Summer days

Summer days

Regalridge Kennel

Monday, April 16, 2012

A busy Sunday

All is well at Regalridge and the weather continues to be the lead story.  It was a clear and pleasant day, cooling off as the afternoon wore down.  Fog season has arrived.  The people of Regalridge were in high gear, working to settle the property prior to the departure of the Regalridgemobile.  Our Ken worked on opening the gardens, sorting the various beds and welcoming his bushes for another season.  Burlap has departed and the rose bushes are showing signs of growth.  The rhododendrons are well as are the cedars.   As for the magnolia, time will tell.  Our Ken has also set his live trap.  It appears the raccoon from the fall has found his way back to the feeders.  That is an issue on many fronts.  With luck, he will be collected and deposited elsewhere.  Last fall, his departure occurred as a result of a good shower with the hose.  He appears not to approve of bathing.  A Luddite raccoon if there ever was one.  With day break, the birds continue to be busy at the feeders.  June dropped by with treats for Patti and Chantelle settled in to trim a dog or two.  She managed to leave with only minor injuries. 

The kennel ticks along with Savannah and Dewey keeping Scarlett company.  All are happily enjoying the big yards and the Regalridge hospitality. 

The house dogs are well and bright.  All seem pleased with the weather, pleased with the routine and delighted that spring is so clement.  Charlotte is settling into her holes, dug strategically for her snoozing pleasure.  She has one in each yard and pity help the canine that even glances at one while in Charlotte's presence.  It was the day to apply tick treatment so up on the table each dog hopped and off each went, thinking good thoughts.  Billy's hair cut progresses and his plan to accompany the travellers moves forward. 

Meals were plentiful as usual.  Dinner was mac and cheese with grilled sausages - a bit decadent and approved by all, including Patti who benefited nicely.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another lovely spring day arrives

The Spring weather continues to be applauded from all quarters.  The crocus are valiantly blooming- not early but with gay abandon.  The tulips are also on schedule.  The fact that the weather is warmer than usual has been mitigated by the reasonable amounts of rain and nights at the freezing point.  This has maintained the flowers on their normal timing - a good thing.  The trees generally leaf out on the long week end in May.  The birds remain at the feeders.  While the purple finch have carried on to their breeding grounds in Newfoundland, the gold finch have stayed to join the grackles, song sparrows, chickadees, , doves, crows, jays and the large flock of evening grosbeaks.  It was a busy day at Regalridge with work being done on fencing, dogs losing hair on grooming tables at great speed, the house being readied for the next trip away and the odd trip to the village for supplies.  The meat market offered up some plunder and the fruitstand will open this week so is being stocked.  It is a busy little corner of the world these days.  The hi light of the day is the weather station project.  Aging nicely in its box, this Christmas present finally has been put into play, with the moving of the outdoor feature from place, to place, to place, to place . . . 

The kennel is quiet.  Savannah and Dewey are in residence and settled nicely into their usual routine.  Sarah is suspicious that her run is being examined for reinforcement that may just keep her contained.  The plot thickens.  Trebia just laughs - why would a dog want to be anywhere but at Regalridge in Trebia's opinion. 

The house dogs loved the full complement of people on the property.  Sarah and Alex are perennial favourites, the dogs trail around behind them in a steady stream.  Little Abigail has expanded her horizons, trotting along behind the kids as they check the various yards.  Those little Norwich legs are getting a good workout, with Abigail certain that she will be carried if she pastes her pitiful look on sufficiently well.  June and Chantelle pulled hair in the kennel and appeared content with their progress on show dogs and pets alike.  Little Mason was in residence for a visit as was Viola-The-Good.  Our Ken trimmed Marguerite to keep her in coat until the return of the Regalridgemobile early in May.  She is expanding daily, is still a bit queasy in the food department and appears to be carrying a nice litter.  There was an event that did not appeal to the dogs at all as the evening progressed.  A loud and constant series of firecrackers were used in close proximity to the property, a cause of great consternation for the house dogs.  Occasionally the thought of living further from civilization is appealing. 

Meals were frequent and plentiful.  There were Chantelle's favourite maple scones mid-morning; a medley of the meat market's homemade sausages were grilled at noon and ribs on offer for dinner.  Our Ken approved all. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Warm weather is in the offing

Spring continues its winning ways.  It was a good day - cool and eventually bright, heralding a week of warm weather to come.  The dogs approve.  Our Ken is less positive (go figure) fussing that the people of Regalridge will be on a road trip during tulip time.  The  crocus are bravely blooming at present and the trees are in bud, the grass is beginning to green and the tulip leaves are well up.  Shrubs have had their winter coats removed and we live in hope that the new magnolia wintered well.  The news in Halifax is Titanic.  Network anchors are here from around the world - little do they know that this is not our usual weather, sun equivalent or temperature.  Confound the world is the East Coast motto and it is notable this month.  Lee is somewhat confounded by the worship of mankind of all things disastrous and the corresponding less than exuberant celebration of electricity or the PT Cruiser.  Where have we gone wrong? 

The kennel is settling after a very busy few weeks.  Even Miss Scarlett has gone home for the week end.  Trebia has a new coat - a lovely black padded affair that will be fashionable for the winter of 2013.  Billy awaits his multi-stage haircut process since there has been a dictum that there will be no road travel without his looking spiffy. 

The house dogs are well and happy.  The ground is ripe for the digging and Miss Charlotte is just the girl to accommodate the need for strategic potholes in the lawns.  Piper is simply happy to have Lee in residence and trails after her as closely as is possible.  Gabe is growing and thriving, keeping the party alive in the yards and in charge of all things active.  Scooter is enjoying the rites of spring and her access to the big exercise yards.  Her ball skills are much more impressive in a half acre. 

Dinner continues to be baked ham - this time accompanied by party potatoes, a fresh tomato salad and creamed corn (a Ken staple).  Dessert appears to have been Easter eggs . . . 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hi Ho Hi Ho

There were early April showers as the Regalridgemobile departed the property for a trip to the South shore.  Collecting Chantelle in Kennetcook (an adventure in itself), it was on to Digby and parts South with requisite stops for the weak among us.  Lunch with Bob and Luella is always a hi light of the trip and this was no exception.  Seafood is bountiful and fabulous in this area - there were scallops that melt in your mouth and fish perfectly presented, clams and everything in between.   It is a twelve hour adventure door to door and timing was excellent - Our Ken sees to that.  Toys were gathered for the imminent arrivals and talking toys were included for the trip South to torture Linda - Remus loves toys that talk and this Elmo may be the most annoying yet. 

The kennel ticks along.  Kobe is enjoying his visit, his pals and the change in environment.  Young Airedales have boundless energy and think the world is their oyster so his 'wahoo where's the party' attitude is no surprise.  Scarlett is looking askance at this youngster and shakes her head as he kicks his heels over his ears on the way to the exercise yards.  Liard and Bella have departed to Marguerite is in charge of all things Regalridge.  She loves the power and wields it with alacrity.  Her puppies are incubating nicely and Marguerite's girth is becoming impressive. 

The house dogs are happily ticking along.  Piper was not amused that Billy went with the people while she had to rest on her laurels at home.  Still, there was that little issue of having your nose out of joint and missing the bedroom run so annoyance was short lived.  Billy enjoyed his day off of the property, his walks on the South shore and the change in sea air. 

Meals were provided and the seafood theme in evidence.  All is well . . .

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter week end comes to an end with a bang

Easter Monday brought slightly warmer weather. the departure of the snow and marginally happier dogs.  Lots of activity ensued as the house was readied for a birthday party.  For some reason, that included the thorough cleaning and refurbishing of the outdoor grill - not being used but on Our Ken's List.  The newly arrived Easter wine glasses were polished and readied, the table extended to accommodate a small crowd and the birthday decorations applied to many vertical as well as horizontal surfaces.  Birthdays are, after all, a big deal!  The spring birds were busy - the purple finch remain for the present, the gold finch are here and the winter birds are a bit put off by the interlopers.  The pair of little woodpeckers are busy on the suet cake.  And the entertainment continues. 

The kennel is reasonably quiet this week and coupled with good weather, was not a big job.  Miss Bella is in charge, tapping that little paw and issuing orders.  Sarah is not particularly amused but Scarlett returns soon and will hustle to Bella's beat.  Liard is in the double suite and very happy.  Ruff accompanies Sarah on her wanderings, enjoying her company and the access to the paddocks. 

The house crew love kitchen days.  There was plenty of activity and there were lots of dogs to supervise the comings and goings.  Piper stayed close, knowing that there was hope for treats at decent intervals.  Marilla began her day smuggling the little brown bear outside.  Patti was not amused,  appropriated it immediately and marched to her lair.  There are rules, after all.  Clementine packed to go home but at an increased pace.  Her mobility is improved even if her appetite is a little less robust.  She misses Chantelle and focuses on the gates until her return.  There was great relief when Chantelle surfaced at dinnertime; Clem's world returned to its balance. 

Dinner was birthday fare.  Margot and Margaret, Dawn, Jimmy and Chantelle joined the table to help manage the abundant food offerings. Nobody left hungry.  There were carrots in John's favourite maple syrup, snap peas and roast potatoes, gravy and prime rib.  There were two pies - lemon meringue and chocolate cream (Rocky Mountain chocolate from Pearson airport) and both were popular.  Liberal amounts of wine graced the new glasses and lots of laughter accompanied each course.  Birthdays really should come more often. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Bunny is an over achiever

Well, the Easter Bunny brought a lovely surprise - snow.  Piper would share her thoughts about the Bunny but they are not fit to print.  And it wasn't a little snow - it blanketed the area, cancelled churches, created accidents and caused general misery throughout the Maritimes.  There is often a late spring snow so it shouldn't have been a surprise but it certainly wasn't welcome.  By dinnertime, only the vestiges remained.  There is a lot of food at Regalridge.  Easter brought requirements and Our Ken had others.  Fortunately June was able to be convinced to come out so with the help of the residents, a dent was made.  And Piper was thrilled to have someone here who recognized her special-ness.  Yeah, right. 

There was lots of coming and going at the kennel.  Perhaps Easter Sunday should not be a coming and going day in future.  Still, the emptying out made an easier evening process with only Liard, Miss Bella and Ruff in residence to accompany Trebia and Sarah.  Bella continues to manage, noting that numbers do not dictate workload. 

The house crew hunkered down and enjoyed the heat of the lovely European stove in the den.  Clem had a spin and is moving more easily than on her arrival.  She is eating well and doing better overall - simply settling into the changed routine.  Patti eyes her with some suspicion, wondering where the 'old dog' came from.   There is a definite spring in Patti's step with Clem in residence - she always was a show off.  Rocky's patience is being tested by young Gabe - the puppy bounces, trails and simply dogs his every footstep.  And it is mud season.  The mop will soon be traded for a shovel if things don't dry up quickly. 

Meals were plentiful.  Our Ken looked for Easter breakfast so hot cross buns accompanied bacon and eggs with coffee from the best coffee maker in the world.  Lunch was pan fried scallops with grilled Na an and old cheddar - not bad.  Dinner was baked ham with grilled pineapple, party potatoes, fresh tomato casserole (rosemary, feta, chives, Shawnigan lake salt, olives, olive oil and cream of balsamic) and fresh green beans.  Dessert was lemon meringue pie.  Started early morning, the pie took the day but was a tradition of Lee's Mom so needed to happen.  Costco's lovely lemons at this time of year helped.  And we are on to Easter Monday . . .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Saturday and the adventures continue

It was a pleasant day, cool but less windy.  The dogs approved. And so did the birds.  Adding to the gold finch who had overwintered here, purple finch arrived today.  They are beautiful little birds and have moved up from the South on their way to their breeding grounds in Newfoundland.  Apparently the word is out that Regalridge grub is plentiful and the seed container is filled with Southern States peanut butter cakes.   Lee had hunting and gathering so Our Ken had the onerous job of tracking her movements.   Tom Clancy patterns his heroes on Our Ken.  There was a second trip, this time for the Regalridgemobile as the Schenk party departed with woofs and waves.  Dropping by the airport, owners were collected and on it went to the city to deposit the collection.  That quieted the kennel for a bit although Bella is missing her supporters.  The return of the native brought some garage juggling with fun on the tractor being played before supper.  It was garbage day because of the long week end holidays.  This week, the old dishwasher was toted to the curb.  Ken returned to the house chuckling.  This was late night activity in Hants county.  Garbage timing is a fine art - too early and the garbage police are not amused; too late and you miss collection.  So this was a late night foray to the end of the drive and out the gates.  Just as the dishwasher was unloaded from the cart, a pick up pulled up, several fellows tumbled out, surrounded the appliance and hoisted it to the top of the already precariously loaded truck bed.  It sat proudly at the top of the mountain, tied on with bits of twine.  Our Ken was highly amused as the enterprise moved on down the road. 

The kennel emptied of small dogs with the exception of Miss Bella.  Savannah and Dewey were repatriated mid-afternoon, delighted to see their owner.  Regis is happy to have the side of the kennel turned over to big dogs.  Liard shakes his head and walks sedately beside Ken at every opportunity, showing off his newly acquired manners.  Lacey is in residence for the week end and is enjoying the Labrador side of the kennel.  She is keeping the boys in line and proud of her efforts.  Ruff is enjoying his vacation as Ruff does.  Sarah is delighted to have him to play with.  Scarlett is away for the week end.  and little Bella runs the whole shootin' match. 

The house dogs are well and happy.  Piper has been assisting in the kitchen as her wont.  Marilla ably assists and finds the most central spot to ensure the most travelled area is in her purview.  Dolly surfaces when the aromas warrant and Charlotte appears periodically but with a more focused approach.  Charlotte is Jenny's daughter after all and knows her mind.  She marches rather than using the shuffle or saunter of the other Airedales when in the house.  Her march brings her to Lee in short order and with her front paw she hits Lee's leg - hard.  If that isn't immediately effective, she hits again and repeats this activity until a treat appears.  Lee seems to be Charlotte's version of a treat dispenser. 

Dinner was a baked ham with potato scallop - life could be worse.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bright and cool - winter coats still feel correct

Bright, breezy and cool - a normal spring day in NS.  Warming at dinnertime, the fire in the greatroom was banked after performing yeoman's service through the day.  Our Ken continues to tidy the yards and fields after a winter's moving about of nature's detritus.  Loads of branches, twigs and shingles (a nod to last year's project) trundle past the office window on a regular basis.  Easter week end has brought a flurry of kitchen activity with hot cross buns at the top of the list.  Time has to be on your side when this delicacy is in your plans.  From the sweet yeast dough through the rising and cooling, it is a day long effort.  The slight meltdown of the flying large container of baking powder did not help things along.  But then, Piper is now quite certain of her hallowe'en costume.  Continuing the adventure, as the rolls cooled and before the glaze crosses were applied, along came Dolly.  That long legged Miss now seems to feel she has the job of jester - taster extraordinaire and primary Regalridge thief at large!

The kennel is bustling.  Bella has her paw pointed, with feeling, and Zeus and Crockett act as Sergeants At Arms.  Bella approves that role.  Scarlett is closest to this consortium and remains amazed at the antics of the little dogs.  She hasn't, however, asked that one be added to her Christmas stocking.  Ruff is delighted to be in residence and is enjoying the company of the Airedales and Trebia.  Now, Trebia is looking for Barrett - his arrival was promised and she is a bit pouty this holiday week end.  Margaret and Shillelagh are packing - that seems to focus them a bit; we will but extra suitcases for future visits.  Regis is active and bouncing.  Lots of energy in this Labrador.  Liard shows off his new manners with alacrity - Our Ken is mighty impressed.   Savannah and Dewey are well and happy - keeping the big dogs in line as only Welsh can. 

The house dogs are enjoying the weather and the kitchen activity, perhaps not in that order.   Piper's baking powder experience did give her pause and reason to find a new place to park.  Clem is in residence and seems to enjoy the food.  She is elderly with the associated issues of very old dogs but doesn't miss a meal and certainly knows her mind.  Patti continues to thrive - long live the makers of Glyco-Flex.  Gabe is Rocky's shadow - an odd combination at best and one that Rocky would as soon be terminated asap. 

Dinner was a Good Friday affair.  Lobster was surrounded by Caesar Salad and artichoke bruschetta.  Creme Caramel finished off the meal and all is well in NS according to Our Ken . . .

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cool and damp weather - it's spring in NS

Early spring returned.  The weather was nippy, windy and grey.  Now that's the spring we know.  Our Ken had appointments and errands so the Regalridgemobile departed early.  That left Lee to man the ramparts.  With dogs coming and going and the regular work on-going, it was plenty busy.  Remembering a Caesar Salad in the offing, the cell was called to add anchovy paste to the list.  Hours later, the call returned - "they don't have anchovy spice"  'paste, Ken, anchovy paste'  "No, I asked and there is no anchovy spice - do you want anything else?"  'Ken, it's anchovy paste - with the cheese at the back of the store'  "I asked and there is no anchovy spice at either store"  'P - A - S - T - E'  "Well, why did you ask for spice, then?  They showed me the paste but I said you wanted spice"  And that, ladies and gentlemen is my life in a nutshell . . .

The kennel is rocking.  Bella is firmly in control backed up by the Norwich who are in awe of her abilities.  Crockett is virtually speechless and is storing up all he has learned from the three pound trouble maker.  Zeus smirks - if you haven't seen a Norwich smirk, it's worth the price of admission.  Scarlett watches Bella closely and seems highly supportive.  Sarah, perhaps, not so much.  Wee Margaret and Shillelagh are on the West side of the kennel, watching carefully to ensure the boys don't leave before they do - little chance of that by the way.  Regis with his long legs and enthusiasm is doing just fine.  He enjoys the yards and the other dogs.  Ruff arrived and settled in with his harem on the East side - Sarah was delighted to see him again.  Liard continues in his gentlemanly ways - we wonder where the real Liard has gone but are enjoying the Liard Hyde.  Savannah and Dewey are firmly established, happy to have adjoining space and take boarding in their stride. 

The house dogs are ticking along.  Patti is enjoying Clem's arrival - Clem makes her look young and Patti knows that.  If Clem goes out, Patti accompanies her, just to gloat, we're pretty sure.  Clem doesn't give a hoot.  She is focused on getting to the gate and waiting for Chantelle, the most loyal of dogs.  Coming back in to a bed for a rest, she returns to sentry duty at the first opportunity.  Patti plays with her toys in the yard, shaking her head at Clem's statue pose.  Marilla had a day of trying to make life softer.  Scratching the bottom of any metal crate available, that didn't quite suit so the dog beds were next to be fluffed.  Not content yet, it was up to the sofa - and was disabused of that notion much to her disgust.  Getting things in shape is just not easy these days. 

Our Ken approved dinner.  There was a marinated, fried chicken, potatoes, fresh asparagus and a tomato salad followed by Creme Caramel.  And off we go

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sun and warm days bring green grass

The weather continues to be the news story.  Buds are ahead of schedule, pollen is in evidence and the days are warm.  While there is concern to our South of drought conditions, all is well here with a normal water table and full wells on the property.  Our Ken is sorting the property.  Now, considering that this was the activity of choice for November and December, this is a conundrum.  Still, the tractor is busy, there are loads of brush being carted around and the man is happy as a clam - perhaps it is the autumn brush and simply going for a ride . . . 

The kennel is bustling.  Sadie departed with a Labrador wave and a message to Trebia.  The Schenk crew are perking along with the Norwich the stars of that show - a first without question.  Bella has her white hat firmly perched on her little head and is in command of everything.  The little Shih Tzu is the hero of Scarlett's world.  Sarah is not so easily amused.  Liard is doing well and receiving kudos for his gentlemanly behaviour on his walks.  Savannah and Dewey are happily keeping each other company.  Regis is settled in, enjoying the activity and looking to be where the action is. 

The house crew are thriving in the warm weather.  Charlotte is enjoying the mud potential in every shady spot and looks more like a little Bouvier than an Airedale.  This is Dolly's favourite season, cool but clement.  She would stay outside all day and night if possible.  Patti, too, is enamoured of the sun on the yard and looks longingly at her favourite sun spots as she is encouraged inside and off of the damp, still cold ground.  Marilla is on her toes, in trouble every other minute and loving it.  With a stuffed toy in her mouth, she greets the day and it is off to the next adventure.  Gabe notes that this is his favourite season, but then every season is his favourite season. 

Dinner was spring fare - grilled lamb chops, Lee's mint jelly, baked potatoes with fresh chives, squash and brussel sprouts.  Dessert was cream puffs.  All is well. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Winds are impressive in early April in NS

Bring on spring.  While there are years in Atlantic Canada where spring is conspicuously absent, in 2012 we are having a real and wonderful spring.  On this day, it was accompanied by winds that roughed up the lakes and even Halifax Harbour - an impressive sight that reminds us of the power of our ubiquitous water area.   It was a day to sort through appointments and necessities so the Regalridgemobile zipped off to the village and on to the city.  Costco is now empty so save your pennies and let them restock.  Lunch with Reg at Jim's gave the opportunity to admire the whitecaps on Bedford Basin - something not seen all that frequently and always impressive.   Chantelle stopped by to assist Lee with computer processes, resulting in the addition of information to the e-reader - let's hear it for the next generation!  Amazing what they can accomplish.

The kennel is busy and ably managed by little Bella.  Scarlett continues to be amazed by her firm control and gazes at the little fluffy dog in wonder.  Sarah shakes her head.  Wee Margaret and Shillelagh encourage Bella's attitude - like she needs encouragement.  Zeus and Crockett would like to be shed of all females and are plotting revenge, hopefully saved for their owner's return.  Sadie is packing but will miss her spins with Trebia.  Liard is enjoying his walks to and from the big yards - a first for Liard.

The house dogs are well and happy.  Piper is so relieved to have Lee home that she can barely keep her eyes open.  Abigail is playing happily and jumping around corners to get a game going.  Patti is doing well, pleased with the warm temperatures and her opportunity to spend more time outside.  Charlotte echoes Patti's pleasure in warmer weather, preferring to be outside every possible moment.  Gabe is simply Gabe, not noticing that there is anything different since every day is a good day.

Dinners have returned to normal to Our Ken's delight.  On this day it was ham with new potatoes in herb butter, asparagus with asiago, fresh tomato casserole with rosemary and balsamic glaze and grilled pineapple.  Cream puffs for dessert.  And on we go . . .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The return of the native

Regalridge is ticking along.  Lee was in Ontario at meetings for several days; Our Ken held the fort with some considerable assistance from a crowd of supporters.  Chantelle came and went between partying, with the alpha male noting that she held her head a lot on Sunday . . .  June arrived to torture Chantelle and to beef up the Sunday numbers.  Alex and Sarah pitched in as well so the property was buzzing by all reports.  Our Ken cooked for the crowd - interesting turn of events. 

The kennel is full.   There are Airedales and Welsh, Norwich and Labradors, Shih Tzu and mixes large and small.  The Schenk crowd is partying hard.  Crockett and Zeus have improved their housekeeping - a miracle.  The girls, on the other hand, are the girls.  Shillelagh is trying to comply with some rules, if only those she has set.  Wee Margaret- well . . .  None have missed a meal.  Sadie the Shepherd mix requires company so has bonded with Trebia and is happy to have a friend.  Regis enjoys conversation and shares his thoughts freely, happiest when assisting with any people chores.  Liard has a set of Regalridge rules and tricks including his favourite pose and feint.   His best accomplishment, though, is walking on the lead - no more shoulder repairs needed in spite of his impressive girth.  Little Bella is in charge of everything in all of her five pound  splendour.  Scarlett is fascinated by her little highness and could hardly wait to get back into the kennel to see that sight that makes her rub her Airedale eyes. 

All is well with the house dogs.  Jack is enjoying the lovely spring weather.  The boys are settling now that the girls are no longer in season.  Marguerite has returned to her usual ways and is percolating her babies.  Piper is so relieved to see Lee home that she is shaking with pleasure.  Lee is not to be out of her sight at any time.  Marilla was full of stories to tell - all of them upbeat and requiring Lee's full attention as Marilla hit her legs to maintain appropriate focus.  Billy had to sit in Lee's lap just to reassert his positioning and Piper almost lost her mind - she had settled on Lee's feet to ensure they didn't up and leave without her notice, not even considering that anyone would contemplate sitting in that lap.  Abigail had to have many games of "Gonna get you', bouncing up and down and scooting to ensure adequate laughter ensued.  And Gabe queried whether Lee had, indeed, been missing, noting that he thought there was something different but couldn't quite put his paw on what it had been. 

Meals - well, they must have happened and the detritus supports that theory. 


Just to say "Thank You" to everyone at Regalridge for looking after our quirky Lord Tippy!

Loved the blogs and pictures. Still going through the honeymoon period at the moment - have a feeling tomorrow's going to be our day of punishment!

We will be attending a wedding in June, so when we've got dates, I will be in touch for Tippy and his mobile palace to be booked in again.

Once again thank you very much for taking care of him. You have really put my mind at rest, that I can now go on holiday and leave him somewhere safe.

Helen & Nick

Anjin says:

I miss my pals KC and Winnie. My mom tells me that my manners have improved since I came home. I am more patient with them; something about sitting still longer for hugs & kisses. Thank you KC & Winnie for teaching me some good tricks.PS: Special face licks to all the Reagalridge humans who made my stay so special.Keep my bed warm;


I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful love and care you provided for my 'babies'. They are quite tired after all their 'management' and I never thought Lilly could get
tired . It is a wonderful feeling when you can leave your dogs and know they are well loved and cared for.

I hope all goes well with the remodeling and your gardening. I am sure we will speak again.

Warm Regards,

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my dog stay?
It is important to know what your dog’s temporary living space will be like. Dogs are housed in individual runs. There is an inner section within a heated building and an outer section protected by a roof. There is a trap door to separate the two sections. This door is closed at night and controlled in the winter in order to keep the inside of the kennel warm and cozy. The roof over the runs allows the dogs to be outside even during bad weather while keeping them dry.

Will my dog be walked?
We find that walking the dogs is unnecessary as we have four large exercise yards, which allow the dogs to have daily exercise. The dogs are out in the yards a minimum of three times a day (morning, mid-afternoon and evening) to allow them to exercise and do their business. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What will my dog eat?
Boarding can be stressful for your dog, even if he/she is accustomed to it. A change in diet can add to the stress on his/her body, possibly resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing your dog’s regular food is the best way to prevent this. As long as your dog does not have a sensitive stomach than he/she can eat the meals provided, we feed various Purina brands. Every evening the dogs enjoy a dog biscuit before settling down for the night.

Will my dog be allowed to interact with other dogs?
We offer daily sessions where the dogs are permitted to play together in our exercise yards. As long as your dog gets along with other dogs than we will allow him/her to play with other dogs staying with us. Sometimes one of our resident dogs enjoys the opportunity to visit with our guests.

What happens if my dog becomes sick or injured?
Depending on the severity of the illness/injury, we will make all efforts to contact the owner to notify you that we are concerned about your dog and want to take him/her to the vet. We prefer to take him/her to our vet as we have a long-standing relationship with him.

How much is this going to cost?
Part of planning for a vacation includes budgeting for your dog’s accommodations. We charge for the first day no matter what time the dog arrives but will not charge for the day your dog leaves as long as it is before 12 noon. As most of the time is spent with your dog during daylight hours, you will be charged by the day. Please contact us for the current rates at (902) 883-1494.

Will my dog get dirty?
Probably…unfortunately your dog may not come home as clean as when you left him/her. We put the dogs outside for regular playtimes and sometimes (like children) it is a lot of fun to kick up dirt and mud. You can request that your dog be bathed before returning home as long as you give sufficient notice and there will be an additional cost.

Can I pick up my dog at night?
Having a boarding facility in your home is not always a 9 to 5 business however; we do try to allow time for relaxation with family and friends. We have set hours for pick up and delivery and request that you try to respect those hours. We understand that it is not always possible but our days start early and like you…look forward to those quiet times when we can just enjoy our time with the dogs. Thank you for confirming in advance your appointment for dropping off/picking up your dog.

What can I bring?
We will provide your dog with bedding and dishes. You can bring your dog’s food and treats if you prefer (they will be provided if not). Toys are permitted but cannot always promise that they will return in the same condition that they arrived. Sometime toys are shared amongst visitors (much like children sometimes) or taken out to the exercise yards and forgotten…

Things to remember…

Phone and set up times to drop off and pick up your dog.

To bring proof of vaccines.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember his/her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure to leave contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax! You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Driving Directions to Regalridge Kennel

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