humouring her and Sarah muttering about upstarts.  Trebia heard the news that her boyfriend is arriving for the week end and spent the evening practicing courses and being speedy.  Chantelle's Welsh, in residence for the week end, urged everyone on - and on - and on.  Clem is doing well, motoring along and waiting for Chantelle who is lost yet again. 

The house crew are well and happy.  With the sun and hot mid-day temperatures, the Airedales headed for the cool floors of the house.  That worked for them.  Clint had the ride of the day to have his adult hip scores done now that he is old enough and, passing with flying colours according to our Vet and now sent of to the US system for processing.  His prelims had looked great so this is the icing on the cake for this gentle, impressive fellow.  With his impressive bearing, Clint garners huge attention wherever he goes.  He was the star of the Clinic, waiting patiently in the outer office until his turn came, patted and spoken to by everyone who came and went.  His only raised eyebrow occurred when Stuart, the Clinic cat, came over and rubbed his ankles.  That was an interesting moment.  Babies are growing with most more accepting of food that does not come expressly in liquid form.  There are still hold outs, however, who demanded their bottle at bedtime.  Piper was not amused that her night routine was postponed and grumbled for the entire feeding session. 

Dinner was turkey and Our Ken was appreciative.  Earlier in the day there were spiced muffins with fresh apricots.  All is well. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer arrived with great weather

Summer arrived with sun and heat in abundance.  An early cool (cold) morning gave way to a hot and humid afternoon, followed by a lovely clear evening.  Only now is there enough light in the sky to read outside later than 9:30 in the evening.  It is fortuitous that our longest days also bring the best temperatures.  The birds are busy - some feeding their babies, others on their nests.  The swallows have not yet hatched but the woodpeckers are frantically hunting and gathering - looking like Our Ken mid-December.   Planting continues and the greenhouse is emptying of pots as the ground is prepared.  Roses are blooming and peonies are ready.  The ferns are fully extended in the shade garden while the mint spreads.  Lee made a quick trip to the city for a Piper inspection and a visit to the favourite box store.  Peaches are in - life is good.  Dogs are being readied for the week end shows.  Dawn and Jimmy were coerced to bring Logan for inspection and to stay for dinner.  Jimmy had an adventure and arrived sporting a very impressive bandage, sling and wound.  Ken's head shook even as he slept. 

The kennel ticks along.  Miss Bella is fully in charge - holding off the thundering hordes - in her little mind - and fiercely telling Marguerite that she is not to look at the kennel - ever!  Marguerite thinks the little white dog is nuts.  Scarlett is amused by Bella's antics.  That is a good thing. 

The house crew tick along, joined by Old Clem.  Chantelle is taking a little vacation and Clem has been repatriated to Regalridge for a few days.  The old girl approves, reminding Ken of her many and varied needs on a regular basis.  The puppies are growing and giving increased consideration to solid food.  While it is not yet high on their radar, it is at least being ingested by most.  Bottle feeding continues but at a decreased rate.  And this was the first overnight in the den.  Marguerite had no complaints.  The appointment has been made ( a couple of weeks out) for the first Vet visit and the initial vaccination.  It is hard to believe the time has gone by so quickly. 

Dinner was a 'welcome summer' meal.  Our Ken visited with his fish men and found lovely fresh haddock.  Add to that grilled asparagus, new potatoes with butter and chives and a dessert of meringue with fresh peaches in raspberry sugar and a lovely chocolate sauce with Cointreau and all were reasonably comfortable. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer is almost a reality

Life is moving forward at speed.  The weather was again pleasant although certainly not hot.  Our friends in New England appear to be keeping the warmth south of the 49th parallel.   The gardening continues, with Our Ken turning soil at a great rate.  Vegetables are being planted and strawberries coming in the door.  Roses are blooming and the chestnut has formed its crop, dropping the candle flowers to blanket the front lawn.  Lawn chairs finally surfaced so the summer motorcycle count can begin in earnest.  Tex comes to mind at this season, remembering his races along the fence line barking those two wheeled nemeses at every opportunity.   His spirit will never leave Regalridge.  Lee continues to puppy sit - supporting Mama Marguerite.  Marguerite approves.  Paul and Denita visited and took lots of pictures.  More to come, we're sure.  On this day, a new arrival happened upon the deck feeder.  Ken knocked on the window, beckoning Lee for the viewing.  There sat a baby finch, eating up a storm, blissfully unconcerned about the people within arm's reach.  Down was being replaced by feathers on the chest and she was able to fly, in her own way. 

The kennel ticks along with happy dogs and little Bella in charge.  That little paw takes command as if born to the role.  Scarlett chuckles at the little one and Sarah shakes her head.  Trebia has no idea that there are rules in life and races herself to Bella's encouragement. 

The house crew is well and happy.  With Lee in residence and Ken's comings and goings, all is right with their world.  Patti is enjoying life, eating her meals with enthusiasm and playing Patti-games.  Late spring is a good season for the old dogs.  Charlotte has been keeping an eye on the youngsters, helping Clint teach Gabe is abc's.  Gabe is doing well, enjoying the ministrations of the older Airedales.  He is certain that they really, really like him and his antics.  Piper would like the puppies to return to wherever it is they came from and Marguerite could join them.  Lee's attention being given to anyone other than Piper is not in the cards in Princess Piper's opinion - and she has lots of opinions.  Marguerite shrugs from her lofty position on the couch and the puppies don't give a hoot.  Piper explained her position on the subject of puppies to Denita during her visit, curling her lip at the puppies as Denita listened to her complaints.  At least someone understood her.  When Denita and Paul leave with one of those puppies in July, Piper will consider them traitors on par with Philby. 

Dinner was a mixed grill.  There were lamb chops and rib steak, potatoes, sweet onion and portobellos, corn and, for Ken, pie.  Life is good.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Good weather as the day progresses

Weather is moving to a July standard for early in the day.  Fog has arrived in Nova Scotia.  Even here in the center of the province, there is a cool, grey period of awakening, followed by a lovely day when the fog burns off.  The woodpeckers are focused on their family, working as a team to feed and nurture.  The little swallows are on their nests with their partners keeping a close watch, even as they hunt and gather to keep the mother well sustained.  Then there is Clint, footloose and fancy free - enough said.  Our Ken had a long meeting in Truro.  Lee managed Regalridge, including the start of the weaning process for the babies.  Then it was off to a dinner meeting for Lee, with a return home late evening and a last bottle feeding to keep the family happy.  The greeting of the older dogs as Lee walked in the house heralded a major arrival.  They are so used to having her about that even a few hours appears to put everyone off - either that or Our Ken really fouled up their evening routine . . .  They are terrible tattle tongues, almost as bad as Chantelle.

The kennel is well and happy.  Bella is due to return to resume her duties and Scarlett is relieved.  Sarah is busy plotting and Trebia is racing herself, keeping in fine form for Barrett's return.  She notes that it sure isn't as much fun but is doable.  Hounds are interesting critters. 

The house crew enjoy the lovely days.  There are favourite spots scoped out at the beginning of each season and well used by each Airedale.  Piper is in her trench.  Patti has her lair.  Charlotte is so well hidden that it requires the Airedale-sniffometer to find her if she doesn't want to be found.   Dolly generally is out in plain sight, as is Lori.  Billy is barking wherever he is so isn't an issue.  Rocky is so big that he would stand out in the rain forest.  The babies are thriving.  This was the beginning of the move to solid food, with a reasonable agreement that this option might be well received in time.  There was the process of one foot in and one foot out, do a little dance and shake it all about . . .  Several felt that additional flavour is imparted if you run through the lovely platter prior to putting any in your mouth.  Others, cautiously sipped the formula from as freat a distance as could be managed, stretching their necks and standing poised for a quick get away.  Still others were content to try the new meal by eating it away from the legs and backs of those that had had a closer communion with the meal.  As days progress, more will find its way into the bellies.  Until then, the bottle feeding continues. 

Dinner for Our Ken was turkey with all of the trimmings.  Lee had a lovely meal at Macaskills. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day and all checked in

All is well at Regalridge.  There are the usual hiccups - generally a result of our own less than excellent stewardship.  Madam Marguerite is a sly one and has a long reach.  Marilla misses no error on the part of the humans and Rocky simply assumes that something out of place is meant to be his.  The high point of Clint's day was a visit from a young boy.  These Airedales love children, and none better than a young fellow with a good throwing arm and two tennis balls in play.  There were games of fetch, tag and simply bonding.  It is always interesting to watch the interaction of the Airedales as they meet children - there are no bad kids in the Airedale lexicon.  It was Father's Day so the phone was busy. Chantelle dropped off a plantable bush - and Our Ken's eyes lit up.  Liz and Phil, Laurie and Alex joined the Regalridge contingent for dinner in Elmsdale.  Our Ken approved.  Still, he held off for dessert chez Regalridge.  Sarah's folks stopped by to meet the puppies on the way to dinner in the city. 

The kennel is well and happy.  Clint was entertained by the young visitor.  Gabe encouraged Clint on to greater feats on his return to their communal exercise yard.  Scooter enjoyed the great weather as did Sarah and Trebia.   Little Bella waved good by and turned over the reins to Gabe- heaven help us all.  With the great weather, construction projects were in the planning stages.  Our Ken managed to squeeze in a trip to Rona (any excuse) and there is even more building material on the property. 

The house crew are well and happy.  Patti is enjoying her ball games and her time with Sarah.  Everyone needs a shadow, is Patti's motto.  Marguerite did not approve all of the comings and goings and spent a considerable amount of time counting her babies to ensure none had been lost.  Lee fed - and fed and fed - puppies.  All approved the support, casting aspersions at their Mom who they feel is underperforming.  There is not enough food in the world to stoke Marguerite at this stage.  Weaning will officially commence.  The pen is now a permanent fixture in the den until the departure date of the 'family'. 

Dinner was at Bitar's - all is well. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Great weather brings happy faces

A lovely late spring day brought gardening fervour.  Our Ken is a recalcitrant six year old wannabe on these days, difficult to bring in and itching to get back outside every minute he is confined by four walls.  Plants are being put into the ground at speed and gardens are enjoying the addition of black earth and other fertilizers.  The fruit stand has offered up the first local strawberries and line ups for ice cream are noteworthy.  Lee is completely occupied by the puppies - the appetites are growing and personalities are beginning to glimmer.  There is far more mobility, with the pen in the den being the choice spot for the beginning of Airedale puppy games.  The woodpeckers are spending time working the suet and everyone in residence had the opportunity over appetizers to watch the pair  - male removing suet and female taking it in for processing - then off to the babies.  Both swallows are on their nests with Our Ken concerned with the angle of the new nest in the kennel eaves.  Time will tell. 

The kennel is well and happy.  Clint is delighted with the weather, with the company he is keeping and with his meals - particularly since Gabe has bunked in with him with his boundless enthusiasms. 

The house crew are thriving.  Patti is delighted to report that her children were in residence and that she can outrun Sarah without breaking a sweat.  Chantelle arrived for some fine tuning on Gabe - much to his delight - and was able to join the table for dinner.  With luck, Clem will forgive the late
arrival home.

Dinner was turkey with the trimmings - vegetables, dressing, cranberries and strawberry shortcake appeared in rapid succession,  Nobody complained.   

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lobster night

Well, the forecast and the reality were not precisely aligned.  It was cloudy and cool enough that by late afternoon Ken gave in to Lee's fussing and lit the fire in the den.   The birds were less active than in previous days with only the most hardy spending much time at the feeders.  The woodpeckers continue to work at the suet, feeding their family in spite of the cold, damp and winds.  The little swallows hunkered down to wait it out.  The day was filled with puppy activity, some minor gardening and the usual hunting and gathering.  This time, list in hand, Our Ken found his way to the city, both grocery stores and his fish truck, the latter offering up lobster for dinner. 

The kennel ticks along, the dogs well and happy. 

The house crew are thriving, enjoying Lee's being with them every minute and working to create lots of opportunity for her to cater to their whims.  Marilla carts something around in her mouth as often as is possible, requiring a close look on a regular basis to remove the item that is often not edible, playable or dog friendly - think pot covers, Ken's Boot, the mop, a bird seed container, a roll of paper towel . . .  Marguerite, on the other hand, is interested only in all things edible - the challenge is that her version of tasty and Lee's is often in opposition.  Pot holders, dish towels, newspaper and cookbooks have all been tried and often not rejected without intervention.  Marguerite has excellent reach so counters are no real challenge for our lovely long-legged girl.  Abigail stands under the miscreants, urging them on to greater feats.  Billy remains fascinated by the puppies, feeling that he could assist in feeding if only someone would give up one of those formula bottles.  Lee demurs.  Patti is well and the only dog not to change her routine with the dip in weather.  The games must go on. 

Dinner was a lead in to the week end - lobster with drawn butter, cooked and cracked by the chief lobster chef (Our Ken), Cesar salad, french bread and rhubarb pie.  Life is good

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gardening takes concentration

The weather is fabulous and all of the Regalridge inhabitants appear to be agreed that everything thrives in the spring.  Being more in sync with the property than is usual, Lee concentrates on the puppies, with the opportunity to watch the resident avian life more closely than is usual.  Baby birds and squirrels seem to be the order of the month.  The swallows are staying close to the nest, the baby squirrels are ranging further from the chestnut tree, playing little squirrel games and kicking up their heels.  And there is a woodpecker family close by.  There have been three Hairy Woodpeckers at the feeder next to the kitchen window and on this day the indicator is that more are to follow.  The senior male was working on the suet and caught Lee's attention.  Giving his activity more than a glance, his mate was noticed on the trunk of the tree, below him.  As he took pieces of suet and seed from the cake, he passed it to her and she ingested.  On occasion, she found the suet a little much and wiped her bill on the tree.  This activity continued for several minutes before the two headed off for the nest to feed the babies.  On the opposite side of the house, the swallow pair are awaiting their brood.  Marguerite and Clint are not the only parents at Regalridge.  Our Ken gardened, taking a hiatus only for a run to the village to collect fish for dinner.  Apparently the hardware store beckoned, returning Our Ken  with prizes, a successful stop at the pharmacy - and a slightly bemused expression when Lee queried the kind of fish he had decided upon . . .  it was burger night at Regalridge. 

The kennel ticks along, urging Ken to greater gardening feats.  Annual beds are being prepared and weeding continues in earnest.  Beets are above ground now and lettuce is plentiful.  Local strawberries have appeared at the fruit stand two weeks ahead of schedule.  Life is good. 

Patti is thriving, heading outside each time the thought enters her mind and searching first her favourite toy followed by a search for Ken to throw it.  The ancient one is enjoying this phase of her life.  Piper is tolerating Lee's focus on Marguerite but lifts her Princess lip in what she thinks is a subtle rebuke each time she thinks Lee is not watching.  No teenage girl could do it better.  Marguerite is beginning to distance herself a bit from her family, content to keep an eye on them from a distance and to encourage Lee to up her game and increase the bottle feeding.  The time to wean is definitely closer.  The babies are growing steadily and really are a lovely litter.  Billy is fascinated by the little ones and dances around their pen while Lee feeds.  Marguerite trusts the Airedales and allows all comers to admire her handiwork. 

Our Ken grilled the burgers, there were herbed oven potatoes and rhubarb pie.  It could have been worse . . .

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Great weather and good planting

A day for gardening according to Our Ken - and a good one, at that.  Dahlias et al continue to be put into the prepared soil.  The rhododendron remains resplendent - testament to the weather conditions.  The candles on the chestnut remain and the tree is covered with the lovely pink and white blossoms.  With this has come considerable growth.  The blue spruce is spreading equal to it's increased height, becoming impressive only twenty years after its planting.  The magnolia is impossibly healthy in this the first full season at Regalridge.  The baby squirrels are playing and enjoying life, too friendly for their own good and showing no sign of ever wanting to leave.  Mrs Swallow is sitting on her nest.  With all of Ken's concern surrounding the early arrival of his favourite birds, let's hope a family is in the offing. 

The kennel is well and happy, Gabe in charge (in his mind) and Clint keeping an eye on the youngster. 

The house crew are inured to the coming and going of Marguerite's family.  The babies are now out in the den a few hours a day for their bottle feedings.  Abigail remains close but on high ground, having determined that while these little beings are cute and have play potential, their feeding habits are not to be taken lightly.  Marguerite, in the den with everyone else, gives Lee a passing grade and urges her to take all the time she needs to fill those little bellies.  The large dog beds in the den are piled high to give considerable space to the large family.  That suits Piper well as she scales the mountain and positions herself comfortable - giving no consideration to the potential for a pea somewhere below.  Princess Piper has her place, after all.  Charlotte often occupies the other stack, replaced by Patti as the circulation of ancient Airedales occurs.  Tunnelling appears to be interrupted for the present - perhaps the excavations need occur only when the weather is wet and an Airedale can get appropriately muddy.  One can only hope that the holes are sufficiently deep and open that the need to let even more earth fly is satisfied. 

Dinner was a spring feast.  There was a great guacamole on lovely French bread, salmon steaks with potatoes and young asparagus with fresh parm.  There was Ken's squash and finally a rhubarb pie.  it doesn't get a lot better than that. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Appointments, errands and meetings - oh my

Spring continues to bring fabulous weather - and the rites of spring continue to delight.  On this day the babies spotted on the property include a hairy woodpecker learning to enjoy the suet at the kitchen window and two baby squirrels under the chestnut tree.  With the swallow sitting on her nest, the world is unfolding as it should.  Dahlia roots are being planted at speed and wildflowers are profuse.  Haying continues on the neighbouring farm.  It was a day to again visit the dentists for both Regalridge inhabitants.   Both survived the ordeal.  Then on to Costco for a major plunder of the big warehouse.  The Regalridgemobile was chock full on the return, emptied quickly and Lee hopped in the car to return to the city for a meeting.  Home again by late evening, there was a temperature inversion occurring at the airport, offering up a startling light display.  A late night by Regalridge standards as puppies enjoyed a late evening meal and up the stairs, Piper leading the way. 

The kennel stays reasonably quiet in June, with Clint holding the fort and Sarah plotting.  Trebia races with Scooter while Scarlett keeps a close eye on the proceedings.  Gabe has joined the party and has bonded with his hero  - Clint. 

The house dogs are well and happy.  Piper continues her recovery and is brighter.  That makes everyone happy - those dulcet tones have never sounded better.  The baby puppies are now being fed in the den twice a day.  That is occasion for much interest.  Billy was conflicted - the formula gave promise but the little wanderers held their own cachet.  His crate called.  Abigail is enjoying the small creatures - anything smaller than her is of consuming interest.  That interest waned, however, when an escapee from the pen checked out her milk production potential.  An affronted Abigail moved to higher ground. 

Dinner was on the fly - a chicken sandwich sufficed.  Our Ken was not amused. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Perfect weather and grwoing puppies - life is good

The weather could not be better.  It is sunny, warm but not hot and clear.  The swallows approve and the mother-to-be is finally sitting on her nest.  Our Ken will have to bring up the next worry on his list.  That one has preoccupied him for weeks.  This pair is almost able to be held in your hand, have been with us as part of a swallow family for years and are very, very tame.  That leads to a great attachment, particularly given their bug-catching abilities.  On the opposite side of the house, the jays, grackles, yellow finches and doves are most prevalent at the suet and feed, supplemented by chickadees and the two pairs of woodpeckers.  Rhododendrons continue to bloom and are at their peak, buds are full on the roses and the candles remain on the chestnut as a result of the cool weather.  Grass requires mowing every other day.  It is a lovely season in Nova Scotia.  There was a Health Board meeting that drew Our Ken to Truro so Lee held the fort. 

The kennel is well and happy.  With the good weather and access to the big yards, the dogs are able to spend much of the day playing in the half acre areas.  Clint and Gabe approve.  Charlotte often volunteers to join the boys in the second exercise yard - she has special areas there and prefers to keep an eye on them - you never know when the boys might mess them up. 

The house crew is content to spend at least part of each day in the front yard.  Piper continues to excavate but appears to agree that checking the weather on the other side of the globs is now an option so further digging may not be critical.  Patti had game playing on her mind.  It took several hours of looking but finally she was able to come up with the blue toy that is her preferred treasure.  Our Ken played Patti's game of toss with joy.  The ancient dog is a true wonder as is our Veterinarian who is able to support her great quality of life.  This was the day for the next adventure for the big family.  While Marguerite maintained a close eye on the proceedings, Lee brought the babies in three lots out to a pen in the den for an introduction to the next phase of their growth.  All now can see, hear and have expanded senses.   All enjoy their bottle feedings and are growing quickly.  Marguerite still enjoys them immensely, remains a proud mother and is glad of all help that can be garnered.  By the week end, it is expected that weaning to regular food will have begun. 

Dinner was the remnants of Our Ken's hunting and gathering on the week end.  The discovery of the meals to go at Pete's has opened an entire world to Our Ken.  Chantelle's stories of the most recent adventure bear telling - but by her alone.  The risotto ball that was purchased as a cheese ball and the disconnect between Chantelle's knowledge of what she was preparing versus Our Ken's vision of what he had purchased is a Laurel and Hardy comedy sketch in the making.  And life goes on . . . 

Monday, June 11, 2012

The longest day of the year approaches

The weather is warming, haying is happening for the second time in the fields surrounding Regalridge and spring nights are long.  There is light in the sky almost 24 hours a day in June, slightly unsettling the dogs.  Conversely, Our Ken is considering 24 hour gardening options.  The vegetable garden is becoming active.  Squash is in with the peppers.   New asparagus will offer a yield three years into the future.  And the flowers continue to go in - everywhere.  Lee has returned from Toronto, tired and glad to be back in Nova Scotia.  Chantelle was on puppy detail in Lee's absence and did a stellar job.  The side bar is managing Our Ken's expectations - good thing she's used to acting as the encyclopedia at work.  The little swallows are still living above the kitchen door and would no doubt move into the house if invited.  Both appear to consider themselves part of the daily routine.

The kennel is well and happy.  Clint is holding the fort, ably assisted by Sarah and Trebia.  Chantelle's crew swelled the ranks and Scarlett came and went.  Scout resided in the house next to his buddy Jack while Mason settled into the kennel to keep Viola company.  Clem always enjoys a Regalridge vacation, whipping Our Ken into shape in short order, considering him a great treat dispenser.  Chopper and Capone came and went with their usual ease. 

The house crew looked after Chantelle and Ken.  Piper continues to improve, was ably assisted in her requirements by Chantelle and is much brighter.   Lee is very relieved.  Patti is thriving, eating well and playing short games with anyone who has a throwing arm.  She continues to delight in the visits of Sarah and Alex.  Every day is a blessing. The Mom and puppies are well and happy.  Marguerite is just about bursting with pride in her large family.  Lee is amazed at the growth and change in the little ones.  They are becoming very mobile, are up on the little legs and toddling about the whelping box.  There was a late night bottle feeding with Marguerite urging Lee to do her best.  Only Yellow Collar resisted Lee's ministrations and Chantelle's 'cooking' on this evening.  There is always one, each time different, who decided that it is the wrong time to eat.  There will be a weighing tomorrow and progress will be quantified.

Lee's late return did not give rise to a meal.   And the week will begin 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weather is March-like

The weather will change soon.  Generally, in Nova Scotia, if the weather is not stellar, wait a moment because it will change.  Sadly, the reverse is also a given.  This week, there has been far too much stability.  Cold and damp is not June weather.  The forecast is promising so we live in hope.  In spite of the cold, Our Ken gardens.  The thoughtful Vesey's sent him not only his bulb and root order but also a few spares they had kicking around.    Columbine, anemones and Black Eyed Susans will have room in the ever expanding gardens.  The rhododendron is bravely blooming through the mist and showers; the forget-me-nots remain and appear to spread overnight; lilacs are finishing as is honeysuckle and peonies have begun their lovely show.  The roses are considering their display and the chestnut tree is candle-laden.  The vegetable gardens are planted and the lettuce is lovely - even if it did take it a year to show its' lovely leaves.  Thinking back a few days ago to the necessity for a new trimmer, Lee intercepted a phone call advising that the piece of equipment that had been replaced with such alacrity has now been repaired and is 'as good as new'.  Hmmm  Recovery from the dental ordeal is painstaking.  To say that everything moved a bit slower is an understatement.  Fortunately, Our Ken's list included research - check.

The kennel is just fine.  The dogs are not enjoying the weather and request limited spins in the exercise yards.  They have ordered boots and slickers in varying hues.  A large parcel should arrive any time.  Sarah has asked for camouflage; Trebia would like a speedy red and has requested a  matching set be provided for her boyfriend's visits; Scooter found a bodysuit to ensure her ball games are not slowed by flapping cloth.  Clint decided on tweed to match his demeanor and snuck in a request for a pipe and matching fedora; Gabe is visiting the kennel to allow for a bit of sleep after 5 a m - he has decried the need for apparel, although consideration was given to a cape with a large "G".  They are an interesting crew.

The house dogs gathered around the stove in the den, pulled out all of the dog beds and snoozed.  Only Marilla was undaunted, splashing in puddles and enjoying the lovely Marilla-prints that were able to be planted on floors and people in equal measure.  Patti had a few games of throw the favourite toy, returning it to her lair under the trees when the game ended.  Patti's toys are Patti's toys - she has always had only-child syndrome.  Billy had a series of 'Silly Billy' moments, tossing anything that could be airborne into the air and attempting to do the same with a large Airedale dog bed.  That challenge was a little much but did provide several minutes of hilarity - this is Our Ken's dog, remember.  Einstein spent the day successfully hunting socks and announcing each conquest after it was wrangled down the stairs.  The nursery is well.  All eyes are now open, each puppy is gaining nicely and enjoying the formula on offer.  The mobility is astonishing - in direct proportion to the ability to see.  Learning to use the legs is a challenge - there are four of them, after all, and one always seems to want to go in a direction different from the other three.  Forward momentum is not always gained although determination is the name of the game.  Noses are pointed in a direction, legs are positioned, three move forward and one holds steady - that rudder is the problem, all right.  Moving it often occasions a plop to the floor, only to start again.  This walking stuff is hard work.

Dinner was lovely haddock from Our Ken's fish mongers.  New asparagus, potatoes and bread pudding rounded out the meal.  The squash that was prepared and forgotten will be fine for Ken and Chantelle later in the week.  Lee is packing for a Board meeting in Toronto so the blog will interrupt until the first of next week.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cold, wet weather reflects Lee's thoughts

Some days the weather reflects the mood.  It was dreary and miserable as the Regalridgemobile departed for an unscheduled trip to the city.  First stop was the Dentist where less than celebratory news was imparted by the new young practitioner.  A specialist would be required for the process to be undertaken and off we were sent.   The good news is that the man loves his work - he does nothing but root canals.  Perhaps contemplating the previous sentence at length will give some level of understanding to the day.  Our Ken went hunting and gathering, filling the vehicle with dog food while the surgery took place.  Home by dinnertime.  The bird news is the swallow finally settling into her nest over the kitchen door.  Our Ken has been fussing about her timing so is relieved that the schedule is now underway.  The second family of swallows is building under the eaves of the kennel.  That means the garage was ruled out and Our Ken can replace the window he had removed to allow their access and egress.  Concern has been expressed, however, at the angle of the new construction and some contemplation has been given to adding a board for their architectural consideration.  Sober second thought vetoes that addition.  The flowers are blooming in the gloomy weather with the rhododendron being the most notable.  Peonies and roses will follow.

The kennel is well and happy.  Coby waved adieu with a kick of his heels, delighted to see his family.  Gabe is desolate. 

The house crew found Lee's absence somewhat alarming.  Her consistency in the last while has been notable.  Piper was particularly annoyed and laid on Lee's feet on her return to make her displeasure known.  Patti is doing well, playing ball and eating regular meals.  That is a hi-light of each day.  Marguerite and her family are doing well.  The babies are growing quickly and this was a big day.  The eyes opened.  That has added to their mobility - much to Marguerite's consternation.  The little ones can now motor around their area at speed and poor Mom is trying hard to keep up with the feedings while staying out of the way of the little herd. 

Dinner was Tomaso's.  It worked. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cool but sunny with wet weather in the offing

All is well at Regalridge.  The last day of the fair weather forecast brought a flurry of gardening with the tractor returning late in the evening.  A strawberry patch was redeveloped, raspberry canes put in to supplement the aging area and onion sets transferred.  The herb garden was readied and the lettuce admired.  There are forget-me-nots running rampant over the property this year, mingling with the shrubs, the blooming rhododendrons and the peonies.  The tulips have finished, supplanted by the violets, violas, ferns and hosta.  Last year's plantings are thriving with new growth everywhere.  The birds are multiplying.  The newest pair of swallows have settled on the eave under the kennel roof to develop a new nest.  The engineer among us is fussing that the angle is too steep and that he could better position the structure if he added a board.  The swallows demur.  Mr partridge was not in evidence, no doubt due to the increased activity in the front yard.  As Jack has repeatedly noted, that tractor is a noisy fellow.  Chantelle brought Scout to Our Ken for an evaluation - he was pronounced handsome if somewhat portly.  A chastised Chantelle vowed to continue his diet, only to lose her dinner to the little fellow when the phone interrupted her evening meal - Scout 2 Chantelle 0.  It was the day of the Queen's Jubilee flotilla so a few hours were spent simply enjoying the pageant.  Our Ken, wearing his well used Coast Guard hat, was mightily impressed by the level of organization and excellent logistics. 

The kennel is well and happy.  Sarah is not amused at her increased supervision and is giving deep thought to her options.  Coby has his bags packed and is ready to return to Pictou County for this, the best season of the year.  Trebia is thoroughly enjoying her refurbished yard and Scooter is keeping a close eye on the speedy hound's girth. 

The house crew are doing well.  Patti is cleaning up her meals as though food has always been in short supply.  Had she been a cat, her nine lives would long have been surpassed.  As it is, she is spry, looking for a game of chase with anyone who ventures into the yard and is thriving.  It is wonderful to watch.  There is significant new excavation occurring, due largely to the efforts of Charlotte and Piper.  The girls have a plan and can now completely disappear into their tunnels. 

Meals were adequate.  There was coffee cake early, quiche at lunch and ham with scalloped potatoes, grilled pineapple and spanokopita followed by a lovely lemon bread pudding with cherry sauce.  Life is good.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A lovely late spring day brings new fowl and gardens

Another lovely day in the NS country brought out the need to dig in the dirt on the part of the gardener among us.  Chantelle joined the party, trimming Regalridge dogs and sorting out a couple of her brood.  Scout is not amused by Our Ken's comment on his girth and vowed to boycott all car trips in future.  Conversely, Clementine was delighted to enjoy the Regalridge hospitality - and the fact that the grass is mowed, a novel concept that appears to be lost on Chantelle.   The feathered news on this day is the addition of a partridge to the family of birds.  Initially sighted by Our Ken and assessed as a juvenile pheasant, Lee was called to confirm, only to disabuse the alpha male of his notion and confirm the addition of a well fed partridge.  The swallows have multiplied to at least three pairs and your life is in your hands if you spend much time on the kitchen deck or the back field.  Our Ken came in with reports of birds the size of small planes, gliding at high speed low over the back field.  Chantelle and Lee were properly awed by the description. 

\The kennel ticks along - Sarah is confined to barracks to give her time to contemplate her sins of egression.  Since this Airedale is not given to contemplation, it is less than a 50/50 chance that she is likely to repent.  Conversely, Trebia is thoroughly enjoying the newly created exercise area; Scooter is basking in the sun in a favourite corner and Lola is half-heartedly trying to keep up the Airedale end by examining the back quadrant.  Jack urges all on as he checks his yard and keeps an eye on the errant gardener with the noisy tools.  That whipper snipper has to go and Jack is just eh dog (in his mind) to make that happen.  Chantelle brought him in to prevent a heart stoppage, much to Jack's disgust.  He spent the rest of the day in high dudgeon. 

The house crew are well and happy.  Patti has had a connection to her next life, apparently and is running around the large yard, looking for anyone with a throwing arm.  God is good to Ms Patti.  Marguerite is thriving under the attention showered on her and her family.  She has Lee wrapped around her paw, is eating five full meals a day and may be the only dog ever to have gained weight with a family this size.  That allows her, of course, to ensure Lee is up with the swallows for a spin around the property in advance of the day starting in earnest.  The resident birds are getting quite used to this early emergence of person and dog and are likely a target.  The babies are doing well, are growing and becoming more and more mobile.  On this day, all had a manicure and pedicure after their extra feeding.  Marguerite approved.  The smallest is now a full 16 ounces while the largest is 26. 

With a little time now able to be spent away from the nursery, Lee managed to sort breakfast to include the espresso coffee cake.  Lunch was a lovely quiche Lorraine - much enjoyed by the hard working Chantelle and Ken.  Dinner was an excellent grilled chicken with potatoes, winter squash and brownies. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Decent if cool weather brings in June

All is well on a cool first day of June.  Gardening continues as Our Ken plants his vegetables.  As Sarah rightly noted, the potato production process is a complicated multi-stage effort that rivals rocket science.  Spring bulbs have been put in the ground, watched closely by the Airedales in their white hats.  Lee fluctuated between kitchen and nursery.  Chantelle made quick entrances and exits, delivering a report to Ken and assuring Lee that the baking efforts of the day were not too shabby.  The hunt for critters continues - Trapper Ken is not one to give up easily and the count of four just doesn't seem to satisfy his high expectations.  On this day, the trusty live trap remains open and inviting.  Not a masked raider in sight.  Those that were taken on road trips should be back soon, though.  The birds continue to rule Regalridge.  Working in the barn, there were swallows milling about worrying the alpha male to death.  Concerned that there was a nest building process underway, a major worry developed.  The barn is locked and although the swallows are early to bed and early to rise, that was not sufficient input to assuage the concern.  A plan developed - only Our Ken would be happy with it but there it is and his little swallows have access and egress.  The pair over the kitchen door persevere, swooping over the back fields through much of the day, sitting on the power line over the yard for their coffee breaks and returning to the Airedale spinner or the wind chime holder for evensong.  On the opposite side of the house, the jays, grackles, finches, woodpeckers and squirrels vie for position. 

The kennel ticks along.  Coby has his bags packed and is saying his farewells to his new pals.  Gabe is perplexed at this and encourages play at every opportunity. 

The house crew have spring routines firmly underway.  Piper has determined that her face and paws must go where no dog has gone before.  The tunnels being developed along the fence line would impress any backhoe worth its salt.  And Piper's striped face and legs are an interesting addition to the house.  As the striping falls off, a sandbox develops wherever she lights.  Marguerite is well and happy.  The babies are growing, the smallest now 15 ounces and the largest 23.  Formula intake is increasing rapidly and collars lengthening.  Soon there will be eyes peeking out.  Mobility is increasing and escapees can be found regularly checking out the area outside their space.  Lee's ability to corral the little characters is noteworthy. 

Early in the day, an espresso coffeecake was produced.  Homemade tomato soup was well received at noon and Our Ken has found a new source of fish on an expedition to the village.  A truck with what is purported to be a "professional sign" has been sourced on the side of the road in Elmsdale.  On this day, fresh halibut was brought home - the fish was extraordinary.  When asked where his new friends hailed from, the deep thinker among us replied 'up the shore' - a definitive answer if ever there was one. Accompanying the grilled fish were new potatoes, snap peas and tomato chow.  Cherries a la Jacques Pepin finished the meal - to positive comment. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Cool with showers and sunny periods

The weather stays cool - apparently seasonal but having had warm days early in the season, this feels chilly.  The candles are full and resplendent on the chestnut tree but there is a notable lack of buzzing.  There is a decrease in the honey bee population in North America, particularly notable at this time of year.  Ten years ago, the loudest noise at Regalridge was created by the tree's visitors.  The silence is startling.  Trapper Ken has come up empty today but there is an overturned container on the deck, testament to the continued residency of the masked critters.  And on it goes.  This week the trimmer gave up after many years of good use.  So it was a trip to the favourite quonset hut in the village and acquisition of a new implement - a good day by Our Ken's standards.  As Alex noted, when the lecture came after a few minutes use that "you have to be real careful when you use this not to put it near the shrubs" there was a story yet to be told.  Lee will check the magnolia tomorrow.  The little swallows continue to practice their flight manoeuvres, resting within a hand's reach of both the dogs and humans going in and out the kitchen door.  They are industrious, friendly little birds and always welcome at Regalridge. 

The kennel is turning over nicely.  Naomi and Moses departed with a cheery wave by mid-afternoon.  Coby watched closely and commented that his bags should be packed soon.  Scarlett is anticipating the return of her owner.  And Sarah is delighted with the new fencing. 

The house crew are well.  Patti has rebounded yet again and Piper continues to perk along.  Billy is not amused by Rocky's newfound courage and is muttering about young Turks.  Jack is enjoying the cool weather and is spending a bit more time outside.  Charlotte is again enjoying her step, thwarting those interested in returning to the house, happy with her newfound power and control.   The news in the nursery continues to be good.  All little Airedales are gaining weight - the largest on this day is 23 ounces and the smallest now 14.  The move from upstairs to down will happen soon.  Their appetite for the goat's milk formula has increased with the average now 30 ml per feeding with some up to 40 ml - healthy appetites all.  Marguerite is well and happy - has speculated that Lee really doesn't need outdoor footwear given that she should be in the house at the mom's beck and call.  To underline this thought, a pair of boots and sandals have met their demise. 

Dinner was a Ken favourite - steak with the supporting fare and brownies.  And on we go.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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