Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Sunday, February 28, 2010

More gold for Canada

Saturdays are normally days filled with activity here at Regalridge. Chantelle has dogs coming and going, Ken plans the week for the upcoming project (silly Lee thought the hall might have been finished - not) requiring two trips to Piercey's deciding on the perfect stain for the stair treads (yes, we walk on them and no, perfect didn't really matter but there we have it). It was a wet but very, very warm day so there were lots of ins and outs as the temperature lured the house dogs and the boarders to the outside, only to be met by showers that proved yet again that you couldn't trust your instincts.

Darryl and Ruff felt that a little shower was perfectly acceptable and volunteered to stay out in the elements just to keep an eye on things. A few chases around their yard brought them in, grinning from ear to ear and cementing in their minds that humans are slow and dopey but good for a little fun when all else fails. Charlie and Lola departed late in the day, having hit the bathtub in the morning to take off the requisite 10 pounds of Hants County mud. Marc and Line drove down from Moncton in the afternoon to collect them, much to Charlie's delight. Lola wondered if maybe Piper should come home with them but Line seemed to think that two were plenty. Folks came to see the kennel at feeding time, deciding on a kennel for their two Boxers for later in the month. They had lots of good questions, admired the boarding dogs and our crew (favouring the Cirneco who seemed to like them) and had a good tour on a wet day.

House dogs are content. The fire was on in spite of the warm weather since it dries everyone and everything out. The dogs like that. Beds were well used in the den and laps were at the ready with the Olympic coverage continuing. We all cheered as the Quebec blueberry farmer won gold and all paws were in the air for the men's curling. The skating was exciting and cheers erupted as we won another gold. The dogs are now inured to the cheering and don't get too excited as the whoops and hollers fill the house.

Dinner was quick but tasty - strip loins with sweet onion and mushrooms, baked potatoes and Ken's squash. It was too busy to do more than that. And we are on to another day . . .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday was Olymic focused

Things are moving along as the week end approaches. The Olympics are keeping us glued to the television, along with the rest of Canada. Anything else getting done in the house is by accident or absolute necessity. The weather was the other story with high winds and rain that kept all and sundry inside. Tom bemoaned the lack of snow (his plow is not getting much action this year) as he tackled the painting of the stairs. Progress was made with the risers and the straight up things that are fancy and hold up the railing repainted with oil paint (Tom didn't like the expensive flat paint that Ken brought but his eyes lit up when the shiny oil application started, followed by a little less light when he spilled it all over himself). Chantelle and Scout braved the elements to go to Truro for Agility - not perhaps their finest hour. Scout decided that with the terrible weather and driving he might never get to see that facility again so he made it his mission to explore every nook and cranny - the fact that Chantelle was going over the jumps herself in an attempt to coerce him to any kind of a course escaped him completely.

The kennel is busy even though the weather kept most inside. The yards are very wet so the time in them was limited to necessity. Piper explained the situation to all as they lobbied to maintain their regular routine. Sophie understood but Ruff really felt that rain is made for a Golden Retriever's mudding pleasure and he was just the dog to prove that. Jake's person is stuck in the New York weather mess and we do hope we will see her before spring. Darryl is Darryl - easy-going and smiling, rolling with the bad weather and appearing to hope tomorrow will bring an improvement. Charlie and Lola are simply ready to go home. Lola has so many stories to tell that it will take her until July to get them all out. Charlie will back her up, no doubt.

The house dogs are motoring along. Their day was spent on dog beds in the den watching hockey and curling with the odd skate or ski appearing for some comic relief. The little dogs were happy to be inside and it would have taken a crowbar to get them out in the elements. They are convinced that when the heavens open, we have purposely done something to ruin their day. Charlotte was the bell weather, going outside at regular intervals to check the heavens and returning with a head shake to report to the troops.

Dinner was our Friday night special - this time take out chicken. It worked as we supported the Women's curling - cheering them on to a silver medal. What a tremendous accomplishment for this first time rink with a skip who was ill the entire week. Way to go ladies! Through the day, we included ginger scones and a blue cheese walnut fougasse to the dining mix so all was well in everyone's world. And tomorrow is another day with dogs coming and going and everyone moving into the week end routine .

Friday, February 26, 2010

We won We won We won Women's Hockey

Thursdays are always interesting. Not the week end and not mid week with lots of potential to take on big tasks, Thursdays are somewhere between 'clean up days' and 'maybe it's time to rest days'. This one fell into the former category. Ken spent the day continuing in his Bob Cratchit role - counting and rolling his pennies (Lee would have buried the darned things just to get rid of them). Chantelle was in Elmsdale having words with her computer - the computer won - don't you hate it when that happens! Lee went into the storage room with the potential to never be seen or heard from again. Reappearing with more sorting complete, victory was had and another path cleared. Then it was on to Olympic watching. Ken allowed the women to watch women's hockey while he did the kennel - and there was much cheering interspersed with many 'ouch' and 'cut that out' hoots - those American women can be downright mean!

The kennel is busy. Darryl the wonderul Bernese arrived for a winter vacation. We all love this great dog. Chantelle came up from the kennel between Olympic moments laughing at Ken and Darryl playing the 'bone game'. The bone was proffered. Darryl wagged and looked happily at the bone but didn't make a move to take it. Ken pulled it back - and tried again. Darryl had another good laugh in his Bernese way and Ken started over. At last count, it was Darryl over Ken and leading. The rest of the crew have no trouble taking their bedtime bones with alacrity. Piper has set the tone, takes her milkbones politely and expects her support staff to do the same. Sophie, Marguerite, Lola and Charlie comply. Ruff and Jake are managing number three yard with Charlie. They all have thoughts on how that should be done with the highesst degree of efficiency but Ruff has the more experienced upper paw so the younger boys take his lead - it's just easier that way.

The housedogs are fine. The weather was good, if cool, with a wind from the northeast but lots of sun. The dogs enjoyed the sunshie but needed lots of breaks from the wind. They all are enjoying the Olympics (and the prolonged opportunities to find a lap at any given moment), are scratching their heads about the lack of activity in the kitchen and are rolling with the changes. Scout is looking forward to Agility class and is getting his barker ready and tuned. He is least impressed by the Olympics which are interfering with his bedtime routine. Welsh don't like that much.

Dinner was basic - bar b qued hamburgers and roasted potatoes, brownies and fruit. And we are on to tomorrow - curling R Us.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Olympics, Health Board and all things in between

It was another day of pulling things together as our Ken headed off to yet another Health Board meeting - is it any wonder volunteers burn out? In the time available to him, Ken decided that he would have a full day's work done. So everyone was pressed into service. Chantelle scanned documents so Lee could send them off; Lee wrote letters and completed Ken's forms and The Tiller was ordered - finally. Lee simply did as she was asked - it seemed the easiest route under the circumstances. Chantelle and Lee managed to land in the den chairs for ski cross and cheered those brave and foolish kids on to their wins.

The kennel is rocking along. Piper is firmly managing her support staff and all is well in all of the worlds. Sophie is assiduously taking notes, Lola and Marguerite are happy just to play hard and respond to Piper as is necessary. Jake and Ruff have bonded and are harmonizing nicely as they motor around their big exercise yard. Charlie has his own yard - and thinks that is great most of the time.

The housedogs are going along. Sophie and Patti are eating their potions, the Norwich are circling every wagon at every opportunity, Charlotte living in her own universe and the boys simply off their rockers with all of the girls in season.

Dinner was lovely - roast chicken with fresh peas and riced potatoes - and eaten between Olympic moments. And we are on to a busy day tomorrow . . .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where are we now

There is madly off in all directions and then there is just crazy busy. Ken decided that it would be fun to try the latter and dragged his sorry self home very late last night, having packed everything in but recognizing that several things were just a blur. Chantelle was multi-officed having worked in both Windsor and Elmsdale. Lee accompanied Ken on his early adventures, including Costco, lunch with Reg, the bank, post office, etc. etc. Just a note, bulbs are available at Costo and some came home with Ken. Then is was a quick sorting of the van and off to Truro for Health Board meetings, a return home to upgrade the clothing department and with suit and tie, on to the boat club for the annual cruise dinner. Lee held the fort, looked after the dogs and managed to add in a Beagle Council conference call.

The kennel continues to be busy - Ruff returned for a stay and Charlie and Jake were pleased to see him. The boys are plotting a take over of the girls' run - and good luck with that. Piper has marshalled her troops and is holding firm. We did have to bring Marguerite in for an assignation with Billy - Piper advised that we were totally out of order in moving her support staff without her approval. We are in trouble. Lola is amazed at all of Piper's rules but has quickly fallen in line. Sophie is tickled to be learning all of these new tricks. Look out folks - your Sophie will be much more firm in her opinions on your return.

The house dogs are marching along. The revolving door is never their favourite but they coped, each in her own way. The boys and girl who use Jack's run are enjoying the agility equipment. The big yard has offered up all of the treasures that were buried under the little bit of snow that arrived last week. It is like receiving new toys to have them reappear so there was lots of repatriating going on. Everyone had a good dinner and the potion was enjoyed before Ken's late night arrival which went largely unnoticed by the sleepy canine crew.

Chantelle and Lee had a great dinner watching the Olympics. Chicken wings, salad and garlic bread were a meal that worked in front of the television. Words to live by . . .

Monday, February 22, 2010

Of Olympics and week end days

It was another Olympic day that needed lots of support so that the big moments wouldn't be missed. The kitchen was busy as was the kennel and Ken moved among us, offering advice - hmmm. Chantelle trimmed dogs through the day - our Penny the wonderful Airedale of Cathy's is thriving and enjoys her spa days, Darby was tidied and returned to PEI, Jessie Rachel was pulled out and looks great and the rest had their ears, toes and clean ups done. Clem feels much better although was not amused that Chantelle spent a day in the kennel without her help. That meant double help on Sunday.

The kennel is going strong. Darby departed so Charlie will have to hold the fort for the male side of the equation. A Labrador arrived to shore up that imbalance and Charlie is relieved. The girls are managing in a more robust way. Piper is leading the charge with Sophie taking notes and Marguerite and Lola bringing up the rear. The young girls are amazed at the breadth and depth of the rulebook as it is interpreted by Piper.

The house dogs are busy but also are enjoying the Olympics. They are surprised to see the humans among them sitting down at the wrong times of day and Patti has grudgingly had to give up her chair to Lee - not a happy event in Patti's world. Scout has taken on his version of the Welsh Olympics with lots of work on jump, jump, jump and tire, tire, tire on his Agility course set up in the back run. He finally got to the point of putting those little Welsh paws on the jump and looked at Chantelle with that Welsh "you go ahead and I'll bark you on" look that says - Game Over!

Meals supported Olympic coverage. Lovely homemade tomato soup, homemade bread and chocolate-banana brownies were followed in the evening by a meal in front of the television - a pot roast dinner with rhubarb pie (spring is coming). And a new week starts . . .

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Olympics, Dogs and the Week end

Well, there were lots of changes on this Saturday in February. The most notable was our Ken missing from the property. That sure changes the dynamic. Chantelle and Lee worked through their chores and picked up Ken's as best they were able. The birds appeared to feel Lee's cooking is slightly less well done than is Ken's. Billy was definitely underwhelmed by Ken's absence while the rest of his fans realigned themselves as only Airedales, Welsh and Norwich can. The Olympics called throughout the day - even re runs were thrilling and of consuming interest.

The kennel is busy and active with young Airedales aplenty. Piper is firmly in charge and to this point quite enjoying her power. Lola, Sophie, Marguerite and Charlie are good disciples. Piper has determined that full control includes an escort service so she leads each of her charges from the yard to her individual run when it is time to come in, then goes to her own and goes inside when all is well in the Piper world. She hardly needs us - if only she had been given opposable thumbs . . . Lola and Charlie's parents called to check on their progress - they are in the 'Islands' have been away for two weeks and are missing their 'kids'. Charlie is missing them, Lola maybe not so much. As a bonus for Charlie, he and Darby were given their own yard. Charlie was happy to have a little separation from the harem. Barney beagle is holding his own - doing beagle things in the middle of the Airedale conflagration. That suits him just fine.

The housedogs are enjoying the Olympics as much as the people. It was a day to hunker down on dog beds and watch skiing, skating, hockey and curling. Mid afternoon Ken arrived home and the Airedales lauded his arrival with a hearty chorus of Oh Canada. It was the first time Abby Australian had been out when the song was sung and she stuck that pointed little beak down Charlotte's throat trying to figure out where in the world that sound was coming from. The old girls are well, eating and taking their potion.

Dinner was from Bon Appetit - the Captain's Chicken recipe without cauliflower and with baby carrots (a cauliflower house this is not) and was much enjoyed. Baked sweet potatoes were a lovely accompaniment and dessert saw the end of the bread pudding. Life goes on and tomorrow is another day . . .

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Madly off in all directions

Friday has arrived and they were madly off in all directions. Ken began early with packing and planning in preparation for his Retreat. Nick watched with bated breath, ready to go on the adventure. Chantelle was planning for Agility, coaching Scout from the time they bounded downstairs at 6:30 am. Lee reckoned that getting out of the way was her best bet. There was lots to do so that wasn't a problem. Tom continued the Project - sanding steps is a messy, dusty business. Time to clean yet again. Nick was underwhelmed - Ken forgot him and that is unforgivable. The only compensation is that there is a raft of girls in season and Nick is consumed with his position as protector.

The kennel is busy. Our Gordon departed amid waving paws and Trebia's best regards. She misses her big friend. Darby arrived to take his place and Brandy Beagle is partnered with him. Piper is in charge of all things kennel and has developed a set of Piper rules for all of her new friends. Sophie is in awe of Piper and follows her everywhere. Piper likes that. Marguerite simply thinks she is bossy but takes it in stride and encourages Lola to do the same. Charlie has decided there are just too many bossy women in his life. Darby is settled and happy and is scheduled for the spa with Chantelle so that he can go home to PEI. Nemo, Scooter and Trebia enjoyed their evening with Lee. They all got away with every trick in the book, proving yet again that both old and young dogs are a long way ahead of the human.

The housedogs managed well with the changed circumstances. Nick resigned himself to life with Lee and looked after her when he wasn't looking after the harem in season. Billy was less impressed but went upstairs to the bedroom and settled for the night - once he disabused Einstein of any thought that he might sleep in the bedroom as well. The girls all got the potion - and it can't have been too bad because they all ate it. In fact, Clementine can't go upstairs to bed until she has had her Budwig Protocol. Ken says it boosts her immunity and works for Sophie as well. Sophie's meal was lasagne and pancakes. That is acceptable to her in a pinch - pancakes are a highlight, lasagne not so much.

It was a Friday night dinner for the girls of bar b que chicken pizza and garlic fingers. This is a favourite primarily because Sophie loves the left overs. And it is on to the week end . . .

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday's are organization days

It continues to be the winter that wasn't. It is warm, cloudy and the snow is almost gone. Still, the dogs had the best time bringing all of the snow they could manage in on their whiskers. Piper shared hers with Lee, Dolly took hers directly to Ken and Chantelle benefited from the ministrations of Nicholas who truly was king of snow - his head looked like a white Bouvier. There was lots going on in the house; Lee sorted the kitchen, her work being seen by our Ken as the emergence of flat surfaces - more on the battles at another time. Ken rolled coins all afternoon, trying to scare up enough money to buy himself a new Vesey's tiller. That was funny. Of course, all of this occurred with the backdrop of the Olympics. Even the dogs are enjoying the cheering and heightened activity.

The kennel is busy - made more busy by Piper being added to the mix. Yes, our Piper is in season and going to the kennel is cause for much angst. At the moment, she is making the best of it, getting the interlopers there organized and formed up as only Piper can. Sophie is amazed at the amount of direction she needs. She thought she knew everything after having been here a month and a half but Piper has disabused her of that notion. Sophie has taken on the role of lady-in-waiting and seems to relish it. The things she is learning will be useful to torture her owners when they get home. Lola and Charlie know Piper so knew exactly how things were going to unfold when they saw the southwest turquoise collar come around the corner. Barrett has had a great mid-winter break. He is enjoying serenading all of the girls in season and thinks that his colour pattern would augment the Airedales quite nicely. While ha had offered up Lyle Lovett-like songs earlier, he has moved on to Buble-crooning. He's quite a boy.

The housedodgs are busy. The weather is good and all are happy to be in and out. It sure is quiet without Piper helping managed things but the Norwich are working hard at filling that breach.

Ken was hunting and gathering - came home with half a cow in the form of a roast of beef. We're going to need help on this one. Accompanying the prime rib were steaks (he got deals he advised) so it was steak yet again, much to Ken's delight, with steak fries, caramelized onions, asparagus, tarte tatin and ice cream. And we move on to the last work day of the week . . .

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mid-February brings a little snow

The week is progressing. Our guest has departed, found good weather through to southern Maine and managed to find his way home without incident. How fortuitous that Ginger came into heat in time to be bred during "President's Week", the school break in February, allowing for a trip from Hartford to Nova Scotia in mid-February. Co-operative weather and driving conditions and the addition of the Halifax dog show made it top notch timing, even though June or July might have been better for sight seeing. Atlas waved Ginger adios and has made it another step along the way. The Olympics were juggled with the Westminster Kennel Club broadcast. Regalridge was tickled to watch Lucas win the breed at Westminster for another year. He looked great and showed optimally, showing his great bond with his handler and his love of the show ring. (Lucas is the brother of Fraser who lived at and was co-owned by Regalridge - sire of several Regalridge puppies) Ken got his snow this week - he has been sort of pining for it all winter. He's over that now.

The kennel is busy for February. Sophie is in charge and is sorting out the comings and goings of the rest of the visitors. She has figured out the routine and works it perfectly to great accolades from all of us. Lola is doing well and Charlie has sorted out how he will manage the harem - he comes in dead last when all are coming through the gates. Piper found her way to the kennel this week - she is in season and not delighted. Ruff departed. Barrett the Gordon Setter has settled in and is practising his Lyle Lovett routine for Brenda's return. He loves his yard and his exercise and we get a kick out of his enthusiasms. Mischka departed (Ken decided he needed a winter OES clean up so that was done as his Valentine's present).

All else is ticking along. Dinners have included bar b qued salmon with risotto and asparagus, chicken with new potatoes and fresh peas (gotta love Costco), and of course Lee's famous pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. And the week end looms . . .

Monday, February 15, 2010

We made it through the week end

There was lots going on this week end. There were shows Saturday ans Sunday so Friday was set up day at Exhibition Park. Ken and Lee were on to the city to help with putting the show together, then moved on to lunch with Reg, the city errands and finally home to get things together for the week end. Judges were arriving at various hours and Lee was in charge of hospitality. The van was busy. Saturday meant up and out at 6:30 to collect judges, Chantelle to do Rally Stewarding and Lee to steward Conformation. There were lots of lovely new puppies, lots of Specials in excellent condition and dogs throughout the groups who would be competitive anywhere in the world. The entry was high for our February show. All went well. Valentine's night was great with good presents for everyone. That worked.

The kennel us busy and we added Barrett the Gordon for a week. He quickly bonded with Mischka and the two sorted out an Old English-Gordon Setter serenade from somewhere deep in the British Isles. It had a charm, we think. Adding to the excitement for the boys in the kennel was the arrival of two girls in season. Marguerite came in season Saturday and Tom arrived from Connecticut with a girl in heat ready to be bred to Atlas. That perked up the kennel considerably. Sophie, Lola and Charlie are glad that they have their big exercise yard. Regardless of the energy level of the kennel, they have their acre to manage and enjoy. Sophie has advised Charlie that he can go find his own yard because it is a girls' only zone. Poor Charlie goes along with the flow. Sophie has a routine that now works well. Lola and Charlie have given up on the one way routine; it was interfering with their fun so they have moved more quickly through the doors and gates on their way to having a good time or searching out their food or bed. Ruff is enjoying his exercise and time in the country, relieved that he didn't have to go north with his family.

The house dogs managed through the busy pace of the week end.

Meals ranged from restaurant to Costco-inspired to an upscale Valentine night dinner of Dry-aged steak from Connecticut, caramelized onions, roast potatoes, asparagus, Chantelle's bruschetta from Kelly's cooking course and the tri-layer chocolate mousse cake. The most excellent pinot carried all of this well. And we are on to the a new week with the Olympics as an anchor.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday was unusually busy

There is busy and then there is frantic. This was a beyond busy day. Folks were coming for an evening event so things needed to be done. One of the group is a man that Lee is very fond of (and who has done her favours in the past) and who is a great fan of chocolate. That was the motivation. Between sorting, reorganizing the living room and finishing the gift bags for the judges for the Halifax Show, a chocolate event took place. Have you seen the multi layered chocolate mousse cakes on display in high end restaurants. Well, guess what - you can make those at home if you have a lot of enthusiasm and time, your pantry is better than Sobeys and you have very little good sense. Ken groomed all day - better to stay out from underfoot he decided. Billy and Rocky look great.

The kennel is busy for February and the dogs are settled in. Sophie is delighted beyond words to have Lola and Charlie to manage. Lola is still able to go out her run door but cannot possible go through it the opposite way - it is a one way door and will remain so from Lola's perspective. She gets walked back into her 'room' and she likes that. Charlie has agreed that the door goes both ways, only it has to be a different door. He goes out his door but goes back in Sophie's run to get to his. Sophie says that it sort of ok as long as he doesn't touch her toys. So we hear Sophie's direction to Charlie "don't touch the toys don't touch the toys" as he goes through the door ahead of her. Mischka is doing well, loves his run but is adding bedding to his double room at a great rate. He is not young any more and likes his comforts. Ruff is happy to have his big yard and enthusiastically takes anyone who will move him to the door to get to the yard for a play. Winter exercise abounds.

The housedogs watched in amazement as doors opened and closed and Lee flew through, giving them a pat and encouraging them to manage the house while she worked. Fortunately that mousse cake is time consuming and keeps a person in one place (generally over the stove) for long periods. The Norwich who prefer sitting on Lee's feet, like that. the pantry door was open a lot - the Australian likes that. Lee had the Sirius radio tuned to jazz, the Airedales like that and the activity level was high so the Welsh were happy.

Dinner was a chicken stir fry with rice. Later in the evening the multilayer chocolate cake materialized. All were impressed. It is a dark chocolate bottom layer anchoring the cake. The binder is egg yolk added to the melted bittersweet chocolate, the only layer that is cooked. The middle layer is more a chocolate mousse - lighter in texture and colour and dependent completely on timing to be spreadable at just the right consistency. Then comes Lee's worry, the top layer is white chocolate - a cross between a mousse and a ganache. White chocolate is never easy to work with and the Callebaut is lovely but no exception. However, all came together reasonably well and the end result was fabulous. The guests were somewhat uncertain in some cases of the offer of latte all around but once sampled, all seemed highly appreciative. Lots of laughter and good company made for a successful evening. And it's on to an equally busy day tomorrow.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just how many new tanks does one property need?!

It was Wednesday and Lee's turn to keep appointments while Ken held the fort. Have you tried parking on, near or not so near Spring Garden Road lately? The merchants are concerned and well they should be. What a mess. The Project moved forward with the decision to sand the treads finally being made and a process established amidst a lot of head scratching and mumbling that might have been grumbling. The spindles are painted so Tom can move on to his next phase - and he is a happy puppy. The afternoon was consumed with the installation of the second oil tank - this one in the basement. That was an event.

The kennel is busy and getting busier. The Airedale Armada (Sophie, Lola and Charlie) managed the East side of the property, a big job this day given the comings and goings of unintroduced men with large metal implements that came and went from a big white truck. Sophie is pretty sure they were stealing the family silver and did her best to let the neighbourhood know that they should hide the family jewels. Lola backed her up and Charlie watched carefully. Charlie felt the bonding experience with Sophie should extend to the evening. When it was time for the three to come in, Charlie joined Sophie in her run, came through the door and into the kennel with her. We suspect he may pay for that little mistake on his part when he goes out tomorrow. . Princess Sophie was not amused, telling all and sundry that "He's in my room and he's touching my toys - wah!!" Mischka was on western patrol, bonded with Clint and Georgie in the adjacent yard and had a great day in an OES life.

The Regalridge crew had their work cut out for them. They lost Lee, lost their yard to the oil tank installers, had to put up with people coming and going through their house. It was particularly challenging since it was men they were dealing with and they appeared to have to use every door in this many doored house but Piper and Patti were up to the challenge. By the time Lee arrived home, the two top dogs were exhausted and glad to turn this weighty job over to Lee as they both collapsed at her feet, telling her about the terrible day in their Airedale lives. The little crew, on the other hand, were tickled with the visitors, demanding their attention every time they passed through, with success each time as far as we could tell. Sophie and Patti had a good day with potions eaten and meals accepted. Patti had Spanish rice and chili beef. Sophie preferred the hamburger with her Spanish rice.

Dinner was lovely. An orange chicken sat in a marinade long enough to infuse the flavour and was accompanied by baked potatoes and corn. This was followed by the bread and cranberry pudding with the whiskey sauce (Piper highly approved the sauce and Clem pronounced it her favourite food group as she tidied Lee's plate). And it's on to another day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ken was off to Truro and all is well

It was Tuesday and all was well. Ken had a meeting with the District Health Authority so was off to Truro. Lee held the fort at Regalridge, managed to work her way through the paperwork jungle and keep the natives relatively content. Dawn and Logan were here for a visit and a check of his trimming. Dinner was served.

The kennel is rumbling along. Sophie, Charlie and Lola cheered for Scout while he was practising his Agility jumps. Sophie is pretty darned sure that she could be Agile too if Chantelle would bring those jumps into her yard. Lola says that jumping is silly but she's pretty sure she could chew them up and save Scout all of that trouble. Charlie said the whole thing is silly and Scout should get a grip. Mischka is doing well. He has his yard, his food, the big run and a good bed. His life is complete. Trebia is tearing around as usual, having a good time but hoping that she might have a home sometime in the near future. Lola has mentioned that homes are better than kennels and Sophie has told her all kinds of peanut butter in the bathtub stories so Trebia is thinking that a Cirneco could do pretty well in a house of her own.

The house dogs are great. Clem, Patti and Sophie are enjoying the potion, have lots of energy and lots of rules. The little crew have exercised their lungs with abandon, have managed Ken's birds who eat next to the deck and are firmly in charge. Piper is happy in her universe and Lori is doing well with her pregnancy (we hope). Atlas is looking forward to his impending fatherhood and has asked that Ken find him an American flag to welcome his new girlfriend.

Dinner was a success with Texas chili and rice, bread pudding and whiskey sauce. And we are on to tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday was a move forward

Mondays are wonderful catch up days - recovery period after a busy week end. Chantelle was off to work in Elmsdale, always nice not to have to drive to Windsor. Lee worked through some paper but did a lot of upstairs organizing - a workload created by The Project. And speaking of The Project 2010, Ken and Tom moved it forward. During the early painting, Tom reckoned that it would be about 2012 before he finished painting spindles. It is a big staircase with upstairs spindles as well and this was a 'little job' that had been put off. By mid-afternoon, however, Tom was in his zone and the paint was flying. Ken went hunting and gathering, found the blue paint for the one kitchen wall and the one bathroom wall and is ready to move on. The challenge both men are discussing are the stair treads. At present, the thought is that stain followed by urethane may be the best option but that seems to require power tools and a lot of head shaking. Time will tell.

The kennel is ticking along with Lola. Charlie and Sophie managing all of the rest of the visitors. Lola is pretty sure she is in charge - as only a young Airedale female can be. Charlie watches her to make sure she doesn't get herself in too much trouble and Sophie urges her to play and burn off some of that 'bad energy'. Dossen departed amid waving paws and Mischka is still looking after his yard with Mischka-like precision. For an old Old English Sheepdog, he has amazing energy and loves the kennel with the activity level and routine.

The house dogs are thriving. Sophie seems to have perked up considerably with 'the potion' as has Clementine. Patti is doing very well. Nobody has given these girls the message that they are either old or ill. Sophie decided that hamburger and a garlic cheese finger (yes we buy them from the pizza restaurant) were adequate for breakfast. Dinner was potatoes (not a favourite but able to be choked down if in the right combination) and chicken. The little crew were delighted with the daily routine. They enjoy the days that Tom is here and look forward to his talking with them as they go in and out on their deck. Piper made the mistake of going into the kennel at feeding time and was fed there with - dogs! She had to tell Lee about that grievous error all evening, crawling up in Lee's lap and looking her in the eye. Drama is Piper's best thing. Lori has developed a new position in the kitchen. She sits with her back against a cupboard door or even the lower oven, leans back and spreads her legs. We are quite certain that she is pregnant and that this is her pregnancy pose.

Dinner was roast pork, potatoes, peas and gravy - a Ken favourite. Dessert was the chocolate mousse and there were smiles all around. And tomorrow will unfold as it will . . .

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tatamagouche, a building project and Superbowl Sunday

Sundays are interesting and this was no exception. Having made chocolate mousse, we were ready for a trip to visit Shelagh even though the weather forecast was not great. She is well, has had a lovely new hair cut and is enjoying her books on tape. Having left early to be ahead of bad weather, Chantelle and Lee were back in time for Chantelle to pack Ken up and take the van for a spin to the local hardware stores. For the next few hours, there was a new project that required a saw - they don't get better than that. As far as we can tell, no project is worth its' salt without a saw. By dinnertime, the jump was finished. It is now kitchen art - and Lee is pretty certain that it wasn't really built for her so perhaps it will move to a new home in the near future.

Sophie, Charlie and Lola are managing number four yard. Sophie is thrilled with the visitors - they love the yard and she is showing them all of the ins and outs of Airedale-dom. Charlie doesn't have the heart to tell her he has been here in February for years. Mischka has number two and approves that position since it gives him friends on either side. He is a social Old English at an advanced age and is in good voice on these cold February days. Charlie and Lola are still one way Airedales. They have determined that they must be walked one way to their yard - each a different way. Lola has explored her environment a bit and is thinking that bonding with the remainder of the Regalridge dogs is a fun adventure. Dossen the Bernese is a character. Having been given charge of number three yard, there was a glint in that eye and a bum up front down 'the game is on' invitation to Chantelle to come for a good Bernese game. Dossen won, of course.

The house dogs are fine. It was an early evening because of the Superbowl and the den was wall to wall dog beds with Airedales stretched out on every one of them. Piper felt an overpowering need to get something going so took a run at Billy's crate at one point through the evening - that didn't go over so well with the people and Piper was advised that there are runs in the kennel. The look in her eyes was speculative. Patti and Sophie are doing great - Sophie and Clem are enjoying the potion and Patti likes company in her special treats. The little crew were tickled with all of the laps available during the Superbowl and took advantage of all of us. Chantelle lasted through the kick off and the initial drive down that field. Having Ken explain the arrows on the field and their reappearance in different places every few seconds was enough for her. Waiving dessert, the parade was off to the upstairs region.

Dinner was Superbowl food. Chantelle's dictum is that it isn't a party without chip and dip so that materialized, followed by chicken wings, a fresh vegetable tray with the best snap peas imaginable, homemade blue cheese dip, homemade baguette made with dark beer (outstanding), a succession of ranch dips and hot sauces and Kelly's coffee ice cream for dessert for those who lasted. And we move on to a new week . . .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The kitchen was as busy as the grooming room

Week ends are busy times and this one is no exception. Chantelle had company to support her grooming habit - and we aren't sure that Karen is any less addicted than Chantelle. Everyone worked on Anjin, then everyone worked on Atlas in preparation for his upcoming rendez vous. Ken bounced between the kennel and the house, pulling hair and managing dogs with equal determination. Lee spent the day with the dogs in the kitchen. Nick supported her activities well as did Lori, Charlotte, Piper, Patti, Sophie, Clem and the little crew. May commented that vegetables were few and far between - she loves her raw vegetables that escape from the counter. By afternoon we had homemade bread in fougasse form with caramelized onion, Havarti and kielbasa, blueberry-lemon coffee cake. Karen joined us to move some of the food along. We ate and laughed - always a good combination.

The kennel was busy with people coming and going. Sophie is delighted to report that she has Airedale company again. Charlie and Lola arrived for the month and are learning the ropes a la Sophie. Charlie and Lola have determined that the trap doors are one way only. One will go out and the other will come in but neither will go both ways and the alternate has to be walked on a leash. At the moment, Lola and Sophie are bonding to the exclusion of poor Charlie. He will be included in the games eventually. Folks came to see the kennel in preparation for leaving their Parson Russell next month. Chantelle enjoyed showing them around and Atlas enjoyed posing for them.

The housedogs are happy and well fed. Patti and Sophie are thriving. Patti enjoyed chicken with garlic sauce. Sophie preferred hamburger and couldn't choke it down from the china plate today, preferring to eat straight from her dog bed. Gotta love Sophie and her whims - once you figure them out.

Dinner was Chantelle's favourite - ribs, roasted potatoes and chocolate mousse. The rest of us enjoy it as well. Things settled easily mid-evening and it is on to another day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Budwig Protocol is the topic of conversation

It is still cold and the city beckoned. The pilgrimage to Costco followed trip one of two to our patient veterinarian. Atlas is to offer up his services to a lovely American Airedale so we thought a trip to see Eric would be wise in advance of the assignation. Atlas was not so sure. We departed with instructions to 'find a suitable damsel' and to return. Off we went to Costco - no damsels there but then we didn't enquire at the service desk either - Ken just wouldn't ask . . . Van replete, we moved on to lunch with Reg and tracked down the great Jack Carroll. Tilly arrived to perk Atlas up and all was well. Another job done. Then it was the post office, Sobeys and home. Chantelle was off to Agility so Scout was buffed and shined and the wagging tail under Chantelle's arm said he was ready to offer up his version of the dog sport. An interesting Costco anecdote - the early item going to the packer was the flax oil for the potion. The fellow packing said "I take this every day" - Lee's response - "It's for the dog". Not to be put off, the fellow noted "It is great stuff - is she well?" Lee replied "No, she has cancer". The fellow replied "So have I - I have leukemia and have had for four years." Then both of us had a good chat about the Budwig protocol. This man is convinced that it saved his life. His particular form of leukemia is uncommon in men his age (he is young) so the treatments are neither plentiful nor are they considered highly effective. So he determined to develop his own treatment in addition to the medical offerings. He bought a juicer and drinks carrot juice in quantity, began the flax regimen, is now at level one of the cancer diagnosis and feeling great. This was his first day back at Costco in several years and we were his first customer.

The kennel is moving along nicely. Trebia and Sophie held the fort in the big yard, despite the cold. They are both looking forward to a warm up this week end.

The housedogs are fine. The potion is being eaten happily, Patti has energy to burn and Sophie is eating well. The little characters are bouncing along, happy with laps as they become available. Piper played her game and found all of her Pupperoni - she loves her game and can hardly wait for bedtime. Nick was underwhelmed that Atlas took his spot in the vehicle that left the drive so needed a lot of attention through the evening - and made the most of it as he parked next to whoever he picked, glaring at young Atlas the whole time. Atlas worships Nick and is still trying to figure what he did wrong.

Dinner was Chinese from our great little Chinese restaurant in the village. From Lemon Chicken to General Tsao, all was delicious - and no dishes! And the week end unfolds.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Adventures in Virginia

Thursday's weather mimicked the rest of the week - jeepers it's cold outside. The dogs are not amused and all you can see of Ken is his nose by the time he readies himself to walk to the garage or the kennel. The Project is progressing. The upstairs hall is done, the downstairs bathroom is almost complete and we move forward. It looks great. Linda had an adventure in Virginia yesterday. During her evening phone call, she recounted the story of little Maggie Welsh deciding that she would take a tour. When opportunity knocked during the taking out of the recycling, Maggie trotted out the door and out of the front yard. Keep in mind that Maggie has been diagnosed with bladder cancer and has been having chemo therapy for the past year, you recognize that this little dog is determined. For the first time in her decade long life, she decided that she would take a tour of the neighbourhood - without Linda. Off she went, over the icy, slick roads and through the snow (yes, in Richmond Virginia) down the busy Brandermill Parkway and turning up Mill Ridge Parkway in the center of the slippery, rutted road with Linda in hot pursuit. Maggie was suffering a bout of amnesia and completely forgot both her name and the command "come", moving at a determined pace on her way to who knows where with nary a glance back. Linda (remember, she is a retired school principal) was behind Maggie with her two feet somewhat less efficient than Maggie's four, but also in the middle of the road because nobody was going to get past her to hit Maggie. The first person to stop was a young man who parked his vehicle to help. Another car coming in the opposite direction was flagged and as Maggie moved on by, the man opened the back door of his car, called the little Welsh (who is always happy to meet a new friend) and held her until Linda reached him. That was a milestone in the adventure. Linda had the slightly rotund little dog back, had no leash and a mile or so to go to get Maggie home (Arnold Schwartzenegar would be challenged to carry Maggie a few feet). The young man came to the fore again and offered to drive the two home - Linda relieved and Maggie darned proud of herself. Ya gotta love Welsh.

Sophie is bouncing along. Her new playmate is the Cirneco - an almost hairless dog who doesn't approve of the cold temperatures. She comes when called at speed and Sophie follows s fast as she is able. She appears to be trying to figure out how those skinny little legs get such impressive forward momentum.

The house dogs are fine - Sophie is not impressed by either green beans (freshly cooked) or baked sweet potato. She choked down some baked chicken but is truly holding out for hamburger or beef tenderloin. She is in meat mode. Patti had spaghetti on her food and is happy as a clam. Her energy level is incredibly improved with the addition of the potion so her time since her diagnosis has been positive, a true blessing.

Dinner was a winter full meal - roast pork with gravy, potatoes, peas and roasted carrots with gingerbread for dessert. It was a good meal, all was well at the end of this cold day and we are on to another adventure tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Of steakhouse meals and Projects not yet finished

Well, it's still cold and the birds are eating us out of house and home. It appears that the Hants County birds have advised Colchester County's avian population that the grub is good at Regalridge. We could make a movie featuring mourning doves, crows, blue jays, chickadees, grackles, woodpeckers and pheasants. Perhaps calling James Cameron would be a good move. We'll think about that. The Project moved forward. The upstairs hall is lovely-with the cream paint opening the space beautifully. It may never get completed but the progress sure is impressive. The day in the office sorted through a mass of CKC paperwork for Lee and Ken did the hunting and gathering run to the village. He and the postmistress are becoming close friends.

The kennel is quiet and ticking along with Sophie holding the fort, eating well and getting her exercise at will. The rest are happy to follow Sophie's lead; if Sophie decides it is time to go out, everyone wants to go out. If Sophie decides it's time to snooze, snooze it is for the rest as well. A benevolent dictator is our Sophie.

The housedogs are fine and continue to enjoy the fire. The beds are rarely not filled these days and only Clint, Georgie and Atlas are content to play Airedale games in the big yard. Nick went to the village so was pleased with himself and Patti and Piper slept in the big bedroom, with Patti still in good voice leading the morning song - at 5:30. Ken really enjoyed that. Our Patti is likely to be repatriated to Chantelle's room tomorrow night.

Chantelle was in Windsor for a board meeting so Lee and Ken were on their own for dinner. Tenderloins on the bar b que, onions, baked potato, brussel sprouts as Jo prepares them in a cream and nutmeg boil all added up to a steakhouse dinner that would have made Hy's proud. Ken organized the kennel to have everyone happy to be in bed early and the movie channel offered up the Hank Williams story - a cold night movie that seemed to work. And we look forward to another bright and cold day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Shubenacadie Sam surfaced

Well, Shubenacadie Sam saw his shadow and it's another 6 weeks of winter. And who didn't know that?! It's cold, it's February and it's Canada - not rocket science, Mr Groundhog. That doesn't stop us from living, though. There are birthdays to acknowledge in February, the post office to keep solvent, appointments to be kept and food to be hunted and gathered. All was accomplished and more and life rolled on.

The kennel is quiet but warm and the dogs are comfortable. They don't want to go out much in this cold period so are in and out regularly and exercising during the periods when the sun is out to add a little brightness if not a lot of warmth. It's funny how we feel warmer when we can see the sun.

The little characters are happy to have London back. She enjoys leading the charge and Ken is determined to subvert her engagement of the others in all things that need to be announced. So far, London is winning. The Airedales are happy on their many beds in the den, with the fire going and CNN keeping them up to date on world affairs. It there is a test, Charlotte is a likely candidate to bring home the prize. Sophie is sleeping through most broadcasts as far as we can tell but you never know with the old girls; they take in more than we realize, I suspect. Nick lobbied to go to the store with Lee but Ken put the brakes on that thought, lecturing Nick on the dangers of cold weather - Lee departed to Ken's dulcet tones giving Nick lecture number 46 on the impact of cold weather on Airedales.

Dinner was a quick affair - a lovely salad and the chicken Normande. Everything settled early and it's on to our next adventure . . .

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter is almost over - it's February

Winter is almost over! February is the last full month of winter - remember, March 21 is spring. And baby, it's cold outside. The pantry is a refrigerator room - an interesting concept and one that works for Lee in its' own way. The day was full of jobs well done. The Project progressed upstairs and everything has been removed from the upstairs hall in readiness for paint. Chantelle was in shock when she returned home and couldn't find her overflow parking area at the end of the hall. Ken likes the spare and uncluttered look - who knew! He'll get over that quickly, we're pretty sure. Doors were painted and the trim is well underway. That means the hall could be back in business by the middle of the month. Lee spent most of the morning communing with the Rogers Blackberry voices. Email has not worked on the Blackberry since December, even with the best efforts of the Bayers Lake Rogers folks. Several hours and a lot of discussion later, the little machine is back in fighting form (and the Blackberry owned by the Rogers disembodied voice is no longer working - what goes around . . .) In between Rogers calls and calls to John (God love that boy) more marmalade came to fruition (couldn't help myself). That is the end of the many pounds of perfect oranges procured by Cheryl T. There has never been the amount of juice in the oranges that was seen this year nor have we ever seen two such perfectly matched bags of oranges - both were exactly four pounds - Cheryl is a marvel of precision and efficiency in orange selection and doesn't seem to have the adventures Lee had when attempting to purchase the Sevilles.

The kennel is doing well. Ruff departed in the afternoon and all is well in the world of the other inhabitants. Sophie sends her parents her best regards and has developed a new game now that Lori has come back to the house. Chantelle is again the target but we expect she will meet Trebia the Cirneco tomorrow. Georgie had her usual trimming with Chantelle and in return tried to save Chantelle from the creature that was winding its' way around her neck. Chantelle goes airborne when that Airedale puppy gets the end of that scarf and it happens very regularly. Saves on shoe leather, we reckon.

The housedogs are doing well - Patti enjoying her potion and Sophie eating her meals on a china plate this week. The little critters were happy to rest in front of the fire much of the cold day. The Airedales were in and out, out and in and were restive with the cold weather curtailing their natural exuberance. Nick declined the opportunity to go grocery shopping with Ken - a rare decision and a comment on the cold.

Dinner was another winter specialty - spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread and Caesar salad and gingerbread. We all approved. And it's on to tomorrow . . .

Monday, February 1, 2010

The end of January has arrived

It was a week end day and lots happening. Chantelle was off and running early with a car full of soup, cooking implements, gear and a little dog hanging on for dear life. She was helping with the ATA Match so wanted to be at Fetch at the start of the morning. That worked. Ken was going in later with more food for the canteen, more dogs and his cares and woes. He delivered little Kirby to his owners, went to the Match, provided Cathy with more cooking implements and more food and stayed for the Conformation Match. All went well and both came home after a busy day. Lee held the fort at home with lots of dogs and the well managed kitchen. ,Linda phoned late to bring us up to date on the Virginia winter - more heavy snow and as cold as it is here, not weather any Southerner would welcome. She says there is a run on shovels and she reckons she can sell hers for more than her property is worth. Her discussion of the mechanics of plowing in the South is hilarious - and left Ken scratching his head in confusion. The effort expended does not appear equal to the output achieved in any text that our engineer has read!

The kennel is quiet as is usual in late January. Sophie is looking after her yard with Lori as company. Ruff is looking after his yard and the rest are assisting as best they can. Chantelle continued her adventures in the big yards - this time a la Georgie and Clint. Going out to bring them in, she didn't notice that Georgie was picking her pocket until the subtle rattle of her 23 pounds of keys came to her attention. The keys were saved; unfortunately they were the second item on the twins agenda. Her mittens were putting on miles in the mouth of the two puppies with Chantelle chasing while they dodged and feinted. The game eventually came to an end with Chantelle feeling for a brief moment that she was victorious - until she looked at those two laughing faces and realized that they had decided the game was over for the night.

Patti and Sophie are eating well and running around like the lunatics they can be on occasion. Sohpie had meals of tenderloin, garlic cheese fingers and milkbones and pronounced Lee a great cook. Patti preferred hamburger and was rewarded with freshly cooked burger on both meals - a great day in our Patti's world. The little crew are as bad and busy as ever. London is lobbying to come back to the house, thinking she is out of season. Lori is nodding in agreement so there may be a repatriation by tomorrow.

Dinner was a winter affair with Chicken Normande and gingerbread with a maple glaze. We didn't suffer. The chicken was superb - cubed coated and sauteed, then covered by parsnips and peas followed by a brandy sauce and finally the topping of mashed apple and potato. And you can't beat gingerbread on a cold winter night. Tomorrow is February and the start of a new week. We look forward to it.


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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